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5 Energy

5.1 Basics of energy efer to Textbook
Sectional Exercise

A. True or false (5 marks)

Write ‘T’ for a true statement and ‘F’ for a false statement.

1. The Sun gives out light energy and thermal energy. T

2. Batteries store electrical energy. F

3. Sound energy is given out when an object vibrates. T

4. The lower the position of an object, the more the potential energy it has. F
Integrated Exercise

5. One kJ is equal to 100 J. F


B. Multiple-choice (4 marks)
Choose the correct answer for each question.

1. Which of the following statements about energy are correct?

(1) We do not need energy when we are sleeping.
(2) Plants need energy to grow.
(3) Home appliances and machines in factories need energy to work.
Spelling Corner

A. (1) and (2) only B. (1) and (3) only

C. (2) and (3) only D. (1), (2) and (3) C

2. Which of the following forms of energy is/are given out from a

burning candle?
(1) Light energy
(2) Chemical energy
(3) Thermal energy
A. (1) only B. (1) and (2) only
C. (1) and (3) only D. (1), (2) and (3) C

Energy 5

3. Which of the following store(s) chemical energy?

(1) Batteries
(2) Fruits
(3) Meat
A. (1) only B. (1) and (2) only
C. (1) and (3) only D. (1), (2) and (3) D

4. Which of the following forms of energy is supplied from power stations and then transmitted

Sectional Exercise
to our homes along power cables?
A. Chemical energy
B. Electrical energy
C. Light energy
D. Thermal energy B

C. Questions (9 marks)
1. Look at the picture of Tom’s home below. Try to identify the forms of energy in the picture.

Integrated Exercise
(9 marks)


Spelling Corner
(a) The lamps and the television need electrical energy (1m) to work.
(b) The television gives out (i) light energy (1m) , (ii) thermal energy (1m) and
(iii) sound energy (1m) .
(c) The dog has kinetic energy (1m) when it runs.
(d) The gas fuel stores chemical energy (1m) .
(e) When the gas fuel burns, (i) thermal energy (1m) and (ii) light energy (1m)

are given out.

(f) Tom is winding his toy car up. The wound-up spring in the toy car has
potential energy (1m) .
Total Score :   / 18
gas fuel 氣體燃料
5 Energy

5.2 Energy conversion efer to Textbook


A. True or false (4 marks)

Write ‘T’ for a true statement and ‘F’ for a false statement.

1. When a ball falls to the ground, its potential energy is converted into kinetic energy. T

2. When we walk, the chemical energy stored in our bodies is converted into kinetic
energy. T
Sectional Exercise

3. Energy will be destroyed if we use it carelessly. (Energy cannot be destroyed.) F

E 4. A high-efficiency appliance uses more energy to do the same job than a low-efficiency
appliance. F

B. Multiple-choice (4 marks)
Choose the correct answer for each question.

1. Which of the following correctly describes the energy

Integrated Exercise

conversion that takes place when a lamp is switched on?

A. chemical energy  electrical energy
B. electrical energy  light energy + thermal energy
C. chemical energy  light energy + thermal energy
D. electrical energy  chemical energy B

2. In the diagram below, the paper windmill spins when the water boils.
Spelling Corner

Which of the following correctly describes the energy conversion that takes place in the
above case?
A. electrical energy  thermal energy  kinetic energy
B. thermal energy  electrical energy  potential energy
C. electrical energy  chemical energy  kinetic energy
D. chemical energy  thermal energy  potential energy A

Energy 5

3. For every 300 J of chemical energy supplied by the battery of an

electric car, 40 J is lost as heat and the rest is converted into
electrical energy to power the motor.

Sectional Exercise
Which of the following Sankey diagrams correctly shows the energy conversion taking place
in this electric car? (Each small square represents 20 J of energy.)
A. B.
chemical energy electrical energy

electrical energy

Integrated Exercise
thermal energy thermal energy

C. D.
chemical energy chemical energy

electrical electrical
energy energy

Spelling Corner
thermal energy thermal energy

E 4. The energy input and output of four different hairdryers are listed in the table below. Which
of the hairdryers has the highest efficiency?

