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Interview Schedule

Information about the Farm family

1. Name of the farmer : Shyam Bihari Kaushik

2. Address : Patora Kalan, Block Jakhora, Lalitpur,

U.P. - 284403

3. Family members :

Sl. Name Sex Age Education Relationship Occupation Income

No. with Head (Rs.)
1. Pratibha Kaushik F 45 10th pass Wife Anganwadi 12,000
2. Vansh Kaushik M 18 12th pass Son Student -
3. Janvi Kaushik F 21 Graduate Daughter Student -

4. Land holding and irrigation :

Sl. Particulars Area (Ha)

No. irrigated Unirrigated Total
1. Operational holding 8.0 0 8.0
a. Owned 8.0 0 8.0
b. Leased-in - - -
c. Leased-out - - -
d. Total cultivated area 8.0 0 8.0
e. Horticultural crops 4.0 0 4.0
f. Field crops 4.0 0 4.0
g. Fallow land - - -
h. waste land - - -
Any other (specify)
5. Livestock :

Sl. Particulars No. Breed Present Value

No. (Rs.)
1. Cow 2 Kenkatha 25,000
2. Calf 1 Kenkatha -

6. Farm machinery and implements :

Sl. Particulars No. Year of purchase Value (Rs.)

1. Tractor 1 2012 2,80,000
2. Power tiller - - -
3. Iron plough - - -
4. Wooden plough - - -
5. Plank - - -
6. Sickles 4 2021 25x4 = 100
7. Spade 2 2020 250x2 = 500
8. Thresher 1 2013 1,80,000
9. Sprayer 2 2017 8,000x2 = 16,000
10. Duster - - -
11. Pump set 1 2016 28,000
Any other (specify)

7. Cropping pattern, production and farm income from crops :

Sl. particulars Area (Ha) Variety Sowing Harvesting Total Value

No. Irri. Unirri. time time production (Rs.)
a. - - - - - - -
b. - - - - - - -
c. - - - - - - -
a. Mung 1.0 - - July Sept 1400 91,000
b. Urd 3.0 - - July Sept - Oct 4500 315,000
a. Wheat 2.0 - DBW187 Nov Feb - Mar 13,000 299,000
b. Pea 2.0 - - Oct Feb 6000 270,000

8. Contact with extension personnel :

Sl. Extension Frequency of contact

No. personnel/Scientist regular Occasional Never
1. Horticulture ✓
2. Agriculture ✓
3. Veterinary & AH ✓
4. fisheries ✓
5. Input agency ✓
Any other (Specify)

9. Informal source of Horticultural information :

Sl. Source Frequency of Contact

No. Regular Occasional Never
1. Local leaders ✓
2. Friends ✓
3. Relatives ✓
4. Neighbours ✓
Any other (Specify)
10. Benefits derived from developmental departmants :

Sl. Particulars Developmental departmants

No. DoH DoA DRDA Any other
1. Name of the - - -
2. Type of benefits
a. Material - - -
b. Monetary - - -
3. Amount spent by - - -
4. Total - - -
5. Are you satisfied
by the present
arrangments ?
6. If not satisfied,

11. Crop production practices followed by the farmer in previous season :

Name of the Crop : Mango

Sl. Practices Adopted

1. Area of the crop 1.0 ha
Season Perenniel
Variety used Dasheri, Langa, Chaunsa
Seed rate (Kg) -
Method of sowing/planting Seedling/Grafted plant
Spacing followed (m/cm) 10 x 10 m
2. Seed treatment
a. Chemical used -
b. Quantity -
c. Purpose -
3. Organic manures
Type (FYM/compost/GM) Compost
Quantity 10 kg/Plant
Own/Purchased Own
Value (Rs.) -
If self, method of preparation Direct trench composting
Time of application October
frequency of application Once in a year
Reasons for using
a. Better nutrition to the
b. Easy method of
c. Required materials are
easily available in area.
If not why ? -
4. Fertilizers
N 700 g / Plant / yr
P2O5 150 g / Plant / yr
K 2O 900 g / Plant / yr
Recommended dose/Used N:P:K = 750:200:1150
g / Plant / yr
Method of application Basal
Time of application Before monsoon
Basal (Type of fertilizer)
N 700 g / Plant / yr
P2O5 150 g / Plant / yr
K 2O 900 g / Plant / yr
Top dressing (Type of fertilizer)
N -

P2O5 -

K 2O -

Secondary / Micro nutrition Are you aware ? No

INM are you aware ? (Yes/No) No
Reasons for adopting -
5. Irrigation
Method (Flood/drip/sprinkler) Flood
Frequency 2-3 at 10-15 days interval
Time of irrigation Fruit set to maturity
Basis of scheduling Soil and weather condition
6. Weed control
Type of weeds
a. Dub grass or
Cynodon dactylon
b. Motha or
Cyperus rotundus
c. Bidens pilosa
Method of weed control Hand weeding
Have you used weedicides ? No
If yes, name the chemical -
Amount spent (Rs.) -
Time of application -
7. Diseases observed
a. Mango malformation
b. Anthracnose
c. -
a. Vegetative and some floral
malformation like leaf
bunch formation and
malformed flowers.
b. Brown to dark brown spots
on the both side of the
leafs and die-back
c. -
Chemicals used
a. Carbendazim ( Bavistin )
b. Carbendazim + mancozeb
c. -
a. 0.1 % folier spray
b. 0.2 % folier spray
c. -
Time and method of application
a. October – February
folier application
b. Before flower open
Folier application
c. -
Amount spent (Rs.)
a. Rs. 1200 / yr
b. Rs. 2500 / yr
c. -
8. Insect pests
Name of the pest
a. Stem borer
b. Fruit fly
c. -
Symptoms of damage
a. Grubs feed inside the stem
from downward to
b. Rotting of the fruits and
the pre mature fruit drop.
c. -
Chemicals used
a. Application of kerosine oil
b. Carbaryl
c. -
a. -
b. 0.2 % folier spray
c. -
Time and method of application
a. July - august
b. Summer
c. -
Amount spent (Rs.)
a. -
b. Rs. 2000 / yr
c. -
IPM Are you aware ? (yes/No) No
Reasons for adopting
a. -
b. -
c. -
9. Others practices (Specify) -
10. Yield (Kg) 250 kg / Plant
Main product Raw fruits
By product -

