Risk Assessment

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Risk Assessment
SR No Activity Hazard Identification Risk
How Likely Residual Risk Residual Risk Risk Control required
(L) (Total) =LxS Prioritization

1. Information (with drawings) of electrical cable to be taken from local

electricity board.
Shock due to underground electrical cable 3 4 12 Intolerable 2. Work to be constantly supervised by experience person.
3. Excavation tools should be well insulated.
4. Cable locator shall be used for locating underground electrical cables

Traffic hazard/vehicular movement 5 1 5 Tolerable Proper Trench/Pit coordoning. Hard barricading incase of heavy traffic,
main road.

Collapse of trench 3 1 3 Tolerable Exacavted soil to be kept atleast 2ft away from trench,V - cut type
trenching, Shorring / Shuttering of the trench whenever required

Poll / Tree falls during excavation work. 2 3 6 Tolerable Maintain the distance to pole & tree & if required provide a temparary
aditional support.

1. As built drawing shall be taken from projects/O&M before carrying

Natural gas leakage (Excavation on charged PE/steel line) 2 3 6 Tolerable out excavation at perticular location.
2. Extra care and better supervision while excavation of the area.
Manual Excavation in 3. Excavation to be done manually.
normal/Rocky soil
Falling/Hit of object on head or body 3 2 6 Tolerable Use of Personnel Protective Equipments

Fall of person in the trench 2 2 4 Tolerable 1. Proper Trench/Pit coordoning.

2. No jump over the trench/pit.

High noise (Breaker Operation) 3 3 9 Moderate 1. Ear protecting equipment (Ear muff/plug) shall be used.
2. Person to be interchanged at frequent time.
Vibration (Breaker Operation) 3 2 6 Tolerable Person to be interchanged at frequent time.
Utility dameged 2 2 4 Tolerable Folow the company rules & make a trial pit.

Finger cut 4 1 4 Tolerable Use of The personal protective equepment. & keep awarness during
excavation work.

Flying of rock to nearby area (Breaker Operation) 3 2 6 Tolerable 1. Affected area to be barricade properly.
2. Site/work specific PPEs to be used.

1. Dust mask to be worn by all working in the area.

Dust Exposure 4 1 4 Tolerable 2. Pouring of water in the excavation area so that dust exposure can be

1. Information of concsilled cablling to be taken from customer.

Shock due to consilled wiring during drilling 3 4 12 Intolerable 2. Double insulated Drill m/c to be used.
3. Insulated hand gloves to be used.

Fall from table or platform 3 2 6 Tolerable 1. Use proper table/platform.

2. Avoid makeshift arrangement
Fall of object on leg 3 2 6 Tolerable Use of Personnel Protective Equipments

2 Domestic Plumbing Slips, Trips and Falls 2 2 4 Tolerable 1. Avoid to walk on slippery surface.
2. Use of safety belt at more than 2 meters height.

Falling/Hit of object on head or body 2 4 8 Moderate 1. Safe work procedure to be followed.

2. Use of Personnel Protective Equipments

Injury in hand due to sharp object 3 1 3 Tolerable 1. Safe work procedure to be followed.
2. Use of Personnel Protective Equipments
Sharp object goes in eyes while drilling 2 3 6 Tolerable Use of Personnel Protective Equipments
Dust / Debris falling in to eyes 3 2 6 Tolerable Wearing safety goggles during drilling operation
Fall of the pipeline from vehicle 2 3 6 Tolerable 1. Proper stacking of material in vehicle and tie properly.
2. proper vehicle should use as per pipe quantity (by size)
3 Transportation of PE
pipeline by vehicle
Road Traffice hazards 5 1 5 Tolerable 1. Proper placing the PE pipeline in the vehicle as no portion of pipeline
hanged outside of vehicle body.

1. Use proper method for material lifting.

Fall of object on leg 3 1 3 Tolerable 2. Do not lift heavy material alone.
3. Wearing of Safety shoes.
4. Do not hurry while handling the material.

1. Use of proper method for material lifting.

Injury in hand due to sharp edge of object 3 1 3 Tolerable 2. Use of Hand gloves.
3. Do not hurry while handling the material.
4 manually material
1. Maintain good housekeeping of the work area.
Slip, trips and falls 3 1 3 Tolerable 2. Avoid Slippery surface.
3. Avoid any makeshift arrangement.

Improper posture of body and back pain 1 3 3 Tolerable 1. Use proper method for material lifting.
2. Do not lift heavy material alone.

Falling/Hit of object on head or body 2 3 6 Tolerable 1. Safe work procedure to be followed.

2. Use of Personnel Protective Equipments

1. carefull movement of machine by driver.

Personnal injury during machine movement (uncontrolled 1 5 5 Tolerable 2. Deployment of experience driver fo machine.
3. Proper maintenace of machine parts.

injury of person while reversing of vehicle 2 5 10 Moderate 1. Every vehicle shall have reverse horn.
2. Trained and experience driver should be deployed for machine.

1. Use of insulated material for machine boom.

Electrical current passes in machine due to conatct with 2 5 10 Moderate 2.Extra care shall be taken while doing the job nearby electrical cable.
overhead electrical cables 3. Trained and experience driver should be deployed for machine.
4. Work to be constantly supervised by experience person.

1. Dust mask to be worn by all working in the area.

Dust dispersion at high rate in air 4 2 8 Moderate 2. Pouring of water in the excavation area so that dust exposure can be

1. Making Trial Pit of the laying location.

Utility damages 4 1 4 Tolerable 2. referance drawing to be taken from concern utility.
3. Work to be constantly supervised by experience person.

1. Route of pipeline should be selected so that Safe Distance can be

falling of nearby electrical pole 1 5 5 Tolerable maintained from electrical pole
2. Extra care shall be taken while excavation near electrical pole.
3. Work to be constantly supervised by experience person.
5 Machine excavation

1. Route of pipeline should be selected so that Safe Distance can be

Collapse of nearby boundary wall due to hit by machine 1 5 5 Tolerable maintained from boundary wall
2. Extra care shall be taken while excavation near any boundary wall.
3. Work to be constantly supervised by experience person.

