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Aprilia Mohune1
Dr.Sc. Yayu Indriati Arifin, M.Si Supporting Lecture
Departement Geological Engineering, Gorontalo University, Gorontalo, Indonesia

Abstrak. Geopark,as a model for managing areas with unique geological,biological, and
cultural features, has become a primary focus in the development of sustainable tourism
worldwidw. This artcle explores the concept and significance of geoparks, highlighting the
development of geoparks in Indonesia with a specific focus on the case study of Geopark
Gorontalo. Geoparks serve not only as areas for environmental preservation but also as
educational tourist destinations that integrate principles of conservation, education, and
community empowerment.

Sustainable tourism is a crucial aspect of balancing environmental preservation with the

development of local economies. Geopark Gorontalo, as a case study, exemplifies concrete
efforts in leveraging geological uniqueness, biodiversity, and cultural heritage to support
sustainable tourism development. While geoparks offer significant opportunities, challenges
such as maintaining sustainability and effective governance remain central concerns.

Keywords: Geopark, sustainable tourism, geoheritage, Indonesia, Geopark Gorontalo,

geological diversity, nature conservation, community empowerment, tourism development.

I. INTRODUCTION ecology, sustainability, and community well-

In this era of globalization, the being. This article aims to explore the
concept of a geopark has emerged as a new holistic meaning of a geopark, from its vital
paradigm in the management of unique role in supporting tourism to its impact on
natural resources. Geoparks symbolize the environmental conservation and the
integration of geological, biological, and empowerment of local communities.
cultural diversity, holding immense potential
for sustainable tourism development. Global Tracking the evolution of the geopark
communities are increasingly recognizing the concept in Indonesia is a fascinating journey,
significance of preserving natural and as the country boasts extraordinary
cultural heritage, and the need to intelligently geodiversity. With a growing awareness of
leverage these resources for economic and the importance of environmental
educational purposes. preservation, geoparks in Indonesia become
increasingly relevant as a management model
The meaning of a geopark extends that can be adopted by other nations
beyond its geological beauty or biodiversity; worldwide.
it creates a harmonious balance between

The discussion of the Geopark According to, a
Gorontalo case will provide in-depth insights geopark is defined as a scenic spot of
into the implementation of the geopark geological heritage with significant
concept on a local scale. Geopark Gorontalo, geological features rarely found, integrating
with all its uniqueness, serves as a real-world other forms of scenic beauty and cultural
example of how geoparks can act as catalysts existence within the unique region's scale and
for sustainable development, creating distribution.
positive impacts not only on the environment
but also on the lives of the surrounding Based on the above definitions,
communities.. geopark can be formulated as a concept for
sustainable area management that
II. MEANING OF GEOPARK harmonizes three natural diversities:
The concept of geoparks first geological diversity (geodiversity),
emerged in Europe and was formally biodiversity, and cultural diversity. The goal
presented during the United Nations is to promote economic development rooted
Conference on Environment and in the conservation of these three diversities
Development (UNCED) Summit in 1992 in and to empower local communities.
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. UNCED embraced the
geopark concept as it aligned with the The discussion of geoparks in
principles of Agenda 21 of the Earth Indonesia began in 2006 through articles by
Convention, emphasizing the enhancement of Dr. Fauzie Hasibuan, M.Sc., and Dr. Ir.
the role of science in environmental Yunus Kusumahbrata, M.Sc. Since then,
development for society. Subsequently, the efforts have been made, including the
geopark concept gained further formation of the Society of Geotourism
reinforcement at the World Summit on Observers (MAPEGI) under the auspices of
Sustainable Development in 2002 in PP IAGI in 2008. The gradual efforts
Johannesburg, South Africa. Since then, culminated in the proposal of several
UNESCO has adopted the geopark concept geoparks in Indonesia, with Mount Rinjani
as a method to promote the increased being the first proposed to UNESCO.
function of geosciences in environmental
conservation while empowering communities In summary, the concept of geoparks
around geological heritage sites worldwide. signifies a holistic approach to sustainable
development, integrating geological,
The first International Geopark biological, and cultural diversities. The
Conference took place in 2004 in Beijing, journey of geopark recognition and
China, followed by the second in 2006 in development in Indonesia reflects a growing
Belfast, Northern Ireland, the third in 2008 in commitment to conservation, education, and
Osnabruck, Germany, the fourth in 2010 in community empowerment.
Langkawi, Malaysia, and the most recent, or
fifth, in 2012 in Unzen, Japan. III. GEOPARK IN INDONESIA
An in-depth examination of Geopark
Several definitions of geopark exist, Rinjani,Karangsambung-KarangBolong Zona
reflecting its multifaceted nature. Ibrahim Selatan, and Natuna reveals their unique
Komoo (1993) defines geopark as a geological features, biodiversity, and cultural
development concept where several nearby significance. These geoparks contribute
geoheritage sites in a region are built and significantly to the conservation of
managed by integrating conservation Indonesia's natural and cultural heritage.
principles and existing government spatial
plans formulated based on input and
participation from the community.

