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2 Water

2.1 The water cycle efer to Textbook
Sectional Exercise

A. True or false (5 marks)

Write ‘T’ for a true statement and ‘F’ for a false statement.

1. When water freezes, it releases energy. T

2. Evaporation and condensation only take place at fixed temperatures. F

can take place at any
3. In the water cycle, the energy from the Sun causes water to evaporate from the sea. T

4. The water cycle keeps the total amount of water on Earth constant. T
Integrated Exercise

E 5. The higher the humidity, the higher the rate of evaporation. F


B. Multiple-choice (5 marks)
Choose the correct answer for each question.

1. Which of the following combinations correctly shows the physical states of water at −10 °C
and above 100 °C?
At −10 °C Above 100 °C
A. Liquid Liquid
Spelling Corner

B. Liquid Gas
C. Solid Liquid
D. Solid Gas D

2. Karen is wearing a facial mask which contains a lot

of water. When she puts the mask on her face, she
feels cool. Which of the following correctly explains this
A. The water in the mask evaporates and absorbs energy.
B. The water in the mask evaporates and releases energy.
C. The water in the mask freezes and absorbs energy.
D. The water in the mask freezes and releases energy. A

Water 2

3. Which of the following statements is INCORRECT?

A. Ice changes to water during melting.
B. Water changes into steam during evaporation.
C. Water changes to ice during freezing.
D. Water vapour changes to water during condensation. B

4. The following set-up is used to simulate the formation of rain in Nature.

Sectional Exercise
zipper bag
metal dish

transparent plastic container

coloured hot water

hot pebble table lamp

Integrated Exercise
Which of the following statements about the above experiment are correct?
(1) Water evaporates into water vapour, which condenses on the lower surface of the metal
(2) The ‘rain’ is colourless.
(3) The light from the table lamp removes the colour in the hot water.
A. (1) and (2) only B. (1) and (3) only
C. (2) and (3) only D. (1), (2) and (3) A

E 5. A wet towel is hanging on a rack. The wet towel dries

Spelling Corner
faster when
A. the air temperature is lower.
B. the surface area of the towel exposed to air is smaller.
C. there is more airflow.
D. the humidity of air is higher. C

C. Fill in the blanks (8 marks)

1. Water can exist in three physical states: (a) solid , (b) liquid and
(c) gas .

2. Water can change to water vapour below the boiling point in a process called
evaporation .

2 Water

3. In the water cycle, the energy from the Sun causes water to (a) evaporate into water
vapour, which then cools and (b) condenses to form water droplets higher up in the
sky. The water droplets join together to form (c) clouds . As the water droplets gather
and become heavy, they finally fall as (d) rain , snow or hail.

D. Questions (12 marks)

Sectional Exercise

1. Jack puts a cube of ice into a glass of hot water.


hot water
Integrated Exercise

(a) What happens to the ice? Does the ice absorb or release energy? (2 marks)
The ice melts (1m) and absorbs energy. (1m)

E (b) Does the water in the glass evaporate faster or slower after adding the ice? Explain
your answer. (2 marks)

The water evaporates (i) slower (1m) after adding the ice because the rate of
evaporation of water (ii) decreases (1m) when the temperature is lower.
Spelling Corner

E 2. Study the following situations.

(a) In which case does the ground dry up faster? (2 marks)


The ground in case (i) I (1m) dries up faster because the (ii) temperature (1m) is

Water 2

(b) In which case do the clothes dry up faster? (2 marks)


Sectional Exercise
The clothes in case (i) II (1m) dry up faster because the (ii) humidity (1m) is lower.

(c) In which case do the hands dry up faster? (2 marks)


Integrated Exercise
The hands in case (i) I (1m) dry up faster because there is more (ii) airflow (1m) .

(d) In which case does the umbrella dry up faster? (2 marks)

Spelling Corner

The umbrella in case (i) I (1m) dries up faster because the (ii) exposed area (1m)

of the umbrella is larger.