1. As built drawing shall be taken from projects/O&M before carrying

Own gas pipeline leakages 2 1 2 Trivial out excavation at perticular location.
2. Extra care and better supervision while excavation of the area.
3. If possible excavation to be done manually.

1. As built drawing shall be taken from projects/O&M before carrying

Own gas pipeline leakages and fire 2 4 8 Moderate out excavation at perticular location.
2. Extra care and better supervision while excavation of the area.
3. If possible excavation to be done manually.

1. Dust mask to be worn by all working in the area.

High Noise 4 2 8 Moderate 2. Pouring of water in the excavation area so that dust exposure can be
1. Proper Trench/Pit coordoning.
Road Traffic hazard 5 2 10 Moderate 2. Hard barricading incase of heavy traffic, main road.
3. Using of reflective jackets while working on roads

Electrical shock due to faulty machine or cable 1 4 4 Tolerable 1. Checking of electrical cables and machine prior to work.

1. Ensure NIL flammable mixture with gas detector prior to entering in to

Fire incase passing of squeezing tool/isolation valve 2 5 10 Moderate trench/pit.
2. Double squeezing at both side.
3. Anti static wearing by person entering into trench/pit.

Fire while saddle drilling 1 5 5 Tolerable 1. Positioning of squeezing tool both side of saddle drill location.
2. Wearing of anti static wearing by person entering into trench/pit.
6 EF welding joints
Handling of acetone with bare hands 3 3 9 Moderate 1. Suitable rubber hand gloves shall be used while handling acetone.

fingure cut while scrapping of pipe 4 1 4 Tolerable 1. Do not scrap the pipe in hurry.
2. Hand gloves to be used while scrapping.

1. Proper Trench/Pit coordoning.

Person fall in trench 3 2 6 Tolerable 2. Hard barricading incase of heavy traffic, main road.
3. Do not jump over the trench.
4. Crossover to be provided on trench.

Person injured by flying dust during flushing. 2 3 6 Tolerable Follow The HSE rules & coarding the all area with supervisor,
Use of personal protective equepment.

1. Use Of personal protective equepment & Provide a guide lines of risk

High noise of compressor 3 2 6 Tolerable in his work.
2. Extra operator is available for work interchange.

injury in eye due to venting dust 4 2 8 Moderate Follow The HSE rules & coarding the all area with supervisor,
7 Flushing of PE line Use of personal protective equepment.

PE pipe joint/ end cap bursted due to high pressure 1 4 4 Tolerable Use of the calibration guage while fill the air in pipe,
2. skilled operator & supervisor stand on site.

Collapse of pit 3 3 9 Moderate As per company Rules Maintain tha distance between trench & soil.
2. Coardning the all area with sign board of the contractor

Road Traffic hazard 5 1 5 Tolerable 1. Proper Trench/Pit coordoning.

2. Hard barricading incase of heavy traffic, main road.

Use Of personal protective equepment & Provide a guide lines of risk in

High noise of compressor during pressurization of pipe. 4 2 8 Moderate his work.
2. Extra operator is available for work interchange.

8 Testing of PE line Use of the calibration guage while fill the air in pipe,
Bursting of PE joint 1 4 4 Tolerable 2. skilled operator & supervisor stand on site.
3. auto stoped compressure used for compressed air.

Road traffic hazards 5 1 5 Tolerable Proper Trench/Pit coordoning.

Hard barricading incase of heavy traffic, main road.

1. Gas venting to be done in controlled manner at 3 meters height from

working level.
Fire due to uncontrolled venting 4 4 16 Intolerable 2. Ensure earthing to vent pipe.
3. Continous checking of Gas concentraction with gas detectors.
4. Any spark produced material shall be kept atleast 15 meters distance.

9 Commissioning of PE High noise 4 2 8 Moderate 1. Use of Personal Protective equipments.

Road traffic hazards 5 1 5 Tolerable Proper Trench/Pit coordoning. Hard barricading incase of heavy traffic,
main road.

1. Proper Trench/Pit coordoning.

Fall of person in trench/ pit 3 2 6 Tolerable 2. Hard barricading incase of heavy traffic, main road.
3. Do not jump over the trench.
4. Crossover to be provided on trench.

1. Safe practices to be followed for material handling.

Injury on hand while material handling 4 1 4 Tolerable 2. Housekeeping of the work area to be maintained.
3. PPEs to be used all the time.
Civil work for 1. Dust mask to be worn by all working in the area.
10 installation of SR or Dust exposure 3 2 6 Tolerable 2. Pouring of water in the excavation area so that dust exposure can be
valve chamber for PE minimized
Road traffic hazards 2 1 2 Trivial 1. Proper Trench/Pit coordoning.
2. Hard barricading incase of heavy traffic, main road.

Falling of person in trench 3 2 6 Tolerable Proper Trench/Pit coordoning.

Hard barricading incase of heavy traffic, main road.

Falling of object (Pipe or other material) from Height 2 3 6 Tolerable 1. Cordoning of area where work is being carried out
2. Tying of all the items being used at Top of the building
Fall of Person from height 2 5 10 Moderate Use of Safety Belt and harness during work at height

1. Select the route of pipline so that overhead electrical line should not
Electrical shock due to contact with nearby overhead electrical 2 5 10 Moderate pass nearby while working for riser installation.
PNG plumbing in line 2. Extra care should be taken during riser installation if electrical line
11 buildings (working at passes nearby.
1. Plumber should not have any physical/mental problems in performing
Dizziness- Vertigo 3 3 9 Moderate work at height (Vertigo).
2 . Do not work with empty stomach.

transportation of GI pipes 2 3 6 Tolerable 1 Use of Personnel Protective Equipments

2. Only 3 mtrs GI Pipes Piece transport

1. Cotton hand gloves to be used while working.

injury due to slipping of spanners 3 1 3 Tolerable 2. Do not work in hurry.
PNG Pipe Pnumatic 3. Standard work procedure to be followed.
fingure cut due to sharp object 2 1 2 Trivial 1. Cotton hand gloves to be used while working.
2. Do not work in hurry.