Pict 1: Geopark rinjani Lombok Pict 2. Karangsambung geopark
3.1 National Geopark
3.1.3 Natuna Geopark
3.1.1 Geopark Rinjani:
Location and Geological Features:
Location and Geological Features: Situated in the Natuna Islands, this geopark
Situated in Lombok, Geopark Rinjani boasts is characterized by its unique geological
the iconic Mount Rinjani and the stunning formations, including ancient coral reefs and
Segara Anak caldera lake. The geological diverse marine ecosystems. The geological
significance includes volcanic landscapes features emphasize the region's geological
and a rich history of volcanic activities. history and biodiversity.
Biodiversity and Cultural Heritage: Rinjani
Geopark is not only a geological marvel but 3.2 Geopark Gorontalo
also home to diverse flora and fauna. The The exploration of Geopark Gorontalo
local communities contribute to the cultural delves into the intricate tapestry of its
tapestry with traditional practices and rituals. geological wealth, emphasizing distinctive
features, diverse biodiversity, and the cultural
3.1.2 Karangsambung-Karang Bolong heritage woven into its landscapes. This
Zona Selatan section aims to provide a comprehensive
understanding of Geopark Gorontalo,
Location and Geological Features: detailing its geological wonders and
Located in Java, this geopark showcases showcasing the proactive conservation
impressive karst landscapes, including measures taken to safeguard this invaluable
unique formations like Karangsambung and geological treasure
Karang Bolong Zona Selatan. These
geological features highlight the region's
intricate history of limestone formation.
Biodiversity and Cultural Heritage: The
geopark is home to a variety of flora and
fauna adapted to the karst ecosystem.
Additionally, it preserves cultural heritage
tied to the karst landscapes.

Pict 3. The Secretary-General of the Global Geopark Network

(GGN), Guy Martini, conducted an inspection of the Otanaha
Fortress in the city of Gorontalo.
3.2.1 OLELE:
At this location, there is a lithological
contact consisting of volcanic breccia
(Middle to Late Miocene), predominantly
composed of angular blocks of various

volcanic rocks embedded in a sandy matrix and channel lenses indicative of fluvial river
with fragment sizes reaching 30-40 cm and deposits. Subsequently, the dominant rocks at
having an angular shape. Subsequently, the the location are reef limestone and clastic
formed limestone is in the form of massive limestone (chalkarenite-calcirudite). The
limestone (Holocene), dominated by reef primary components of the clastic limestone
structures with clastic limestone inserts in the are bioclasts, fossil fragments, and some
form of calcirudite, predominantly composed lithic fragments of volcanic rocks.
of fragmented bioclastic debris. Landscape: The coastal cliff morphology is
steep, reaching heights of up to 100 meters.
3.2.2 BOTUBARANI Additionally, coastal terraces have
At this observation location, there is a developed, and considering the relatively
contact between conglomerate of various young fossil conditions from the Quaternary
materials and clastic limestone. The period, the rocks at this location have
conglomerate consists of gravel-sized, well- undergone significant uplift
sorted particles, predominantly composed of
various lithic fragments of volcanic rocks IV. CONCLUSION
present in a sand matrix. These rocks are Geopark Gorontalo transcends its role as a
believed to be fluvial river deposits in a mere geological repository; it stands as a
transitional environment. Subsequently, symbol of collective dedication to preserving
clastic calcirudite limestone is deposited the kaleidoscope of Earth's landscapes.
gradually, dominated by fragments such as Beyond its geological wealth, Geopark
coral, coral debris, and other bioclastic Gorontalo serves as a testament to the power
fragments present in a carbonate sand-sized of collaborative efforts involving
matrix. The rock conditions indicate communities and stakeholders, echoing a
incomplete compaction. Landscape: The broader call for global environmental
coastal cliff morphology, composed of conservation.
limestone, considering the rock texture
conditions, suggests that this limestone layer The lessons drawn from Geopark Gorontalo
is from the Quaternary period and has extend far beyond its geographical
undergone uplift due to Quaternary tectonic boundaries. They offer profound insights into
processes." the intricate balance required for the holistic
conservation of areas blessed with geological
abundance. The geopark becomes a case
study in the delicate interplay between
sustainable practices, community
involvement, and the acknowledgment of
cultural heritage in the larger narrative of
environmental stewardship.

In the global discourse on conservation,

Geopark Gorontalo emerges as a beacon,
illuminating the path towards a future where
the preservation of natural wonders goes
Pict 4. The whale sharks in the waters of Botubarani have hand in hand with community well-being. Its
been proposed by the Provincial Government of
Gorontalo to be designated as a National Geopar success story underscores the paramount
importance of fostering sustainable practices
that not only protect geological marvels but
3.2.3 BILUHU LIMESTONE also empower local communities and
Sedimentary rocks of carbonate and celebrate the richness of cultural heritage.
siliciclastic origin are observed, with
conglomerate deposits at the base exhibiting As the world grapples with environmental
sedimentary structures such as cross-bedding challenges, Geopark Gorontalo stands as a

model, urging nations to adopt a Otanaha Fortress in the city of
comprehensive approach to conservation. Gorontalo.” Diakses dari
The imperative for sustainable practices,
active community participation, and the 987/ggn-meninjau-lokasi-pengusulan-
preservation of cultural legacies becomes a geopark-gorontalo
universal call echoed by Geopark Gorontalo's
journey. In essence, Geopark Gorontalo
invites the world to recognize that the truest
form of environmental stewardship
encompasses not only the safeguarding of
geological treasures but also the cultivation
of vibrant communities and the celebration of
diverse cultures, creating a harmonious
coexistence between humanity and the


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Jurnal Pariwisata Berkelanjutan, 1(2), 51-
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Global." Diakses dari
Dr. Fauzie Hasibuan, M.Sc. (2006).
"Mungkinkah Indonesia Turut Menjadi
Anggota World Geopark?" Majalah
Mineral dan Energi, 6(3), 24-27.
Dr. Ir. Yunus Kusumahbrata, M.Sc. (2008).
"Geopark: Wajah Baru Pariwisata di
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Internasional Geotourism, Bandung,
United Nations Conference on Environment
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