Handwritten Operating System Notes ?

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CREATE BY - ATUL KUMAR (LINKEDIN) IG BUGS CINOTES GALLERY = epuctiing System i am Sprang Ayitem ina puepam Ahot moun OS the ermputer ¢ POrcuvarr F tt ave proviclss a bass 4" opplicatien Prog -ams and acts as interamimiary bttusteemr tht computer wr ancl Ahe comput AOADUDONL > Gnunatiens oF eprating System | a) 1 Genvation (1945-1955 ) Varewm Thwkes ameol Pues bor. - b:) 2 Genvriation (1955-1965 ) Tromsators anol Batch Systems - C) the B*Gewration (1465-1980 ) Integrated Circuits and wuuttt a) 4 Genmation ( 1980- Current J forsenot Korn puter - *e d FD) Simple Batch sapters S- dr ants, thea 4s mB » dine Ambrocelng betutrn the UH CODING BUGS (NOTES GALLERY ———— and the Aomputer 2 the Wire ge pubmit a geb (wun a Lard, Or tops) fe Lemputer operator Mowamtoges ri Batch Sytem hh) Ne intraction bilusterm Uta ano compe 3) We mithamim £6 prorecse tr preeenes: a Mutt! proce pee POCLELOA Ayrtem * Oe aytem const Of Surrrol processors HOt Ahan a wemmen physical mumery vault - PEUMON Prowiols igh Com z jie hn omustecproctaio agate Ta K Aolwantages of uluproressor syste r) tmhanund prpervaue 3) te txumuen OF Surat sabk Ley fprent PreuNors cencumintLy mrs AML ee exuution 64 a Aurea Zouk: ei okra Ogee wr, CPUs anc Pls AotRa Ant muscu 4¢ prott am spuating Ayrtem, usr programs PC oprading. Siprten 4 avr WUE anulludier wer $ gy ALD ae a alata EXCODING BUGS ENOTES GALLE v tems Changect with tin tgp Gprrod oe ays v 9 os. Of mau miie CPU ama phuuphrrol ret» ation AL Aystuems wept fer MALL AG UN Lowen} "ONL Oo YU pendtuineds » Wuae AGHemy are Lallrol Durtwwp Ayitems. Yr ex!- pple Mrcsy aes te PP te 4) Distributes Sprrating System Yu Metivation Atnincl olucleping olistrybuted Spraiing ayitem is the ounceCloublity o% powmrfud and Seer ead an len ‘ ano Adwonrta sm LOmrmucaten trun — -49 Dar mau bemugit of Ctr hte system As 1) AOU PALCL / pogeimanee vote Uowawtagu Distwoutead Sprrocuing System Fout WANNA AAA (ns EF oe a) b) C+) Oprroting Seystenn Sumi User Fatrrjoce {atau aluon att ar. (AT) - Ww antrrporr 10m oe Aurot porns One is a Lenucrol- Ae stergatt (CLE), wiien vas tort comm Amel A muted for cuteriug thee + Prepranr emcution t-te Aaypsteun wut At Alte to Lpaol a PrOManr inte WL ool 48 Pon thot - Wht proprom must 6b or Ber nmap ( dnctteating asi yh L]o Sprrations :- 4 Wega SF Oya woug TeWArt Tlo, wirienr Mary invol a file Or on T/0 olvie - Fer Apurttic OLriers , speciot ee may Lt asin ( sucr o4 Arcor- 48 LDA DVI ort Cr UNANAAANAN LULU eee, Ayers incluclt pPrnwislons management £0 Lew 64 on Ors £0 tie Cr WnrLectloriny bastol on de file tuenorhip Mang opLraiin ; Aystems previ, a varity 64 FUL Ayers, horns | -Aumus 42 ALLew purerct AAPLAS AMO 4emet,_ | ~™MU to pPrewsrdk APLUrHe fet Or prporm “OWL Aor arruidtics , €) Lemmunications + UWnre ane Aarcuunaet - - Amt mM much one process nul £6 Cachouge dugemmotion