Hair dryer Energy input (J) Energy output (J)

A 1500 1050

B 1600 1200

C 2000 1500

D 2200 1700 D

5 Energy

C. Questions (21 marks)

1. Write the energy conversion in each of the following cases.
(8 marks)
(a) When plants make their own food using sunlight,
light energy (1m)  chemical energy (1m)
(from the Sun) (stored in the plants)
Sectional Exercise

(b) When the stretched bow string is released,

potential energy (1m)  kinetic energy (1m)
(stored in the bow string) (of the arrow)

(c) When the match is lit,

Integrated Exercise

chemical energy  thermal energy + light energy (0.5m)

(1m) (0.5m)

(stored in the match)

(d) When the bowling ball rolls and knocks down the bowling
kinetic energy (1m)  kinetic energy + sound energy (0.5m)
Spelling Corner

(of the bowling ball) (of the bowling pins)

E 2. The photos below show two electrical appliances.

Doorbell Electric toothbrush

Energy 5

(a) Complete the following table. (7 marks)

Which form(s) of energy

Electrical Total energy
Energy output is/are the useful energy
appliance input

doorbell electrical (i) sound energy (1m) , (iii) sound energy (1m)
(ii) thermal energy (1m)

Sectional Exercise
electric electrical (iv) kinetic energy (1m) , (vii) kinetic energy (1m)
toothbrush energy sound energy (1m)
(v) ,
(vi) thermal energy (1m)

(b) (i) Suppose the total energy input and useful energy output of the doorbell are 10 J
and 8 J respectively. Construct a Sankey diagram for the energy conversion taking
place in the doorbell. (4 marks)

Integrated Exercise
electrical energy (10 J)

sound energy (8 J)

thermal energy (2 J)

Spelling Corner
(Each small square represents 1 J of energy.)
Correct arrows (2m)
Correct labels (2m)

(ii) Calculate the efficiency of the doorbell. (2 marks)

× 100% (1m) = 80% (1m)
Efficiency = 10

Total Score :   / 29

5 Energy

5.3 Heat transfer efer to Textbook


A. True or false (5 marks)

Write ‘T’ for a true statement and ‘F’ for a false statement.

1. Heat transfers from hotter places to colder places. T

2. Heat can be transferred in air by conduction. T

3. Convection only takes place in gases, but not in solids and liquids. (Convection can take F
Sectional Exercise

place in liquids.)
4. Heat is transferred from the Sun to the Earth by convection and radiation. F
5. Dull black surfaces are good absorbers of radiation and poor emitters of radiation. F

B. Multiple-choice (6 marks)
Choose the correct answer for each question.

Directions: Questions 1 and 2 refer to the following description.

Integrated Exercise

A metal spoon is put into a cup of ice-cream. After a while, the spoon becomes cold.
Spelling Corner

1. Which of the following correctly describes the heat transfer between the metal spoon and the
A. Cold flows from the spoon to the ice-cream.
B. Cold flows from the ice-cream to the spoon.
C. Heat flows from the spoon to the ice-cream.
D. Heat flows from the ice-cream to the spoon. C

2. The handle of the spoon becomes cold due to

A. conduction.
B. convection.
C. radiation.
D. conduction, convection and radiation. A

Energy 5

3. Which of the following is the best conductor of heat?

A. Air
B. Iron
C. Plastic
D. Water B

4. Two beakers (X and Y) filled with equal amounts of hot water

cotton wool
are left to cool at room temperature. Beaker Y is wrapped with

Sectional Exercise
cotton wool. The temperature of the water in each beaker is
measured over time.
Which of the following graphs best shows the results obtained?
A. B.
Water temperature (°C) Water temperature (°C)
100 100
90 90
80 80
70 70
60 60
50 50

Integrated Exercise
40 40
30 Y room temperature 30 room temperature
20 20
10 10
0 Time (min) 0 Time (min)
10 20 10 20

C. D.
Water temperature (°C) Water temperature (°C)
100 100 (When the temperatures of the water and
90 90 the surroundings (room temperature) are
80 80 the same, there will be no heat transfer.)
70 70
60 60
50 50

Spelling Corner
40 Y 40 Y
30 30 X
room temperature room temperature
20 20
10 X 10
0 Time (min) 0 Time (min)
10 20 10 20

5. Which of the following best shows the direction of convection currents when water is heated
in a beaker?
A. B. C. D.

5 Energy

6. In hot weather, wearing light-coloured clothes can help us stay cool as light-coloured
clothes are
A. good conductors of heat.
B. poor conductors of heat.
C. good absorbers of radiation.
D. poor absorbers of radiation. D
Sectional Exercise