1. Cotton hand gloves to be used while working.

13 PNG Menometer test injury due to slipping of spanners 3 1 3 Tolerable 2. Do not work in hurry.
3. Standard work procedure to be followed.

1. Cotton hand gloves to be used while working.

injury due to slipping of spanners 3 1 3 Tolerable 2. Do not work in hurry.
3. Standard work procedure to be followed.
14 PNG Conversion

fingure cut due to sharp object 3 2 6 Tolerable 1. Cotton hand gloves to be used while working. 2. Do not work in hurry.
3. Standard work procedure to be followed.

Fire while gas venting 2 4 8 Moderate 1. Gas venting to be done in controlled manner.

1. Information of concsilled cablling to be taken from customer.

Shock due to consilled wiring during drilling 2 4 8 Moderate 2. Double insulated Drill m/c to be used.
3. Insulated hand gloves to be used.
O&M work of PNG Fall from table or platform 3 2 6 Tolerable 1. Use proper table/platform. 2. Avoid makeshift arrangement
15 Modification/
disconnection/ extra Fall of object on leg 2 2 4 Tolerable Use of Personnel Protective Equipments
Slips, Trips and Falls 2 2 4 Tolerable 1. Avoid to walk on slippery surface.
2. Use of safety belt at more than 2 meters height.
Falling/Hit of object on head or body 2 4 8 Moderate Use of Personnel Protective Equipments
Injury in hand due to sharp object 2 2 4 Tolerable Use of Personnel Protective Equipments
Sharp object goes in eyes while drilling 2 3 6 Tolerable Use of Personnel Protective Equipments

1) Nitrogen purging & leackage attending is required before entering

natural gas into compressor.
Natural Gas Leakage from any parts 2 3 6 Tolerable 2) Immdiate attending of natural gas leackage.
3) Any source of igntion whould not be present inside fencing area.
4) First aid should be available at site.
5) Contineous monitoring inside compressor for any leakage.

1) Insulation resistance should be measure by Megger before giving

Humidity inside motor windings 2 3 6 Tolerable power supply.
2) Heating of motor winding may arrange incase of humindity found.
Oil Leackage from any parts 2 1 2 Trivial 1) sufficient oil level to be checked before starting compressor.
2) Work place area need to be clean for identifying oil leackage.

16 CNG Compressor High discharge Pressure from any stage 2 2 4 Tolerable 1) Checking of SRV setting for proper venting.
Commissioning 2) Contineous monitoring of interstage pressure on gauges.

Increase of Oil pressure 2 2 4 Tolerable 1) Cheking of free running of compressor may required before starting.
2) Checking of friction / noise from compressor.

1) Checking of friction / noise from compressor.

Excess vibration / Noise 2 2 4 Tolerable 2) Continue monitoring of noise level with DB meter.
3) Checking of tubing tension which reacts & attending the same.
4) Checking of motor & compressor allingment.

1) Any source of ignition like mobile, open electrical wires etc. should
not present inside compressor area.
Fire / Explosion due to any reason 2 5 10 Moderate 2) Fire extinguisers should be available at site.
3) Emergency escape route for personnals should be defined.
4) Attending gas leakage if any on immidiate basis.

1) Shoap solltion to be available for checking gas leackage.

2) Immdiate attending of natural gas leackage.
Natural Gas Leakage from any parts 2 3 6 Tolerable 3) Any source of igntion whould not be present inside fencing area.
4) First aid should be available at site.
5) Contineous monitoring inside dispenser for any leakage.

1) Check for SRV operation & factory setting.

17 CNG Dispenser Excess dispensing pressure (>200 Bar) 2 4 8 Moderate 2) Check Gas leakage.
3) Checking for PT setting & motherboard operation.

1) Any source of ignition like mobile, transistors, open electrical wires

etc. should not present surrounding dispenser area.
Fire due to any reason 1 5 5 Tolerable 2) Fire extinguisers should be available at site.
3) Emergency escape route for personnals should be defined.
4) Attending gas leakage if any on immidiate basis.

1) Shoap solltion to be available for checking gas leackage.

2) Immdiate attending of natural gas leackage.
CNG Leakage from tubing / fitting / valves etc 2 4 8 Moderate 3) Any source of igntion whould not be present surrounding area.
4) First aid should be available at site.
5) Contineous monitoring for any leakage.
18 CNG Storage Cascade
1) Cheking of compressor discharge pressure before starting cascade
Failure of Rapture disc 2 5 10 Moderate filling.
2) TC to be checked for cylinder validity.
3) Personals to be trained for attending such emergency.

Fire / Explosion due to any reason 2 5 10 Moderate 1) Proper safety procedure to be followed for cascade commissioning.

1) Checking load current & rating for all equipment.

2) Insulation resistance & high voltage testing to be done before
Shortcircuit inside Panel / High current flow 2 5 10 Moderate energizing the panel.
3) Remove any humidity inside panel if any.
4) Earthing system healthiness to be check before giving power supply.
5) Inspection for any live wire earthing / bus bar earthing.

19 Electrical Panel
1) Insulation resistance of panel to be check
Shock to human being 2 4 8 Moderate 2) First aid kit to be available at site.
3) Trained person for giving treatment to shock affecting person to be

Failure of body earthing 1 4 4 Tolerable 1) Earthing system healthiness to be check before giving power supply.
2) Ensuring operation of OL & EF relay for tripping in such cases.

1) Test pressure to be increased in gradual manner.

Failure of fittings / Tubing 1 4 4 Tolerable 2) Trained person to only carry out the work.
3) First aid kit should be available.
20 Hydrotesting of 4) Tubing work to be carried out by trained person only.
Tubings / Fittings
Leakage / passing from any fitting / valves 2 3 6 Tolerable 1) Tubing work to be carried out by trained person only.
2) Spares to be available for attending such things.