12. Production problems :

Sl. Production problems Response (Yes/No)

1. Seed/planting material
a. Prices are very high No
b. Quality of seed is not good Yes
c. Not available in time Yes
d. Low reliability Yes
2. Labour
a. Skilled labour not available Yes
b. High wage rates Yes
c. Unskilled labour not available No
3. Irrigation
a. Perenniel sources not available No
b. Irrigation sources not available No
c. Irrigation facility not available No
4. Fertilizers
a. High prices Yes
b. High transportation charges Yes
c. Desired brand not available Yes
d. Not available at proper time Yes
5. Crop protection chemicals
a. High prices Yes
b. Do not know proper dose and time of application Yes
c. Do not know proper method of spraying application Yes
d. Lack of knowledge of chemicals Yes
e. Distant market Yes
f. High transportation cost Yes
Any other (Specify)
13. Cost of cultivation (Rs.) :

Name of the crop : Mango Land area : 1.0 ha

a. Cost of labourers :
Sl. Particulars Land preparation Sowing/ Intercultural Irrigation Organic manure/ Crop protection Harvesting Any other
No. Transplanting operations Chemical fertilizer
No. Cost No. Cost No. Cost No. Cost No. Cost No. Cost No. Cost Cost
1. Human labour
a. Family labour
i. Man - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
ii. Woman - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
b. hired labour
i. Man 1 400 - - 4 1600 2 800 2 800 2 800 6 2400 -
ii. Woman - - - - - - - - 2 800 2 800 4 1600 -
c. Permanent
i. Man - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
ii. Woman - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
2. Bullock
i. Owned - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
ii. Hired - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
3. Tractor
i. Owned 1 3000 - - - - - - - - - - - - -
ii. Hired - - - - - - - - - - 1 1500 - - -
4. Power tiller
i. Owned - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
ii. Hired - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Any other (Specify)
b. Cost of inputs :
Sl. No. Particulars Quantity (Kg) Price (Rs. Per Kg) Total value (Rs.)
1. Seed - - -
2. manure/compost - - -
3. Fertilizers
a. Urea 135 6.5 900
b. CAN - - -
c. SSP - - -
d. DAP 100 29 2900
e. MOP - - -
4. Crop protection - - 5700
5. Irrigation - - 6000
Any other (Specify)

1. Land revenue - - -
2. Rental value of land - - -
3. Rent paid for leased inland - - -
Any other (Specify)

14. Marketable and marketed surplus (Kg or tons) :

Sl. No. Crop Total production Home Kept for seed Others Marketable Loses Marketed surplus
consumption surplus
1. Mango 25 tons - - - 25 tons 6.25 tons 18.75 tons
2. Guava 5 tons - - - 5 tons 1.25 tons 3.75 tons
15. Marketing channels :

Sl. No. Method of sale Market Distance of market Means of transport Quantity (Kg) Price (Rs. Per Kg) Total price (Rs.)
from farm (km)
1. Sale of assembling point
a. Village traders/contractor - - - - - -
b. Primary - - - - - -
2. Sale at road head
a. Village traders/contractor - - - - - -
b. Commission - - - - - -
3. Sale within state
a. Contractor/commission agent - - - - - -
b. Retailer/consumer Lalitpur Mandi 6 Tractor trolly 18,750 30 5,62,500
4. Sale at outside state
a. Contractor/commision agent - - - - - -
b. Retailer/consumer - - - - - -
Any other (Specify)

16. Marketing cost, sale price and profits of the producer (Rs.) :

Sl. No. Particulars Marketing costs Sale price Net profit

Charge for
a. Cleaning/sorting - - -
b. Packaging - - -
c. Loading/unloading - - -
d. Weighting - - -
e. Commission paid - - -
f. Taxes/license fee - - -
g. Market fee - - -
h. storage - - -
Any other (Specify)

17. Marketing problems :

Sl. No. Problems Response (Yes/No)

1. Grading
a. Mechanical grading facilities not available Yes
b. Grading standards not specific Yes
c. Grading by hand is costly No
d. Hand grading leads to quality deterioration Yes
2. Packing
a. Costly packing materials Yes
b. Lack of quality packing material Yes
c. Packing material not available in time Yes
3. Transportation
a. High transportation charges Yes
b. Lack of better road facilities Yes
c. Quick and timely transportation facilities not available Yes
d. Lack of link road No
4. Weighing
a. Weighing not done accurately No
b. Use of improper scale/weights No
5. Price
a. No support price Yes
b. Low price Yes
6. Glut in peak marketing season Yes
7. Market information
a. Lack of timely availability market news Yes
b. No reliable source of market information Yes
8. Malpractices
Any other problems (Specify)

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