Final Report - Pro P2

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1. Introduction
A sales and marketing strategy combines elements of both sales and marketing. An effective
marketing strategy raises awareness of a business and attracts prospective customers, while a
sound sales strategy converts prospects into customers. But when sales and marketing teams can
come together to create a holistic strategy, they can eliminate silos and maximize the value each
department brings to the process.
Sales and Marketing Strategy is a long-term process with the overall marketing plan of any
organization or any business. A company’s development is mostly depended on marketing. So, it
is important to have a strong marketing plan for any individual business people. To develop the
marketing strategy, a company needs to set some marketing goals to fulfill the progress. In my
internship report, my target is to identify all the marketing strategies that are used by “Zaber &
Zubair Fabric Ltd”.

1.1 Statement of Problem

Including review of literature & justification of the report
Problem statement. The report deals with the following problem:
“To carry out an analysis on marketing of Woven Fabrics- objectives and problems of Zaber &
Zubair Fabrics Ltd.
1.2 Background of the Report
The world market is changing day by day. The marketing strategies are also changing as well. As
a part of the organization, marketing division has to deal with the effects of the changing world of
work. For them this means understanding the implications of globalization, technology changes,
workforce diversity. Changing skill requirements, continuous improvement initiatives contingent
workforce, decentralized work sites and employee involvement are the issue for confront. So, now
it is a big challenge for marketing division to maintain the distribution pattern of product,
manpower, packaging, pricing and other activities of marketing. This become of interest to study
more profoundly, in order to find the factors behind a successful company and a strong brand.

1.3 Importance of the study
The report has three important parts:
• Part One: Report introduction including research methodology.
• Part Two: An overview of Zaber & Zubair Fabrics Ltd including historical background,
integration of business, supporting functions, principles of global compact, operations &
function, social compliance and human rights.
• Part Three: The qualitative analysis of marketing, promotion and pricing strategy at Zaber
& Zubair Fabrics and the image analysis based on customer responses on various aspects
through quantitative perspective including conclusions and recommendations.

1.4 Objective of the Report

The objective of the report can be viewed in two forms:
* General Objective
* Specific Objective

1.4.1 General Objective:

This internship report is prepared primarily to fulfill the Bachelor of Business Administration
(B.B.A) degree requirement under the Faculty of Fareast International University.

1.4.2 Specific Objective:

The objectives of the proposed study “Marketing strategies of “
Zaber & Zubair Fabrics” are as follow:
❖ To identify the Marketing strategies of the company.
❖ To identify the SWOT analysis of Zaber & Zubair Fabrics.
❖ To identify the market segmentation of the company.
❖ To know the competition analysis.
❖ To know the strategic marketing analysis.

1.5 Scope of the Report
The scope of the study is the Sales and Marketing Strategies of Zaber & Zubair Fabrics Ltd. The
report covers details about the various services, overview and different departments and divisions
in Zaber & Zubair Fabrics Ltd. The main focus is on the analysis of the Sales and Marketing
Strategies. However, the study is only related to the Sales and Marketing Division as I was
provided an opportunity to only work in this division.

1.6 Limitations of the Report:

As this is my personal experience in an office, I have faced some problems to completing the
report. Those are as follows:
❖ Lack of time.
❖ Confidential matters of the organization.
❖ Unwillingness to give information from the officials.
❖ Restrictions of giving some information about marketing strategies.

2. Methodology of the Report:
I have used both the primary and secondary data to prepare the report. But most of the data are
collected from primary source. I observed various activities of Zaber & Zubair Fabrics. My
practical experience in Zaber & Zubair Fabrics was great source of information.
2.1 Sources of Data
Data regarding the completion of this research will be collect from both
1. Primary Sources
2. Secondary Sources

2.1.1 Primary Sources

The sources are as follows face-to-face conversation with the Executives and officers of Zaber &
Zubair Fabrics Ltd.
(i) Practical work exposures from the different units.
(ii) Face-to-face conversation with her clint and employ.
(iii) Personal observation.
(iv) Relevant file study as provide by the officers concerned.
(v) Discussion with my internship company advisor.

2.1.2Secondary Sources
The secondary data and information are:
(i) Annual Report of Zaber & Zubair Fabrics Ltd.
(ii) Publication of Noman Group.
(iii) Website Information.

2.2 Sample Design
Profile of Zaber & Zubair Fabrics Ltd.

“About of Zaber & Zubair Fabrics Ltd.”

Zaber & Zubair Fabrics was incorporated in 1997 with a mission to grow up as an internationally
recognized home textile manufacturing company, by meeting day today’s market requirement and
achieving customers' satisfaction.
Zaber & Zubair has commenced its commercial production from March 2000 The manufacturing
process of Zaber & Zubair is vertically integrated with spinning, Weaving Printing & Dyeing with
complete Back Process including CAD Designing Studio, Singeing & Desizing, Continuous
Bleaching Plant and Stitching Unit. The mill is located at Tongi, near to Dhaka, The capital city
of Bangladesh. The company has invested around US$ 600 million to set up the state-of-the-art
machineries to meet the challenges of 21st century's Textile World. The mill will have daily
capacity of producing about 400000 meters of finished fabrics or 100000 sets of various home
textile products including bad linens, window furnishings, table and kitchen linen. Due to the true
leadership of the Management, highly skilled expatiates from various countries and 8.000
dedicated and hardworking employees. Zaber & Zubair Yearly Turnover 180 million USD.
13th consecutive highest exporter in Bangladesh.

2.2.1 Location
Company Name: Zaber & Zubair Fabrics Ltd.
Corporate Office: Nurul Islam House, Road: 113, House: 110, Gulshan.
Factory: Pagar, Tongi, Gazipur, Bangladesh.

2.2.2 Company Logo:

2.2.3 Management Body
The management body of Zaber & Zubair Fabrics Ltd. is professionally sound and experienced.
Founder and Advisor : Md Nurul Islam
Chairman Managing Director : A.S.M Rafiqul Islam (Noman)

2.2.4 VISION
Zaber & Zubair Fabrics Ltd. see the business as a means to the wellbeing of the customer,
society as well as the national interest as a whole.

Noman Group is founded on and committed to a sustainable corporate concept of concomitant
prosperity. Our mission consists of 3 intertwined parts:
• Consumer Mission: To manufacture and supply the finest quality textile products on
time with a continued commitment to compliance.
• Social Mission: To act responsibly as a global corporate citizen and ensure the well-
being and growth of our employees and all other stakeholders.
• Environmental Mission: To foster a sustainable future through collaborating with area
businesses, community leaders and neighbors with the end of goal of environmental well-

3. The Study Report which must be based on the objectives of the study:
Marketing strategy Zaber & Zubair:
Without a strategy, all your Marketing and Sales activities and tactics might be for nothing. After
all, if they don’t all work in concert to drive pipeline and customer acquisition, what’s the point?
Savvy companies realize that a Sales and Marketing strategy is the next most important one after
the overall business plan. It outlines how Sales and Marketing will orchestrate their efforts to
achieve your key business goals, helping shape your organization’s success and future.