1. Electrical isolation to be taken prior to work.

Shock due to electrical supply availability 2 4 8 Moderate 2. Insulated rubber hand gloves to be used while performing the
electrical maintenance/breakdown work.
Electrical LT Panel 3. LOTO system to be followed.
Shock due to not discharge Capacitor Bank 1 4 4 Tolerable Discharge Capacitor before starting Maintenance work of panel
Failure of any parts or Components due to competant Man 2 4 8 Moderate Allow only trainned & experienced personal to carry our work

1. Electrical isolation to be taken prior to work.

High voltage shock due to not proper shutdown taken from 2 5 10 Moderate 2. Insulated rubber hand gloves to be used while performing the
concerned Power supply authority electrical maintenance/breakdown work.
3. LOTO system to be followed.
Operation &
Maintenance of Two Fall down from Height 2 4 8 Moderate Use proper SOPs & PPEs
22 Pole structures
installed at our Electrical Shock due to not dischage ACSR Condustors 1 5 5 Tolerable Discharge Capacitor before starting Maintenance work of panel
Mother station
1. Electrical isolation to be taken prior to work.
Electrical shock due to connected earthing rod 2 4 8 Moderate 2. Insulated rubber hand gloves to be used while performing the
electrical maintenance/breakdown work.
3. LOTO system to be followed.

1) Any source of ignition like mobile, open electrical wires etc. should
not present inside compressor area.
Fire while Gas venting 2 3 6 Tolerable 2) Fire extinguisers should be available at site.
3) Emergency escape route for personnals should be defined.
4) Attending gas leakage if any on immidiate basis.

1. Electrical isolation to be taken prior to work.

Electrical Shock due to not isolate elctrical supply 2 3 6 Tolerable 2. Insulated rubber hand gloves to be used while performing the
electrical maintenance/breakdown work.
3. LOTO system to be followed.
Operation &
23 Maintenance of
various make of CNG
Compressor 1. Work to be supervise by experience and responsible person.
2.Coordoning of the work area.
3. Ensure proper Use of slings and ropes after balancing before lifting of
Machinery parts Lifting & handling 2 2 4 Tolerable the machinery.
4. Restrict the personnel movement under the lifted load.
5. Ensure lifting equipments/devices are in safe condition and follow
safe working load.
6. Use of PPEs.

Failure of Main / Critical Components (PRV,SRV,Interstage 2 4 8 Moderate 1. Timesly preventive maintenance and testing of all the components.
valves,Flexible hose pipe etc..)

1. Work to be supervise by experience and responsible person.

2.Coordoning of the work area.
3. Ensure proper Use of slings and ropes after balancing before lifting of
Equipments fall down from Height 2 3 6 Tolerable the machinery.
Loading & Unloading 4. Restrict the personnel movement under the lifted load.
of Heavy Equipments 5. Ensure lifting equipments/devices are in safe condition and follow
(i.e DG set,CNG safe working load.
24 6. Use of PPEs.
al Panel etc...)

1. Use of insulated material for machine boom. Extra care shall be taken
Electrical Shock due to overhead Electrical wire 2 3 6 Tolerable while doing the job nearby electrical cable.
2. Trained and experience driver should be deployed for machine.
3. Work to be constantly supervised by experience person.
1. Use of insulated material in between filling nozzle and vehicle battery
Fire due to contact of CNG nozzle in vehicle battery terminal 3 3 9 Moderate 2. Safe CNG refilling procedures to be followed.
3. Request vehicle owner to provide insulated rubber cover to battery

1. Check compliance metal plate of vehicle CNG cylinder and ensure that
the CNG Kit is genuine.
2. Hydrotest due date of cylinder to be checked.
Fire/ Explosion due to duplicate cylinder 2 5 10 Moderate 3. Cylinder to be checked for any tempering or any joints made in the
4. Visual check of CNG filling assembly.
5.Safe CNG refilling procedures to be followed.
6. Spark producing material to be kept at safe distance.

1. Check compliance metal plate of vehicle CNG cylinder and ensure that
the CNG Kit is genuine.
2. Hydrotest due date of cylinder to be checked.
Fire/ explosion due to welded joints in cylinder 2 5 10 Moderate 3. Cylinder to be checked for any tempering or any joints made in the
4. Visual check of CNG filling assembly.
5.Safe CNG refilling procedures to be followed.
6. Spark producing material to be kept at safe distance.

1. Check compliance metal plate of vehicle CNG cylinder and ensure that
the CNG Kit is genuine.
2. Hydrotest due date of cylinder to be checked.
Fire/ Explosion due to leakage from cylinder fittings 2 4 8 Moderate 3. Cylinder to be checked for any tempering or any joints made in the
CNG filling into cylinder.
25 vehicle 4. Visual check of CNG filling assembly.
(Bus/Car/Auto) 5.Safe CNG refilling procedures to be followed.
6. Spark producing material to be kept at safe distance.

Fire due to nozzle o ring damage 2 4 8 Moderate 1. Visual check of o ring at frequent time, replaced with new one if minor
o ring damage.

Fire/ Explosion due to cylinder rupture disc failure 1 5 5 Tolerable 1. Do not kept cylinder and LCV in hot area.
2. Spark producing material to be kept at safe distance.

hitting of filling nozzle to person due to failure of vehicle filling 1 4 4 Tolerable 1. Visual check of filling assembly of all the vehicle.
assembly 2. Follow standard procedure of vehicle CNG refilling.

Vehicle hit the CNG filler 3 3 9 Moderate 1. Person to be deploy for handling vehicle movement.
2. PPEs to be used at all the time.

Wheel (vehicle) roll on the foot of CNG filler 3 2 6 Tolerable 1. Person to be deploy for handling vehicle movement.
2. PPEs to be used at all the time.
Injury in hand due to sharp object (vehicle bonnet) 3 1 3 Tolerable 1. Cotton Hand gloves to be used.