C. Questions (16 marks)

1. Explain each of the following cases.

(a) In some restaurants, food is served on a hot iron plate to keep it warm. The iron plate has
a wooden base to protect the table from damage due to heat. (4 marks)
Integrated Exercise

The hot iron plate can keep food warm because iron is a (i) good conductor (1m)

of heat. Heat (ii) can be transferred (1m) easily from the hot plate to the food.
The wooden base can protect the table from damage due to heat because
(ii) wood is a poor conductor of heat. (1m) Heat cannot be transferred easily from the hot plate to
the table (1m) .

(b) A space telescope is wrapped in shiny metal foil to

minimize heat absorption. (1 mark)
Spelling Corner

The shiny metal foil can minimize heat absorption because

shiny surfaces are poor absorbers of radiation (1m)
shiny metal foil

(c) In supermarkets, some freezers do not have covers but the

food in these freezers can still be kept frozen. (2 marks)
Cold air released by the freezer sinks so that
it cannot escape easily from the freezer. Also, air
is a (i) poor conductor (1m) of heat. Heat
(ii) cannot be transferred (1m) easily from
the surroundings to the freezer.
space telescope 太空望遠鏡
Energy 5

2. Leo carries out an experiment to compare the rate of conduction between different metals.
His experimental set-up is shown below. Each of the drawing pins is attached to a metal rod
with the same amount of wax.

Sectional Exercise

drawing pin tripod

Integrated Exercise
The time taken for the drawing pins to drop is recorded in the table.

Metal aluminium copper steel

Time taken for the drawing

60 40 280
pin to fall (s)

(a) In this experiment, metal rods of the same length and thickness are used. Also, the same
amount of wax is used to stick each drawing pin to the metal rods. Explain why.
(1 mark)
This is to ensure that the experiment is a fair test. (1m)

Spelling Corner
(b) Name the process by which heat is transferred through the metal rods. (1 mark)
Conduction (1m)

(c) Which of the above metals is the best conductor of heat? (1 mark)
Copper (1m)

(d) If the metal rods are left to cool, which metal rod will cool the fastest? (1 mark)
Copper rod (1m)

5 Energy

3. The diagram below shows the structure of a vacuum flask.



double glass walls

with silver surfaces
Sectional Exercise

hot water

(a) Which structure of the vacuum flask can prevent heat loss by convection? (1 mark)
Stopper (1m)

(b) Which structure of the vacuum flask can reduce heat loss by radiation? (1 mark)
Integrated Exercise

The silver surfaces of the glass walls (1m)

(c) Two vacuum flasks P and Q are identical except that the outer glass wall of one of them
is cracked. An equal amount of hot water is added to each flask. The changes in the
water temperature of the two flasks are shown below.

Water temperature (°C)

Spelling Corner

flask Q

flask P
room temperature

Time (min)

Which flask, P or Q, has a cracked outer glass wall? Explain your answer. (3 marks)

(i) Flask P (1m) because its water temperature drops faster than the other
flask. There is (ii) air (1m) between its glass walls so heat can be lost by
(iii) conduction and convection (1m) .

Total Score :   / 27

Energy 5

E x te n s
5.4 Energy sources ion efer to Textbook

A. True or false (3 marks)

Write ‘T’ for a true statement and ‘F’ for a false statement.

1. Fossil fuels can be replenished in a short period of time after they are used. F
2. Burning fossil fuels to generate electricity causes many environmental problems. T

Sectional Exercise
3. Biofuels are made from the sugar, starch or oil extracted from plants. T

B. Multiple-choice (4 marks)
Choose the correct answer for each question.

1. Which of the following is/are the advantage(s) of using fossil fuels for generating electricity?
(1) It is more efficient in generating electricity than any other energy source.
(2) It does not take a long time to replenish after it is used.
(3) Its reserves are unlimited.