Total Score :   / 30

2 Water

2.2 Dissolving efer to Textbook


A. True or false (4 marks)

Write ‘T’ for a true statement and ‘F’ for a false statement.

1. Water is called the universal solvent because it can dissolve all substances. F
(Water is called the universal solvent because it can dissolve many (but not all) different substances.)
2. The rate of dissolving increases when the solute is in powdered form. T

E 3. The amount of substance that can dissolve in a given amount of water is different for
Sectional Exercise

different substances. T

E 4. The solubility of a substance increases as the temperature increases. F

(The solubility of a substance can increase or decrease with temperatures.)

B. Multiple-choice (5 marks)
Choose the correct answer for each question.

1. Which of the following substances is insoluble in water?

A. Jelly powder
Integrated Exercise

B. Salt
C. Chalk dust
D. Sugar C

2. The following photo shows the ingredients of a drink.

Apple Tea with Aloe Vera Pulps

Ingredients: Water, Sugar, Apple Juice, Aloe Vera Pulps (10 g per bottle),
Spelling Corner

Flavourings, Vitamin C

Which of the following is NOT a solute?

A. Aloe vera pulps
B. Apple juice
C. Flavourings
D. Sugar A

3. Which of the following statements about dissolving is INCORRECT?

A. A solute dissolves in a solvent to form a solution.
B. Water is the only solvent in the world.
C. The rate of dissolving increases as the temperature of the solvent is higher.
D. Two litres of water can dissolve more solute than one litre of water. B

aloe vera pulp 蘆薈粒

flavouring 調味劑
Water 2

E 4. The following graph shows the solubilities of four different substances at different

Amount of the substances that can

dissolve in 100 cm3 of water (g)

substance Y
100 substance W


Sectional Exercise
substance X

40 substance Z


Temperature (°C)
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

From the graph, which substance is the most soluble at 60 ºC?

Integrated Exercise
A. Substance W
B. Substance X
C. Substance Y
D. Substance Z A

E 5. Which of the following will affect the solubility of a solute?

(1) Stirring
(2) Temperature
(3) Surface area of solute

Spelling Corner
A. (1) only B. (2) only
C. (1) and (3) only D. (2) and (3) only B

C. Fill in the blanks (6 marks)

1. When a substance dissolves in a liquid, a (a) solution is formed. The substance that
dissolves is called a (b) solute . The liquid in which the substance dissolves is called a
(c) solvent .

2. Water is called a (a) universal solvent . Many different substances are soluble in
water. However, there are still some substances that are (b) insoluble in water.

E 3. The solubility of a substance in water changes with temperature .

2 Water

D. Questions (18 marks)

1. In which of the following cases will the sugar dissolve faster? Explain your answer.

I II (2 marks)
5 g sugar
5 g sugar
tea (60 ºC) tea (60 ºC)

The sugar in case (i) I (1m) will dissolve faster because the surface area of the solute is
Sectional Exercise

(ii) larger (1m) .

(b) II (2 marks)

tea (60 ºC) tea (60 ºC)

The sugar in case (i) II (1m) will dissolve faster because the solvent is (ii) stirred (1m) .
Integrated Exercise

I II (2 marks)
5 g sugar 5 g sugar

tea (60 ºC) tea (25 ºC)

The sugar in case (i) I (1m) will dissolve faster because the (ii) temperature of the solvent
is higher (1m) .

2. Julie and her mother go to a restaurant. They order a cup of hot milk tea and a glass of iced
lemon tea.
Spelling Corner

Why does the waiter

give Mum granulated Julie Julie’s
sugar and give me mother
sugar syrup?

How will you answer Julie? (3 marks)

The (a) temperature (1m) of a solvent affects the rate at which the (b) solute (1m)

dissolves. Since the temperature of iced lemon tea is lower, granulated sugar
(c) dissolves very slowly (1m) . So sugar syrup has to be used.

Water 2

E 3. The following table shows the solubility of substance X in water at different temperatures.

