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Assignment 1

Microprocessor Interfacing and Embedded Systems
Lab Instructor: Rokeya Siddiqua
Deadline: March 16, 2023

Practice problem: #2

1. A palindrome is a word that is same when read from both ends. Example: ‘RACECAR’.
Write a program that will take a string from a user and determine whether the word is a
palindrome. The output may be a ‘Yes’ or a ‘No’.

Sample Input Sample Output

racecar Yes
hellyeah No

2. Write a program to find 23rd Fibonacci number. [By implementing Fibonacci formula]

3. Write a program to find the minimum and maximum element in an array. [Create an array of
size 10 and read the elements as user input]

4. Write a program to output the following pattern – [Using nested loop]

Enter the number of Lines: 5


Note: You have to write comments.

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