What Are a Sales and Marketing Strategy?

Your Sales and Marketing strategy is your plan for reaching, engaging, and converting target
prospects into profitable customers. It’s the charter that guides Marketing and Sales in their daily
activities, helping them clarify shared objectives and how to achieve them.

Why You Need a Sales and Marketing Strategy

A Sales and Marketing strategy provides a cornerstone for alignment – and alignment is a
worthwhile goal for every B2B organization. Our own research found that 54% of Sales and
Marketing professionals note collaboration’s positive contribution to financial performance.
The 2017 Marketing Performance Management Report from Heinz Marketing jibes with this
finding, reporting Sales and Marketing alignment as the most important success factor to achieving
revenue goals. In fact, companies with aligned Sales and Marketing functions generated 208%
more revenue from their marketing efforts. That’s not all – highly aligned organizations achieve
an average of 32% year-over-year revenue growth.

The Three Big Sales and Marketing Structural Gaps

So, what’s holding organizations back from achieving their alignment visions? The core of the
problem is that Sales and Marketing are built to see the world differently. They consult their own
sources for information, and follow different guidance when it comes to their targets and

Data Sets
It’s no surprise that Sales and Marketing refer to different data sets – they use different
technologies and tools to manage and track their activities and interactions with prospects and
customers. While marketers use data management platform (DMP) and marketing automation
systems, sales groups largely rely on customer relationship management (CRM) systems.And this
lack of shared data is tied for the top challenge to alignment in The State of Sales & Marketing
Alignment in 2018 report – up from fourth place in 2016. Let’s face it: the data you consult day in
and day out shapes your perspective.

Marketing’s number-one marching order is to generate and nurture leads. As a result, they’re
focused on sending large-scale campaigns aimed at generating leads and getting prospective
buyers to raise their hands and move down the purchase path. The marketing data that indicates
success is response rate and an optimal Cost Per Lead (CPL). Sales is focused on developing
relationships with buyers to ultimately drive purchases. Sales success is reflected in data around
pipeline health, forecasting accuracy, and closed deals. In other words, they speak different
languages. Sales talks about pipelines, while marketing talks about funnels.

The fact that CPL is a major marketing measure only exacerbates the alignment issue. CPL isn’t a
business objective – it’s a tactic tied to a cost-center mentality. At the end of the day, a low CPL
is meaningless if those low-cost leads don’t convert to customers and revenue.

Target Audience
As described, Marketing and Sales have embraced different perspectives of the same world. This
goes a long way toward explaining why it seems the two groups continue to butt heads and struggle
to get on the same page. They don’t even look at the target audience the same way. As a result,
they miss out on a tone of valuable opportunities. Check out our earlier post for tips on arriving at
a shared view of the target audience.
Given their different filters, it’s no wonder opinions diverge in terms of how well the two groups
are achieving important goals. As it drives a growing number of leads, Marketing believes it’s

exceeding its lead generation goals. Meanwhile, Sales is frustrated at a lack quality leads. In
fact, sales folks routinely ignore 80% of marketing-generated leads due to lack of confidence in
their colleagues’ methods and information. Plus, both teams are missing many opportunities to
connect with promising prospects. Imagine that 80% of your work as a marketer is going to waste!
If Marketing and Sales don’t see the target audience through the same lens, how can they
possibly be aligned? And if they aren’t aligned, how can they serve up a seamless experience to
prospective buyers?

Due to these basic differences in how they’re oriented and view their worlds, Sales and Marketing
work in parallel rather than in tight collaboration. We’re not saying animosity and adversity are
par for the course between the two groups. In fact, many Sales and Marketing teams enjoy a
friendly working relationship. They might even meet jointly to discuss and update buyer personas.
In fact, they might feel the lead handoff goes smoothly. But that’s often the best it gets…even
though there’s potential to do so much better.

While these three disconnects are no small matter, it is possible to close the gaps. It starts with a
jointly developed strategy to connect with, engage, and convert today’s buyers.
How to Develop Your Sales and Marketing Plan

We know it can feel daunting to develop a strategy for achieving your Marketing and Sales goals
– after all, the entire organization is relying on your teams to drive revenues and fuel growth.
That realization alone should be a catalyst for putting in place a solid plan for hitting your
targets. Let’s walk through the core elements of an effective Sales and Marketing plan.
Align on Business Objectives and Shared Budget

Alignment is about heading in the same direction – toward focusing on promising prospects,
closing deals, and generating revenue. However, one study found only 30 percent believe their
Marketing and Sales goals are well aligned.

In many organizations, alignment is considered to be agreeing to the same definition of the ideal
customer, and the lead qualification and handoff process. While the shared objective might be seen

as revenues, most marketers are still measured on leads while sales is measured on revenues. In
fact, marketers are still tasked with generating leads while sales is charged with closing them.
Alignment simply doesn’t go far enough to drive a collaborative approach and integrated efforts.
The reality is that Marketing and Sales should be involved every step of the way, from acquiring
and nurturing leads to closing them and driving customer success and advocacy. In other words,
they should be working together throughout the buying cycle and customer experience. After all,
in a complex B2B purchase, different stakeholders appear at various stages of the buyer’s journey
and Marketing and Sales must work jointly to both execute and close deals.

Now for funding the joint strategy and work. If Marketing and Sales are working together to
achieve shared goals, it makes sense they pool their financial resources for the good of the common
cause. Interestingly, in our survey of Marketing and Sales professionals, only 16 percent agreed
that a shared budget would improve collaboration. But that doesn’t mean it’s not a smart approach.
If your organization chooses to go with a shared budget, take steps to get buy-in.
Align on Ideal Customer Personas

Once your Marketing and Sales teams agree on goals and budget, it’s time to get clear on who
you’re trying to sign as customers. As illustrated above in the target audience gap, most Marketing
and Sales teams view the same universe of buyers in different ways. That can lead to confusion,
misunderstandings, and arguments – never mind missed opportunities with prospects. An effective
approach is to define and align on ideal customer personas. These describe the customers who are
relevant and profitable for your company to work with, including the detailed demographic and
psychographic features that they share.

Establish Your Differentiators

Your strategy will include market positioning and messaging. This will guide Marketing activities
including advertising and content development, and Sales activities such as email outreach and
conversations with buyers. To set up both teams for success, figure out how your company and

offering are different and better than the competition. This might even include how you price.
Interview customer-facing employees for insight into what information prospects need and what
messages resonate most with them. Your findings will form the basis of your messaging platform,
which will fuel every piece of content, every ad and landing page, every social media post, and
every conversation.

Map Your Full Buyer Journey

To understand when and how to best engage prospects and customers, map their complete journey
with your company from the time they first learn of you until they part ways with you. From
acquisition to retention to churn, determine what the experience looks like from your prospects
and customers’ perspectives. Be on the lookout for opportunities to improve that experience at
every stage, such as delivering different content, hosting events, streamlining a process, or better
coordinating efforts among different departments.

For more on the customer experience, check out our detailed post on what it is and how to be
mindful of it as Marketing and Sales work together.

