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SOCIOLOGY ESSENTIALS) 58 Muhammad Kashif Chapter No.5 Society and Community What is society? , The term ‘society’ is the most fundamental one in sociology. Man is a social animal. Human life and society almost go together. Society has become an essential condition for human life to arise and to continue. The universe around the globe is divided into different sub segments. Every segment has its own geographical boundary and every boundary has’its own specific culture that governs the society. Human is totally dependent on society and also the product of human society. The essential fact is that man always belongs to a society and without it, he cannot exist. Society socializes and nourish human and build his personality. So in simple words, we the sociologists consider society as the mother of humans. Simply we can say that society is place where ‘we live and fulfill our needs with the help of others. According to Diana Kendall: : “Society is a large social grouping that shares the same geographical territory and is subject to the same political authority and dominant cultural expectations”. According to Aien Robertson: . “A population that occupies the same territory is subject to the same political authority and participate in a common culture.” According to P.B.Horton and C.L.Hunt: “A society istelatively independent, self perpetuating human group who occupies a territory, share a culture and have most of their assaciation within this group.” According to Giddings: ‘ “Society is a group of people which cooperates and help each others due to their common goals and benefits.” According to Linton: “Society is a group of people that are living with each other from a long ago, even they became organized and considers themselves a single unit.” “Society is a group of people that are living in a same geographical boundary, that has shared culture, shared language and having enough resources to fulfill the needs of its members.” SOCIOLOGY ESSENTIALS) 59 Muhammad Kas! Generally we can say that Society is a union of people I ig in a specific geographical area with a similar culture and common ways of living. Evolution of Society There are different theories and Viewpoints about the evolution of society. Different theorists explain that how society came into being. The ideals of different theorists regarding the evolution of society are mentioned below: 1.According to Thomas Hobbes: In the beginning of human race in stone ages, human was habitual to live alone. He remains alert every time to secure himself from natural and nurtural challenges. But afier some time, he feels that if he will live with other human peacefully, he will face so many challenges easily, so a new society came into existence. 2.According to John Locke: He opposed the Thomas Hobbes philosophy and said human is a peaceful creature instead of a warrior. He said that human decided in start that if he wants progress and development, then he would have to live together. So in this way society constitute. 3.According to Rosseaue: He said that Stone Age was a natural condition and it was not a human choice. That was the Dark Age and at that time human was much cruel. But at last, human control his cruelty and decided to live together. 4.According to Montesque: Human always found himself helpless in front of nature. And when he could not control the cruelty of nature alone, then he adapt group life and society came into being. S.According to Darwin: He said that conflict is the beauty of every society and very important for the development of society, He quoted his theory survival of fittest here. He said that in start human lives in small groups and every strong group occupied on weak group for their interests. In the start, the strong collapse the weak but later on they started to make them Slaves for their benefits and in this way society came into existence. Elements of Socie The following are the elements and basic conditions of society: ~ Society is a huge group of people - Similarity among people. - Society is a permanent organization | Conflict also present in society - Living together since very long . Interdependence on each other. DAYAL -— SOCIOLOGY (THE ESSENTIALS) 60 Muhammad Kashif 7. Cooperation among people 8. Having a common culture Significance / Importance of society _ Man is a social animal, He has a natural urge to live an associated life with others. Man needs society for his existence or survival. The relation between individual and society is very close. Human life and society almost go together. The individual lives and acts within society. Society is as a second organization after a family. It is made of individuals to tackle their problems and even to maintain their existence. The problem of man cannot be solved scientifically without a clear statement of the relationship between man and society. In today’s world it is very hard for an individual to live separated from a society because we are living in a time that the society is extremely intricated, small and interacted like never before. Society is important because it provides us with a system and a platform to work together for the betterment of the world. With the collective efforts of the society, we are able to improve our living and social conditions. We are advancing due to the collective social efforts. Without society, we are just homo-sapiens (animals). This is yet another reason for which man is a social animal. Society not only fulfils his physical needs and determines his social nature but also determines his personality and guides the course of development of human mind. Nature/Attributes/ Salient Features / Characteristics of Society ‘The basic characteristics of society are as follows: LGroup of People: Society is composed of people. Without people, there can be no Society, no social relationships and no social life at all. It’s a large group of people in terms of size. 2.Social interaction: Society is a group of people ‘in continuous interaction with each other. It refers to the reciprocal contact between two or more persons. It means that individuals are in continuous interaction with other individual of society. 