Integrated Exercise
A. (1) only B. (2) only
C. (3) only D. (1) and (3) only A

2. Which of the following statements about nuclear power are correct?

(1) About 70% of electricity used in Hong Kong is generated by nuclear power.
(2) Nuclear fuels and waste produced in nuclear power stations are highly dangerous.
(3) A small amount of nuclear fuel can be used to generate a large amount of electricity.
A. (1) and (2) only B. (1) and (3) only
C. (2) and (3) only D. (1), (2) and (3) C

Spelling Corner
3. Which of the following correctly describe(s) the use of the
dam in a hydroelectric power station?
(1) It is used to prevent water from flowing to the turbine.
(2) It is used to hold water at a high position to store
potential energy. dam

(3) It is used to drive the generator to produce electricity.

A. (1) only B. (2) only
C. (3) only D. (1) and (3) only B

5 Energy

4. Which of the following ways can help save energy?

(1) Choose electrical appliances with Grade 1 energy efficiency labels.
(2) Hang-dry washed clothes instead of using a dryer.
(3) Use an electric fan instead of an air-conditioner whenever possible.
A. (1) and (2) only B. (1) and (3) only
C. (2) and (3) only D. (1), (2) and (3) D
Sectional Exercise

C. Questions (18 marks)

1. (a) Classify the following energy sources as either renewable or non-renewable. (6 marks)

Biomass energy Fossil fuels Hydroelectric power

Nuclear power Solar energy Wind power

Non-renewable energy sources Renewable energy sources

Fossil fuels (1m), nuclear power (1m) Biomass energy (1m), hydroelectric power
(1m), solar energy (1m), wind power (1m)
Integrated Exercise

(b) State ONE difference between renewable and non-renewable energy sources. (2 marks)
Non-renewable energy sources take a very long time to replenish after they are used. (1m)

Renewable energy sources can be replenished in a short period of time. (1m)

2. Read the passage below and answer the questions on the next page.
Spelling Corner

Hong Kong’s largest solar farm at the Siu Ho Wan

Sewage Treatment Works
In 2016, the Drainage Services Department has
installed 4200 solar panels at Siu Ho Wan
Sewage Treatment Works to generate part of
the electricity. It can generate as much as
1.1 million kW h (another unit of energy) of
electricity every year. This solar farm is currently
the largest of its kind in Hong Kong.
The solar farm at the Siu Ho Wan Sewage
Treatment Works

Siu Ho Wan Sewage Treatment Works 小濠灣污水處理廠

Energy 5

Hong Kong is located at the subtropical climate region of East Asia where abundant
of sunshine is available throughout the year. The monthly average solar radiation in
Hong Kong is shown in the following table.

Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Monthly average
solar radiation 2.9 2.6 2.8 3.2 4 4 4.8 4.3 4.1 3.9 3.5 3

Sectional Exercise
(kW h/m2)

(Source: Data gathered by Hong Kong Observatory’s King’s Park weather station over the past 20 years.)

(a) State ONE advantage and ONE limitation of using solar energy to generate electricity.
(2 marks)

Advantage: It causes less air pollution. (1m)

Limitation: The energy supply is affected by the day length and sunlight intensity. (1m)

Integrated Exercise
(b) Draw a bar chart to represent the data in the above table. (5 marks)
The monthly average solar radiation in Hong Kong

Correct title (1m)

5 Correct axes (2m)
Correct bars (2m)
Monthly 4
solar 3
(kW h/m2) 2

Spelling Corner

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
(c) In which month can the solar panels generate the greatest amount of electricity?
(1 mark)
July (1m)

(d) Is it possible to develop large-scale use of solar energy in Hong Kong? Explain your
answer. (2 marks)
No, (1m) Hong Kong is a small city with limited land for the installation of solar panels. (1m) / Yes,
(1m) there is abundant sunshine throughout the year in Hong Kong. People can install the solar
panels on the rooftop of the buildings. (1m) (Or any other reasonable answers)

Total Score :   / 25

5 Energy

A. True or false (8 marks)
Write ‘T’ for a true statement and ‘F’ for a false statement.

1. A bow string stores potential energy when it is released. F

2. The electrical energy supplied to a lamp is all converted into light energy. F
converted into light energy and thermal energy
3. When a ball is falling down, its kinetic energy increases. T
Sectional Exercise

4. Electrical energy cannot be converted into potential energy. (All forms of energy can be F
converted into any other form.)
5. Copper conducts heat faster than wood. T

6. Only convection and radiation take place in gases. (Conduction can also take place F
in gases.)
7. Radiation can take place in a vacuum. T

E 8. All renewable energy sources do not pollute the environment. F

(Renewable energy sources cause relatively less pollution than non-renewable energy sources.)