Audit and Organize Your Content

Because content plays a critical role in attracting, engaging, and even converting buyers, make
sure you can provide relevant, compelling content for each stage of the buyer’s journey. Audit
your existing library to identify gaps and opportunities for new, better content. Organize your
content with buyers in mind – make it easy to filter for relevant content by topic, challenge, goal,
role, industry, company size, solution and whatever other categories make sense.

Remember: both Marketing and Sales use content to encourage interactions. Ensure everyone on
both teams knows how and when to use your content to engage buyers and even existing

It’s essential that your Sales team can easily access your content in modular form so they can insert
relevant details into their emails, InMails, deck, custom landing pages, and more. At LinkedIn, we

tend to deliver content assets to our sales partners through a PointDrive, with links to both PDF
and PPT versions of our content.
Your plan should also outline the role of both teams in identifying the topics that will resonate,
contributing to developing assets, and reviewing content before it’s published.
Document Your Sales Plan
With your strategic goals, ideal customer, and the buying journey in mind, evaluate how well your
sales process is set up to best engage prospects and move them down the purchase path. Keep an
eye out for ways to remove friction, introduce efficiencies and improve the buyer experience.
Perhaps you need to equip your team with better tools for prospecting and outreach. Maybe you
need to tweak the way you qualify or follow up with leads. Whatever you discover, document the
details to guide your future decisions and activities.

Document Your Marketing Plan

Next evaluate and document your Marketing process in the same way against your go-to-market
strategy, messages, content and plan for attracting, engaging, and converting prospects to leads.
Note any concerns and issues with content, inbound and outbound methods, cross-functional
collaboration, and anything else that impacts the customer experience. Make it your goal to
uncover every place that buyers get stuck or feel ignored in their journey.

Document Your Sales and Marketing Strategy

Now it’s time to determine how both teams will orchestrate their efforts to achieve common goals.
In many companies, this revolves around a joint Account Based Marketing (ABM) approach. This
strategy will include the same elements you addressed in your standalone Sales and Marketing
plans, but go a step further and include a plan for creating and testing messages and tactics, aligning
across channels, and continually refining the approach to achieve better results. As you pull this
document together, clarify each team’s role and responsibilities in any areas of overlap. Think
about frequency and method of communicating (e.g., email vs. in person), how to handle conflict,
and how to escalate ABM program-related issues.

Execute and Test Your Plan

Putting together a Sales and Marketing strategy is one thing; executing is where the rubber hits the
road, so to speak. Launch your plan to get everyone executing their assigned responsibilities so
you can assess your strategy’s strength. After a reasonable amount of time – one that makes sense
given the typical buying cycle – reconvene to discuss issues, concerns, and successes. Then tweak
your plan as needed.
Set Up Regular Sales and Marketing Communications
Ongoing communication between Sales and Marketing is key to executing effectively on your
strategy. Schedule regular meetings to discuss plans, performance to date, and ways to improve
alignment and business outcomes. While it’s crucial to identify roadblocks and challenges, it’s just
as important to celebrate the wins you’re achieving through alignment.

Repeat Process Quarterly or Annually

Developing a Sales and Marketing strategy is not a one-time exercise. Your ideal customer and
the buying cycle might change over time. The tactics and content that worked yesterday might not
work tomorrow. Even your differentiators and internal processes might evolve. To make sure your
strategy is effective, revisit it at regular intervals. For some businesses, a quarterly review makes
sense. For others, an annual re-evaluation will do. Pick a time frame that fits your business and
stick to it.

What It Looks Like When Sales and Marketing Act as One

The outcome of a Sales and Marketing strategy is truly coordinated efforts that look like this;
imagine that the first time a prospect indicates interest in your company, you start sending timely,
relevant content introducing them to your brand and thought leadership on top-of-mind issues.
Seeing the buyer’s interest and the content being sent by Marketing, the Sales team personalizes
and amplifies those messages through their activities on social channels where the buyer spends

As the potential buyer continues down the buying path, Marketing shares mid-funnel content that
makes a compelling case for change, followed by specifics about your services and products.
Again, because the Sales team is in the loop, they get busy reinforcing the key messages with
social shares.

As you close in on the “conversion” stage, the Sales team connects with the interested buyer who
has been fully primed. Marketing reinforces these conversations with highly targeted content, such
as ROI studies and success stories. Marketing can even share personalized content that resonates
with the buyer’s key stakeholders and incentives the buying committee to close the deal more

The rise of the empowered buyer and importance of an indispensable customer experience are
forcing organizations to reimagine how their Marketing and Sales teams interact throughout the
buying process. Today’s success hinges on a truly orchestrated effort built on a solid strategy.

3.1 The SWOT analysis of Zaber & Zubair Fabrics.

A SWOT analysis is a tried-and-true method businesses use to identify internal strengths and
weaknesses and external opportunities and threats. The assessment is included in any business or
marketing plan worth its salt because it provides critical information needed to create a strategic
plan for growth.
This important exercise can also be helpful for individuals. Whether you’re looking for a new job
or trying to climb the corporate ladder, a personal SWOT analysis can help you achieve your goals.
It’s a creative method of self-assessment to help you assess where your career is and where it could

A SWOT can help you better understand how to play to your strengths and manage your
weaknesses, as well as uncover opportunities for growth and eliminate threats that could keep you
from moving forward.
To perform a personal SWOT, divide a paper into four quadrants (one each for strengths,
weaknesses, threats, and opportunities).


Consider asking people who know you well and whom you trust (a spouse, friend, or coworker)
to review your completed matrix and provide honest feedback.

Use your SWOT analysis to match your strengths with opportunities and take aggressive action in
those areas. Or, match weaknesses with threats to discover situations you should avoid. You can
also use the information to convert weaknesses into strengths and threats into opportunities, when

Want to really level up your professional game? Use this exercise each time you look for a new
job, consider a career shift, or approach a new goal or project. You’ll walk away with great
insights, action steps, and laser focus — a recipe for success.

3.2 The market segmentation of the company

STP marketing stands for segmentation, targeting, and positioning. It is a three-step process that
allows for the development of a specific and actionable marketing

Market Segmentation:
The profile for our customer consists of the following demographic, behavior and Psychographics

Individual’s demographics:
o All people.
o Home fabric.
o RMG sector.

Behavioral Factors:
o Are willing to pay a premium for higher quality fabric.
o There is value attributed to the more attractive fabric.
o Enjoy different quality fabric without the mess of making it themselves.

Psychographic factors:
o The face value of Noman group is a great psychological factor which creates more

o Moderate involvement with product purchase, seeking information about fabric.
o Some time we make much difficult quality fabric which no one can produce.
o Prone to moderate levels of emotional attachment with our company.

Target Market:
o Fabric Buying house.
o RMG Sector
o Big Brand like Yellow, Primark, Lidl etc.

o High-quality producer.
o Professional.
o Reliable.