1. Visual check of filling assembly of all the vehicle.

hitting of filling nozzle with head of person due to failure of 1 3 3 Tolerable 2. Follow standard procedure of vehicle CNG refilling.
vehicle filling assembly
3. Use of PPEs
1. Nozzle to be removed immediately after refilling of vehicle, other
Hose pulling if nozzle not removed from vehicle after refilling 3 3 9 Moderate works like billing, payment collection to be done only after removing the
and moved from location
Fire in electrical cable of vehicle 2 4 8 Moderate 1. Check vehcile for any bare electrical wiring prior to start the refilling
Fire in bonnet due to secondary fuel leakage (Petrol) 1 5 5 Tolerable Visual check of vehicle before refilling of CNG
Failure of NZS Probe o'rings 4 1 4 Tolerable Replacement both o'rings at same time. Use of PPEs
Damage NZS probe 1 3 3 Tolerable Timely maintenance & Use of PPEs
Leakages at vehicle side (tubings/Fittings/valves/Rupture disc, 3 3 9 Moderate Timely maintenance & Use of PPEs
Leakages at dispenser side (Tubings/Fittings/Valve/SRV, etcs) 2 1 2 Trivial Timely maintenance & Use of PPEs
1. Timely preventive maintenance to be done.
Fire/ explosion due to leakage from pipe or joints 2 4 8 Moderate 2. Safe procedure for maintenace to be folowed.
3. Use of PPEs

Fall of object on leg 3 2 6 Tolerable 1. Use of Personnel Protective Equipments.

2. Safe handling of tools/tackles or material.

1. Avoid to walk on slippery surface.

26 maintenance of CNG Slips, Trips and Falls 2 2 4 Tolerable
2. Use of safety belt at more than 2 meters height.
Falling/Hit of object on head or body 2 4 8 Moderate Use of Personnel Protective Equipments
Injury in hand due to sharp object 3 1 3 Tolerable Use of Personnel Protective Equipments

1. Electrical isolation to be taken prior to work.

Electric shock 1 4 4 Tolerable 2. Insulated rubber hand gloves to be used while performing the
electrical maintenance/breakdown work.
3. LOTO system to be followed.

Fire due to leakage from pipe or joints 2 3 6 Tolerable

Fall of object on leg 3 2 6 Tolerable 1. Use of Personnel Protective Equipments.

2. Safe handling of tools/tackles or material.
27 Maintenance of CNG
1. Cotton hand gloves to be used while working.
Injury in hand due to sharp object 3 2 6 Tolerable 2. Do not work in hurry.
3. Standard work procedure to be followed.

Leakages from Dispenser 2 1 2 Trivial Timely maintenance & Use of PPEs

(Tubings/Fittings/Valve/SRV, etc)
Operation &
28 Maintenance of Failure of hose pipe,breakaway,SRVs etcs 1 4 4 Tolerable Timely maintenance, replacement of parts as per OEM guidelines & Use
Dispenser of PPEs
Failure of any parts in dispensers during repalcement 1 4 4 Tolerable Allow only trainned & experianced personel to carry out maintenance
Traffic hazard/vehicular movement 1 2 2 Trivial Proper coordoning

1. Person to be deploy for handling vehicle movement.

Crash with other vehicle or installation 3 3 9 Moderate 2. Proper speed breaker to be installed at station.
Vehicle in-out 3. Direction traingle cone to be used for vehicle movement.
29 movement at CNG
station 1. Person to be deploy for handling vehicle movement.
Hit person moving in station 2 3 6 Tolerable 2. Proper speed breaker to be installed at station.
3. Direction traingle cone to be used for vehicle movement.

1. Electrical isolation to be taken prior to work.

Electrical shock due to contact with live cable, work without 2 4 8 Moderate 2. Insulated rubber hand gloves to be used while performing the
isolation electrical maintenance/breakdown work.
3. LOTO system to be followed.

1. Cotton hand gloves to be used while working.

Electrical Injury in hand due to sharp object 2 3 6 Tolerable 2. Do not work in hurry.
30 maintenance at CNG 3. Standard work procedure to be followed.

1. Regular Preventive maintenance of electrical system.

2. Electrical isolation to be taken prior to work.
Electrical fire 2 4 8 Moderate 3. Insulated rubber hand gloves to be used while performing the
electrical maintenance/breakdown work.
4. LOTO system to be followed.

Transformer Oil
31 filteration at CNG Fire due to leaked transformer oil 1 4 4 Tolerable 1. Standard procedure to be followed of transformer oil filteration.

Use of PPEs & Work as per SOPs.

LCV replacement at LCV hose pipe pulling 2 4 8 Moderate Installation of Breakaway coupling in fill hose.
32 Mother staiton & Apply stopper/handbreak at parking time.
Daughter station
LCV has stuck down with Daughter/Mother station fencing 1 3 3 Tolerable Proper & timely refreshment traininig to Drivers.
Leakages from Storage Cascade (Tubing/Fitting/Valves/SRVs, 2 4 8 Moderate Timely maintenance. Safe Driving
Transporataion of
33 Accidents with other vehicles 2 4 8 Moderate Safe Driving.
Hazardus Good
Traininig to Drivers for transportation of hazardus goods
through LCV
Transportation during festival ( Holi/ Diwali) 2 4 8 Moderate Safe driving.
Work as per EIC guide line.
Accidents with other vehicles 2 3 6 Tolerable Safe Driving at controllable speed, Use of PPEs

Use of mobile phone/alcoholic drink during Driving 2 3 6 Tolerable Avoid to receive phone calls during driving.
Don't drink while driving

34 Use of two wheeler / Driving at high speed >50-60 KMPH 4 3 12 Intolerable Safe Driving at controllable speed,
Four Wheeler Use of PPEs

Accidently presence of Stray animals on road 2 3 6 Tolerable Safe Driving at controllable speed,
Use of PPEs
Accidents due to breakdown in vehicles 2 3 6 Tolerable Proper & Timely Maintenance of vehicles

1. Coordoniing of the affcted area after checking of gas concentration

with detectors.
Fire Due to leakage 2 4 8 Moderate 2. Vehicle movement to be diverted from the road.
3. Spark producing material to be kept atleast 15 meters away from the
4. Non sparking tools to be used by O&M.

1. Coordoniing of the affcted area after checking of gas concentration

with detectors.
Suffocation due to high concentration of gas 2 3 6 Tolerable 2. Checking of O2% with detector and do not allowed the person in the
area if O2% below19%.
3. use of SCABA.

1. Cotton hand gloves to be used while working.

35 Complain handling of Injury in hand due to sharp object 2 2 4 Tolerable 2. Do not work in hurry.
PE Damage by O&M 3. Standard work procedure to be followed.