B. Multiple-choice (10 marks)

Integrated Exercise

Choose the correct answer for each question.

1. Leo uses a lift to travel to the upper floor. Which of the following
descriptions is correct when the lift goes upwards?
A. Leo and the lift gain potential energy.
B. Only the lift gains potential energy.
C. Leo gains potential energy and the lift gains kinetic energy.
D. Leo and the lift lose potential energy. A
Spelling Corner

2. Compare the kinetic energy of the following objects.

(1) A 15 000 kg bus travelling at 30 km/h
(2) A 15 000 kg bus that is not moving
(3) A 2000 kg car travelling at 30 km/h
Arrange the objects in the order of increasing kinetic energy.
A. (1), (2), (3)
B. (2), (1), (3)
C. (2), (3), (1)
D. (3), (2), (1) C

Energy 5

3. Which of the following can convert chemical energy into kinetic energy?
(1) A flying bird (2) A launching rocket (3) A moving solar
powered car

Sectional Exercise
A. (1) and (2) only B. (1) and (3) only
C. (2) and (3) only D. (1), (2) and (3) A

4. A ball falls to the ground and then bounces. The bar charts below show the amount of kinetic
energy and potential energy that the ball has at different times.

Integrated Exercise
At the beginning,
Energy Key:
kinetic energy
potential energy
sound energy

When the ball bounces up,

Spelling Corner
Which of the following bar charts best shows the energies when the ball bounces up?
A. B. C. D.
Energy Energy Energy Energy

5 Energy

E 5. A Sankey diagram for an electric drill is shown below. (Each small square represents 10 J of

electrical energy (100 J) kinetic energy (65 J)

Sectional Exercise

thermal energy (30 J)

sound energy (5 J)

What is the efficiency of this electric drill?

A. 30%
Integrated Exercise

B. 35%
C. 65%
D. 95% C

6. When an object X at 20 °C is kept in contact with an object Y at 80 °C, heat will flow
A. continuously from X to Y.
B. continuously from Y to X.
C. from X to Y until they have reached the same temperature.
D. from Y to X until they have reached the same temperature. D
Spelling Corner

7. The four bowls shown below are of the same size but are made of different materials. If the
same amount of soup at the same temperature is poured into each of them, which bowl of
soup will be kept hot the longest?
A. B. C. D.

plastic cover

steel porcelain plastic plastic

Energy 5

8. A cooler bag which is used to keep food cool is shown

on the right. A shiny material is coated on the inside. This
can reduce heat transfer by shiny surface

A. conduction.
B. convection.
C. conduction and convection.
D. radiation . D

Sectional Exercise
E 9. Which of the following ways to generate electricity do NOT use steam to drive the turbine?
(1) Hydroelectric power
(2) Nuclear power
(3) Wind power
A. (1) and (2) only B. (1) and (3) only
C. (2) and (3) only D. (1), (2) and (3) B

E 10. Which of the following is/are the advantages(s) of using biomass energy as an alternative
energy source?

Integrated Exercise
(1) It can produce more energy than fossil fuels.
(2) It does not cause any environmental pollution problem.
(3) Its supplies can be replenished in a short period of time.
A. (1) only B. (2) only
C. (3) only D. (1), (2) and (3) C

C. Questions (32 marks)

Spelling Corner
1. Explain each of the following cases.

(a) The pictures below show the same basketball at different times in a basketball game. In
which picture does the basketball have more kinetic energy? Explain your answer.
(2 marks)

(1) (2)

(1). (1m) A moving object has more kinetic energy than an object at rest. (1m)

5 Energy

(b) The picture below shows a hanging metal spiral. Why does the spiral spin when the
candle is lit? (1 mark)
Sectional Exercise

This is because the hot air rises and a convection current is set up. (1m)

2. The design of a steam powered toy boat is shown below.
Integrated Exercise

The candle is used to heat the

water in the copper pipe. When
the water boils and turns into
The copper pipe is filled with water. steam, the steam forces water
out of the ends of the pipe and
drives the boat forwards.