mith amether prectss: Such Loum - - niLouree Moy CLL Atte precisely trot OAL on tht damr Lemputr er A+ Press Mat Are Outing, on hifgperrnt Lemp Jomplemented tay aad mony ie eles Aub OA MOA pPrBtrditts AK ancl writ fea Shor srctrorr WME pLmudssage potting caer fee Ort movil L/w preriss 4) Wrer dutection :- Unt 08 nudls to Le oetet- AOA BLUUWA an CPU # memory harplurrrt (suc O4 A meniorvy ser OF A pour fortune), in I/D ourirers (stead — Porty ror on cuk, Lonmection foulurt On fe b LOL type &% DAL , tur OS Would ~ a Opprepriot action £0 wuLrs me oe Uemalatent 4 Prep 4. 5 {\- ryt aoe ot) spreepeures ais job wth dimi'lox a ont wz luter COL eof pun cle and Sibmit to CBO &p MANNA UU" > ork of Batch oS 4 AMR a unterocicon b/w tht UA PF gee cau the Spied Sf T/o B) Tht Shoring 05 4t ia o Arutqur wii matty mow es pecoted at vartors drvmaiomols £8 uit 0. “Pom Amer: ~Auhor Reputr Pee pemee tis Preccsser’s Aime sirmattonroustig (oumrongs shard amend anuttt users ds ArmLOl Ou Aan Ale Oni Adtuowtages = Guitk sponse — wreid duplicadiion Of Sef Wart — Retire cPv dole Ame + Deseowoutages |- ~ Problems of ReLialsity — Preble % data Lemmumnic ction * H vst multiple Lunrtr0ol POS x6 mudtiple udev: Dato prsersting pebs Ore Aolwvomtages «= f 2 Bitlen ar tO the cuitomur Reolirctcow of the Apo on the te fos i Rectiictiton oy cletouys du data prot Apuolup the exchounge o% coe ! Omeotrur ula cichenic mail. ert compel +) Wetwerr 05 | 1d WetwerR OS mums er a Sr anol protols the sur eapolitcty to momage Clatay User » Preups, suutrity , applications » ama emir MULLBA RIM ~pometion A dlvourtages :- H Bppecang Sunes u progrom un exertion | * Precis Ay £alted prods ° fre stole Cf Procees ws * Stow et prouss : currint ougered, im spat by AM actimtty of thot press i aetna tn yee OE Wew did - dnsructions are bung sf | : anncting the process ds waiting for AOMD ment £8 COUN (auth os ou Z/0 [ competion on muspuions 04, alynat): Retin Arne prea, An waltiong £6 Ot aasignioh I AS 1 -PABTLLEOA - Timuinati '- the provas has ~ 5] tonrtoset Switch vequart nO ]“Honrclvort support TOAOUW DL Aupport ( A neodeol ~ oJ txomrpli - Yaw Anrtooly \ ) ej ers hey POSIX Ahrrools eA 4] Y one usr duvet trad #4 ent Rowe try nat - pak OW ‘oun et sae, us | ope tape Ree -fen then & IWAN Pf ees ae rt Lt Arteckrot eae se ite te a AN ear Laer - vv ee ee Bune pes /aclwomtoges ef trnods 1. Arnads Mminiming the rontent AUHLALNG dime a Use OF thrroas PAEHMOM LENLWIAEMLY wlth a prectrs Appiciemt KROTV MLE QIN dt Umer Leonemieat to crate amol Renteot wm tt) tArrcods. architects £6 A Prater acal ana Lffiel- * eee Ce Pea roe ee Pe haces my hice airs Ah Chu and the seleetiion 6¢ amsthr prec! on the bas Se eRe ar pene adiigic fetta thee Schecluting é - Ware th Atgetenn fast ™ : mem St in aN D tmorasing Abe Cutprt ee BURR IA SSSA SSINNUUU UL UT ETE TY WVVUT te a EM #) Monimnuye tre awalrrr &f Udbrd recioing acepo be Teipenses tum feet the os So K Setrecluler = dar moin toak Uy 40 Ae At submittid inte At system amd Aeeiol mtucn proceas £9 AUK Uh tas Maree Aypus = 3) dong Aor SCALA Se ree me Ao barge ee ioe Qe L) Ue Ay ~procevt 4) dato abut oy 4) atts atse minis) tetra part | awit sn Ae!) eal an Alt Of Tome shoring Prarie Ayton Auraria, dytton System. i 5) U Alerts -precids ts 2 ateet snot) 5.) 