Temperature of water (ºC) 0 20 40 60 80 100

Amount of substance X that dissolves

14 23 32 42 51 60
in 100 cm3 of water (g)

(a) Plot a graph to show the experimental results. (4 marks)

Sectional Exercise
The solubility of substance X in water at different temperatures


Amount of 50

substance X that 40
dissolves in 100 cm 3
of water (g)

Integrated Exercise

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Correct axes (1m)
Temperature (°C) Correct scales (1m)
Correct data points (1m)
Correct line (1m)

(b) How many grams of substance X can be dissolved in 100 cm3 of water at 50 ºC?
(1 mark)

Spelling Corner
37 g (1m)

(c) How many grams of substance X will remain undissolved if 100 g of it is added to
100 cm3 of water at 30 ºC? (1 mark)
100 g – 28 g = 72 g (1m)

(d) What conclusion can be drawn from the results of the above experiment? (1 mark)
The solubility of substance X increases as the temperature of the water increases. (1m)

(e) A student suggested that more substance X can be dissolved by stirring the solution more
vigorously. Is he correct? Explain your answer. (2 marks)
No, (1m) because stirring does not affect the solubility of a substance. (1m)

Total Score :   / 33

2 Water

2.3 Water purification efer to Textbook


A. True or false (5 marks)

Write ‘T’ for a true statement and ‘F’ for a false statement.

1. We can survive up to several weeks without water. F

(Without water, one will likely die within a few days.)
2. Amoeba and E.coli are the microorganisms commonly found in natural water. T

3. Natural water does not contain any impurities. F

Sectional Exercise

(Natural water often contains insoluble impurities, soluble impurities (e.g. salt) and microorganisms.)
4. Filtration can remove soluble impurities in water. F
5. Water needs to be heated to its boiling point in the distillation process. T

B. Multiple-choice (5 marks)
Choose the correct answer for each question.

1. In the process of sedimentation, adding some alum can

Integrated Exercise

A. dissolve insoluble impurities.

B. kill microorganisms.
C. cause the impurities to stick together.
D. make the impurities lighter so that they can float on
water and then be removed easily. C

2. Leo uses the set-up as shown below to purify some muddy pond water.

muddy pond water

filter paper
Spelling Corner

What are substances X and Y called?

A. Distilled water Residue
B. Filtrate Residue
C. Residue Distilled water
D. Residue Filtrate D

Water 2

3. Which of the following substances can be found in a bottle of distilled water?

A. Microorganisms
B. Soluble impurities
C. Insoluble impurities
D. None of the above D

4. Which of the following substances can be removed by the set-up below?

Sectional Exercise
glass plate

sea water (with sand)

Bunsen burner

(1) Salt

Integrated Exercise
(2) Sand
(3) Microorganisms
A. (1) only B. (1) and (3) only
C. (2) and (3) only D. (1), (2) and (3) D

5. Which of the following processes are involved in distillation?

(1) Evaporation
(2) Boiling
(3) Condensation

Spelling Corner
A. (1) only B. (1) and (3) only
C. (2) and (3) only D. (1), (2) and (3) C

C. Fill in the blanks (6 marks)

1. During sedimentation, large solid impurities settle at the bottom of the container to form a
layer of sediment .

2. The liquid collected in filtration is called filtrate .

3. The water collected in distillation is called distilled water .

4. Distillation can remove (a) soluble impurities , (b) insoluble impurities

and (c) microorganisms .

2 Water

D. Questions (20 marks)

1. (a) From the diagram shown below, explain why insoluble impurities can be separated from
muddy pond water by filtration. (2 marks)

insoluble impurities
muddy pond filter paper
Sectional Exercise



The filter paper has many (i) tiny pores (1m) . The (ii) insoluble impurities (1m)

are too large to pass through the pores on the filter paper.
Integrated Exercise

(b) The filtered pond water is not safe to drink. Explain why. (2 marks)
It is because the filtered pond water may still contain (i) soluble impurities (1m)

and (ii) microorganisms (1m) .