Fall of object on leg 2 2 4 Tolerable 1. Use of Personnel Protective Equipments.

2. Safe handling of tools/tackles or material.

Head injury 2 2 4 Tolerable 1. Safe work procedure to be followed.

2. Use of Personnel Protective Equipments

Road traffic hazards 3 3 9 Moderate 1. Proper coordoning.

2. Hard barricading incase of heavy traffic, main road.

Slip in trench due to water 3 2 6 Tolerable 1. Safe work procedure to be followed.

2. Use of Personnel Protective Equipments

1. Dust mask to be worn by all working in the area.

Flying of dust at high rate in air due to gas eacapping 3 2 6 Tolerable 2. Coordoning of the area.
3. Do not allow any person in the area.

1. Pest control of all the valve chamaber to be done.

Risk of snakes or other animal 3 3 9 Moderate 2. Visual inspection to be carried out before entering into valve chmaber.
3. Always check for any insects in nvalve chamber while working in it.

injury while valve sleeper handling 3 2 6 Tolerable 1. Safe practices to be followed for material handling. 2. Housekeeping of
the work area to be maintained. 3. PPEs to be used all the time.
36 valve chamber
maintenance 1. CH4 concentration to be checked before entering in to Valve chamber.
Fire due to leakage in valve 2 3 6 Tolerable 2. Spark producing material shall be kept away form valve chmaber.
3. Non sparking tools to be used for maintenance of valve.

1. Checking of O2% with detector and do not allowed the person in the
Suffocation due to confined space 3 3 9 Moderate area if O2% below19%.
2. use of SCABA.

Road Traffic hazards 3 3 9 Moderate 1. Proper coordoning.

2. Hard barricading incase of heavy traffic, main road.
37 Storage of PE pipes at
sites in bulk
Fire in pipeline 3 3 9 Moderate 1. Avoid staorage of pipes near transformer area.
2. Pipes to be placed away from any spark producing material.

Road Traffic hazards 3 1 3 Tolerable 1. Proper coordoning.

2. Hard barricading incase of heavy traffic, main road.
38 Installation of PE
38 Installation of PE
valve Checked the condition of tools & tackels before used.
Failure of Sqeezing tool. 2 4 8 Moderate 2. work start with extra Sqeezing tools.
3. time to time provide a maintanance for all equepment.

1. Safe work procedure to be follwed of odorant handling.

Spillage of odorant 2 3 6 Tolerable 2. Absorbant clothes to be kept at odorant station so that spilled odorant
can be contain rapidly.

1. CH4 concentration to be checked before entering in to Valve chamber.

Fire and Explosion hazard 1 4 4 Tolerable 2. Spark producing material shall be kept away form valve chmaber.
3. Non sparking tools to be used for maintenance of valve.

39 Odorant handling at 1. CH4 concentration to be checked before entering in to Valve chamber.

odorant station Burn hazard 1 4 4 Tolerable 2. Spark producing material shall be kept away form valve chmaber.
3. Non sparking tools to be used for maintenance of valve.

Odor nuisance 3 2 6 Tolerable 1. Hypo solution to be used to minimize smell.

2. Face mask should be used while odorant handling.

1. Checking of O2% with detector and do not allowed the person in the
Suffocation due to high concentration 2 3 6 Tolerable area if O2% below19%.
2. use of SCABA.

1. Information (with drawings) of electrical cable to be taken from local

electricity board.
Shock due to underground electrical cable 3 4 12 Intolerable 2. Work to be constantly supervised by experience person.
3. Excavation tools should be well insulated.
4. Cable locator shall be used for locating underground electrical cables

Road Traffic hazard 5 1 5 Tolerable 1. Proper coordoning. 2. Hard barricading incase of heavy traffic, main

1. Exacavted soil to be kept atleast 2ft away from trench.

Collapse of trench 3 3 9 Moderate 2. V - cut type trenching. 3. Shorring / Shuttering of the trench whenever

40 Manual Boring
1. Making Trial Pit of the laying location.
utility damages 2 2 4 Tolerable 2. referance drawing to be taken from concern utility.
3. Work to be constantly supervised by experience person.

1. As built drawing shall be taken from projects/O&M before carrying

own gas pipeline dmages 2 3 6 Tolerable out excavation at perticular location.
2. Extra care and better supervision while excavation of the area.

1. Proper Trench/Pit coordoning.

fall of person in trench 2 2 4 Tolerable 2. Hard barricading incase of heavy traffic, main road.
3. Do not jump over the trench.
4. Crossover to be provided on trench.

Asphixiation due to lack of air supply 2 2 4 Tolerable

1. Before doing any operation do leak test of each and every fittings,
Natural gas leakage (Leakage from flange, pipe, tubings) 2 4 8 Moderate 2. Extra care and better supervision in doing this kind of work.
3. Leak test should be done through gas detection instrument instead of
soap solution.

Falling/Hit of object on head or body 3 2 6 Tolerable Use of Personnel Protective Equipments

Maintenance of High noise (Venting Operation) 2 2 4 Tolerable 1. Ear protecting equipment (Ear muff/plug) shall be used.
41 2. Person to be interchanged at frequent time.

Slips, Trips and Falls 2 2 4 Tolerable 1. Avoid to walk on slippery surface.

2. proper housekeeping of work area to be maintened.

Falling of tools, spanners from Hand. 3 2 6 Tolerable 1. Use proper tools for maintenance work.
2. Site/work specific PPEs to be used.