96 coq fe ae ontrectuce ti | Ee Process Scrrdutor ¢ A PABLUMS Scheoluetor fp ny | Priscelsits £0 Ae Mist 48 the CPU bateg oN pordlcenlor eae atgoruthurs an ; { Sehiolw ting? Veal wo a ge une) i ee GAA | tm Firat come, Sirat-Strrul (FCFS)) | LP Shorteat-Joa- Next (SIN ) Schesliliug | Priory Scheduling | Le Rounol Robin (RR) Sehr curtiong PD Ui the sUpensibility ef tht CPU Schuolitar ko Ollet a preuds 4B CPU wher Ah CPU wD im dhe folle state: Wn CPU Scurolular selects O precds rom Feacy que Amol ALUoCat the process £8 CPU + ee Plote when a process suites pus A ee ola RE ab: waiting atate te realy state js colua UV TVET UU UU ee ev “ Ri as Qe @2ENme eee Un xelrrouting muuic takes place whine O Proc trnninaty or suttehu me runny} uae . v a8 woutvng “fee ptatt AW kwol of CP Achvollw Ws calact Nen- Prumpemt Seaneouuting - ! * Im -prumptiut sre prec can Le setreoluleal | * du Wen- promptive the precus can net 4 Sthwu.ted - * Seheduting riteia‘- 1) CPU Lutuuyotven- Kup the CPU as bury as possible (pom Oy te 100. ) 2) Thacugh put Fe of pretuia that complete AhUr OUeLtien pu time writ 3) Turn arcuud tum | Ameunt ef timu 40 execute A porticilor process: 4) waiting Aint 3 Ameumt of Lime 02 PrOCes has 5) Response tune amount ef time it RU pom Uti oO rq ubst Was ALbmitlecl wtil Aha fost Atiponse 44 procera - | 5 6) Prurut Adm 2 Tre, opps, bY 0 Pretty Jo, CPU Cxection - +) Arrival Aime! The at whic the process > Turmaneund Tint = Complution— Aivar Tiny > Wasting That = Ta Mound Tu- BUG Tay. t Tntty Pree eV (7 ; *K what i Intu Preuss Lonmnurn aignat (S) > Atgnat (F) wm 8 | ~~ p z the about caclt + while () is useol to precucee lA ta ,agetn Ara. again Af Xt Wis £8 precluret , Again anal cui: 0 preouce () punetion is cattial fo preodiree lata Arty Ane PUBOLL Cen © waltl(E) wilt reoluce the volute Of semaphore nariatte “E” by one Le whi the preclucenr preutes Amuthiing then rrr 43 A Anerean spat in the bugger Uhh Le kha value of Lt Suma ~pheur variable ELOY éhun the program ‘ttl step its outittien and production ail be cone: . wait(S) U usd £0 det tre vorudvts “S”£0%0” &% that nd eth -precus can ent, auto the . Append () 44 ust 40 append the mesty proc 41 dota im the bugger = + signa (s) ds udtcl Lo-KE tue Armophere vorlable “5” te ‘O” se Hat eth preciue can comt i cael 2, can be AUWMALKA Qs ?