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ICGST-GVIP Journal, Volume 10, Issue 5, December 2010


T.Sridevi1 Y.Ramadevi1 V.Vijaya Kumar2 1. CSE Dept, Chaitanya Bharathi Inst of Technology 2. CSE & IT, Godavari Inst of Engg and Technology 1. Gandipet, Hyderabad, AP, India, 2.Rajamundry, AP, India 1. [sridevi_t,yrd], 2.

Protection of digital multimedia content has become an increasingly important issue for content owners and service providers. As watermarking is identified as a major technology to achieve copyright protection, the relevant literature includes several distinct approaches for embedding data into a multimedia element. Because of its growing popularity, the Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) is commonly used in recent watermarking schemes. In a DWT based scheme, the DWT coefficients are modified with the data that represents the watermark. In this paper, we present a hybrid scheme based on DWT and Singular Value Decomposition (SVD). After decomposing the cover image into four bands, we apply the SVD to middle frequency band, and embed the same watermark data by modifying the singular values. Nine families of wavelets, both orthogonal and bi-orthogonal, are compared for efficiency. To objectively measure the success of the algorithm and the influence of the mother wavelet, the PSNR for each wavelet family and image is obtained. Keywords: DWT (Discrete Wavelet Transformation), embedding, Hybrid scheme, SVD (Singular Value Decomposition).

the watermark structure, an embedding algorithm, and an extraction, or detection algorithm. Watermarks can be embedded in the pixel domain or a transform domain. In multimedia applications, embedded watermarks should be invisible, robust, and have a high capacity [4]. Invisibility refers to the degree of distortion introduced by the watermark and its affect on the viewers or listeners. The approaches used in watermarking still images include least-significant bit encoding, basic Msequence, transform techniques, and imageadaptive techniques [5,6]. All of the test images are grayscale. Two widely used image compression standards are JPEG and JPEG2000. The former is based on the Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT), and the latter the Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT). In recent years, many watermarking schemes have been developed using these popular transforms. In all frequency domain watermarking schemes, there is a conflict between robustness and transparency. If the watermark is embedded in perceptually most significant components, the scheme would be robust to attacks but the watermark may be difficult to hide. On the other hand, if the watermark is embedded in perceptually insignificant components, it would be easier to hide the watermark but the scheme may be least resistant to attacks. In image watermarking, two distinct approaches have been used to represent the watermark. In the first approach, the watermark is generally represented as a sequence of randomly generated real numbers having a normal distribution with zero mean and unity variance [7,8,9,10,11]. This type of watermark allows the

1. Introduction
Watermarking (data hiding) [1, 2, 3] is the process of embedding data into a multimedia element such as image, audio or video. This embedded data can later be extracted from, or detected in, the multimedia for security purposes. A watermarking algorithm consists of


ICGST-GVIP Journal, Volume 10, Issue 5, December 2010

detector to statistically check the presence or absence of the embedded watermark. In the second approach, a picture representing a company logo or other copyright information is embedded in the cover image [12, 13, 14, 15, 16, and 17]. The detector actually reconstructs the watermark, and computes its visual quality using an appropriate measure. A third transform called Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) was explored for watermarking. In later years, Gene Golomb demonstrated its usefulness and feasibility as a tool in a variety of applications [19]. SVD is one of the most useful tools of linear algebra with several applications in image compression [20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25], watermarking [15, 16, 17,18], and other signal processing fields [26, 27, 28, 29]. A recent paper [30] on DWT-based multiple watermarking argues that embedding a visual watermark in both low and high frequencies results in a robust scheme that can resist to different kinds of attacks. In this paper, we generalize the scheme in middle bands using DWT-SVD watermarking. The quality of an N M cover image f( x, y) is compared to the image containing the watermark g(x,y) using the formula,
PSNR ( g, f ) (max pixel )2 = 10 * log10 2 ( x , y )( f ( x , y ) g( x , y )) Size (1)

In DWT-based watermarking, the DWT coefficients are modified to embed the watermark data. Because of the conflict between robustness and transparency, the modification at a given level is usually made in HL, LH, and HH sub bands.

2.2 SVD
The singular value decomposition of a rectangular matrix A is a decomposition of the form A=UDVT (2) Where A is an m*n matrix, U, V are orthonormal matrices. D is a diagonal matrix comprised of singular values of A. D = diag (1, 2, 3 ...). It is important to note that each singular value specifies the luminance of an image layer while the corresponding pair of singular vectors specifies the geometry of the image layer. In SVD-based watermarking, several approaches are possible. A common approach is to apply SVD to the whole cover image.

