Code of Conduct VPBank - E - Revised

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Issued with Decision

No. 729/2013/QD-HDQT, dated 20 November 2013

Table of Contents
Enquiry Handling & Misconduct Reporting 3
Contact Point Telephone Numbers and Addresses 3
Article 1: Introduction to 6 Core Values of VPBank 4
Article 2: Introduction to the Code of Conduct of VPBank 5
Article 3: Responsibilities towards VPBank 6
Article 4: Responsibilities towards colleagues 9
Article 5: Responsibility to customers, partners, suppliers, and other stakeholders 10
Article 6: Responsibilities towards State’s legal and regulatory agencies 11
Article 7: Responsibilities towards the community 11
Article 8: Guidance for complying with VPBank’s Code of Conduct 12

Enquiry Handling & Misconduct Reporting

As a VPBank’s employee, if you are not sure Compliance Center when detecting any
whether or not your decision violates the misconduct or sign of arising misconduct.
ethical standards after answering all the VPBank is committed to keeping confidential
questions in Article 8 of this Code of Conduct, the identity of the employee who reports
you should contact your direct manager or the misconducts/signs of misconduct and strictly
Legal and Compliance Center via the phone prohibiting all acts of retaliation against those
numbers and addresses below for advice. You who have reported misconducts/signs of
should immediately report to the Legal and misconduct.

Contact Point Telephone

Numbers and Addresses
You can raise enquiries or report misconducts or
signs of arising misconduct by contacting the
following address and telephone numbers:

Compliance Department under Legal and Compliance Center

Telephone number: (04) 39385111 (Ext: 100515; 100513)
Address: 4th Floor, 72 Tran Hung Dao, Hoan Kiem, Hanoi.
Head of Internal Audit
Telephone number: (04) 73056600 (Ext: 8259)
Address: 6th Floor, 72 Tran Hung Dao, Hoan Kiem, Hanoi.
Head of Supervisory Board
Telephone number: (04) 39288898
Address: 6th Floor, 72 Tran Hung Dao, Hoan Kiem, Hanoi.

Chapter I:
Article 1: Introduction to 6 Core Values of VPBank
This Code of Conduct was prepared on the basis of the 6 Core Values of VPBank:

1. Customer Focus
a) Always respect customers.
b) Understand the needs of customers to advise the best products and services to
satisfy customers’ expectations to the fullest.
c) Focus all resources on serving customers, reflected in both specific actions as
well as policy development.

2. Productivity
a) Value both results and behaviors in creating results.
b) Adopt ongoing process improvement, optimize resources and minimize waste.
c) Celebrate all innovations to deliver superior products and services with
outstanding quality and lower cost.

3. Ambition
a) Show no complacency to the status quo and always set out challenging
b) All impossible targets are made possible with a specific roadmap.
c) Take initiatives to build foundations for a future sustainable growth.

4. People Development
a) Develop human resources for the long-term prosperity of VPBank.
b) VPBank is the destination of all potential talents and home of ambitious talents.
c) Developing suitable career paths and promotion programs for each individual to
reach his/her full potential and dream career is the responsibility of managers of
all levels.

5. Trust
a) Win trust of customers, colleagues and partners.
b) Build trust in the principle of mutual benefits.
c) Be honest and objective in all activities.

6. Make a Difference
a) Be a model enterprise for a prosperous Vietnam.
b) Be a trusted partner and respected recruiter.
c) Share success with all members of the organization and with the community.