Injury in hand due to sharp object 3 2 6 Tolerable 1. Safe work procedure to be followed.
2. Use of Personnel Protective Equipments
42 Lowering Damage of underground utilities 2 3
1. Work to be constantly supervised by experience person.
6 Tolerable 2. Excavation tools should be well insulated.
3. Cable locator shall be used for locating underground electrical cables

Falling of lifted pipe section 2 4 8 Moderate lifting belt and m/c to be cheaked befor to start work
injury of persone due to crash with pipe or lifting m/c 3 3 9 Moderate use PPEs,first aid box present at site
fall of tree or electric poll 2 4 8 Moderate Minimum 1 mtr distance to be maintain at the time of excavation
2 2 1. Proper Trench/Pit coordoning.
fall down in trench 4 Tolerable
2. No jump over the trench/pit.
2 2 1. Proper coordoning.
Road traffic hazard 4 Tolerable
2. Hard barricading incase of heavy traffic, main road.
Collapse of lifting equipment 2 4 8 Moderate Proper balancing to be done ,if pipe is lifted by two slings/wire ropes.
3 4
1. Use of insulated material for machine boom. Extra care shall be taken
Overhead electric lines contact with crane, lifting equipment 12 Intolerable while doing the job nearby electrical cable.
2. Trained and experience driver should be deployed for machine.
3. Work to be constantly supervised by experience person.

Collapse of wooden, planks kept on trench for sectional 3 2 1. Sand bags/planks should be placed on flat surface.
6 Tolerable 2. Pipes to be placed in the center of wooden planks/sand bags.
lowering may cause injury
3 2 1. Safe work procedure to be followed.
Cut, crush,abrasion injury 6 Tolerable
2. Use of Personnel Protective Equipments
43 Welding 2 4 Experienced helper should be placed for informing presence of overhead
Electric shock due to overhead cable while pipe lifting 8 Moderate
electric lines
injury of persone due to welding burn 2 2 4 Tolerable Use PPEs,first aid box present at site
2 2 1. Proper coordoning.
road traffic hazard 4 Tolerable
2. Hard barricading incase of heavy traffic, main road.
3 2
1. Proper Trench/Pit coordoning.
fall down in trench 6 Tolerable 2. Hard barricading incase of heavy traffic, main road.
3. Do not jump over the trench. 4. Crossover to be provided on trench.

Eye injury due to grinding chips 2 4 8 Moderate To wear safety goggles

Pain of eye due to welding smoke 2 3 6 Tolerable To wear safety goggles and mask
Arm injury due to grinding wheel movement 2 3 6 Tolerable to wear sock proof hand gloves and fitness of grinding m/c to be cheaked
blasting grits go in to eyes 4 4 16 Intolerable To wear safety goggles and mask
Physical contact of chemical of coating 2 3 6 Tolerable Rubber hand gloves should be used
44 Blasting & Coating Electric shock from holiday detactor m/c 3 3 9 Moderate Shock proof hand gloves should be used
Damage of underground utilities 2 3 1. Referance drawing to be taken from concern utility. 2. Work to be
6 Tolerable
constantly supervised by experience person.

Injury to the helper while handling the rods and fitting of the 9 Moderate All rods should be handeld carefully using necessary PPEs.Proper
45 Boring/HDD hammer 3 3 signaling to be given to the HDD perator while fitting the reamer
1. Work to be supervise by experience and responsible person.
Roll of pipe 2 3 6 Tolerable 2.Coordoning of the work area. 3. Ensure proper Use of slings and ropes
after balancing before lifting of the pipes. 4. Use of PPEs.

1. Work to be supervise by experience and responsible person.

2.Coordoning of the work area. 3. Ensure proper Use of slings and ropes
Fall of pipe from slings 2 4 8 Moderate after balancing before lifting of the pipes. 4. Restrict the personnel
46 Loading/Unloading movement under the lifted load. 5. Ensure lifting equipments/devices
of steel pipeline are in safe condition and follow safe working load. 6. Use of PPEs.

Breakage of lifting accessories like rope and slings 1 4 4 Tolerable 1. inspection and checking of lifting accessories as per standrad.

1. Use of insulated material for machine boom. Extra care shall be taken
Electrical shock due to touch of boom of overhead electrical 3 4 12 Intolerable while doing the job nearby electrical cable. 3. Trained and experience
cable driver should be deployed for machine. 4. Work to be constantly
supervised by experience person.

1 .Load the pipes considering the load carrying capacity of trailer. 2.

Transportation of Roll/ fall of pipes 2 3 6 Tolerable Pipes to be arranged and tightened well in the trailer. 3. Follow the
47 traffic rules.
steel pipeline
Road Traffice hazards 5 1 5 Tolerable 1. Warning flaf/sign/light to be displayed. 2. Follow the traffic rules.
1. Periodic inspection of slings/wire ropes. 2. Work to be supervise by
Roll/ fall of pipes 2 3 6 Tolerable experience and responsible person. 3. Coordoning of the work area. 4.
Ensure proper Use of slings and ropes after balancing before lifting of the
48 Stringing pipes. 5. Use of PPEs.

Crush of finger/hand 3 2 6 Tolerable 1. Cotton hand gloves to be used while working. 2. Do not work in hurry.
3. Standard work procedure to be followed.

Flying of foreign partcles 2 3 6 Tolerable 1. Use of work specific PPEs. 2. Minimum persons to be kept near work

Welding flash 2 3 6 Tolerable 1. Use of work specific PPEs. 2. Minimum persons to be kept near work
49 Cutting/ Welding of
steel line Burn injury due to gas cutting/ welding 2 3 6 Tolerable 1. Use of work specific PPEs. 2. Minimum persons to be kept near work
Back fire during gas cutting 1. Inspection of hose connection, flash back arrestor of gas cutting set.

Electrical shock 1 4 4 Tolerable Ensure electrical cables,extension boards, machines are free from
electric shock hazard.
Entry of flying particles in eyes 3 2 6 Tolerable 1.Ensure guard on grinding machine. 2. use of work specific PPEs.
Cut injury (overhead grinding) 2 2 4 Tolerable 1. S[ecial care to be taken while overhead grinding.
50 Grinding
High noise 4 1 4 Tolerable 1. Ear protecting equipment (Ear muff/plug) shall be used. 2. Person to
be interchanged at frequent time.

1. Exacavted soil to be kept atleast 2ft away from trench. 2. V - cut type
Collapse of trench 2 3 6 Tolerable trenching. 3. Shorring / Shuttering of the trench whenever required. 4.
Minimum required persons to be kept in the trench. 5. Use ladder for
emergency escape from the trench.
51 tie-in joints
Fall of object on leg 2 2 4 Tolerable 1. Safe work procedure to be followed. 2. Use of Personnel Protective

Cut injury 2 2 4 Tolerable 1. Cotton hand gloves to be used while working. 2. Do not work in hurry.
3. Standard work procedure to be followed.