2.3. Images Used

A simple watermark raster bitmap image was embedded in each of the images (Figure 2). It was created by cutting and pasting the word CS (copyright) from a Microsoft Word document into Adobe Photoshop. This exhibits the use of text, such as the owners name, as a watermark image.


The Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) is obtained by filtering the signal through a series of digital filters at different scales. The scaling operation is done by changing the resolution of the signal by the process of sub sampling. In 2-D DWT, each level of decomposition produces four bands of data denoted by LL, HL, LH, and HH. The LL sub band can further be decomposed to obtain another level of decomposition. This process is continued until the desired number of levels determined by the application is reached. Figure 1 shows two levels of decomposition.

Figure 2. Watermark bitmap embedded

Nine different popular wavelets were used to implement for comparison and contrast; the Haar wavelet, Daubechies wavelet (db2 and db45), three bi-orthogonal wavelets (bior2.2, bior3.1, bior 6.8), the symlet (4-coefficient and 24th coefficient wavelet) and the 3rd order coif let wavelet. Varying contrast, complexity and types of images were chosen. The images taken for the experimentation are Lena Zone plate Satellite image



Figure 1. DWT decomposition with two levels


ICGST-GVIP Journal, Volume 10, Issue 5, December 2010

3 Proposed Algorithm
In this paper, we will combine DWT and SVD to develop a new hybrid non-blind image watermarking scheme that is resistant to a variety of attacks. The proposed scheme is given by the following algorithm and flowchart is shown as in figure 3 and 4. Assume the size of visual watermark is p x q, and the size of the cover image of size M X N. 3.1. Watermark embedding 1. Using DWT, decompose the cover image A into 4 sub bands: LL, HL, LH, and HH. 2. Apply SVD to HL sub band cover image: A = U a D aVa , singular values of Da . i , i=1,,n are the

WatermarkedImage Aw


ApplySVDtoHLBandof Aw

Extractthesingular valuesofHLbandofAw

Constructthe WatermarkImage.

Figure 4 Flowchart for proposed Watermark Extraction Scheme 3.2 Watermark extraction Using DWT, decompose the watermarked (and possibly attacked) cover image Aw into 4 sub band s: LL, HL, LH, and HH. 1. Apply SVD to HL band of watermarked image Aw = U *VT (3) 2. Extract the singular values from HL sub band wi = ( i* - i)/ (4) 3. Construct the visual watermark using the singular vector W= Uw w VwT (5) 4. We computed the singular values in the HL sub bands for three common test images.

3. Using DWT, decompose the watermark image W into 4 sub bands: LL, HL, LH, and HH. 4. Apply SVD to the visual watermark: W = UW DW VWT , where wi, i = 1,,n are the singular values of D W . 5. Modify the singular values of the cover image in each sub band with singular values of visual watermark: * = i + wi 6. Obtain the 4 sets of modified DWT coefficients Aw = U *VT


WatermarkImage W ApplyDWTtoW


ApplySVDtoHL BandofA

ApplySVDtoHL BandofW

4 . Experimental Results
The following images (figure 5 and 6) are the results of the watermarking implementation in this work. Not all of the recovered watermarks are pictured. Three pristine original images, with nine wavelet families, and five different attacks(three different rotations ,Histogram equalization and Gaussian noise) introduced, results in135 watermarked images and 135 recovered watermarks. The watermarks in figure 5 are all from the Lena image, encoded from left to right with the Haar wavelet, db2 and Bior2.2. In figure 6, we see the recovered watermarks from the zone plate, with Gaussian noise, and encoded from left to right with the Haar wavelet,

Modifysingularvaluesof HLbandofAwiththatof W. ApplyIDWTtoA


Figure 3. Flowchart for proposed Watermark Embedding Scheme.


ICGST-GVIP Journal, Volume 10, Issue 5, December 2010

the bi-orthogonal 3.1 and the symlet 4 coefficient wavelet. Clearly, the watermarks encoded with the Haar wavelet were the best ones recovered. These recovered watermarks are representative; each image in the database had corresponding visual results.