Article 2. Introduction to the Code of Conduct of VPBank

1. VPBank takes its pride in being one of

the first joint-stock
commercial banks
established in Vietnam. In
its development history,
VPBank has steadily
overcome challenges to
honorably take a firm position
among the top joint-stock
commercial banks in Vietnam
today. This achievement is
attributable to endless efforts of
many staff generations, who have
always embraced VPBank’s core
values and contributed to building
VPBank’s reputation and prestige.
2. This Code of Conduct was prepared to set
out professional ethical standards, with an
aim to guide our behaviors to be in line with
VPBank’s core values.
3. This Code of Ethics is applicable to all 6. VPBank shall strictly deal with any behavior
employees of VPBank. The compliance with which is against the standards set forth in this
standards set out in this Code of Conduct is the Code of Conduct. VPBank expects each of its
responsibility of each and every employee, employees to be fully aware that the violation
which aims at protecting the reputation and of provisions in this Code of Conduct shall be
prestige of VPBank. strictly dealt with in accordance with
applicable laws and VPBank’s internal
4. The guiding principle for behaviors and
regulations, ranging from reprimanding to
professional ethics that each employee should
dismissal and/or request of criminal
follow is that he/she shall not trade off
prosecution in accordance with the laws. Each
VPBank’s reputation and prestige for a private
employee is responsible for reading this Code
interest or even for VPBank’s interest. We all
of Conduct and signing to confirm that he/she
bear in mind that the damage to reputation or
fully understands the behavioral standards set
prestige of VPBank – an organization operating
forth in this Code of Conduct and commits to
on the basis of customer trust and being
adhere to them.
customer focused – shall inflict widespread
and profound impacts on the bank’s business
5. The standards set forth in this Code of
Conduct shall guide decisions to be made by
each employee in many instances. However,
no Code of Conduct can cover every situation
that can arise in reality. Hence, we believe that
each employee will always rely on his/her
integrity to make decisions that protect
VPBank’s prestige and reputation.

Chapter II
Article 3: Responsibilities towards VPBank
Being a member of VPBank’s workforce, you are a
representative for the prestige, reputation, image,
interests and core values of VPBank. Accordingly,
you are responsible for complying with the
following principles:
Principle 1: Complying with ethical
standards at work
VPBank expects its employees to work with the
highest ethical standards, to treat colleagues,
customers, and partners whole-heartedly, and to
work to get the best competitive advantages 1. Only provide confidential information as
through perfect product and service quality, not specified above after obtaining approval of
through unethical activities or legal violations. VPBank’s authorized managers or at the
request of the State’s regulatory or law
VPBank strictly prohibits each of its employees enforcement agencies, on the condition that the
from bribe taking or giving related to colleagues, provision of such information is in accordance
customers, partners or any other organizations with VPBank’s applicable regulations;
and individuals so as to influence a decision, gain
2. Take necessary steps to make sure that the
an advantage, avoid a disadvantage, or seize a distribution, copying, sending, receiving,
business opportunity for him/her or related maintenance, storage, and destruction of
parties. confidential information shall not result in the
Principle 2: Keeping confidential all leakage of such information to unauthorized
information of VPBank persons;
3. Make sure that the access to your working
Whilst working at VPBank and even after
space and computer is under your complete
termination of work at VPBank, you are control in order to avoid illegal access by
responsible for keeping confidential all unauthorized persons;
information you come to know in the course of
4. For digital information, comply with regulations
working at VPBank. Confidential information (in
on computer access, intranet, pass word, to
the form of document or digital information) of prevent the unlawful access to VPBank’s
VPBank includes, but not limited to, strategic confidential information;
documents, projects, operation plans, figures,
5. Do not install, alter, add or copy software
financial reports of VPBank (excluding those
programs on VPBank’s intranet without
subject to public disclosure), operating
guidelines, technology systems, advertisement
programs, product-service regulations of 6. Do not discuss confidential information of
VPBank in public places or forums (even
VPBank, information relating to customers,
internal forum of VPBank), on mobile phones,
suppliers, partners, or other information which
or other means of communication which might
has been classified as confidential or internal lead to leakage of VPBank’s confidential
information. To protect the confidentiality of information;
VPBank’s information, you are responsible for
7. Fully comply with other regulations on
complying with the following provisions:
VPBank’s information confidentiality.

