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Tutorial 5

Q1. Consider the signal

x  t   e5t u t 1

And denote its Laplace transform by X(s).

a) Using Laplace equation evaluate X(s) and specify the region of convergence.
b) Determine the values of the finite number A and t0 such that the Laplace
transform G(s) of
g  t   Ae5t u  t  t0 

Has the same algebraic form of X(s). What is the region of convergence
corresponding to G(s)?
Q2. Consider the signal
x  t   Ae5t u t   e  t u t 

And denote its Laplace transform by X(s). What are the constraints placed on the
real and imaginary parts of β if the region of convergence of X(s) is Re{s} > -3?
Q3. For the Laplace transform of
et sin 2t t 0
x t   
0 t 0

Indicate the location of its poles and its region of convergence.

Q4. Given that
L 1
e at u  t   , Re{s} > Re{-a}

Determent the inverse Laplace transform of

2  s  2
X s  , Re s  3
s  7 s  12
Q5. Consider two right-sided signals x(t) and y(t) related through the differential
dx  t 
 2 y  t     t  , and
dy  t 
 2 x  t 

Determine Y(s) and X(s), along with their regions of convergence.

Q6 Determine the unilateral Laplace transform of each of the following signals, and
specify the corresponding regions of convergence:
x  t   e2t u  t  1
x  t     t  1    t   e u  t  1
2 t  3

x  t   e2t u  t   e 4t u  t 

Q7. Consider a continuous-time LTI system for which the input x(t) and output y(t)
are related by the differential equation

d 2 y  t  dy  t 
  2 y t   x t 
dt 2 dt
Let X(s) and Y(s) denote Laplace transform of x(t) and y(t), respectively, and let H(s)
denote the Laplace transform of h(t), the system impulse response.
a. Determine the system function, H(s) and sketch the pole-zero pattern.
b. Determine h(t) for each of the following cases:
1) The system is stable
2) The system is causal
3) The system is neither stable nor causal.

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