3.3 The Competitor Analysis

3.3.1 Competitor Company Description:
Though “Zaber & Zubair Fabrics Ltd.” is a known and old company in the market but in the fabric
industry, though in some respects like other fabric industries, actually has some important
differences. The primary distinction of the fabric industry is the lack of one or two dominating
companies. Most of the small companies that are involved in the fabric company industry do not
yet have a nationwide distribution, so their advertising techniques and strategies are more specific
and selective.

Competitors Strength:
o Less price.
o Easier of commercial issue.
o More technically strong.
o Quick customer support.

Competitors Weakness:
o Less quality.

o New comer in fabric market.
o Few buyers.
o High price for some quality
o Less capacity.

The strategic marketing analysis.

In this situation, Bangladesh cannot afford to waste these valuable resources or it cannot compete
in the international textile and garment market. The main agenda of the 2nd International
conference on textile & apparel is proper and efficient use of the resources. In this conference, the
actual scenario of the textile industry will be discussed. The main priority is to come up with apt
solutions to tackle the sensitive issues, and implement strategies that will enhance the growth of
textile industry in Bangladesh. The recent collapse of the factory building near Dhaka; has
questioned the safety standards in the factories of Bangladesh at a global platform. As per the
reports more than 300 factories have been shut down in Ashulia after this fatal incident. Nearly
80% of the factory workers have demanded increase in the salary and safety measures to be

In response to this deadly accident, Bangladesh has requested European Union not to take strict
steps against them in this critical situation. If the EU or other buyers enforce any tough measures
on trade with Bangladesh it will badly affect the economy of the country. Also, millions of workers
will lose their jobs.

3.4. 4PS
Basically, our focus on three main instruments-
1. Fabric.
2. Yarn.
We can finish fabric according to your needs. What kind of quality do you want to make? It’s
obviously differed prices.
➢ Good quality reasonable pricing.
➢ Anyone can provide quality with different price.
➢ Pricing differs for yarn quality and raw material price.
➢ Setting lower price will not cover our costs. So, we have to consider the following things
in selecting price.
➢ Access to the raw-materials is very hard.
➢ Establish and huge factory area nearby Dhaka.

➢ Door to door marketing.
➢ Online marketing
➢ Magazine


4 . Factory Sections & Details

4.1. Pre-treatment Section
A typical pretreatment process includes three steps: de-sizing, scouring and bleaching.
Additionally, textile processers want to go beyond simple coating, waterproofing and
softening to deliver functional fabrics that offer the perfect combination of comfort,
performance and style. Natural fibers and synthetic fibers comprise primary impurities that
are comprised naturally and secondary impurities that are added during the spinning and
weaving processes. Textile pre- treatment is a sequence of cleaning operations. Pretreatment
is performed in order to remove foreign materials from fabrics and to improve the uniformity,
hydrophilic characteristics, and affinity for dye stuffs. Generally, the pretreatment process is
performed on the same equipment used for dyeing.
Pre-treatment process includes-

Singeing is a preparation method of textiles; it is applied more commonly to woven textiles
and cotton yarns where a clean surface is essential. Singeing in textiles is a mechanical
treatment or finish to obtain a neat surface of the fabric or less hairy yarn. In a singeing
machine, the yarns or fabrics are exposed to direct flames or to the heated plates to burn the
protruding fibers. Hence, also called "gassing." Singeing is an important process for the goods
or textile material which subjected to mercerizing, dyeing and printing to obtain the best results
from these processes.
Generally, there are three types of singeing machines:

Gas singeing machine

Roller singeing machine &
Plate singeing machine

Objects of singeing:
i. The risk of pilling, especially with synthetics and their blends, is reduced in the case of singed
ii. Protruding fibers are removed in singeing, which could cause diffused reflection of light.
iii. To obtain a uniform & smooth fabric surface by removing hairiness.
iv. The application takes place on loom goods or the yarn stage itself.
v. Singeing is an application of direct flame onto the surface of yarn or fabric.
vi. Hairy fabrics are less desirable than the clean ones.
vii. Singeing burns those protruding fibers that are lying out and produce a clean surface.

Figure: Singeing Machine

Summary and Solution to Problem in Singeing:

Problem Possible Cause Counter measure

In complete Too low flame intensity. Optimum flame intensity.
singeing Too fast fabric speed. Optimum fabric speed.
Too far distance between two Optimum distance between the
burners. fabric and the Burner.
Inappropriate singeing Position Optimum singeing position.
(not severe enough).

Uneven Non-uniform moisture Content Uniform moisture content

singeing along the fabric length. Along the fabric length.
(Width ways Non-uniform flame severity Uniform flame intensity
along the fabric Length. Along the fabric length.
Change in fabric speed during Uniform fabric speed during
singeing. singeing.
Change the distance between the Uniform distance between the
fabric and the Burner along the fabric and the Burner along the
length. Length.

Uneven Non-uniform moisture Content Uniformmoisture content Along

singeing along the fabric length. the fabric length.
(Length ways) Non-uniform flame intensity Uniform flame intensity Along
along the fabric Length. the fabric length.
Change in fabric speed during Uniform fabric speed during
singeing. singeing.
Change in the distance between Uniform distance between the
the fabric and the Burner along the fabric and the burner along the
length. length.

Required parameters:
➢ Steam-steam is supplied to the steam box of the m/c.
➢ Compressed air- the air supply press requirement is 4 kg/cm2
➢ Water- the standard water supply press requirement is 1-1.2kg/cm2
➢ Natural gas- the standard gas supply press requirement is 3kg/cm2

Desizing is the process in which the sizing materials are removed from the warp yarns of the
woven fabrics. Warp yarns are coated with sizing agents prior to weaving in order to reduce
their frictional properties, decrease yarn breakages on the loom and improve weaving
productivity by increasing weft insertion speeds.

The object of de-sizing:

I. To remove the starch material from the fabric.
II. To increase the affinity of the fabric to the dry chemicals.
III. To increase the absorbency power of the fabric.
IV. To increase the luster of the fabric, increase of dyeing and printing.

Desizing chemicals are given below-

• Wetting Agent
• Sequestering Agent
• Enzyme (Oxidative Desizing)

In this factory singeing & desizing both processes is done at the same time & same
parameters with the help of the following machine:

➢ Osthoff singe.

➢ Poong-Kwang singe.

❖ Specification of this m/c:

Figure: Singeing and Desizing M/C


• Scouring: Scouring is the process of washing the sheared hair. Wool scouring is the
process of washing wool in hot water and detergent to remove the non-wool
contaminants and then drying it. The woolen fibres are thoroughly washed in big tanks
to remove grease, dust, and dirt by fully mechanized machines. IT also remove
impurities such as oil, wax, fats, dust and dirt from textile material to make it

Objectives of scouring:

The scouring process is a pre-treatment for textile fiber and fabrics. Scoured textile materials
are suitable for the dyeing and printing process. The scouring process has some important
objectives. The objectives of the scouring process are as follows. They are-
• Firstly, the main purpose of scouring is to remove impurities from the textile materials.
• Secondly, the textile materials are left in a highly absorptive condition without
undergoing any chemical or physical damage significantly.
• Above all, after the scouring process materials become suitable for the next bleaching
• Bleaching: bleaching is a process of whitening fabrics by removal of natural color
which is usually carried out by means of chemicals which are selected according to the
chemical composition of the fabric. This process is usually accomplished by the
oxidation and reduction methods.