Principle 3: Protecting VPBank’s brand

One of the most important assets of
VPBank is its brand and the associated
values and traits. To protect VPBank’s
brand and the consistent identification of
such brand, you are required to follow
regulations and guidelines on VPBank’s
brand usage and brand trademark signs in
all internal documents, transaction
materials with external parties, marketing
publications, emails, artefacts, signposts,
name tags, ATM, etc. In order to protect the
values and traits of VPBank’s brand, you
should be a brand ambassador of the Bank,
which is reflected in your efforts to bring in the kept or received by VPBank’s staff from work
best experiences for customers, partners and relations at VPBank shall be the exclusive
stakeholders. If VPBank’s brand and/or VPBank’s assets of VPBank;
brand identification signs are found to be misused 6. Fully comply with other VPBank’s regulations
or violated in terms of copyright, you are on asset protection.
responsible for timely notifying the Marketing Principle 5: Ensuring the accuracy of VPBank’s
and Communications Center for solutions. records and data
Principle 4: Protecting VPBank’s assets All information, records, and data serve as the
As a VPBank staff, you are responsible for basis for VPBank to make suitable decisions.
protecting VPBank’s tangible and intangible Accordingly, you are responsible for making sure
assets. VPBank’s assets include, but not limited that all VPBank’s information, records, data,
to, cash, stock, physical facilities, working tools, figures are adequate, accurate, timely and truly
means of transportation, email system, internal reflective of VPBank’s business operation and
network, information of VPBank and its staff, financial situation. For this purpose, you are
information of customers, suppliers, partners, required to comply with the following provisions:
intellectual property rights (computer programs,
computing models, etc.), as well as other assets 1. Make commitment to ensure that VPBank’s
of VPBank. To protect VPBank’s assets, you are information, records and figures under your
responsible for complying with the following scope of work reflect honestly and accurately
provisions: the business performance and financial
position of the Bank. If suspecting or knowing
1. Only use VPBank’s assets for VPBank-related any inaccuracy in VPBank’s records or figures,
work, not for personal purposes or other you should promptly notify the Finance Division
purposes without permission of authorized or Legal and Compliance Center.
2. Make commitment to ensure that information,
2. Use VPBank’s assets properly and records and figures collected from customers,
economically without causing damage to suppliers, and partners reflect honestly and
VPBank’s prestige and interests; accurately the business performance and
3. Do not embezzle VPBank’s assets in any forms; financial status of customers, suppliers and
any acts of embezzlement of VPBank’s assets partners. VPBank strictly prohibits all acts of
will be strictly sanctioned in accordance with faking, collaging, editing, erasing, hiding
internal regulations of VPBank and the laws; information of customers, suppliers, partners
as well as other acts that may distort VPBank’s
4. Apply appropriate preventive measures or decisions and/or cause damage to VPBank’s
promptly notify the security unit of VPBank to interests. VPBank notes that all above-
adopt suitable measures when discovering mentioned acts shall be strictly sanctioned in
VPBank’s assets to be stolen, damaged, accordance with VPBank’s internal regulations
illegally exploited or misused; and the laws.
5. Upon contract termination with VPBank, you 3. Make commitment to coordinate with
are responsible for returning all assets and
compliance unit, internal audit division, and
information being kept or received from work
relations at VPBank; all assets and information external audit agency to support these units to
perform their functions.

