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Article Review

Name: Mutia Latiffah

NIM: 18040038

Title Improving the speaking ability in English: The

students’ perspective
Nadeem khan, Arshad ali

Abstract English The main focus of the study was to know English as a subject
and as a language, the quality of the textbooks, opportunities of
listening to good English with proper/correct pronunciation and
to high light that various exercises/activities, i.e. seminars, group
discussions and debates competitions, etc. were regularly being
arranged or not. The study was descriptive in nature. The
researchers selected 20 male students and 20 female students
from 4 Govt. colleges in district Charsadda (N.W.F.P, Pakistan)
studying at the first year and second year level through stratified
random sampling procedure. The data was collected through a
questionnaire having alternate items. The questionnaire was
designed by consulting experts in the concerned field. It was
tabulated in the form of counting frequencies and then analyzed
through percentages. The main findings of the study were: by
teaching English as a subject to the students and not as a
language give vent to rote memory only to pass the examination
out of burden. Enough time is not given to various exercises and
opportunities for the improvement of speaking ability. Students
also complained of scolding, and discouraging by their teachers
for not speaking correctly. Although the teachers and students are
equally responsible for the poor speaking ability, yet the teachers
are more responsible by having the professional knowledge and
skills. To improve the speaking ability, more stress on the quality
of books at the basic level, enough time given to speaking and
phonetic drills of students, no scolding but provision of friendly
environment, making practical and applicable strategies by
teachers for students while speaking most of the time in
English, develop boldness and confidence in students for
asking questions from their teachers, no overcrowded classes,
awards and motivation for students, the role of media such as
listening to CNN and BBC, inclusion of viva-voce in the
examination system at various levels for checking the
competence of the candidates, up to-date and constant training
of teachers, arranging various activities and balance in the
courses with respect to literature and language should be there to
provide opportunities to improve the language competency of
Indonesia Fokus utama dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bahasa
Inggris sebagai mata pelajaran dan sebagai bahasa, kualitas buku
teks, peluang mendengarkan bahasa Inggris yang baik dengan
pengucapan yang tepat / benar dan untuk menyoroti berbagai latihan
/ kegiatan, yaitu seminar, diskusi kelompok. dan kompetisi debat,
dll. secara teratur diatur atau tidak. Penelitian ini bersifat deskriptif.
Para peneliti memilih 20 siswa laki-laki dan 20 siswa perempuan
dari 4 Pemerintah. perguruan tinggi di distrik Charsadda (N.W.F.P,
Pakistan) belajar di tahun pertama dan tingkat tahun kedua melalui
prosedur pengambilan sampel acak bertingkat. Pengumpulan data
dilakukan melalui kuesioner dengan item alternatif. Kuesioner
dirancang oleh konsultan ahli di bidang terkait. Itu ditabulasikan
dalam bentuk frekuensi penghitungan dan kemudian dianalisis
melalui persentase. Temuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah:
dengan mengajarkan bahasa Inggris sebagai mata pelajaran kepada
siswa dan bukan sebagai bahasa melampiaskan hafalan hanya untuk
lulus ujian karena beban. Tidak cukup waktu yang diberikan untuk
berbagai latihan dan kesempatan untuk peningkatan kemampuan
berbicara. Siswa juga mengeluhkan omelan, dan mengecilkan hati
oleh gurunya karena tidak berbicara dengan benar. Meskipun guru
dan siswa sama-sama bertanggung jawab atas buruknya
kemampuan berbicara, namun guru lebih bertanggung jawab dengan
memiliki pengetahuan dan keterampilan profesional. Untuk
meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara, lebih menekankan pada
kualitas buku di tingkat dasar, waktu yang cukup diberikan untuk
berbicara dan latihan fonetik siswa, tidak ada omelan tetapi
penyediaan lingkungan yang ramah, membuat strategi praktis dan
aplikatif oleh guru untuk siswa sambil berbicara sebagian besar
waktu dalam bahasa Inggris, mengembangkan keberanian dan
kepercayaan diri siswa untuk mengajukan pertanyaan dari guru
mereka, tidak ada kelas yang penuh sesak, penghargaan dan
motivasi untuk siswa, peran media seperti mendengarkan CNN dan
BBC, dimasukkannya viva-voce dalam sistem ujian di Berbagai
tingkatan untuk memeriksa kompetensi calon, pelatihan guru yang
mutakhir dan terus-menerus, mengatur berbagai kegiatan dan
keseimbangan dalam kursus berkenaan dengan sastra dan bahasa
harus ada untuk memberikan kesempatan untuk meningkatkan
kompetensi bahasa siswa.