Objectives of Bleaching:
There are some key purposes of bleaching in the dyeing industry which are mentioned below–
• remove the natural color of textile fiber
• To make the fabric permanent white and bright
• To increase the absorbency power of the fabric
• To make the fabric compatible for the next subsequent process
• To ensure the level of dyeing property.
Scouring &bleaching process used in this factory:
• Scouring: Continuous scouring done with NaOH used in this factory.
• Bleaching: Continuous peroxide bleaching process is used in this factory.
In this factory scouring& bleaching both processes is done at the same time &
same parameters with the help of the following machine:
• Bleaching m/c-1
• Bleaching m/c-2

Specification of this m/c:

Bleach Fabrics Faults:
Size Chemical
Optical Brightness
Black Spot
Iron Spot
Others Spot

Mercerizing is the process that treatment of cotton with concentrated caustic soda under fabric
tension. It impacts gloss to the fiber, increases it’s hygroscopicity, strength, & improves it’s
dye affinity. It is one of the most important finishing processes of cotton with a strong caustic
alkaline solution in order to improve the luster, hand and other properties.

Objects of mercerization:
• To improve strength and mechanical properties.
• To improve dye ability and moisture absorbency.
• To improve dimensional stability of materials.
• Improving elasticity.
• Increase smoothness of fiber.
• Decrease the extension at break.

Mercerization is done for some several purposes:

• To increase luster
• To increase affinity to dyes
• To control fabric width and for dimensional stability
• To increase tensile strength and save dye.
In this factory mercerization process is done with the help of the following machine
i. Mercerize m/c-1
ii. Mercerize m/c-2

Mercerizing machines: Total 3 machines

Machine name Company Origin

Mercerizing Machine Goller Germany
Mercerizing Machine Benninger Germany
Mercerizing Machine Kusters Germany

Figure: Mercerizing
Mercerizing process fault:
• PH variation
• Crease
• Water drop mark
• Spot
• Problem from sigar
• Holes
• Distortion of dimensional stabilit

4.2. Dyeing Section

Dyeing: Dyeing process is the interaction between a dye and a fiber, as well as the
movement of dye into the internal part of the fiber.
In Zaber & Zubair Fabrics Limited, Continuous Dyeing Process is used.
Under dyeing department machines are used. They are-

4.2.1 List of Machineries:

Machine Name Machin Capacity Company Origin

THERMOSOL 02 40000 Monforts Germany

PAD STEAM 03 25000 Goller/ Germany

Beninger/Bab cock

JIGGER 01 1000 China

4.2.2 Description of dyeing machines

THERMOSOL MACHINE: Thermosol machine is used to dye fabric from Light

to Dark shades. It is based on method to dry to dry the fabric without any contact
with steaming. This machine is able to carry the following processes:
• Reactive dyeing
• Disperse dyeing.
Thermosol dyeing is a continuous process used for the dyeing of
polyester/cellulosic blends, either with disperse dyes for the polyester
component or with disperse/reactive.

Figure: Thermosol m/c

Machine Specification:

• Speed Meter
• Paddle Pressure
• Infra-Red (IR)1,2
• Color Level Control
• Chamber Temperature 1,2,3,4(Burners)
• Circulation Fans
• Cooling Cylinder
Test required during Thermosol operation:

• Pick up testing
• Shade listing identification

Test required after dyeing:

• Shade Check / Design Check

• Rubbing Fastness
• Washing Fastness
• Water Fastness
• Perspiration
• PH test

Thermosol Fault:

• Insects Spot
• Oil Spot
• Color Spot
• Drop Mark
• Crease Mark
• Foam Spot
• Fabric Hole
• Line Mark

4.2.3 List of printing machineries:
There are total 5 machines are here –

M/C No. of Company Country Daily Highest

Name M/C Production number of

Printing 01 Zimmer Austria 45,000m 12

Printing 02 Zimmer Austria 45,000m 16
Printing 03 Zimmer Austria 45,000m 12
Printing 04 Zimmer Austria 45,000m 09
Printing 05 Zimmer Austria 15,000m 09

4.3. Finishing Section

All bleached, dyed, printed, and certain gray fabrics go through a number of
processes called "textile finishing" before being sold. The goal of textile finishing
is to make textile products suitable for their intended purpose or final application
and/or to increase the fabric's serviceability.
Finishing of fabric is to complete for both aesthetic and functional purposes to
improve the quality and look of a fabric. Fabric may receive added value by applying
one or more finishing processes.
The finishing process may be classified into two main classes:
➢ Physical finish
➢ Chemical finish

The physical or mechanical processes range from simple drying over steam- heated
cylinders, or on a stenter which both dries stretches the cloth, to a complicated series
of calendaring.
The finishing can also be divided into temporary & permanent. A finish can only be
considered permanent if it remains unaffected through all the conditions of wear&
treatment to which a fabric may be subjected during its life. Finishing section of
Zaber and Zubair Fabrics Ltd contains the following machineries:
➢ Curing Machine
➢ Stenter Machine
➢ Sanforize Machine & Calendar Machine


Curing machine is used to fix printed or dyed fabric & paper. This curing machine
is checked on parameters for assuring its flawlessness.

Purpose of curing:

Designed in compliance with international quality standards these Automatic Curing

Machines are extensively used for Curing Plastisol, Pigment, Flock, Hi-density
Foam, Stickers, Discharge and all types of inks. And curing is a process in which
fabric passes over a chamber which maintains temperature range 140-160c for
dwelling 5-8 mints. For pigment printing curing is necessary due to fixation of color.

Figure: Curing Machine


A stenter (sometimes called a tenter) is a specialist oven used in the textile industry
for drying and heat treating fabric after wet processing. This machine is the most
versatile machine in the finishing section of processing department. Several
operations can be carried out in this machine, such as –
➢ Application of finishing chemicals

➢ Control of shrinkage
➢ Fabric width control
➢ Drying
➢ Application of dyes
➢ To control bowing of fabric
➢ To control skewness of fabric
➢ Curing etc.

Figure: Stenter Machine


Calendaring machine that has wide application in the finishing of textile fabrics, the
production of vinyl plastic sheeting, rubber sheeting, coated fabrics, and the
manufacture of paper. Calendaring is an operation to improve fabric aesthetics. In this
process fabric passes between vertically heavily loaded rollers and with the help of
heat & pressure; some properties of fabric e.g. luster, smoothness, brightness etc. are
generated on the fabric surface.

Objects of calendaring are:

I. To change the fabric handle

II. softening or stiffening effect
III. To impart a smooth silky touch to the fabric
IV. To compress the fabric &
V. Reduce its thickness and porosity.