Principle 6: Communicating with the media

and/or the public
As a public company, VPBank is obliged to comply
with regulations on disclosure of information to
shareholders, investors, the public, and ensure
the visibility and transparency of its operations.
Therefore, the interaction, speaking, or provision
of information to the media and/or the public
requires caution and compliance with VPBank's
internal regulations and applicable laws. For this
purpose, you are required to pay attention to and
comply with the following provisions:
1. Only people authorized under VPBank’s current position at VPBank. To avoid conflicts of interest
regulations on public speaking shall, on behalf between employees and their related persons, on
one hand, and VPBank, on the other, you are
of VPBank, be entitled to interact, speak,
required to comply with the following principles:
provide information to the media and/or the
public, including external forums and on the 1. Not participate in making decisions on activities
internet; (economic contract execution, product and
service provision, etc.) whose implementation
2. When asked by the media to answer or speak, may bring direct or indirect benefits to you or
you should explain the internal regulations of your related persons (parents, spouse,
VPBank regarding this matter, and recommend children, siblings or enterprises over which
the mass media to contact the Marketing and such persons have controlling right). When
Communications Center for reply. When discovering the occurrence or possible
obliged to answer, you should clearly state occurrence of the above situations, you are
that the answer shall be in the name of an required to proactively report to your direct
individual, not in the name of VPBank, and manager for making appropriate decisions to
ensure that the answer will not mislead others avoid conflict of interests;
to understand that it is an answer of VPBank; 2. Not participate in any outside activities which
3. The Marketing and Communications Center is compete with or affect the interest of VPBank.
responsible for establishing and maintaining If you are engaged in outside investment or
business activities, please note that the
regular relations with the media to provide
following provisions should be complied with:
adequate information in accordance with the
State’s regulations on information disclosure a. You are not allowed to work, collaborate or
and ad-hoc information as required by VPBank; cooperate in any other forms with VPBank's
competitors, if such activities directly or
4. Fully comply with VPBank’s prevailing indirectly exert negative impacts on the
regulations on public speaking and reputation, brand, business conditions, or
communications. market share of VPBank.
Principle 7: Avoiding conflicts of interest b. Your outside investment or business
with VPBank activities shall not affect the work
In day-to-day work, you may encounter conflicts performance at VPBank. You are only
of interest or possible conflicts of interest with allowed to undertake such investment or
VPBank. Conflicts of interest occur when an business activities outside the working hours
individual's actions conflict or adversely affect or at VPBank;
seemingly conflict or adversely affect VPBank.
c. You are not allowed to take executive or
Conflicts of interest are also considered to occur
managerial roles in or work in any form for
when an individual or his/her family members
any organization operating in the banking
receive benefits, products, services, or
and finance sector without VPBank’s
preferential treatments because of his/her

3. You are not allowed to use internal information

which is accessible by you in work-related
activities and not yet publicly released in order
to gain personal benefits;
4. People with family relationships (spouses,
children, parents, siblings) are not allowed to
work in the same universal branch or the same
division/center/department directly under CEO
or in the same subsidiary company or in jobs
with direct reporting lines;
5. You are not allowed to borrow money or assets
from customers who have credit relations with
VPBank (except credit institutions) or from
partners who are undertaking economic
transactions with VPBank;
6. You are not allowed to lend money or assets to transactions, which results in conflicts of
customers or partners who have credit interest, bribe taking, facilitating money
relations with the branch where you are laundering or failure to report such cases, etc.); or
3. Acts of concealing any of the
7. You are not allowed to receive or hint at any aforementioned cases.
material and spiritual benefits which lead to Upon detection of the above cases, you should
conflicts of interest with VPBank in the course immediately report to your direct manager. If you
of handling the assigned work; find it impossible to report to your direct manager
8. In case of failure to complying with the above or the case should be additionally reported to the
principles, which leads to conflicts of interest higher level after having been reported to the
between VPBank and VPBank’s employees or direct manager, you are advised to contact the
their related persons, the interests of VPBank Compliance Department under the Legal and
shall be placed higher than those of others in Compliance Center. If the misconduct is deemed
the process of handling the consequences. to be extremely serious and/or related to the
Compliance Department, you should directly
Principle 8: Reporting misconducts
report the Head of Supervisory Board or the Head
Misconducts are the acts that are in violation of
of Internal Audit of VPBank. The email addresses
law, contrary to the policies, regulations and
and phone numbers of the focal points for
procedures that VPBank has issued and are still
receiving such reports are listed in the first
valid, or the acts outside the scope of authority of
session of this Code of Conduct.
a staff or employee that may do harms to the
reputation and prestige of VPBank and/or trigger You can report the above acts via in-person
conflicts of interest. You should promptly report meetings, telephone calls, emails or in writing and
when detecting such misconducts or suspecting can require your identity to be kept confidential. If
potential misconducts as those listed below: reporting via in-person meetings or telephone
calls, you are obliged to send an official report via
1. Acts in violation of the law (e.g. fraud, tax
email or in writing afterwards. Your direct
evasion, etc.) that have been occurring or are
manager, the Compliance Department, Head of
likely to occur;
Supervisory Board or the Head of Internal Audit
2. Acts in of violation of policies, regulations and shall be responsible for confirming the receipt of
procedures of VPBank that have been occurring such report with the reporting employee as well
or are likely to occur (e.g. provision of false as recording follow-up actions afterwards.
information to regulatory agencies, insider
trading, failure to report conflict-of-interest