(a) Fill in the boxes below to show the energy conversions that take place in the boat.
(5 marks)

chemical (1m) thermal (1m)

Spelling Corner

kinetic (1m) + thermal (1m) kinetic (1m)

energy energy energy energy energy
(stored in the (of the candle
(of the steam) (of the boat)
candle) flame)

(b) State the process by which heat is transferred from the candle flame to the copper
pipe. (1 mark)
Convection (1m) / Convection and radiation (1m)

(c) Which material, copper or glass, is more suitable for making the pipe? Explain your
answer. (2 marks)
Copper. (1m) It is a better conductor than glass so that heat can be transferred to the water more

effectively. (1m)

Energy 5
3. Alan has made a solar cooker as shown below.

glass cover

plastic box
food is put in this bowl

Sectional Exercise
(a) (i) Why does Alan use a box made of plastic? (2 marks)

Plastic is a poor conductor of heat (1m) and helps reduce heat loss by conduction. (1m)

(ii) Why does he use a cover made of glass? (1 mark)

Glass can help trap heat from the Sun inside the solar cooker. (1m)

(b) Alan wants to investigate how the angle of incoming sunlight affects the performance of
the solar cooker. He measures the time it takes to cook an egg in the solar cooker for
different angles. His experimental results are shown in the table.

Integrated Exercise
Angle of incoming sunlight Time taken to cook an
Sun to the solar cooker egg (min)
30° 78
60° 54
90° 37
30° 60°90°

In Alan’s investigation,

(i) name the independent variable. (1 mark)

Spelling Corner
Angle of incoming sunlight to the solar cooker (1m)

(ii) list a controlled variable. (1 mark)

The size of the egg (1m)

(iii) what can be concluded from Alan’s result? (2 marks)

The solar cooker has the highest efficiency when the angle of incoming sunlight

to the solar cooker is 90° (2m) .

(c) Suggest ONE improvement in the design of Alan’s solar cooker to increase its efficiency.
Explain your answer. (2 marks)

Paint the inner surface of the solar cooker black (1m) because black surface is a good absorber of

radiation. (1m) (Or any other reasonable answers)

5 Energy

E 4. Electricity can be generated from fossil fuels, nuclear power and wind power. The following
shows the Sankey diagrams of a fossil fuel power station, a nuclear power station and a wind
power station. From the Sankey diagrams, it can be observed that there are energy loss in the
power stations and over the power transmission networks.

Fossil fuels (Each small square represents 4 J of energy.)

Power station Power transmission Our home

Sectional Exercise

100 J of
Integrated Exercise

wasted or wasted or useful energy

unwanted energy unwanted energy

Nuclear power (Each small square represents 4 J of energy.)

Power station Power transmission Our home

Spelling Corner

100 J of

wasted or wasted or useful energy

unwanted energy unwanted energy

Energy 5

Wind power (Each small square represents 4 J of energy.)

Power station Power transmission Our home


Sectional Exercise
100 J of

wasted or wasted or useful energy

unwanted energy unwanted energy

(a) Calculate the efficiencies of electricity generation in the above cases. (7 marks)

Integrated Exercise
× 100% (1m) = 40% (1m)
(i) Fossil fuels: 100
× 100% (1m) = 28% (1m)
(ii) Nuclear power: 100
× 100% (1m) = 16% (1m)
(iii) Wind power: 100

(iv) Which is the most efficient energy source to generate electricity?

Fossil fuels (1m)

(b) Give TWO advantages of using renewable energy sources over non-renewable energy
sources in electricity generation. (2 marks)

Spelling Corner
Renewable energy sources cause less air pollution. (1m) Renewable energy sources can be

replenished in a short period of time. (1m)

(c) Explain how the use of wind power is limited by environmental factors. (1 mark)
It is limited to locations that are open and windy. (1m) (Or any other reasonable answers)

(d) Suggest TWO ways that we can do in daily life to reduce the use of fossil fuels.
(2 marks)
Choosing an electrical appliance with an energy label of higher grade to save energy (1m)

Using public transport instead of private vehicles (1m) (Or any other reasonable answers)

Total Score :   / 50

5 Energy

Look at each group of figures below. Use one key term in science to describe the figures. The
letters forming the missing part of the key term can be found on the right.

Sectional Exercise


Key term: K I N E T I C ENERGY

Integrated Exercise



E 3.
Spelling Corner

Key term: F O S S I L FUELS

E 4. B A



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