Figure: Calendaring Machine


The purpose of a sanforizing machine or a shrinking machine is to pre-shrink,

stabilize cotton fabrics and mixed cotton fabrics such as Denim. It is a mechanical
finishing procedure that gets rid of the fabric's propensity to shrink. A revolving
elastic felt blanket that is firmly curled around a tiny diameter shaft is used in the
sanforizing process to shrink the cloth. A thick blanket's outside surface expands as it
travels down this shaft; once it has finished, it contracts and returns to its former
shape. If a piece of cotton cloth is tightly passed over the blanket's surface, it is
discovered that the cloth is longer than the blanket while passing the shaft. As a
result, the cloth compresses just after passing the shaft in order to conform to the
compressed surface of the blanket by rearranging the yarns.

Mainly sanforizing machine has 3 functions. Such as-

➢ Shrinkage control
➢ Hand feel
➢ GSM control

Figure: Sanforizing Machine

4.4. Lab & QC Section

The quality department is tasked with constantly preserving the material's quality
throughout its manufacturing process. In Zaber & Zubair Fabrics Ltd quality is
controlled in the following way-

➢ Off line
➢ On line
➢ Color pilot plan (Lab dip)

4.4.1. Off line

➢ Color fastness to rubbing
➢ Color fastness to washing
➢ Color fastness to light
➢ Perspiration test (Acid & Alkali)
➢ Pilling test
➢ Tear strength
➢ Tensile strength
➢ Dimensional stability
➢ Fabric analysis (Count, EPI, PPI, GSM, Blend test)
➢ Abrasion test
➢ Chemical purity test

4.4.2. On line
➢ Pick up check
➢ Size check
➢ Titration
➢ Whiteness
➢ Absorbency
➢ Drop method
➢ Wicking method
➢ Core pH
➢ Shade continuity of running dyed fabric
➢ Dye liquor pH check
➢ Fastness properties of running printing fabric
➢ Chemical purity test
➢ Water hardness test

4.4.3. Lab-dip
A lab dip is a dyed fabric sample made to meet the color standards of a designer.
It is generally developed by a dye house or a color lab.

Process of Lab-dip
A lab dip is when a dye house or color lab dyes a few small swatches of your
actual quality fabric or textile trim to find out what formula creates the best color
match for that quality.

Lab-dip Submission

➢ Lab dip request received from marketing

➢ Registration
➢ Assign to technician
➢ Preparation of recipe and others
➢ Prepare solution
➢ Pad with solution
➢ Dry and cure
➢ Wash and dry
➢ Shade assessment in light box with provided swatch
➢ Shade assessment in data color if needed
➢ If shade match proceed to the following. (if not matched, then trial again
with correction recipe)
➢ Submission to the marketing section or buyer
➢ Received approval from marketing section or buyer
➢ Recipe submit to the production floor when shade is approved
➢ Record keeping

Lab-dip approval procedure

➢ Prepare three options (A, B & C) of given shade and paste it in folder.
➢ Send a copy to customer/buyer and concern person of marketing
department and keep one copy in the folder for record.
➢ Concern person of marketing department send an approval and rejection of lab dips.
➢ If shade approved then send recipe of approved option (A, B or C) to dyeing
➢ If shade is rejected, again work on it according to customer’s comments. Color
matching in charge is responsible for lab-dip approval.

4.4.4. Lab Tests:

In Zaber & Zubair Fabrics Ltd some lab tests are –

➢ Yarn count (ISO 7211-5)

➢ Fabric weight[gm/sqm] (ISO 3801)
➢ Tear strength (ISO 13937-1)
➢ Seam slippage (ISO 13936-2)
➢ Tensile strength (ISO 13934-2)
➢ Dimensional stability (ISO 6330 2A)
➢ Abrasion resistance (ISO 12947-2)
➢ Color fastness to washing and laundering (ISO 105 C06)
➢ Color fastness to rubbing (ISO 105 X12) 10)
➢ Color fastness to perspiration (ISO 105 E04)
➢ Color fastness to light (ISO 105 B02)
➢ pH (DIN EN 1413)
➢ Fiber content.


5.Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) For Fabric Store

Before starting the garments production, the required amount of fabric has to store in the garments.
All the next processes such as spreading, cutting, sewing, etc. have been done by taking the fabric
from here. As result, this department plays an important role to get smooth production. As its
importance, a detailed discussion on the activities of the fabric store department in the readymade
garments sector is presented.
5.1. Cutting Department

Cutting Section Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is developed to provide

guidelines for the workers so that they have proper knowledge of working. SOP is
written in the simplest way to ensure a better understanding of all people who are
involved directly or indirectly with those activities. In a garments industry, different
forms of SOPs are found, and it can vary company to company and department to

Fabrics Relaxation Procedure

• Fabrics will be relaxed a minimum of 24 hours making unroll in the cutting

• Relaxation date and time must be recorded. After spreading, will
relax 2 hours before the cut.

Before Cutting Procedure

➢ Receive marker and quality check by cutting QC.

➢ Fabric Spreading will be done based on Shade chart/Shade
grouping provided by the fabric warehouse.

➢ Spreading report will be made after spreading with related all necessary data.
➢ Spreading Quality checkpoint: -Table marking -Ends -Leaning –Tension -
Narrow Goods
-Remnants -Counts -Ply High -Marker Placing -Fabric Flaws
➢ The highest lay for woven fabrics is length 14 meters and height 3 inches.
➢ The Lay chart should be maintaining roll wise.
➢ The quality inspector will control quality inspection during fabrics lay.
➢ Cutting spreader man will spread marker after finishing lay.
➢ For stripe and check fabrics, alignment to be correct by using a hook, thread.
➢ Before cutting cutter man will attach clamp, Gum tap on the layer.
➢ Shade chart will be hanged during lay.
➢ Cutting Quality checkpoints: -Miss cut –Rugged Cutting –
Notches-Matching Plies and pattern check.

After Cutting Procedure

➢ Quality will check every bundle using hard pattern three different
positions of the bundle.
➢ Numbering and bundling separation done by following
spreading report and identify each bundle by style, Cutting
number, Bundle number, size, Serial number, Shade number,
and Parts name.
➢ 100% cut panel will be inspected.
➢ If any defective panel found, will be replaced from lay chart
wise remnants by following shade and pattern grain line.
➢ The light color bundle will bind with a light color string; deep
color bundle will bind with deep color string.
➢ Light color Fabrics will be covered by poly in rack or pallet.
5.2. Sewing Section
Sewing is the key process of the apparel industry. Sewing produces full garments.
The cutting section just cut garments as per marker. The finishing area primarily
handles ironing, ornamental work, and ticketing goods. The most crucial element in
the apparel sector is sewing quality control since garments are made through sewing.
All relevant quality parameters are under the direction of the sewing quality team.
For the purpose of regulating stitching quality, there are a few guidelines.

