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Community Program A&E

Learning Center
Learning Facilitator Literacy Level BLP/AE/LS/JHS
LEARNING SYSTEM Month and Learning Strand LS4 Life and Career

A. Content Standards Financial Fitness
B. Performance Standards Develop financial fitness skills that will help improve one’s economic status.

C. Learning Competencies/ Objectives Knowledge:

Write the LC code for each.
 Identify places where they can save.

 Counts and groups object by numbers or by pieces.


 Show understanding and respect for ideas and feelings of

others by responding appropriately.

 Generating and managing savings.


Skill: Perform the given tasks individually, by pair and by group.

Attitude: Show eagerness to know what are the ways in saving money for
brighter future.

II. CONTENT(Subject Matter) ( Financial Fitness) Where to Save & Application


A. References
1. Session Guides pages

2. Module pages Mindanao Youth for Development Project (MYDev) Facilitator’s Manual pages 22-26

B. Other Learning Resources Pictures, Laptop, Activity cards, manila paper, Projector

* ALS-K to 12 BEC Curriculum (Life and Career Skills)Page 5 of 24

A. Springboard/Motivation (Establishing a purpose
for the lesson) Activity 1. (Show Me)
 Show picture on ways where to save money.
Traditional Way (Piggy bank, floor, bed, bamboo, can) Bank System
(Universal banks, Rural bank, local cooperatives etc.)
 Can you name what are does pictures being flash on the Overhead
 What does each picture is all about?
 Have you tried saving money using that way?
 What do you feel when you were able to save money?

B. Activity (Review of previous lesson/s or Activity 2: (Pick Me, Paste Me)

Presenting the new lesson)
 Paste the different pictures in ways on saving money on the board.

 Let learners choose where they prefer to save their money on

traditional way (piggy bank, home deposited in the floor or bed) or in
the banking system.

 Give each learner a play money and let them choose where they want
to save their money by pasting their answer on the different choices on
the board.

 Count how many learners choose the different ways in saving money
like piggy bank, alkansya , bank system, etc.

 Show example on PowerPoint presentation slide No. 4

Class Participation

Process the activity by asking:

 How did you find the activity?

 What insights did you get from the activity?
 How many of you answers the traditional way on saving money?
(Count how many answers the piggy bank, alkansya, Ipon challenge)
 How many of you answers the bank system way on saving money?
(Count how many answers the bank, ATM, cooperative)
What are some means to save money?

C. Analysis (Presenting examples/instances of the Activity 3: Will You Be Rich or Poor?

new lesson)
 Play a personality test video presentation to the learners using ELR
(Electronic Learning Resources).
 Learners will get a paper and a pen.
 Learners will answer the personality test for 10minutes.
 Facilitator will elaborate the video by translating it to mother tongue
language for learners duly understand it well.
 Check learner’s answers after the activity,
if they will be rich or poor?
D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new Activity 4: (Brain Storming)
skills (sub-activity #1)
 Divide the class into two. (The Traditional Way in Saving Money and
the Banking System)
 Each group will do a brainstorming, on why each member choose
that answers.
 All members of the group must participate on the activity by giving
the house rules in-group work.
 Learners respect individual’s ideas or feelings by responding to the
activity appropriately.
 Let them write their answers on cartolina and paste it on the board.

E. Discussing new concepts and practicing new Presenting the Lessons

skills (sub-activity #2)
 Discussing with the learners some savings options. Handout 7.3

Handout 7.3 Background on Savings in the Philippines

 Philippine banking system-

 Universal and commercial banks
 Thrift banking system
 Rural and cooperative banks
 Microfinance Banks

 Why do you think people want to save their money on the bank?
 What are some advantages in saving money on the bank?
 What are some disadvantages in saving money on the bank?
 Why do people want to invest their money?
 What are some disadvantages in saving money at home?
 What are some advantages in saving money at home?

F. Abstraction (Making generalizations about the Activity 5: (Webbing)

 Give each group a Webbing Design and a pen.
 Each group must write down what are some ways in savings money
using the traditional system.
 They can add circles to the webbing design to put their other
 Each group will choose a representative to explain their answers in
the class.
G. Application (Developing mastery) Activity 6: (Webbing)
 Give each group again a Webbing Design and a pen.
 Each group must write down what are some banking system to save
 They can add circles to the webbing design to put their other
 Check learner’s work by choosing who will be their reporter to discuss
their answers in front of the class.

H. Valuing (Finding practical application Ask:

of concepts and skills in daily living)
 Why it is important to save money?

I. Evaluation (Assessing learning) Answer the following questions.

 Which is better saving money at home or somewhere else?

 Why it might be a good idea to have money divided in different locations?

 Why do people need to invest their own money?

 How can you show to other people the importance of choosing a good way
where to save their own money?

J. Agreement (Additional activities for application or  Interview people whom you know where they store or save
remediation) their money. Ask what are their reasons why they choice that.?
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who require additional
activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of
learners who have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue to require
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked
well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my
principal or supervisor can help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did
I use/discover which I wish to share with
other teachers?

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