2. Susan sets up the apparatus as shown to purify some sea water.


water in
Spelling Corner

water out

anti-bumping beaker
sea water
water in

Bunsen burner

Each answer (1m)

(a) Susan has made THREE mistakes in setting up the apparatus. Circle the mistakes and
correct them on the above diagram. (3 marks)

Water 2

(b) (i) Name apparatus X. (1 mark)

Condenser (1m)

(ii) What is its function? (1 mark)

To cool the steam so that it condenses into water (1m)

3. A ship crew is shipwrecked on an island without fresh water. Three crew members are
discussing how to obtain clean water from muddy pond water.

Sectional Exercise
We can let the muddy We can make a
pond water stand for device with sand
about an hour. and gravel, and
let the muddy
pond water pass
through the
John Sam

We can boil the

muddy pond water

Integrated Exercise
and then let the
vapour condense.


(a) Name the water purification methods suggested by the three crew members. (3 marks)

Method suggested by John: sedimentation (1m)

Method suggested by Sam: filtration (1m)

Method suggested by Wilson: distillation (1m)

(b) Complete the table below to show whether the impurities can be removed by the three

Spelling Corner
methods. Put a ‘3’ in the box if the impurity can be removed.
(Note: One mark would be deducted for each wrong answer.) (7 marks)
Method Leaves and Small solid Soluble
suggested by mud impurities impurities
John 3 (1m)

Sam 3 (1m) 3 (1m)

Wilson 3 (1m) 3 (1m) 3 (1m) 3 (1m)

(c) Referring to (b), which method can the crew use to obtain clean water from the muddy
pond water? (1 mark)
Method suggested by Wilson/Distillation (1m)

Total Score :   / 36

2 Water

2.4 Further treatment of drinking water

& 2.5 The water treatment process in Hong Kong
efer to Textbook
A. True or false (3 marks) p.124–129
Write ‘T’ for a true statement and ‘F’ for a false statement.

1. Chlorine is used to sterilize water in some swimming pools. T

2. The drinking water in Hong Kong mainly comes from rainwater.

Sectional Exercise

Dongjiang water
E 3. In Hong Kong, fluoride is added to water in the water treatment process. T

B. Multiple-choice (4 marks)
Choose the correct answer for each question.

1. Which of the following substances can kill microorganisms in water?

(1) Ozone
(2) Chlorine
Integrated Exercise

(3) Fluoride
A. (1) and (2) only B. (1) and (3) only
C. (2) and (3) only D. (1), (2) and (3) A

2. Which of the following methods is commonly used to sterilize the water

in a drinking fountain?
A. Chlorination
B. Fluoridation
C. Adding ozone
Spelling Corner

D. Using ultraviolet light D

3. Which of the following substances contain(s) chlorine?

(1) Toothpaste
(2) Bleach
(3) Alum
A. (1) only B. (2) only
C. (1) and (3) only D. (2) and (3) only B

E 4. Which of the following is NOT involved in the water treatment process in Hong Kong?
A. Sedimentation
B. Filtration
C. Boiling
D. Chlorination C

Water 2

C. Questions (10 marks)

1. Alex has designed a sterilization system for a swimming pool.

Sectional Exercise
swimming pool

water flow water pipe

water flow

filter ozone machine ultraviolet light tower

Integrated Exercise
(a) What are used to sterilize the water in the above swimming pool? (2 marks)
Ozone (1m) and ultraviolet light (1m)

(b) Both ozone and chlorine can be used to sterilize water. State ONE advantage and ONE
disadvantage of using ozone over chlorine. (2 marks)

(i) Advantage: Ozone does not have an irritating smell. (1m) / Ozone is more effective than

chlorine in killing microorganisms. (1m) (Or any other reasonable answers)

(ii) Disadvantage: Ozone is more expensive than chlorine. (1m)

Spelling Corner

(c) Suggest ONE improvement in the design of Alex’s sterilization system to prevent
swimmers’ hair from clogging the filter. You can present your idea by writing or
drawing in the box below. (1 mark)