Figure: Sewing Section

There are some rules for controlling the quality of sewing. These standard rules are
well known as sewing quality standard operating procedure. Let see, what are the
basic things a sewing quality controlling standard operating procedure includes:

➢ Quality inspectors check the sample and trim card of his process at the very
beginning of a style. Inspector also checks SPI, thread, label, and first Bundle
specially and will have to take over his work from the Quality controller for
a new style.
➢ Inspectors know his all measurement of his checkpoint and will have to
explain clearly if anybody asks.
➢ No defect allowed passing from QI checkpoint and the defect will be limited
in one bundle in any process.
➢ Bundle cut must maintain as per the cutting report, short and mistake bundle
not to pass by QC checkpoint.
➢ Measurement tape hanging on every QI neck.
➢ Every in-process report to be updated, to be signed by QC and line
supervisor in every hour.
➢ Any process mistake and size mistake body go back to operation making the

5.3.Finishing Section

Finishing is the last step of the apparel industry. Quality Control is necessary for
every stage of garments production for the purpose of making a quality product,
finishing the garments, prepare for shipment, and finally deliver to the garment’s
buyer. Finishing is thus a crucial step in the manufacturing of clothing. A finishing
quality control Standard Operating Procedure of the apparel industry is to be prepared
and followed correctly to assure finishing quality control by the garment
manufacturer. Standard Operating Procedure is used here. Ticketing, final quality
checking, and garment decorating are all done during the clothing industry's finishing
For finishing quality control following standard operating procedures can be
followed for the apparel industry.
➢ All Sewn Garments are to receive into finishing section after
washing (if GMTS needs finishing as per buyer’s requirement).
➢ Washed garments to be checked for shade acceptance in a standard
light box as per buyer approved all shade standard. If a lot fails in
AQL to meet shade acceptance, then GMTS will send back to
washing for rewash.
➢ After passing shade of Garments and thread trimming, quality
checking starts as per style-wise process sequence but must maintain
a size-wise bundle.
➢ Excessive WIP (Work in Process) and dumping more than one
bundle stacking in one layer is not allowed in any operation of
➢ Any defective garments will not pass from any operation without
alteration and QC pass.

Finishing Quality Control Standard of Garments

➢ Pull test as per customer requirement.

➢ 100% Garments quality inspection and thread trimming
➢ 100% Garments key point measurement & 100% pressing as per customer requirement.
➢ Quality audit is to be done before moving garments to pack.
➢ Specific written instruction for every operation with garments form mockup
as visual instruction for ironing, attaching the sticker, measurement, quality
inspection, folding, and packing.
➢ Approve trim card for every style with all finishing trims and accessories.
➢ 100 % of garments metal detection is to follow to ensure garments free from a
needle, sharp tools, and any types of metal as ensured product quality.
➢ Packing of garments as per customer Stock Keeping Unit (SKU) and
assortment requirement.

5.4.Needle and Sharp Tools Control

Needle, Broken Needle, and Sharp Tools Control Procedure in Apparel Industry
applies to all types of Machine needles, Hand Sewing needles, Label Applicator
Gun needles, staples, and sharps (defined as knives, scissors, cutters, etc.). There
are two parts of controlling sharp items in the garments industry. The first is the
control of needles and broken needles, and the second is the control of all other
sharp equipment. All of these objects are sharp, but every sewing machine has at
least one needle, thus we are providing needle control separately. The needle and
other sharp equipment must be controlled independently in each clothing sector. The
sewing machine's needle. Cutting knives, scissors, and cutters are used to cut thread
and fabrics. Moreover, the factory must eradicate staples from all departments,
divisions, raw materials (such as containers from suppliers), and production
processes. In any location used for production that is near fabric or clothing, loose
sharp objects must be restrained. A general procedure for controlling all sharp tools
is broken needle log/no needle on idle machines, no sharp points, no staples, and
scissors attached & secured, blades control.

➢ Keep section wise records of all sharp tools’ quantity.

➢ Supply all necessary sharp tools start of the workday and take this
back end of the workday.
➢ Make sure any single number of tools not lost.
➢ Keep section wise stock management report.
➢ Tie all Scissor and cutter with relevant machine/table in work running time.
➢ Staples should not use anywhere, staples threat for safety.
➢ Any metal or machine spare part not allowed to keep in the workplace.

5.5.Maintenance section
A variety of professionals who labor to maintain the continuous production system
and keep the machinery in operating order are added to the maintenance
department. One of the most crucial components of the manufacturing is the
maintenance department. In order to keep the machines and other industrial
equipment in good operating order and to address any environmental pollution, the
maintenance department has primary responsibility. A competent upkeep In the
RMG Sector, various maintenance methods are used.

➢ Inspection of sewing machines and other machinery in the factory,

repairing and up gradation.
➢ Maintaining and ensuring continuous power supply in the factory
➢ Maintaining proper water supply, compressors, boilers etc
➢ Planning, design and implement any kind of expansion of the factory
➢ Supply purified water for factory using and washing plant
➢ Maintain WHO standard PH value for ETP (Effluent Treatment Plant)
➢ Purchase of new machinery.
➢ Issuing of different spare parts and accessories according to
the production requirement
➢ Housekeeping.
➢ New constructions, paintings, and furnishing of the factory.

5.6. Pre -Final Inspection

Before the final inspection, it is finished. The chief quality controller conducts an
internal pre-final audit for self-confirmation. . He audits by 2.5 A. Q.L as receiving
the Q.C pass report we offer for final inspection.

➢ Pre-Final inspections must be performed in a Inspection Room.

➢ The Inspection Room must have a big table where the controls will take place.
➢ In this room only concerned people from factory should be present
during inspection.
➢ The Inspection Room must be lit up by fluorescent tube Daylight =
D65 and have TL 84 and UV light available. (Nearby or over the table,
based on different product groups needs according to information
from PO.)
➢ Smoking is totally prohibited in the Inspection room.
➢ The Pre-Final Inspection is conducted as per AQL 2.5 level 1,
➢ Pre-Final inspection must take place when a minimum of 80% of the
pieces are packed.
➢ When all the Pre-Final Inspections for a style is passed, the goods are
offered to the Buyer for Final Inspection.

6.Data Analysis
➢ Objective: To find out the impact of price on the image of Zaber & Zubair Fabrics Ltd.
▪ Related Question: Question number 3 is related to this objective. In this question,
respondents were asked to choose among five alternative answers. Those were,
highly satisfactory, indifferent not satisfactory and dissatisfactory.
▪ Collected Data: The collected data in relation to this question are summarization
in the following table:
Table -1 customers Response on price
Item Frequency Point
Highly Satisfied 6 5
Satisfied 17 4
Indifferent 4 3
Not Satisfied 3 2
Dissatisfied 0 1
Total 30

▪ Analysis Technique: For analyzing the data the spreadsheet analysis software, MS
Excel and simple arithmetical calculation is used.
▪ Finding: The data reveal that out of 30 respondents 6 are highly satisfied for the
product price of Zaber & Zubair fabrics Ltd. While 3 are not satisfied and 17
respondents are satisfied and 4 are indifferent.