- d VUVVT VATA, 5 . ft > TAA | Precluction i dent and the append splatuen 4 ate olene - Signo (F) 4 uatol te Onercoue the dviapHnort vorialte “FP” Ay ere because afer aooung — | the datr inte the Auger, one space AJ pied. an the Lugo ana the vauiabu“F? mut 4 upedatel {+ Unis is row au selua tA pysoluee port og 400 pret ~Ay Levur - preblemt * New , eth me the consumer Aelution - thr follousug 4 Ane ceole for the OH- Prawn? votd centumer () § awniu(T) § aait (F ) wait (S) Aare ( ) signat (S) Signa (E ) unl) [LNA NNRU UV EVUU UU vee, vortare"F” py ent becaue dg Aonu cata da ¢ -awid by he contumyr, shin Ait vanatlete Stem yy must Ae alrercoseal Ag ont « mait(s) 4 waco to sem At tht AUMOPhOrL VOrtuy 65” bp 0” 40 that me sthr preclds CAM emtey | Ambo the crtitot Aceon) | » take () -punction u usa to take lata fron thy | bupper toy tht Contemier + Signot(S) Lund te Act the semaphore vartatte 65 Lol4” x6 that othr precliils Cave Gr lene | unto tt erttical arctien meur becaun AL Censump- - pert 43 olent anol the epoatien 1 alre ene + Signat(E) 14 ual te inercase the suniaphort Volo wee be ene becouse agin daking dnt data fren thi bufger ont space 4 prea prone the bupgr aml the variate “WE” must be UMNCALASLA + 1 tutl) a puactiou that i4 uso fe use tr te Ole Seme application - * Semaphow Seropherr is simply a variable which i VOL i Useol te r0LUL thi crrtecat seenion Prblom ana £6 Achitue process oe EICODING BUGS C)NOTES GALLERY a ot | ats Se rapAOrLt J / er str 1 mah) yt % 2} ae ‘cawnting | Se AC | Guta ») ‘opt | Ir) Brnany Semaphore *- tH ds lie Ruste ad vtuten Leck: Ut Lan taut only LUO Votluu -O0and1: tH valud i Anitia iy tol 40 1-Uu vw und to implement thre Aetution of Arteeal diction prevlem with mull preceses &) Aeunting Semaphore — Us Volut cam Aauge Outr an uUnrlituietad demain: tu Uno se contrel Aerts AOA rrrource that has nuclerple vuitones: ly eraroctertitics of Semaphore I) te Ba cham that Can te Usa £0 —prsriole Mynchreunyatren of tosks a) dt 4s Agw- Aus Ayrehrouyatien povechovaison | 3) Sema phew atl ea hell A Nen- negat-| -Ant dntepe, VOU 4) Sumaprere aiieehea Sauna owl Ue iieusel ubddp FL Sulkevtiesa v County my Semaphore > > Release > (Count = count +!) lose sy Cour ape aia 5 >a x ite a a ae S acquire Bl tan? 5 dies ~ Pp» FlLeueuer y ay ru Lount 1b >0 , the Aumapher 4 He Arata im the avotlatte stort, anol the i ee OMe Oe Se adie We ~ me x RFI NO NN aN 2 Wea = 2 _ pec ee v a P Trital=1 volt HF clvatages Of Semopheru « WU AlLews meu tham ene Head te acces tht AALtICOL AetLon - en Nea tute easeaan | LDU ll an Os not allew multipet - Preceyes £6 Art Ahe critical Arkon ‘hey atiow floiblr mousgunt of TUOUCE Mis thi ds busy wattig dn Aura pherts 9 thins MUA a wotge Of POLLS Aime andl Resources ey Ook machine -Amcprvolent y aunith sreuta Ase run am tht machi —inmctipurclent LB0lt OF the mere - Rema x Diraclvanrtages. * One of tht biggut Ainitotelen og ttn Anraphort 14 prUority AMUEAHBU * - + the 0S tou to kup Aacr*alt cat te wait P Signot Aumaphore * Semoaphert 44 pront to prograumutr Lr04: ie tae alo not practical gor darnge scale ure au tur & oe eee ta go °t oe mcceeeereyse tae . ae eae ing Re > ( pinay Sema prort Semaphore 