Article 4: Responsibilities
towards colleagues
VPBank is resolved to build a trust-based, healthy
and professional working environment in order to
maximize staff potential, collective wisdom, and
strength of the organization. For this purpose, you
are responsible for complying with the following
Principle 9: Working relationships with
In working relationships with colleagues at
VPBank, you are expected to:
3. Do not present senior colleagues with gifts in
1. Respect and trust colleagues, exchange work- cash or in kind (except for souvenirs or other
related issues openly, be ready to listen to gifts valued no more than VND1 million on
contrary opinions, and debate on the basis of special occasions such as birthdays, weddings
arguments and facts; or funerals, etc.), or offer them with
preferences beyond the common level
2. Promote teamwork spirit, take personal applicable to other organizations and
responsibility for work assigned by the team, individuals (through your private business
constantly learn from the knowledge and facility or those of your families).
experience shared by team members to
improve work efficiency, and willingly receive
comments from members of the team; Principle 11: Working relationships with
3. Encourage and support the professional In working relationships with subordinates, you
development of colleagues, promote the spirit are requested to comply with the following
of continuous learning and development provisions:
efforts of colleagues;
1. Always lead by example in terms of work-
4. Respect the privacy of colleagues; related behavior, lifestyle, and compliance
with labor discipline, VPBank's internal
5. Refrain from borrowing money or assets from regulations, and provisions of applicable laws;
2. Give instruction, orientation, and training to
Principle 10: Working relationships with subordinates on working activities, especially
senior colleagues on the compliance with core values, behavioral
In working relationships with senior colleagues, standards, and the Bank’s Code of Conduct;
you are requested to comply with the following
provisions: 3. Support subordinates to solve difficulties and
problems; ensure fair treatment of
1. Strictly obey working discipline and perform subordinating colleagues; and protect the
the task assigned by senior colleagues. If legitimate interests of subordinating
finding a senior colleague’s decision not colleagues;
reasonable or suitable with reality, you should
immediately report to the senior colleague for 4. Do not receive gifts from subordinates (except
review. If the senior colleague does not change for souvenirs or other gifts valued no more
his/her decision, you are responsible for than VND1 million on special occasions such as
implementing it, yet with the right to reserve birthdays, weddings or funerals, etc.); do not
your opinion and report to more senior ask or hint at asking subordinating colleagues
colleagues; for gifts or any preferential treatments;