Add a screen in front of the filter. (1m)

water flow water pipe

screen filter (Or any other reasonable answers)

2 Water

E 2. Describe the typical water treatment process by filling in the blanks below. (5 marks)

a Water is first filtered (1m) through screens to remove large objects.

b (i) Alum (1m) is then added to make the solid impurities in the water stick
together. After that, the water is passed into a tank for (ii) sedimentation (1m) .
Sectional Exercise

c The water is then passed through the filtration tank.

d Chlorine (1m) is added to the water for killing microorganisms.

e Fluoride (1m) is added to the water for the prevention of tooth decay.
Integrated Exercise

Total Score :   / 17

2.6 Water conservation and pollution efer to Textbook


A. True or false (2 marks)

Write ‘T’ for a true statement and ‘F’ for a false statement.
Spelling Corner

1. We can conserve water by taking a bath instead of a short shower. F

E 2. In Hong Kong, waste water is treated at water treatment works before discharged
into the sea. T

B. Multiple-choice (2 marks)
Choose the correct answer for each question.

1. Which of the following statements concerning water resources is/are correct?

(1) Water covers about 70% of the Earth’s surface.
(2) Most of the water on Earth is sea water.
(3) Most of the water on Earth is fresh water.
A. (2) only B. (3) only
C. (1) and (2) only D. (1) and (3) only C

Water 2

2. Which of the following labels represents the most water efficient grading?
A. B. C. D.

Sectional Exercise
C. Questions (15 marks)
1. The following summarizes the common sources of water pollution and the major pollutants
coming from them. Fill in the blanks with suitable words. (10 marks)

(a) Home (1m) (b) Factory (1m)

Integrated Exercise
Human waste, detergent (1m) Toxic chemicals (1m) , hot water

Common sources of water pollution

Spelling Corner
(c) Farm (1m) (d) Restaurant (1m)

Fertilizers (1m) , pesticides (i) Food waste (1m) ,

(ii) detergent (1m) ,
(iii) cooking oil (1m)

2 Water

2. The pictures below show the habits of Thomas. Does he help conserve water or reduce water
pollution? Put a ‘3’ if he does. Put a ‘✗’ if he does not and then write the improvement
method. (5 marks)

Habit Improvement method, if any

(a) ✗

He should turn off the tap while brushing his teeth. (1m)
Sectional Exercise


(b) ✗

He should turn off the tap tightly. (1m)

Integrated Exercise

(c) 3 (1m)

(d) ✗
Spelling Corner

He should not dispose of solid waste in toilets. (1m)


(e) ✗

He should dispose of chemical waste properly in laboratories, instead of

pouring it into the laboratory sink. (1m)


Total Score :   / 19

Water 2

A. True or false (10 marks)
Write ‘T’ for a true statement and ‘F’ for a false statement.

1. Water only evaporates at 100 ºC. F

can evaporate at any temperature
2. When water vapour condenses into water, it absorbs energy. F

Sectional Exercise
3. Evaporation and condensation are the two main processes involved in the water cycle. T

E 4. Water evaporates faster in a cold environment than in a hot environment. F

hot cold
5. A solute dissolves faster when the solution is stirred. T

E 6. Sugar has different solubilities at different temperatures. T

7. Water purified by sedimentation still contains microorganisms. T

8. Filtration can remove salt from salt water. F

(Salt is soluble in water. It cannot be removed by filtration.)
9. Pure water can be obtained by distillation. T

10. Microorganisms in water can be killed by adding fluoride. F

Integrated Exercise

B. Multiple-choice (10 marks)

Choose the correct answer for each question.

1. What are the names of processes W, X, Y and Z?


Spelling Corner
ice water steam

A. Melting Boiling Freezing Condensation
B. Melting Condensation Boiling Freezing
C. Freezing Boiling Melting Condensation
D. Freezing Condensation Melting Boiling A

2 Water

Directions: Questions 2 and 3 refer to the following information.

A beaker of crushed ice is heated. The graph below shows the changes in its temperature.