1) ve wud exclunenr 1) Mutual exetunon Moniter dn Prec Synchroncyation a The moniter 44 one Of Are wa 45 ach teue Pritts AYnchronination » Dt Mentor ge AUipported, Ay PO PAB I UTS Aamguages £0 achive mutuay exXtlutton betuseen -prectssed: Ot OL TAVA Agrichrwniizeol methads «JAVA prrwiet, waitt ) ancl netigy CO) Lonrtruet - VVVV el AL \ Ut a Londlctcenat variautes aucl precedinre Fombinedt together. £n Q Apeeet Rima Cf medlut Or_O / VUUUY a) THe PROC ALLamung CUtHOLE th mewtter cant Ads Ahe Antero vorlowu 64 the moniter but can -precectire 64 fit me—rebore monte 3) Only ent preceds Ot A time cam exeeuts q Se a NO aaa aban Woo 2457 aia . 3 aaa f » \ ~ . \ Aerditvennt Vaio ; N20 She a aes SB spall i od TUUNNNUUUVUYEUY EAE PARSOF PR ie . =k t Ulevartage 64 Mentor a } . i ») Making poroliel Prepramm ing LOM ard Mss Ee i AOA prone than wing Atehrwuqunns Auth o4 ¥ Aumaphoru: \ \ x Dirsouantoge of Hence : Mewiter haut £9 ue implement as pot Of the Pregacunm ing dowmgringe. Unt com piter mudt genrroute Coole thon Wu qe dhe Aemptin the qodlitional Burcu of 4 4® Know what mg Byrtern ~paelucti pais eS 4o ares +0 riA' cal mil oe ae Pecedses - Some ps that nuppert meniters arc JAVA, CH, Vusut Basic, An ond conewnreudt FU - 7 Wussage Paring Moclet ef Precis Comonumication Preceuy Methanum iy a gp mechanism Prerrialeol Joy the eprating system Ahat olla proces £0 esiage pasting model oUUEUss rmultiple prpeerses to rea anol wrtte cota te tht mettage quire Uscth i conmucteal £8 Cath ether Message AX sF6r<0L on the Queue unt thin Peep oretiptemt + tyieuy aaa ALATI TTI. iD > emmunicatidny Uitol Ly mor eprroiing Sertem _> and ant => = [eeu Fi i PS Procus P2 re fi! P_ > X b — i i> | S vdiage cet | Seta Komal WuLLIsage Paswung Wodel Gallager 2! Mesias TRgio ee BE alan 2 es . Bi ee model © Ui warn te buclol prot harovort coring TUASARE POMENG MOLL as dt 1B quite telramtoy “4 A Lemmunication Latireies (the before ee pt eiegegins } q : i = tt hes lowe ae: sacs a aaa than the wort Berane the conmection ‘ie | NNVNVVUVULLVVAV VEL EEE | DeadtlecR Deadlock '- HUA stuntior Whirt a vt Of Prey. “ACS Ane AHeckrol btcaun Lach precty iu ho. Q rerweurce @nal watting $e anetnu reeegaell ALG LIL by other preceds * Neeusary Condition ger Aenolteck Wuduol taclusten “- Ont 61 Mere than one YeAOUrCe On Nen- shana beer (only Ont prPcels can usata time) © Holl amet wart: 4 preemss helolirg attra Ont TerEUAce anol wottung fer TUEUAced ° No--preomption!- # resource cam 4 LoRUn fren a precud unless the precess rerlou the queweeu COreUlar wait ~ A dt Of preceses ar waiting fer gach othr in Crear foun: ME Fes foeaaagg WTEC Ivy MVNA ELT hae cei | 22. e 9 5 PeaatecR Prauunton hu vay wmpertant £6 pret oupolleck before 4 Cam weer Se, the system heck cach Pomsosien beyyor it LU oucutd fo rake sur it Lew mot tak to cleadeck cinotteck Y tour 4 muna Might Ahan thata Aoawartion may Loot te oleaol - ~“AeCR in the quturt, Ut U