Type of Quantitative (descriptive/survey)

Sample The sample are 40 students (20 each male & female)
studying at the 1st and 2nd year level


Data In this research the data prove that many students

Analysis interest in english but they don’t get the right
treatment to develop their ability and the
Finding From this research we know why
Conclusion According to the data, half of the students knew how to
speak correctly. More than half the students responded that
their teachers did not speak English most of the time in the
classes of English. Students and teachers were equally
responsible regarding one of the question asked from the
students in connection with poor speaking ability, most of
them said “yes” but the teachers are more responsible
by having the professional knowledge and skills.
Different activities such as seminars, group discussions and
debates competitions were not regularly arranged as told by
maximum number of the students.
Your Analysis The weakness on this journal is the way of writer
(Strength and weaknesses of explain about the data analysis. He explain the data
content, theory, method, not just by his own word but he put all of the data
language feature, etc) again in the description. It makes the reader
confuse while he/she readung the explanation
Your Recommendation English should be taught as language as well as a subject so,
that more time may be available for the students in
performing various activities/exercises and in a natural way.
Some individual activities, such as to speak on a certain
topic should be assigned to students as already given to
them for a minute or so in the beginning speaking stages.
Students should be given motivation, encouragement, some
psychological training, reassurance and counselling for
removing their shyness due to laughing of their class
fellows and scolding by their teachers. Teachers should
also be given training for not to discourage the students.
They should also be taught for controlling other students in
a positive way in order to provide a friendly and conducive
environment in the classroom while the other student(s)
is/are speaking.

Title Improving Second Semester Students’ Speaking

Ability Through Storytelling Learning Model at
English Study Program of Timor University
(A Classroom Action Research Method)

Author Yohanes Paulus Florianus Erfiani

Abstract English The aim of this research is to increase the students’
speaking ability through storytelling model in
Universitas Timor, Timor Tengah Utara Regency
(TTU), East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. The main
purpose of this research is to know the
improvement of many aspects in speaking ability
such as grammatical aspect, vocabulary aspect and
pronunciation aspect. This research used class
action research. The subject of the research is the
second semester of English education in A class in
the academic year of 2016/2017. There were 30
students for the research subject. Based on the data
analysis, there is a significance improvement in
each cycle. The average of students’ speaking
ability in Cycle I is 67%. That average is taken
from vocabulary aspects 68%, pronunciation aspect
67% and grammatical aspect 66%. Then, in cycle II
the average of student’s mark is increasing into 81%
that consist of vocabulary aspect 83%,
pronunciation aspect 795 and grammatical aspect
81%. Therefore, this research indicates that
storytelling model can improve the speaking ability
of second semester students in Uiversitas Timor.
Indonesia Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan
kemampuan berbicara siswa melalui model storytelling
di Universitas Timor, Kabupaten Timor Tengah Utara
(TTU), Nusa Tenggara Timur, Indonesia. Tujuan
utama dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui
peningkatan dari berbagai aspek kemampuan berbicara
seperti aspek tata bahasa, aspek kosakata dan aspek
pengucapan. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian
tindakan kelas. Subjek penelitian adalah semester dua
pendidikan bahasa Inggris di kelas A tahun ajaran
2016/2017. Subjek penelitian berjumlah 30 siswa.
Berdasarkan analisis data terdapat peningkatan yang
signifikan pada setiap siklusnya. Rata-rata kemampuan
berbicara siswa pada Siklus I adalah 67%. Rata-rata
tersebut diambil dari aspek kosakata 68%, aspek
pengucapan 67% dan aspek tata bahasa 66%.
Kemudian pada siklus II rata-rata nilai siswa
meningkat menjadi 81% yang terdiri dari aspek
kosakata 83%, aspek pengucapan 795 dan aspek tata
bahasa 81%. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini
menunjukkan bahwa model storytelling dapat
meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara mahasiswa
semester dua di Universitas Timor.
Methodology Type of qualitative and quantitative
Sample second semester students of English study program of
Timor University in academic year 2016/2017.
Therefore, total members of second semester students
were 90 who were divided into three (3) classes.

Data Based on two observations result above, it can be

Analysis concluded that many of the students joined the class
enthusiastically and the teacher as a writer was fairly
good while he taught narrative text in the class. From
the analysis of students test result, it was clear that
the average of the students test of the first cycle was
still medium. The total score was 67% It was proved
by the data. There were sixteen (16) students had high
scores but fourteen (14) students who still had low
score, they did not fulfill classical standard
measurement that applied in this university yet.
Finding Many students did not have good self confidence to
express their ideas in presenting a story in classroom.
Most of them were still fear and shy to speak.
Conclusion from the analysis of students test result in second
cycle and first cycle, it can be said that second cycle
was better than the first cycle. There was an
improvement in this cycle. The researcher concluded
that the problems have been solved on using SLM.