3.Likeness_and_similarity: Society depends on likeness and similari i sim : similarity among. its members. The principles of likeness refer to the similarity with regard tc their needs works, aims, ideals, values towards life and so on. Mer , aims, ideals, . Men belongs to the same species many things in common. : ° ae 4.Differences among members: Society also implies di J n a memb plies differences. If alike, their social relationships would be very much limited, life becomes ead uninteresting. If diffe iffer iviti Mead jifferences are there, people pursue different activities because of "SOCIOLOGY (THE ESSENTIALS) 61 Muhammad Kashif 5,Cooperation: Society is based on cooperation. Due to likeness and similarity among the members of society, people cooperate with each other for the fulfillment of basic needs and also for better social living. People work together for the attainment of common goals. People satisfy their desires and needs with joint efforts. 6. Division of Labour and Specialization: Division of labour involves the assignment to each group a specific share of a common task. This division of labour leads to specialization. Division of labour and specialization are the hallmarks of modern complex society. : 7.[nterdependence in society: Society implies interdependence. In every society, every one depends upon the other for the: satisfaction of one’s needs. As society advances, the area of interdependence also grows. 8.Society is changeable: Society is not static; it is dynamic in nature. Change is inevitable. No society can ever remain constant for any length of time. Society is like water in a stream that for ever flows. It is always in flux. Old men die and new ones are born. 9.Social control: Society has its own ways and means of controlling the behaviour of its members. Competition, conflict, tensions, revolts and clashed damage the fabric of society. This behaviour has to be controlled. Society has formal and informal means of - social control to regulate the behaviour of its members. ” 10.culture: Each society is distinct from-the other. Each society is unique because it has ‘its own way of life, called culture. It includes the whole range of our life. Culture and society go together. Culture is the basic element of society. ee eee eee ee ee the types of societies, which emerged due to these changes: 1. Nomadic society _ This society has no permanent settlement. These people always-found in move from place to, place with their luggage on the backs of their domesticated animals in search of food, water and fodder. They have no property. Characteristics of nomadic society 1.Small in size; Nomadic society is very much small in size. They are less in numbers. The people of this society usually live in the form of tribe. 2.Geographical mobility: G Society. People in this society alway b the fodder for their animals and as well as for their own self. 3.Private property_and owners: Private property and ownership. They. do not have pei land zographical mobility is one of the salient features of this s roam here and there in search of food, water and ip: People in this society have no concept of ‘manent settlement and ancestor’s SOCIOLOGY (THE ESSENTIALS) 64 Muhammad Kashif, 4.Traditional style of living: Their style of living is old ‘and traditional. They love their old customs and traditions. They follow their old traditions and transmit them form one generation to another. 5.Strict social norms: They have their own pattern of social life. They have defined social norms, which are very strict in practice. Every member of the society is bound to follow these social norms. Strict punishment imposed to those who violate these norms, 6 Resistance to social change: The people of this society love to live with their old way of living and culture. They dislike even minor ¢ anges in their culture. Their primitive style of living is their recognition. Therefore, people of this society dislike and resist to social changes. 7.Unique culture: They have their own unique culture, which is different from major Shure This sub culture has its own local language, dressing style, marriages and funeral ceremonies, customs and values etc. and they do not allow to any one to interfere in their culture. 8.professions and occupations: The major professions of the members of this society are animal husbandry ‘and labour work. The flocks of domesticated animals are the best source of their earnings. They fulfill all their needs and demands from those herds. . 2.Sedentary society : It is the extreme contrast of nomadic society. The people in this society have permanent settlement. They have their-private property and ownership. These societies are settled in a specific geographical area from centuries. These societies are in rural, urban and also in tribal areas of Pakistan. Characteristics of sedentary society: Characteristics of the sedentary society are given below: 1.Permanent settlement: The members of this society are permanently settled at ont place. They do not change their residence for a longer period of time, They live at theit ancestor's land by constructing their own houses. ‘ 2.Shifting of private property: They have a concept of private property and ownership: They shift their agricultural and residential land as private property from one generatio" to another. . » SOCIOLOGY (THE ESSENTIALS) 65 Muhammad Kashif 3.Social change: The speed of social change is very slow in this society. The speed of social change varies from area to area, Those areas that are advance in nature, the rate of social change is high in those areas than others. 