mur allowed t0 CxoeUL te KX Deacltocr Arroiolancer Wis belr aveiol A omollecR father than toRee MEAMrES After tht AwollecR hoy eccunrl: fhe unit Fer Poph Lam Le UHL 46 crooltock avoid # Deacttock duretion A ceactlecR can tt Aatected Ly a rereuree Sched- AUor As it barks Olt tht reveureu that aw altecated te difpornt precesiesy deter a aleool- —Aeer is oletectedl s L U cam Am risewuiol by following Muth ols? + AU the proteus that wt duveuol in the cleoollock OM dumimato this di net a ged appraath OF alt thy progrris mocte by the precues 4 cleitroyeol . Ruveurtes (am te Pprumpled rem seme prock -78B and given £9 ethUrs ALLL the oleaclleck p . SIMI I DIANA: K Bamku rs Ageritiom Unt Bamrws Agorithm Ba Ruewet CUB CO Lid, netecl tata ea: anicantt ee ae “PALA Lon eol tae esgic d-ctnat alt rureurctiyttin mais am "5: pins checker wauthur the allecatren Tg it ale. +19 Centimue - \ a , ’ by t y \ Aphaee a> kai’ tec 2 * wEpewa ald 42> oie Girga opi kad. to oe \ \ 2 NNVVVVVV UV VVVVUVVYvvvy Pap Ye te vr ANP * wr 4 yee ahyayps 252 AQ DER AD. “gh SARE Set TS 0 ——— —_—_~S—s—t re Ant We Oy WMOAMnge went Main mummers At 3 40 CL prystcol meen thot U tu intemal moumery £© tha Lomputr the werd main i usol te clustem gui At pens extemal mass Atrrage dunices Auch ay clisk cues Ulan memory 9 ase Rnewn a4 Ram: dhe wor purr sable fe change only data tat iu im mom mimeyp Thengore curry program mt Cutie and tury fue Wwe Qed must be Copii frem a fj clurice ab inte mam memery « bab ot yee axe Leaolkal im tAt Main mMem— “Ow a Sometimes complete propom As Apacle Unto thr memery , Bie See See put Or veutime of the propram 4s -, CN ea etm oe doy ths propraim y thus mechourisuy is calted Dynamic Aeocting 3 LY enhouet the prrfe a Aepieal ono Prepiiend Adetre dagikal Papi PE Pe CPU ae eelh a is munmumng We Logical oololus pp virtuol adouts as Lt oles not exist l , truuport » Ut 14 OL Roun aN 2 a CCC A asa Whoenee £8 aceeds Che physLeol meme, Ascatien oy Chu. the term Legical Addrey Apotr 13 unk per the at of all Logical adobyras gquerrated doy 0 prepram’'s Prpecttug, dhe ror ceuite called Memery-Ha Mpebron i anit is uit for mapping Asgecal adoruis to ity AERLLSPONCUN G —phragsltol adorns Physical Aolouss ~ Holeutrpits a. plugsceot “Jecatien of requbrrad clot 4 a MEME the unr nur curectly cleo) with the phyncal ooldrras: The Usr Pregiam gqemnomtes the adolruis and thinks that Ahe prepram in this Aeyecal adores hut Pe pram needs —prugsccat mw ice ib execution , thert- ONG —pore, adolriss Must Lemappel 0 the aololuss by MMU byert Chey ant ued © Aclelrss Space ds und 4" to the x oa 3 2: Nee e x BAS! 8 | 5 vadolrews > Space 3 13 , %, ; 3 , = * Gennatlen = ecu \ AANA Ue vee * Memory Aeration Tat mann menor nos AD Attiomadate beth thy Sprang systum Ord Wierspace 4 New, hire the Apott has 4© Cueremedatt VOALOLLS UA PrEttisg, we alo want thee sero WHA PYOCLys Mut wedldle Lm the maim memeonug at the 4ame time New), thr