The temperature of the ice (or water) against time

Temperature (ºC)

Sectional Exercise





0 Time (min)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Integrated Exercise

2. Which of the following correctly shows the processes take place at parts PQ and RS?
A. melting evaporation
B. freezing boiling
C. freezing evaporation
D. melting boiling D

3. Which of the following statements are correct?

(1) Ice absorbs energy at PQ.
Spelling Corner

(2) Water releases energy at RS.

(3) Both solid and liquid exist at PQ.
A. (1) and (2) only
B. (1) and (3) only
C. (2) and (3) only
D. (1), (2) and (3) B

4. The water in the oceans, rivers and on land surfaces absorbs energy from the Sun and becomes
water vapour. What is this process called?
A. Melting
B. Boiling
C. Evaporation
D. Condensation C

Water 2

5. Some scientists estimated that the total volume of water on Earth is about 1.4 billion km3.
How much water was there on Earth 3000 years ago?
A. About 2.8 billion km3
B. About 1.4 billion km3
C. About 0.7 billion km3
D. About 0.1 billion km3 B

E 6. Under which of the following conditions will the evaporation of water be the fastest?

Sectional Exercise
Temperature Humidity
A. 25 ºC 60%
B. 25 ºC 80%
C. 35 ºC 60%
D. 35 ºC 80% C

7. In each of the following beakers, the water temperatures, the volumes of the water and the
masses of the sugar are the same. In which beaker will the sugar dissolve the fastest?
A. B.

Integrated Exercise
sugar in pieces sugar in powdered

C. D.
stir stir

Spelling Corner
sugar in pieces
sugar in powdered

8. Which of the following methods can produce drinking water from sea water?
(1) Sedimentation
(2) Filtration
(3) Distillation
A. (1) only B. (3) only
C. (1) and (3) only D. (2) and (3) only B

2 Water

9. Four students were asked to purify some pond water by filtration. Which of the following is
the proper way to carry out filtration?
A. B.
glass rod glass rod
Sectional Exercise

beaker beaker

C. D.
glass rod
Integrated Exercise

beaker beaker
Spelling Corner

10. Which of the following are the problems caused by E. coli in waste water?
(1) Diarrhoeal diseases
(2) Using up the oxygen in water
(3) Contamination of seafood
A. (1) and (2) only
B. (1) and (3) only
C. (2) and (3) only
D. (1), (2) and (3) B

Water 2

C. Matching (5 marks)
Match the terms with their descriptions by writing the corresponding letters i, ii, etc. in the blanks

Term Description
(a) Condensation (i) can help prevent tooth decay.
(b) Rate of dissolving (ii) is the process in which a gas changes to a liquid.
E (c) Solubility (iii) can kill the microorganisms in water.

Sectional Exercise
(d) Chlorination (iv) refers to how fast a solute can dissolve in a solvent.
(e) Fluoridation (v) is the maximum amount of a solute which can dissolve in a
given amount of solvent.

(a) ii (b) iv (c) v (d) iii (e) i Each answer (1m)

D. Question (25 marks)

1. There is a mixture of salt and sand in a beaker. Fill in the blanks below to describe how you
can separate them. (7 marks)

Integrated Exercise
Mixture of salt add water and stir Salt (a) dissolves (1m) in water.
and sand Sand is (b) insoluble (1m) .

(c) filtration (1m)

Spelling Corner
(d) Sand (1m) is the residue. (e) Salt solution (1m) is the filtrate.

heat the watch glass containing

the filtrate over a steam
bath until all the liquid
(f) evaporates (1m)

(g) Salt (1m) is left on the watch glass.

2 Water

E 2. Paul performs an experiment to find out how the solubilities of two substances change with
water temperatures. He presents his experimental results in the graph below.