2. Do not come to senior colleagues’ private 5. Handle reports or complaints on behaviors in a

residences unless being invited by a senior way that keeps confidential the identity of the
colleague for a group event or required by the reporting person and is consistent with
senior colleague for a work-related reason; VPBank’s complaint handling policies and

c) After reaching an agreement, once the problem

solving decision has been made by the
competent level (e.g. in a meeting), the staff
and employees shall not bring the issue into
discuss again and shall express their
viewpoints in consonance with the made
3. Rule 3: The cooperation spirit
a) a) An employee should strive to resolve
conflicts with his/her colleagues prior to
escalating them to higher levels.
b) An employee is suggested to directly discuss
with the colleague(s) engaging in the conflict
Principle 12: Resolving conflicts at work and must not entice other parties to “chatter”
When conflicts arise at work, VPBank’s staff or to form “faction”.
should adhere to the following principles in the c) An employee should explicit the points he/she
course of conflict resolution: fail to negotiate with an aim to find a solution.
It should be deemed that all other remaining
1. Rule 1: Transparency and Listening points are negotiable in an effort to reach the
a) When conflicts arise, you will present your most beneficial solution for all involving
expected goals and results, communicate them parties and the organization.
in a transparent manner to relevant parties as
you start dialoguing about the conflict. Principle 13: Establishing a healthy working
b) You should identify conflicts as specific
problems rather than judgments about people. VPBank looks forward to building a safe and
For example, if a conflict identified as “You healthy working environment for its employees.
failed to deal with my request within the agreed Therefore, VPBank prohibits discrimination,
timeline” is a particular problem, it would be sexual harassment, racism, sexism, theft, fraud,
easier to understand and to handle than “You corruption, insults, threats, retaliation, violence,
are not collaborative.” By separating specific drug use at work in any forms. VPBank’s
issues from human issues, the issues will be employees are not allowed to use a computer to
discussed and resolved without causing harm transmit or receive contents or images which
to the relationships. cause harassment, racism, sexism, threats, or
offense to others. Employees are obliged to
c) You should commit to listen to your colleagues’ report promptly to the closest security team of
opinions before presenting your viewpoints. VPBank when detecting the above behaviors to
You are advised to seek for a comprehensive take place in VPBank’s premises. VPBank
view of the conflict by asking direct questions prohibits any acts of retaliation against VPBank’s
on the assumptions to be aware of the employees who report such behaviors.
colleagues’ views and intentions instead of
inferring or predicting their thoughts about Article 5: Responsibility to customers,
such conflict. In other words, you should be in partners, suppliers, and other stakeholders
your colleagues’ shoes and listen, trying to
understand the objectives, perspectives as well Principle 14: Always keep a customer-
as their reasons during the course of conflict focused mindset
resolution. VPBank always keeps a customer-focused
mindset. Customers’ satisfaction is a measure of
2. Rule 2: Awareness of problem solving
the success and operation quality of VPBank.
a) Right at the start of a conflict, VPBank’s Therefore, all employees of VPBank are obliged to
employees should promptly communicate with fulfill responsibilities toward customers,
relevant parties to work out solutions. A partners, suppliers and other parties as follows:
prolonged or exacerbated conflict must not be
allowed without taking any needed action. 1. Be honest and dedicated in your behaviors to
b) All employees are advised to stay focused on all customers, partners, suppliers, and
the agreed aspects, build consensus on the other organizations and
common goals, and together consider the pros individuals;
and cons of each option or solution before 2. Try best to provide products, services, and
resolving the divergences.

experiences of excellence to customers of 1. You are obliged to comply with VPBank's