References Arends, Richard I. (2007). Learning to Teach

Seventh Edition. New York: Mc Graw Hill.
Arikunto, Suharsimi, Suhardjono dan Supardi.
(2014). Penelitian Tindakan Kelas. Jakarta:
Bumi Aksara.
Brown, Douglas. (2000). Principles of Language
Learning and Teaching, Fourth Edition.
New York: Addison Wesley Longman, Inc.
Brown, Gillian and Yule, George. (1994). Teaching
the Spoken Language. Cambridge:
Cambridge University press.
Fulcher, Glenn. (2003). Testing Second Language
Speaking. Britain: Pearson Education

Your Analysis In this research we can know data very well, the
(Strength and weaknesses explanation about the data also easy to understand. The
of content, theory, method, researcher also give an instruction for the technique.
language feature, etc)
Your Recommendation The journal will be more effective if her make the
conclusion shorter.

Title Developing the Students’ English Speaking Ability

Through Impromptu Speaking Method
Author A Lumettu, T L Runtuwene

Source Journal of Physics: Conference Series

Abstract English Having multi –purposes, English mastery has becomea
necessary for us.Of the four language skills, speaking skill
should get the first priority in English teaching and
speaking skills development cannot be separated from
listening.One communicative way of developing speaking
skill is impromptu speaking,a method sudden speaking
which depends only on experience and insight by applying
spontaneity or improvisation. It is delivered based on the
need of the moment of speaking using simple
language.This research aims to know (1). Why impromptu
speaking is necessary in teaching speaking? (2). How can
impromptu speaking develop the students’ speaking
skills.The method of this research is qualitative method
and the techniques of data collection are:
observation,interview and documentation. The results of
data analysis using Correlation shows a strong relation
between the students’ speaking ability and impromptu
speaking method (r = 0.80).The research show that by
using impromptu speaking method, the students are trained
to interact faster naturally and spontaneously and enrich
their vocabulary and general science to support speaking
development through interview, speech,presentation,
discussion and storytelling.
Indonesia Multiguna, penguasaan bahasa Inggris menjadi suatu
keharusan bagi kami. Dari keempat keterampilan bahasa
tersebut, keterampilan berbicara harus mendapat prioritas
pertama dalam pengajaran bahasa Inggris dan
pengembangan keterampilan berbicara tidak dapat
dipisahkan dari mendengarkan. Salah satu cara komunikatif
untuk mengembangkan keterampilan berbicara adalah
berbicara dadakan, sebuah metode berbicara mendadak yang
hanya bergantung pada pengalaman dan wawasan dengan
menerapkan spontanitas atau improvisasi. Hal tersebut
disampaikan berdasarkan kebutuhan momen berbicara
dengan menggunakan bahasa sederhana. Penelitian ini
bertujuan untuk mengetahui (1). Mengapa berbicara
dadakan diperlukan dalam mengajar berbicara? (2).
Bagaimana berbicara dadakan dapat mengembangkan
keterampilan berbicara siswa. Metode penelitian ini adalah
metode kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data:
observasi, wawancara dan dokumentasi. Hasil analisis data
menggunakan Korelasi menunjukkan adanya hubungan
yang kuat antara kemampuan berbicara siswa dengan
metode berbicara dadakan (r = 0,80). Hasil penelitian
menunjukkan bahwa dengan menggunakan metode
berbicara dadakan siswa dilatih untuk berinteraksi lebih
cepat secara alami dan spontan serta memperkaya diri
mereka sendiri. kosa kata dan ilmu umum untuk mendukung
perkembangan berbicara melalui wawancara, pidato,
presentasi, diskusi dan mendongeng.
Methodology Type of Qualitative method
Sample The number of semester 5 students of D IV Class C is 20
from Tourism Department Of Manado State Polytechnic

Data From the table above we can see that the students who
Analysis practiced using impromptu speaking method (experimental
group) were more successful than those who practiced with
conventional method (control group) as can be seen from
the experimental class mean score which was 96 points
while that of the control group was only 71.7 points.
Conclusion The first group of students who applied impromptu
speaking method was better in speaking more fluently and
naturally because they have learnt to use their own
sentences and their creativity to develop their speaking.

References Alexander L.G 1978Question And Answer-

Graded Comprehension Exercise Logman London,
Anonymous 1992 Collins Cobuild English Language
Dictionary Harper Collins Publisher London 679
Anonymous 1996 Webster New World College
DictionarytA Simon&Schuster Macmillan Company New
York 731
Brown H.D 1980 Principles Of Learning And
Teaching Prentice Hall New Jersey 70
Bailey and Savage 1994
Burke Annie,2004. Speak, Listen and Learn:Pembroke
Publisher, 96p

Your Analysis There is part that the writer include the name of
(Strength and weaknesses participant twice in a row, in my opinion the writer just
of content, theory, method, need include the table of each group because in that
language feature, etc) table the name of participant in it.
Your Recommendation

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