The solubilites of substance X and Y

substance X

Sectional Exercise



Amount of substance 30
that can dissolve in
100 cm3 of water (g)


Integrated Exercise


substance Y
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Water temperature (°C)

(a) According to the graph, (2 marks)

(i) at which water temperature do substance X and substance Y have the same
Spelling Corner

solubility? 54 ºC (1m)

(ii) at which water temperature does the solubility of substance X equal to 30 g per
100 cm3 of water? 80 ºC (1m)

(b) How does the solubility change with the water temperature for (2 marks)

(i) substance X? Its solubility increases (1m) with the water temperature.

(ii) substance Y? Its solubility decreases with the water temperature. (1m)

(c) Paul adds 31 g of substance Y to 100 cm3 of water at 40 ºC. (2 marks)

(i) What will be observed?

Some substance Y cannot dissolve. (1m)

(ii) Describe how you can dissolve all the 31 g of substance Y.

Lower the temperature of the water below 20 ºC. (1m)

Water 2
3. John and Cherry have made their own flow controllers for water taps by using a 3D printer.

My flow controller can reduce My flow controller can reduce

water flow by about 40%. water flow by about 33%.

Sectional Exercise
John Cherry

(a) You are provided with a bucket, a measuring cylinder and a stopwatch. How can you
test John’s and Cherry’s claims? Fill in the blanks below. (3 marks)


1. Turn on a water tap and wait until the water flow is steady. Put the bucket
below the water tap for 5 seconds.

2. Use the measuring cylinder (1m) to measure the volume of the

Integrated Exercise
water collected.

3. Calculate the flow rate by the following formula:

(a) volume of the water collected (1m)

Flow rate =

(b) time (1m)

4. Install the flow controller on the water tap. Repeat Steps 1 to 3.

Spelling Corner
(b) The results of the test are shown in the table below.

Without flow With John’s flow With Cherry’s

controller controller flow controller
Flow rate (cm3/s) 150 120 100

According to the results, determine whether John and Cherry have made a valid claim.
Explain your answer by showing your calculation. (4 marks)
John’s claim is not (1m) valid.
150 − 120
× 100% = 20% (1m)
Percentage decrease in the flow rate = 150

Cherry’s claim is (1m) valid.

150 − 100
× 100% = 33.3% (1m)
Percentage decrease in the flow rate = 150

2 Water

4. In a city, people want to monitor the quality of water in a river. They collect water samples
from two sites (P and Q as shown).


waste water
from factories
Sectional Exercise

Integrated Exercise

livestock farm

They then carry out tests to check the amount of heavy metals, the amount of fertilizers and
the oxygen content in the water samples. The results are shown below.
Spelling Corner

The amount of heavy metals The amount of fertilizers in Oxygen content in the
in the water samples the water samples water samples

The amount of Oxygen

The amount
heavy metals content
of fertilizers

site site site

Water 2

(a) Explain why the amount of heavy metals in the water collected at P is higher than that
collected at Q. (1 mark)
P is near to the factories. Waste water discharged from the factories contains a larger amount of

heavy metals. (1m)

(b) (i) Explain why the amount of fertilizers in the water collected at Q is larger than that
collected at P. (1 mark)

Sectional Exercise
Q is near to the farmlands and livestock farm. Waste water discharged from the farmlands

and livestock farm contains fertilizers. (1m)

(ii) What effect does the increase of fertilizers in water have on the growth of algae?
(1 mark)

The increase of fertilizers in water promotes the growth of algae. (1m)

(c) (i) Explain why the oxygen content in the water collected at Q is lower than that
collected at P. (1 mark)

At Q, algae grow rapidly. The oxygen in water is used up. (1m)

Integrated Exercise
(ii) What effect does the decrease in oxygen content in water have on the fish?
(1 mark)

The fish will die due to a lack of oxygen. (1m)

Total Score :   / 50

Spelling Corner

2 Water

Look at each group of figures below. Use one key term in science to describe the figures. The
letters forming the missing part of the key term can be found on the right.
Sectional Exercise


Key term: C O N D E N S A T I O N

Integrated Exercise

water vapour

Key term: E V A P O R A T I O N
Spelling Corner



Key term: F I L T R A T I O N


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