VPBank, including the provision to customers regulations. When finding that VPBank's
with accurate, adequate, clear information on regulations are not consistent with provisions of
VPBank’s products and services; applicable laws, you are requested to contact the
3. Fully perform all the commitments or Legal Compliance Department, Legal and
agreements between VPBank and customers; Compliance Center, for advice;
wholeheartedly solve customers’ problems and 2. You are obliged to cooperate with the State’s
difficulties which are related to VPBank; legal and regulatory agencies upon request and to
4. Commit to keeping confidential all information follow VPBank’s regulations related to the
related to VPBank’s customers, partners, provision of information and documents.
suppliers, and other parties undertaking
transactions with VPBank. VPBank’s Article 7: Responsibilities towards
employees understand that information related the community
to customers or parties undertaking
transactions with VPBank shall never be Principle 16: Working and living with full
disclosed to anyone, including employees of responsibility towards the community
VPBank, except when that person is related to One of the core values of VPBank is to “Make a
the execution of the transaction in question or Difference”. This value implies efforts to build a
as required by legal authorities and in line with model VPBank, which is a trusted partner, a
VPBank’s regulations; respected recruiter, and an organization sharing
5. Employees are strictly prohibited from asking its success with all members of the organization
or hinting at asking customers, partners, and the community. VPBank wishes that its
suppliers or other stakeholders for bribes, gifts, employees demonstrate their responsibility
donations, privileges, and special offers for toward the community through the following
themselves, their family members or friends, in acts:
return for meeting the requirements of 1. Help VPBank’s employees who face difficulties
customers, especially customers asking for through charity activities launched by VPBank
credit from VPBank. VPBank employees are not or other contribution activities;
allowed to accept money, gifts, privileges or 2. Actively participate in charity programs or
special offers from current or prospective voluntary programs held by VPBank and/or
customers, suppliers, partners of VPBank, other organizations;
unless (i) the gift has a symbolic value or is a
3. Proactively propose contribution and charity
corporate gift, or (ii) it is a regular dining
activities to competent authorities for
activity, such as a working lunch. VPBank shall
strictly sanction employees who have the above
behaviors in accordance with VPBank's internal 4. Take specific actions to show gratitude to
regulations and applicable laws. VPBank’s employees of previous generations
who made valuable contributions to building
Article 6: Responsibilities towards and strengthening VPBank.
State’s legal and regulatory agencies

Principle 15: Complying with regulations of

the State’s legal and regulatory agencies
In addition to complying with internal regulations
of VPBank on banking operations and labor
discipline, you are obliged to comply with
regulations of the State’s legal and regulatory
agencies. You should be aware that the violation
of applicable laws will cause serious
consequences to the related organizations and
individuals and negative impacts on the prestige,
reputation, and interests of VPBank. To comply
with the regulations of the State’s legal and
regulatory agencies, you are obliged to follow the
principles below:

Chapter III:
Article 8: Guidance for complying with
VPBank’s Code of Conduct

When feeling uncertain whether a decision complies

with VPBank’s Code of Conduct or not, you are
requested to answer the following questions to
evaluate your own decision:
1. Does my decision comply with provisions of
applicable laws?
2. Does my decision comply with the ethical
standards set out in this Code of Conduct as well
as other provisions and policies of VPBank?
3. Shall my decision protect the reputation, prestige,
interests of VPBank and VPBank's shareholders?
4. Is my decision the most moral decision among the
possible decision choices that I have?
5. Will others in my case be willing to make such a
6. Will I feel comfortable if my decision is shown in
the newspaper?

If the answer to one of the above questions is NO, the Compliance Center, for specific advice. The
decision you are about to make may cause serious Compliance Department shall be responsible for
consequences and you should not make such a providing you with advice on related provisions of the
decision. If the answers to all of the above questions Code of Conduct, provisions of applicable law and
are YES, you can make that decision. If the answer to VPBank’s internal regulations. You are requested to
any of these questions is uncertain, you should contact the Compliance Department by email or in
contact your direct manager for guidance (except for writing (in case of emergency, you may request for
cases which are related to that direct manager). If the direct advice via telephone, yet a request via email or
answer to one of the guiding questions in Article 8 in writing should be subsequently sent to the
remains uncertain, even after receiving guidance from Compliance Department, together with relevant
the direct manager, you are requested to contact the documentation, if any).
Compliance Department, which is under the Legal and
On behalf of the Board of Directors

Ngo Chi Dzung

Key words (updated on VPB E-Office for ease of searching: Code of Conduct of VPBank,
behavioral standards, ethical standards, etc.)

This document contains information which is VPBank's asset. All acts of copying or printing without
the permission of VPBank's competent authorities are strictly prohibited.

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