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Community Program A&E

Learning Center
Learning Literacy LS/AS
ALTERNATIVE Facilitator Level
LEARNING SYSTEM Month and FEBRUARY 2020 Learning Learning Strand 5:
DAILY LESSON PLAN Quarter 1ST Quarter Strand Understanding the
Self and Society


A. C. Content Standards Intrapersonal Relationship (Positive Sense of Self) and

Development of One’s Potential
D. F. Performance Standards Develop a positive sense of self and discovering one's potential.

G. I. Learning Competencies/ Knowledge:

Write the LC code for each.  Manage negative feelings LS5DS-ID-PSA-BL/LE/AE/LS/AS-5.3
 Identify negative feelings/impulses LS5DS-ID-PSA- AE/LS -5.3.1
 Show ways of managing/controlling negative feelings/ impulses by: •
engaging in physical activities • doing household work • doing meditative
and breathing exercises LS5DS-ID-PSA- AE/LS/AS-5.3.2
 Assess one’s PECs (strengths, attitudes, assets, skills, limitations) as a
potential entrepreneur/self-employed person

Skill: Perform the given tasks individually, by pair and by group.

Attitude: Show willingness to learn how important is managing feelings

correctly to make each life better.

II. CONTENT(Subject Matter) Managing emotions and impulses


A. C. References

1. Session Guides pages

2. Module pages

D. F. Other Learning Resources Pictures, Laptop, Electronic Learning Resources (ELR), activity cards, manila

* ALS k to 12 Basic Curriculum Guide, LS 5 Understanding the Self and Society pp. 8


A. Springboard/Motivation (Establishing a Activity 1: 10 Minute Pre-test

purpose for the lesson)
 Before studying to the next lesson on this module, take this simple
test to determine what you have learned on the previous lessons.

A. What parts of a computer are considered the computer’s

hardware? Write them down on the blanks provided for.
B. Activity (Review of previous lesson/s or Activity 2: Multi Media Presentation
Presenting the new lesson)
 Show a video presentation to the learners using the ELR about
how computers make our life better.

 Let the learners pay attention to the video being presented on the
electronic learning resources.

 Do you like the video you have seen on the screen?
 What can you tell about the video being presented?
 How many of you have tried using computer?
 What are the different change brought by computer to our life?
 In your community, how can computer make life better?

C. Analysis (Presenting examples/instances of Activity 3: (Narrate Me Loudly)

the new lesson)
 Facilitator will narrate the story of Mang Caloy on page 19-20, using
the video clip to be flash on the white screen with projector.
 Learners will listen attentively to the narration to be able to answer
questions after the activity.

 What is the story all about?

 What is job of Mang Caloy?
 Where did Mang Caloy learned to climbed mountains?
 Where did he learned the proper techniques of climbing?
 Did people admire Mang Caloy?
 Why?

D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new Class Participation

skills (sub-activity #1)
 Discuss the lesson using the electronic learning resources (ELR) or
refer on the module on page 20-24 about computer and software.
 Let them answer the questions on the module pp. 12

E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new Presenting the Lesson

skills (sub-activity #2)
 Continue discussing the lesson on the module pp. 25-30
 Discuss the properties of computer.
 Answer questions after the discussion on page 30.
F. Abstraction (Making generalizations about Activity 4: Group Work
the lesson)
 Group learners into two or three.
 Give each group cartolina or manila paper and give also a pen.
 Each group will answer the assigned task being paste on each
 Check group works afterwards.
House Rules/Standards/Guidelines:
(Follow the mnemonic/memory device.)
G- Give thoughtful feedback
R- Respect others & their thoughts
O- On task all the time
U- Use soft voices
P- Participate actively
S- Stay with your group

Give an example for each of the 8 areas of computer use in

society today.

Group I Group II

♦ Information ♦ Science, research and

systems/data processing engineering
♦ Personal computing ♦ Process/ device control

Group III Group IV

♦ Education ♦ Entertainment
♦ Computer aided design ♦ Artificial intelligence

G. Application (Developing mastery) Activity 5. Think-Pair-Share

 Learners will choose their own partner

 Each pair will think and share their answers to their classmates on the
questions given.

H. Valuing (Finding practical application  How do computer technologies make our life better?
of concepts and skills in daily living)
I. Evaluation (Assessing learning) Answer the questions on Let’s See What Have You Learned in the module pp.

J. Agreement (Additional activities for  Interview a people in your community or in your family that used
application or remediation) computer. List down their different answers on how computer technology
brings big impact in their lives.



C. No. of learners who earned 80% in the

F. No. of learners who require additional
activities for remediation
I. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up with the
L. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
O. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
R. What difficulties did I encounter which
my principal or supervisor can help me
U. What innovation or localized materials
did I use/discover which I wish to share
with other teachers?

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