Figure 5. Watermark Images Recovered from Lena: haar, db2, and bior2.2

Aw is the watermarked image, A is the original image, and is a scaling factor. Increasing increases the robustness of the watermark, but decreases the quality of the watermarked image. We use the same (the constant 2 on a scale of 1 to 5) as used in [12]. Finally, we write the image, and calculate the PSNR (eq (1)). To extract the watermark, we apply the 2-D inverse DWT to the possibly corrupted watermarked image Aw.

Singular Values (k) increases, the quality of the reconstructed image nearly approaches to original image. The haar filters out performs among all the other filters. Using haar filter: From the observations given in tables 2 and 3, the PSNR of original watermark and retrieved watermark after 90o rotation is zero. The PSNR of original watermark and retrieved watermark after Gaussians noise is Zero. Among all filters, db45 with least PSNR values is most vulnerable to attacks. This investigation may be further extended to multiple levels of DWT decomposition and different watermark representations .In SVD watermarking we embed singular values into singular values, instead of singular values any other vector that represents some information may be used.

[1] C. I. Podilchuk and E. J. Delp, Digital Watermarking: .Algorithms and magazine, July 2001, pp. 33-46. [2] I. J. Cox, M. L. Miller, and J. A. Bloom, Digital Watermarking, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2002. [3] E. T. Lin, A. M. Eskicioglu, R. L. Lagendijk and E. J. Delp, Advances in Digital Video Content Protection, Proceedings of the IEEE, Special Issue on Advances in Video Coding and Delivery, 2004. [4] F. Hartung and M. Kutter, Multimedia Watermarking Techniques, Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 87, No. 7, July 1999, pp. 1079-1107. [5] Mehul ,S.Rayal and Priti P.Scalar Quantization based Multiple Patterns Data Hiding Technique for Gray Scale Images ,GVIP Journal, Volume 5,Issue 9,pp 5561,December 2005. [6] R. B. Wolfgang, C. I. Podilchuk and E. J. Delp, Perceptual Watermarks for Digital Images and Video, Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 87, No. 7, July 1999, pp. 11081126. [7] I. J. Cox, J. Kilian, T. Leighton and T. Shamoon, Secure Spread Spectrum Watermarking for Multimedia, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 6(12), December 1997, pp. 1673-1687. [8] X.-G. Xia, C. G. Boncelet and G. R. Arce, A Multiresolution Watermark for Digital

Figure 6. Watermark Images Recovered from zone plate (with Gaussian noise): Haar, Bior3.1, and Symlets4

The three tables shown represent the statistics obtained. Table 1 examines PSNR of watermark Embedding and Extraction process. Table 2 shows PSNR of watermark Extraction after 900, 450 & 250 rotations and Table 3 shows PSNR of watermark Extraction after Histogram Equalization and Gaussian Noise. PSNR values at least 25 dB are, theoretically, the least perceptible to the human eye. First, the watermark is embedded in the original image. No attacks are introduced into the image. To simulate effects of such innocent problems such as transmission errors, or perhaps alterations of the image for other more nefarious reasons, three types of attacks are then independently applied to the image to simulate image corruption. The rotation of 900, 450, 250 degrees, histogram equalization, the Gaussian white noise added had a zero mean with 0.01 variance. Then the watermark is extracted from the attacked image. The results are shown in the tables 2 and 3.

5 Conclusions

SVD is a convenient tool for Watermarking in Discrete Wavelet Transform domain. As the


ICGST-GVIP Journal, Volume 10, Issue 5, December 2010

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ICGST-GVIP Journal, Volume 10, Issue 5, December 2010

[28] K. Konstantinides, B. Natarajan and G. S. Yovanof, Noise Estimation and Filtering Using Block-Based Singular Value Decomposition, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 3(3), March 1997, pp. 479-483. [29] R. Karkarala and P. O. Ogunbona, Signal Analysis Using a Multi-resolution Form of the Singular Value Decomposition, IEEE

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Biographies T.Sridevi received B.E. from Osmania University in 1992 and M.Tech. (CSE) degree from JNT University in 2002. She is pursuing her Ph.D. from Osmania University in Computer Science under the guidance of Dr V. Vijaya Kumar. She has 14 years of teaching/industry experience. She joined as Assistant Professor in CBIT, Hyderabad, India in 2002. Presently she is Associate Professor, CBIT, Hyderabad. Her research areas include Digital Water Marking, Image Processing and Soft Computing. She is a life member of IETE. Y Rama Devi received B.E. from Osmania University in 1991 and M.Tech. (CSE) degree from JNT University in 1997. She received her Ph.D. degree from Central University, Hyderabad in 2009.She joined as Assistant Professor in Chaitanya Bharathi Institute of Technology, Hyderabad, India in 1994. Presently she is Professor, CBIT, Hyderabad. Her research interests include Image Processing, Soft Computing, Data Mining, and Bio-Informatics. She is a member for IEEE, ISTE, IETE, and IE. She has published more than 25 research publications in various National, International conferences, proceedings and Journals.