4.kxistance of sub culture: Sedentary society is multicultural form of society. In this ea aed are so many other sub cultures along with local cultures found with distinct identities. 5.Existance of tribal groups: Tribal groups are also part of this society who are permanently settled on their land from centuries like, Bughti, Murree and Maingal tribes in Blochistan are the examples. 6.Geographic Mobility: People of this society have permanent settlement. They have their own property and land. People used to live on their ancestral land and emotionally attached with this. Therefore, very low geographical mobility found in this society. 7Social Reforms: People of this society do not like social reforms. They like to live with their own way. In this society, social reforms are enforced by the government and authorities; and people always react against these reforms. &Ethnocentrism: The people of this society are so close to one another. They are always ready to cooperate with their fellow members in-case of any emergency. They always help each other in any circumstances. Therefore, a high degree of ethnocentrism found in this society. 9.Volume of social change: People of this society are very close to their culture. They love to follow the norms and traditions of previous generations. So they do not accept any new idea, which is against their culture. Therefore, the pace of social change is very slow inthis society. 3.Traditional society . rm of society. People live in this society in the form of with agricultural profession. They live in small lands. Their means of communication are old and ple are there. Social changes are very slow and This is a traditional fo small localities. They are’ also related towns and slums on their agricultural I slow. Ethnocentric feelings among peo] homogeneity in social life found. Characteristics of traditional society: Following are the different characteristics of traditional society: LProfessions and occupations: Traditional societies are’agro-based in nature. Majority of the population are directly and indirectly linked with agriculture. They earn their livelihood from agriculture. LL EELESSENTIALS) 66 Muhammad Kashif — 2.Physical_ Structure: The physical structure of this society is non industrial byt agricultural. They are happy with their ancestor’s profession (Agriculture). 3.Social institutions: It is very simple form of society. Only simple institutions found for the fulfillment of basic needs and desires for the. members of this society. There are no specialized institutions in this society. Due to this simplicity, people of this society are associated with agricultural, labour and small-scale business. 4.Style of living: The style of living in this socicty is very simple. People love to follow the old patterns of social living like their ancestors. The pattern of their houses is simple and common. The facilities of modern living like electricity. gas, telephone is absent. 5,Roads and highways: Linked roads and highways are not ‘ound in this society. There are no paved roads for heavy transport. Only the Kacha tracks are available for traditional vehicles like tangas, bull carts, tractors, etc: 6.Communication it ies: People of this society are unaware about the modem ies like telephone, internet, fax, e-mail, mobile phone, etc. people usually use old and traditional modes of communication like messenger, telegram, postal services, etc. Mobile phone is an emerging technology, which is being used for communication in traditional society now a day. 7 inter interaction: The members of this.society are emotionally attached interaction among the members of this society is very slow but intense in nature. They don’t use modern communication facilities for this purpose. 8.Sniall in size: Traditional society is very much small in size. They are less in numbers. The people of this society usually live in their agricultural lands, Houses are simple and scattered, 9.Social change: The speed of social change is very slow in this society. Due to less education, people are leading a very simple life and they don’t like discoveries and inventions. People absorb those changes that-are essential for their social living and resist other social changes. 10.Lack of Modern social living: Facilities of living like electricity, gas, filtered water, internet, road network, highways; motor ways, air ports, aaa aye railway stations, police lines, military area, . s commercial and shopping malls are unavailable in this society. 1.Protection of Religious and Cultural Values: The people of this society love theit old customs, traditions, norms and values. They are the true protector of their civilization. isa 4.Modern Society __, It is also an extreme contrast of traditional soci i i enjoying every taste of social life. It is complex sostere weer ee es Soctey ae every : lex society, which is based dern ; i paces , Is base mot technologies, higher education, industrialization, Medonalization and urbanization Theit ae a ne cae Modern. Ethnocentric feelings among people are y. Socia i i aaa 'y. Social changes are very rapid and heterogencity in social life SOCIOLOGY (THE ESSE! ITIALS 67 Muhammad Kas! ics of Modern society Following are the salient features of modern society: lndustrialization: It is a modern industrial form o: related professions are very popular in this society, motivated to join industrial work, 2.Physical Structure: The Physical structure of this society is more or less urbanized. This society consists of towns, colonies, or other residential areas. The houses in these societies are conjoint to each other, 3.Population size: There is a high density of population in this society. It is a highly populated society. ‘They are huge in numbers. The growth rate of population is also high in this society, f society. Industrialization and its People of this society are highly 1 institutions: This society is a complex whole of different specialized social institutions. All basic social institutions along with their sub institutions are found in this society. A series of social institutions is found due to diverse needs of people and high population growth, S:Better_Job Opportunities: Due {o advanced economic activities, industry and commercialization; these societies are becoming the hub of economic activities. Industries and their offices, companies and commercial centers, shopping and recreational malls are located in these societies, that are offering better jobs and income opportunities to highly or less educated, technical or non-technical persons. 