p1 Outline Yaneth Garcia

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Basic outline format

I. Introduction
A. How can I gain the attention of the audience? Centro American people are getting
worse attitudes.

B. Forecast of main points—What are my 3-5 main points

1. 1-2 Sentences telling the audience what points you will be covering

Centro American people don’t see identity as a complex process of their lives, they live
with the idea that being part of another country where they received better opportunities,
escaping for violence, poverty, and being able to have a good work makes them
superior to others and they start thinking of themselves and how other people view
them, and there’s where starts the concept of racialism.

C. Thesis Statement—What is my essay about?

1. In 1 sentence introduce your topic to your audience

Centro Americans are losing values and the way to be cultured that they don’t recognize
their own identity for being ignorant.

II. Middle (3-5 Main Points)

Point #1— In Centro America there are different groups of people that inhabit the
region showing significant variability in terms of social organization, religion, and culture.

1. Central American Culture is not uniform. Which means that people are
getting the pattern to feel superior to others with bad attitudes which
makes them lose confidence to show who people are and feel excluded
from groups of people who seem to be normal but not them for the
changes that people make.
2. Other people say that identity is not permanent as we might imagine from
example of our life experiences, but if you think about it, identity is
constructed through culture and through the daily practices or routines that
we have as a person, and not from the preference from other people or
groups who are in charge of be separated for being different where
everyone is considered equal.
3. That’s the reason why they get into groups of people with names that are
identified with, in Centro America. However, it is a serious issue that
causes discrimination and prejudice against people based on race and

B. Point #2 ‘’ Alla en Guatemala ’’ There are important differences between first and
second generation, and how the communities act about their education, English fluency,
cultural attitudes between foreign-born and U.S Latino.

1. First-and second generation collapse,and issues specific to the second

generation are obscured by those of the first generation which cause
problems with the Mexican-American and Centro America people.

2. Being part of rationalism and forgetting values and culture, affects

personal experiences that causes indifferences, for example; when the
author Edgar Gomez tells a story writing a book called High-Risk
Homosexual who has past experiences for being different in the eyes of
his family. This situation creates conflicts that can hurt the life of persons
who want to do what they like and feel free without discrimination and live
with the confidence that anyone is gone to judge you.
3. Additionally, the Centro America population is getting good and bad
experiences because now the new generations think differently. Our
ancestors did not receive an education like we do today. The best way to
prevent and improve is that now the first and second generation is not to
get carried away by appearances or not to take importance to the bad
attitudes of people that can only provoke people with physical and mental
Point #3. In the book High Risk Homosexual, the author's family has a Machismo
problem that usually is common in Centro America families.
1. This book talks about how people grow with this type of root of discrimination,
something or someone different that they don’t usually see in society. People
who are not ready to see unusual changes that usually happen in life over time
and act as if it affects our community, which for others is a drastic change that
had never been seen but that sooner or later was going to happen.

2. Basically, that is what happened with the author of the book Edgar Gomez who
passed Machismo experiences from his uncle, which caused him bad
experiences including lost his dignity. Edgar Gomez tells a story writing a book
called High-Risk Homosexual who had experiences for being different in the eyes
of his family.
3. Machismo is usually practiced by the father of the family who says that the only
duty of men or their children is to have a slave woman who does everything for
them at home. Now in this life where there are more educated and cultured
people; that is to say, life has modernized, and as people our minds have also
modernized and our ability to understand that people change in different ways,
not everything in life is the same, something that people who remain in the past
do not understand the way in which who currently must act with dignity and

III. Conclusion
A. Summary of Main Points

Social organization, religion, and culture is also an issue that connects eventually in our
daily life causing everyone to choose which group or path that they want to be in. Since
Central Americans say they are from different groups, it has as a consequence about
the attitudes of the other generations that are coming or even currently these ones and
they could have a different education as well as different attitudes. However, being
different is not bad if it does a person good both mentally and physically, which is what
we can basically contribute to our communities.

1. Re-State Thesis

Losing our values ​and education instead of improving it would continue to affect our
society anywhere in the world. And making changes, stopping being ignorant with an
open mind would help our communities to see what are called stereotypes.

Clincher—ties to an attention device, “Tying the Bow on the Package.

Can be a story, quote, poem, answer to your opening question, etc... D. Final thoughts

In this case, as I said before about the author Edgar Gomez. His situation was
complicated because he went through experiences that didn't show who he was, since
he felt that he was homosexual because he was scared about the reactions of people
close to him. Author’s mom accepted the way he was, she has the mentality to say that
if that makes you happy and doesn’t hurt anyone, it's fine. That is the mentality that we

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