Vakulabharanam Vijaya Kumar received integrated M.S. Engg, degree from Tashkent Polytechnic Institute (USSR) in 1989. He received his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University (JNTU) in 1998.He has served the JNT University for 13 years as Assistant Professor and Associate Professor and taught courses for M.Tech students. Presently, he is Dean for Dept of CSE and IT at Godavari Institute of Engineering and Technology since April, 2007.His research interests includes Image Processing, Pattern Recognition, Digital Water Marking and Image Retrieval Systems. He is a life member for CSI, ISTE, IE, IRS, ACS and CS. He has published more than 50 research publications in various National, Inter National conferences, proceedings and Journals.


ICGST-GVIP Journal, Volume 10, Issue 5, December 2010

Table: 1 PSNR of watermark Embedding and Extraction Lena Filters haar db2 db45 sym4 sym24 coif3 bior2.2 bior3.1 bior6.8 watermark Embedding 3.75E+01 4.05E+01 8.73E+00 4.20E+01 4.31E+01 4.25E+01 4.14E+01 4.12E+01 4.27E+01 watermark Extraction 25.96628 27.1649 7.52279 27.1444 27.33661 27.1649 26.80076 25.76172 27.16959 Zone plate watermark Embedding 3.15E+02 1.87E+01 -1.46E+01 1.86E+01 1.80E+01 1.74E+01 1.69E+01 1.69E+01 1.72E+01 watermark Extraction 25.97026 26.79584 7.48808 27.14729 27.3369 27.16448 26.80319 25.76592 27.17163 Satellite watermark Embedding 3.13E+02 2.74E+02 2.91E+02 2.42E+02 2.82E+02 2.34E+02 2.79E+02 2.78E+02 2.71E+02 watermark Extraction 25.97026 27.16219 7.602792 27.14756 27.33691 27.16219 26.80346 25.76678 27.17204

Table 2: PSNR of Watermark Extraction after 900 ,45,25 rotations Lena Filters haar db2 db45 sym4 sym24 coif3 bior2.2 bior3.1 bior6.8 90

Zone plate 25

Satellite 25





450 25.971 26.796 7.603 27.148 27.337 27.165 26.803 25.767 27.172

250 25.970 26.796 7.603 27.148 27.337 27.165 26.803 25.767 27.172

25.966 26.794 7.556 27.145 27.337 27.163 26.802 25.764 27.170

25.970 26.796 7.441 27.147 27.337 27.164 26.803 25.764 27.171

25.970 26.795 7.277 27.145 27.337 27.162 26.801 25.758 27.171

25.971 26.796 7.358 27.147 27.337 27.164 26.803 25.767 27.172

25.660 26.543 7.138 26.850 27.315 26.882 26.466 25.292 26.921

25.202 25.965 6.747 26.472 27.246 26.494 26.060 24.524 26.921

25.971 26.796 7.603 27.148 27.337 27.165 26.803 25.767 27.172

Table 3: PSNR of watermark Extraction after Histogram Equalization and Gaussian Noise Lena Filters Histogram Equalization 25.94685 26.76782 7.595319 27.11905 27.33304 27.13709 26.78225 25.73127 25.03533 Gaussian Noise 25.9681 26.79484 7.541954 27.14646 27.33681 27.16402 26.80243 25.76521 27.17115 Zone plate Histogram Equalization 25.92515 26.75299 7.587832 27.10538 27.3314 27.12283 26.77095 25.71047 27.13854 Gaussian Noise 25.97026 26.79403 7.43737 27.1454 27.33647 27.16212 26.8026 25.76676 27.16964 Satellite Histogram Equalization 25.93584 26.76316 7.589951 27.11527 27.33287 27.1332 26.7795 25.72503 25.03085 Gaussian Noise 25.97026 26.79611 7.602792 27.14756 27.33691 27.1649 26.80346 25.76678 27.17196

haar db2 db45 sym4 sym24 coif3 bior2.2 bior3.1 bior6.8


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