6.Social Stratification: People of this society are classified into different classes on the basis of socio-economic factors, People belong to different socio-economic status and they have different sources of income in-this society. People of this society also attached with different professions. . LModern Facilities: Facilities of modern social living like electricity, gas, filtered water, internet, road network, highways, motor ways, air Ports, railway stations, Police lines, military area, commercial and shopping malls are available in this society, &.Communication Facilities: People of this society are aware about the modem Communication facilities like telephone, Internet, fax, e-mail, mobile phone, ete. people Usually use these modes of communication in’ this technological era, while Communicating with others. 2.Geographical Mobility: There is high intensity of geographical mobility in this society from rural to urban areas and from small cities to big cities for getting better education, better health facilities, Industrialization, better job and economic opportunities. People Frequently change their jobs, professions, residential areas, etc. Therefore, very high Seographical mobility found in this society. WRelation among societies: For economic and military benefits, modern societies develop commercial relations with their neighbourhood countries. In this way, these “cieties exparid their trade volume and increase their exports. SOCIOLOGY (THE ESSENTIALS) 68 Muhammad Kashif 11.Crime Ratio: The ratio of crimes like robbery, theft, street crimes, cyber crimes, environmental crimes, etc is very high in this society. High population pressure, poverty and unemployment provoke a person to act negatively and violate laws of the society. 12.Status of the women: Due to high level of education and working in public sphere improved the status of women in these societies. Now women are working with men outside, which empower a women financially and socially. Now she is actively participating in decision-making process and as well as in resource sharing. 5.Rural Socie Rural society. consists of people living in a limited physical area, who have common interest and common ways of satisfying them. A rural society consists of. people living on dispersed farmsteads, and in a hamlet or village, which forms the centre of their common activities. People of this society have primary and intimate relations. Traditional culture with natural environment ‘and informal social set up are the basic conditions of this society. Agriculture is the main occupation of ‘this society. Characteristics of rural society: Following are the characteristics of rural society: LSocial_hompogeneity: The rural society is largely homogeneous. Unity and tniformily in social life is largely visible. We find the similarity in the ways of thinking, - behaving, dressing, habits, opinions, morals, customs, traditions, and religious belief in this society. 2.Open_and vast settlement: Rural society has open and vast settlement. Houses are Scattered in a vast area, having vast area for courtyards. Most of the houses. are constructed with mud. These houses look like slums. 3.Informal social Interaction: Social interaction among the members of the rural society js informal in nature. Interaction among the members is frequent, intense, deep, emotional and face-to-face. 4.1nformal Social Control: Any kind of social disobedience is easily noticed. Informal jneans of social control are resorted to in normal situations to maintain the social order. ‘The control of social behaviour of people is relatively simpler and less problematic. S.Literacy Rate: There is no fashion for getting formal education ini rural areas. Informal education considers enough for kids. Therefore, literacy rate in these societies is low females are discouraged to get formal education. 6Social change: People of this society are very simple, They cling with their beliefs customs and old age traditions. They dislike conflicts and quarrels. They are not ready fo" sudden change. They modify their behaviour patterns slowly and gradually. Professions and Occupations: Agriculture is the most popular profession of the people of rural society. Majority of the population in rural areas are directly ot indirec!!) associated with agriculture profession. There is less division of labour and s| vecializatio® in rural society. Women assist their menfolk in Various agricultural tasks. : SOCIOLOGY (THE ESSENTIALS) 69 Muhammad Kashif 8.Importance of Family: Rural society has no specialized institutions. Family is the only institution, which provides the greatest part of the economic and social needs to its members. Rural society is built around the institution of family. The rural family is very cohesive. It lives together as a unit, eat together and work together. 9.Jmportance of religion: People of rural society are traditional and conservative. They have deep faith in religion, or God. Their main profession is agriculture, which is mainly depends on the mercy of nature. 