Figer-1 Customer's perception on price
Not satisfied ,
10% Dissatisfied , 0%

Indifferent , 13%
Highly satisfide
Highly satisfide , Not satisfied
Satifactory , 20%

Source: Primary
Interpretation: From the data it can be interpreted that 57% customers are satisfied with the price
while 20% are highly satisfied, 13% 10% not satisfied, and there is no dissatisfied customer.
➢ Objective: To find out the quality of Zaber & Zubair fabrics in comparison to other fabrics.
▪ Related Question: Question number 4 is related with this objective. In this
question, customers were asked to choose among five different scale rated
alternatives. Those were, very high, average, low, very low.
▪ Collected Data: The collected data in relation to this question are summarized in
the following table-
Tabel-2: Quality of Zaber & Zubair Fabrics in Comparison to Other Fabrics
Item Frequency Point
Very high 2 5
High 6 4
Average 22 3
Low 0 2
Very Low 0 1
Total 30

▪ Analysis Technique: For analyzing the data the spreadsheet analysis software, MS
Excel and simple arithmetical calculation is used.
▪ Findings: The data reveal that out of 30 respondents 2 respondents remarks Zaber
& Zubair fabrics as very high, 6 remarks high, 22 remarks very low. average and
there no customer who doesn't remarks as low and very low.

Figure-2: Customer perception on Quality of Zaber and Zubair

Fabrics in Comparison to Other Fabris
Average Very Low
7% Low 0%

High Very high

20% High
Very high
Very Low

Source: Primary

▪ Interpretation: The data interprets that 73% customers are average, 20% are high,
7% are very high and rest are 0% in their opinion about Zaber & Zubair fabrics in
comparison to other fabrics.

Objective: To find out the impact of commitment on Zaber & Zubair Fabrics Ltd.

Tabel-3: Impact of Commitment on Zaber & Zubair Fabrics Ltd.

Highly Satisfied 10 5

Satisfied 15 4

Indifferent 4 3

Not Satisfied 1 2

Dissatisfied 0 1

Total 30

▪ Related Question: Question number 6 is related with this objective. In this

question the respondents were asked to choose among five alternative choices.
Those were, highly satisfied, satisfied, indifferent, not satisfied, and dissatisfied.
▪ Collected Data: The collected data in relation to this question are summarized in
the following table which is based on the ranking one-
▪ Analysis Technique: For analyzing the data the spreadsheet analysis software, MS
Excel and simple arithmetical calculation is used.
▪ Findings: The data reveal that out of 30 respondents 15 are satisfied, 10 are highly
satisfied, 4 are indifferent and 1 is not satisfied with the of Zaber & Zubair Fabrics

Figure-3: Impact on Commitment on Zaber & Zubair Fabrics Ltd.


Highly Satisfied
Not Satisfied

33% Dissatisfide

Source: Primary
▪ Interpretation: The data interprets that 51% customers are satisfied, 33%
highly satisfied, 13% indifferent, 3% are not satisfied with the commitment of
Zaber & Zubair Fabrics Ltd.

➢ Objective: To find out the position of Zaber & Zubair Fabrics Ltd. in terms of price,
quality, commitment and delivery time.
▪ Related Question: Question number 7 is related with this objective. In this
question the respondents were asked to choose among five alternative choices
and rank them according to given options.
▪ Collected Data: The collected data in relation to this question are summarized
in the following table which is based on the ranking one-

Table-4: Comparison Among Different Fabrics Company

Fabrics Company Beximco Monno Zaber & Zubair Abdullah Adnan

Rank 6 11 9 2 2

▪ Analysis Technique: For analyzing the data, the spreadsheet analysis software,
MS Excel and simple arithmetical calculation is used.
▪ Findings: The data reveal that out of 30 respondents 6 respondents ranked
Beximco, 11 ranked Monno, 9 ranked Zaber & Zubair, 2 ranked Abdullah and
2 ranked Adnan as number one fabrics company.

Figure-4: Comparison Among Different Fabrics


Abudllah 7%
Zaber & Zubair
monno Zaber & Zubair


Source: Primary

Interpretation: The data interprets that 36% customers ranked Zaber & Zubair, 30% Monno, 20%
Beximco and rest 14% equally ranked Abdullah and Adnan Fabrics Company as number

➢ Objective: To find out the impact of delivery time of Zaber & Zubair fabrics.
▪ Related Question: Question number 8 of the questionnaire is related to this
objective. In this question, the respondents were asked to make a choice between
five alternatives. The alternatives were- highly satisfied, satisfied, indifferent, not
satisfied and dissatisfied.



In the context of changing world scenario, we, as a nation, are passing thorough a critical period.
Bangladesh with ample human resources has all potentialities to perform better under global free
trade regime. We have certainly a competitive edge in textile. This sector apparently has immense
potential to create employment and generate income to expand the size of domestic and
international market.
So, this particular industry should try to adopt (just like in thew west) the “demand for market-
oriented strategy “i.e., to increase their, market power by producing high price fashion fabrics. It
can be done only when our fabrics companies are come into their full potentials. They should go
for product differentiation through the promotion of brand names and advertising, and should also
try to increase the efficiency of distribution. With an increase in market power, they can easily
transfer rising cost to consumer in the form of rising price.
Despite some limitations and problems, it is clear that Zaber & Zubair fabrics Ltd. can able to
create an image in the fabrics industry. It has set standards not only in fabrics manufacturing but
also following the marketing strategy, promotional strategy pricing strategy, positioning strategy
within business ethics & norms, problem& limitations and many other obstacles. Though Zaber &
Zubair Fabrics Ltd. in the second-generation fabrics company in our country., over the years, as
an expected consequence of development, it has expended its business and can create position in
the fabrics market and can able to set an example for upcoming fabrics it can be said
considering present perspective, that the prospects of Zaber & Zubair Fabrics Ltd. are bright.


• Based on the overall study the following steps are recommended to upgrade the image of
Zaber & Zubair Fabrics Ltd.
• Zaber & Zubair Fabrics Ltd. Should emphasize on the promotional aspect and take the
advantage of different media like print (Business journal, magazines etc.) and electronic
media (internet, TV etc.) to reach the customer with a better image.
• Zaber & Zubair Fabrics Ltd. should establish Sales and Marketing Department and should
be more careful to upgrade the quality of its employees, emphasize on training, feedback
and assessment of the employees.
• Zaber & Zubair Fabrics Ltd. Should formulate proper job structure and job responsibility
for every individual employee.
• Zaber & Zubair Fabrics Ltd. Should maintain management Information System.
• Zaber & Zubair Fabrics Ltd. Should keep proper documentation in monthly as well as
yearly basis for various department, like marketing, accounting purchase, commercial etc.
for quick overview of precious failure and success. And it will reduce any unfair means if
the documents are check back department to department.
• Zaber & Zubair Fabrics Ltd. should establish an enriched and well decorated showroom
for fabrics both in the head office and the factory office
• Zaber & Zubair Fabrics Ltd. should keep CD’s and brochures with enriched data and
information to present their activities to the customer.
• Zaber & Zubair Fabrics Ltd. should up-grade its technology & build capacity to produce
to produce more fabrics to compete in the market.
• Zaber & Zubair Fabrics Ltd. should opt for “market Orientation” strategy.
• Zaber & Zubair Fabrics Ltd. can create good image as well as be acquainted by sending
greeting cards, calendar etc. to their customer to tight the knot of relationship.


9. Bibliography

1. Zaber & Zubair Fabrics Ltd. Webpage.





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