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This document addresses some of the most common questions that students ask regarding
Assessment 3 (Professional Skills Task). Remember, you are also welcome to direct
questions to the Chief Examiner or attend one of the teaching team’s consultation hours for
additional support.


A1) - Do I need to complete this assessment? Is it compulsory?

Yes, this assessment is compulsory. It is not optional. The assessment is worth 20% of the
total marks for the unit (marked out of 20). If you do not complete the assessment, you will
lose 20% of the total marks for the unit.

A2) - How is this assessment marked?

The assessment is marked in accordance with the marking rubric. The marking rubric is in
Appendix 1 (starts page 7) of the Professional Skills Task Instructions document on Moodle.
(See the Assessment 3 Resources folder.)


B1) - Do I need to submit a Generative AI Declaration for this assessment?

As part of the document you upload, you must submit a Generative AI Declaration. As all
students are required to use generative AI in their assessment, declaring that you did not use
generative AI in this assessment will be deemed an invalid declaration.

For further information about the declaration requirements, see the resources available on
Learn HQ at this URL:
capabilities/create-online/acknowledging-the-use-of-generative-artificial-intelligence See
also the resources that are available in the ‘Assessment 3 Resources’ folder on Moodle.

NOTE: In this assessment, your generative AI declaration is considered a mandatory part of

your assignment. If you do not include a generative AI declaration as part of your submission
process, your assessment for this task will be subject to the applicable penalties for late
submission until the declaration is provided.

Please take note that your generative AI declaration does not contribute to the word limit. You
have the option to upload your declaration in the same document as your assignment or as a
separate file but it is mandatory to include a generative AI declaration as part of the
submission process.

For more information, please refer to the ‘3 - Generative AI Declaration Information -
Assessment 3’ and ‘4 - Generative AI Declaration Template’ documents in the Assessment 3
Resources folder on Moodle.

B2) - I am working with ChatGPT, providing the system with multiple prompts to produce
my final outcome. Do I need to include every prompt and its entire response in my
Generative AI Declaration? Do I need to take note of the additional prompts I provide
ChatGPT as I use ChatGPT edit my advertisement/report?

You must disclose every prompt you use to produce the final outcome of your report - this
includes the advertisement and also if you use generative AI in the process of writing up your
report. If you ‘work with’ ChatGPT to produce a final outcome then you need to disclose
each of the iterative steps you took to achieve that final outcome (each of the prompts along
the way). For more information see the guide available on Learn HQ
online/acknowledging-the-use-of-generative-artificial-intelligence). You will note that the
guide expressly states you must disclose the exact wording of the prompt used but does not
require that at each stage the output from ChatGPT is copied exactly. On one interpretation, it
would be sufficient to adopt an approach along the lines of: [Prompt 1 exact wording] the
output from Prompt 1 was then [what you do with it - condensed/revised etc] using [Prompt 2
- exact wording] and so on listing all prompts. There are a few examples included at the link


C1) - What referencing style should I use? Do I need to conduct extra research? Or can I
rely solely on the course materials?

There is some information in the of the Professional Skills Task Instructions document on
Moodle (starting on page 5) about referencing including:

'Include references and citations for any legal references or sources used in your analysis.
You should reference legislation and cases in the same way that you would when responding
to a hypothetical legal problem question. You do not need to include full formal
legal citations that would be required (for example) in a research paper.'

It is important to note that this is not a research paper - you do not need to use materials
beyond our course materials to complete this task. It is therefore sufficient to cite case law or
legislation in a similar way to how you would in your tests. And to name the textbook,
edition number and page number (or paragraph number).

C2) - How should I present my report? What format should I use?

You can structure your report as an essay with an introduction, main body and conclusion. It
is helpful to also use headings and sub-headings in your report. A guide of an appropriate
writing structure can be found at this link:

C3) - The report is 1,500 words – how many words should I allocate to each topic? Can you
provide an indication of how I should break down my report?

How you allocate your word length is discretionary and is something you need to decide.
Unit staff cannot provide you with guidance regarding how many words you should allocate
to each topic you have been asked to address. This is part of the assessment and a decision
you need to independently determine for yourself.

In deciding how to allocate your word length it is helpful to consider the overall marking
rubric (see Appendix 1 (starts page 7) of the Professional Skills Task Instructions document
on Moodle. (See the Assessment 3 Resources folder.) This provides an indication of how the
assessment will be marked which could help inform you on how to divide your allocated
word length.

C4) - Can I paraphrase the relevant legislation into my report, or do I need to copy and
paste the relevant sections of the legislation in their entirety?

Stronger answers will not copy and paste the legislation but will demonstrate an
understanding of the relevant legal principles (what they are and what they mean), reference
the legislation section number(s) and how these apply to the generated Spotify advertisement.

C5) – The assessment instructions require me to consider if my advertisement complies

with the Australian Consumer Law (‘ACL’) prohibitions? How do I know if my
advertisement complies without additional facts?

Your response to this aspect of the report will depend on the exact advertisement you have
produced, and this depends on the prompts you have provided to ChatGPT. The main thing is
to demonstrate an understanding of the Misleading or Deceptive Conduct and False
Representations prohibitions under the ACL relative to your produced advertisement. If your
final produced advertisement does not indicate either way if there is a breach of this
provisions, you can explain why it does not. This fits under the ambit of the 'Discuss whether
your advertisement complies with…’ part of the question. You may use hypotheticals to
support your discussion, but it is important to note that you will be marked in accordance
with the marking rubric and so it is important to link your discussion back to your produced


D1) - What should my Spotify Advertisement look like? ChatGPT is producing a script for
a visual advertisement, is this an acceptable form of advertisement for the assessment?

There is no one type of advertisement that will be produced in this situation. It depends on the
prompts you provide to ChatGPT. It is worth noting though that a Spotify advertisement
typically has no visual component and is more akin to a radio advertisement and so it is word
focused rather than graphic or visual. Regardless of what your advertisement looks (reads)
like, the most important aspect is how you analyse it in relation to the Australian Consumer
Law (‘ACL’). If you look at the marking rubric there are no marks awarded for the
advertisement generation itself, rather for your subsequent analysis in relation to the

D2) - How long should the Spotify advertisement be? Is there an ideal word length (eg 100
words) or time length (eg 30 seconds)?

This is within your discretion - remember the advertisement does not count towards your
word limit. We required you to include it in your report so we can see what you are
referencing when providing your written response.

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