10.Urban facilities: Facilities of urban social living like electricity, gas, filtered water, internet, road network, highways, motor ways, air ports, railway stations, police lines, military area, commercial and shopping malls are not available in this society. 6.Urban society The urban society means the city society. Urban society means a limited geographical area, inhabited by a largely and closely settled population, having many common interests and institutions, under a local government authorized by the state. It is also one of the modern forms of society and also known as industrial society. Urbanization is basically the result of industrialization and all the characteristics. of industrial and urban society are same. It is completely opposite of traditional rural society. All facilities for people are there which make the life of people more comfortable ind easy. Competitiveness is the beauty of this society. Change is rapid in this society: Characteristics of Urban Society: Some important characteristics of urban society are mentioned below: 1.Social Heterogeneity: The urban society is largely heterogeneous. The urban life is complex with wide difference in ways of living of the people. It is more characterized by diversity. We find the dissimilarity in the ways of thinking, behaving, dressing, habits, opinions, morals, customs, traditions, and religious belief of urban societies. 2.Population density: Population density in urban societies is high. Due to shortage of land, houses are constructed contiguous to each other. Due to migration from rural to urban areas, the population in urban areas is increasing day by day. cilities: Houses are constructed well in urban societies. The 3.Houses with urban _fa n e t infrastructure of those houses are made by using bricks, stones, marble, tiles, etc. mobile phone, air conditioner, filtered similarly, urban facilities like electricity, gas, water, internet, etc. are also available in these houses. 4.Social interaction: In urban societies, people are more individualistic in their attitudes. People in this society generally interact for the fulfillment of their basic needs and desires, There is less intensity in jnteraction among the members. SSocial institutions: An urban society is the breeding centre of a number of social institutions and sub institutions. These institutions are the set of human relations, which are fulfilling the different requirements of general public. i jal behaviour is more difficult in an urban GFormal social control: Control of social behavio'™ i al deviance is commonly found in this society. Informal means of social SOCIOLOGY (THE ESSENTIALS) 70 Muhammad Kashif 7 control are Rot very effective. Regulation of social behaviour is largely done through the specialized agencies like law, legislation, police, courts, etc. 7.Division of Labour and specialization: societies. These societies are known for their, large-scal specialization. Specialization and division of labour is visible in e is divided among people on the basis of their talent, efficiency, age, 8.Social Mobility: Social mobility is meant for movement fro: other. An urban society provides social occupational, geographical, vertical and horizontal mob people in urban areas move from one condition to other. 9.Social Stratification: Urban society is also segt ‘on the basic of different socio-economic factors. different group due to their socio-economic posi stratification in this society are income, profession, etc. 10.Social Change: highly educated and modern, appreciate the changing patterns o 11.Standards of Ii of basic urban facil Social change is at its peak in this socit and they accept social chang f human social life and adopt them rapidly. ~ Due to high-income standard, better job opportunities, es, high level of education, industry, and business centers, Urban societies are normally the industrial le division of labour’ and very field of life. Work sex, and so on. zm one social condition to mobility in countless ways. It provides ility. For improving their status, regated into different classes or groups People in this society are divided into ition. The determinants of social property, family background, caste, sect, ty. People of this society are e with open hearts, They availability the standard of life of urban people is very high than rural society. Differénce between Rural and Urban Soci i Urban Society # | Rural Society 1. The rural society ishomogeneous. | The urban society is heterogeneous. 2. | Informal means of social control are | Formal means of social control are sufficient to regulate the behaviour of | sufficient’ to regulate the behaviour of people. people. 3. [It is less mobile. Status is mostly | It provides’ more chances for social ascribed. : mobility. Here status is achieved. 4, Less _ division of labour and|High division of labour and specialization. specialization. Women are mostly passive and tradition bound. Status of women is less. Men and women have equal rights and the status of men and women is equal. a People are more conservative. The rural society is less in numbers than urban society. x People are modern and progressive. The urban society is big in numbers than tural society. It is free from conflicts, frictions and - Individual interest is more important than tensions. common interest. Muhammad Kashit 7.Bio technological society f : at rely on modern technologies. These kinds These are the developed societies th of societies are working on nano-technologies and want to merge the world in a small chip. This is ultra modern society, Religious and traditional beliefs have no importance in this society. Family disintegration is much here. They are lacking the moral values. Here is a huge cultural lag in this society. These societies are developing materially but lacking the non-material aspects of the society. ouTs

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