qrrrtion arises ew £6 allecate tht owatla te Mamery Apace to tre wir prea that Ort unit ~ing in A ready queue ? mM ont iqueus memeay allocation, when tNL precy COUANES Fe EOI Re ES ACD) meme MUNBAY For Ceeitlon’, » the contiguous TALIM BAY blecks art AUecated {© the prruH oe LUE rqutument: New, £6 attecat tht Lentiguous Apace te urer precerses, tht cam Axe dude either in the prod Mrpol porttien © Ln the vorlatele Airyeol partit- wou ne ne enolase Sr fun flee ae —_ a ———_, pte E a pu plecRs 3_ prc blocks }: 4 r fs ee aes Ly eee Be nS / s psu ques (b) wan the fie A oma C foumenatd amd velar the memory AALOLLNG hole: tou * foul aryol portitien “du this, the mumery 4s AUivided inte -prred-Aogd blecks ancl toch blocks Lentains exactly enc precy Rut, the pod sit partition wilt oleriole the muuler Of prPcrst HK Vortabe- Sot partitien:- In the vortaber Sixt parctie method, the opoating system maintains a memory ports that art eceupiccl Ay tht process and alk mumery ports that are Milt owollable 4Or the process: ‘ 4 § : : ilaiae ee &» Tnteowal “fragmentation Ur occrers whew Lhe ome, > > > Aes net fue adilint the me MOM CLLEBCA REE, a a9 it. ~~ rai ee S dh solic ctiy “the preowm ee external Pry menLet -ser Us caltrol Mere y compaction *K Mawamtages ancl Diadyamntags on mun ory Lomporton the main disoclvemtoge OF Centipueus memory alistation i mumery wast needle omol inplerr bility mabe, SARS toa pu Page > wUuMN:s But wntil a process Or a file prouss many blecRs allecatad to it Temains wnutilin2ol » vind Ce Se caret i aliscarol [0 the 6fh : beyorct th | aE my Clg ie ebayer at it a Raa, “| dthonit wit abort the russage oe a = ae Leading dt Ampere bility * au advantage 6 Aontiguous me mou alecn new a At Auerrodu tne pron speed As ne opvoleG 4 Aysterm uns the bupgacol Tle and reads ahs Pee memery Ltocks Conmeutiuely dt routed the hod mMeurments. Wis spud Ups the procusing —— Ke Paging Raging is a Heung MOOG Mrasniniam trot ous OS bo nebiu precrHes Frem Mh ALCETAODAY Atorage ints the main Trumery in the FOV pages ta the paging methods the main mnePre ld Fs ciiian inte Smal porad Adye blocks Of pyc! memory, with U) called b ae Proashd,. *lhienpea ae ieee 9a Alea a wd Baths, yore ae a » a3 (See | | ~ As wero | PAs wa - wa = - re Ae - 4 re ; z (Asusctivn of proms faging e ge Paging Protection A Paging proce sheutol ve ree beet by using roll yeu |Uwwetid bit Memer. ‘Pretecti¢n uin ypaging us achientol by atieciating 28 AN a Protectian buts with cach 4ge Aneusnd with tach page Aatrele entry amd Apeetpy Pristction on tht Leri.senperncle re : yD oLuoutenges of Fagumg fcay te ur memery TraMage ment ager * Wo-nied for external gogmentation * Swapping La eouy beturen kQuat-Augd page no Pages paras + Dena aes + Lemptex TRL Ou mamagment algorithm - 7 Rage Aobles Lensume aodaitvenat memory: Veferunee OMerANLOOl Le Hordvire Support 2% paging :- . 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