52 Holiday test Electric shock 0 Trivial 1. Trained and experience person shall do this work. 2. No one allowed to
seat, cross or touch the pipe section during test.
1. Affected area to be cordoned off and radiation warning to be
Ionizing Radiation 2 3 6 Tolerable displayed. 2. Avoid radiography in day time. 3.Stay away from the
radiation source.
53 Radiography/ X-ray
radiations may react with the skin and cause cancer, skin 1. Affected area to be cordoned off and radiation warning to be
1 4 4 Tolerable displayed. 2. Avoid radiography in day time. 3.Stay away from the
irritation, dermatitis etc
radiation source.
1. Work to be supervise by experience and responsible person.
Bursting of the discharge hose/ tube 1 3 3 Tolerable 2.Coordoning of the work area. 2. Use of standard fitting and calibrated
gauges. 4. Use of PPEs.
54 Hydraulic testing of 1. Work to be supervise by experience and responsible person.
steel pipeline Bursting of pipe to be tested 1 4 4 Tolerable 2.Coordoning of the work area. 2. Use of standard fitting and calibrated
gauges. 4. Use of PPEs.

Slipping of spanners 2 2 4 Tolerable 1. Cotton hand gloves to be used while working. 2. Do not work in hurry.
3. Standard work procedure to be followed.

Road Traffic hazard 3 2 6 Tolerable 1. Proper coordoning. 2. Hard barricading incase of heavy traffic, main
55 Nitrogen purging
1. Work to be supervise by experience and responsible person.
Burting of pipe/ hose 1 3 3 Tolerable 2.Coordoning of the work area. 2. Use of standard fitting and calibrated
gauges. 4. Use of PPEs.

1. Gas venting to be done in controlled manner at 3 meters height from

Fire due to uncontrolled venting 4 4 16 Intolerable working level. 2. Ensure earthing to vent pipe. 3. Continous checking of
Gas concentraction with gas detectors. 4. Any spark produced material
shall be kept atleast 15 meters distance.

Commissioning of High noise 4 2 8 Moderate 1. Use of Personal Protective equipments.

steel line
Road traffic hazards 5 1 5 Tolerable Proper Trench/Pit coordoning. Hard barricading incase of heavy traffic,
main road.
1. Proper Trench/Pit coordoning. 2. Hard barricading incase of heavy
Fall of person in trench/ pit 3 2 6 Tolerable traffic, main road. 3. Do not jump over the trench. 4. Crossover to be
provided on trench.

Damage of lifting equipment due to overload or work in over 1 5 5 Tolerable 1. Check sling/crane/chain pully certification for their EWL and testing
safe working limit date. 2. Duel lifting shall be utilized whenever possible.
57 Use of lifting
equipment Sling/ chain damage 2 5 10 Moderate 1. Check sling/crane/chain pully certification for their EWL and testing
date. 2. Duel lifting shall be utilized whenever possible.
Balancing may fall 1 5 5 Tolerable Better comminication between crane operator and foreman.
1. Use of copper grit instead of sand. 2. Work specific PPEs to be used. 3.
Health hazards of lung disease, silicosis 2 4 8 Moderate Surrounding area should be properly covered to minimize dust
58 Sand blasting
Asphyxiation due to lack of air supply 3 2 6 Tolerable 1. Surrounding area should be properly covered to minimize dust
dispersion. 2. O2% to be checked frequently.

1 .First isolation valves need to be closed. 2. Purging with N2 is

Fire and Explosion due to leakage 3 4 12 Intolerable mandatory. 3. Non sparking tools to be used for maintenance. 4.
Continous checking of Gas concentraction with gas detectors. 5. Any
spark produced material shall be kept atleast 15 meters distance.

High noise 4 2 8 Moderate 1. Ear protecting equipment (Ear muff/plug) shall be used. 2. Person to
be interchanged at frequent time.

Road Traffic hazard 4 2 8 Moderate 1. Proper coordoning. 2. Hard barricading incase of heavy traffic, main
59 Steel pipe leakage
repairing Suffocation due to high concentration of gas 2 3 6 Tolerable 1. frequent checking of O2 %. 2. use of SCABA.

Injury in hand due to sharp object 2 2 4 Tolerable 1. Cotton hand gloves to be used while working. 2. Do not work in hurry.
3. Standard work procedure to be followed.

Fall of object on leg 2 2 4 Tolerable 1. Use of Personnel Protective Equipments. 2. Safe handling of
tools/tackles or material.

Slip in trench due to water 2 3 6 Tolerable 1. Safe work procedure to be followed. 2. Use of Personnel Protective
Flying of dust at high rate in air due to gas eacapping 4 2 8 Moderate 1 .Use of Dust mask. 2. Coordoning of the area.
Fall / Slip of the two-wheeler 2 4 8 Moderate Defensive Driving, Use of Crash Helmet while driving, driving at
moderate speed
60 Two wheeler Driving
Accident 2 4 8 Moderate Defensive Driving, Use of Crash Helmet while driving, driving at
moderate speed
Electrical shock from live current wire while repair and
Electrical replacement of electrical instruments. 1. Electrical isolation to be taken prior to work. 2. Insulated rubber hand
maintenance/ 2 4 8 Moderate gloves to be used while performing the electrical
61 maintenance/breakdown work. 3. LOTO system to be followed.
breakdown work in
office building
Injury in hand due to sharp object 2 3 6 Tolerable 1. Suitable PPEs to be used.
Electrical shock from live current wire while housekeeping 1. Electrical isolation to be taken prior to work. 2. LOTO system to be
1 4 4 Tolerable

Injury in hand due to sharp object 2 3 6 Tolerable 1. Cotton hand gloves to be used while working. 2. Do not work in hurry.
3. Standard work procedure to be followed.
62 Housekeeping of
office building
Slips, Trips and Falls 3 2 6 Tolerable 1. Safe work procedure to be followed. 2. Use of Personnel Protective

Falling from ladder steps 2 3 6 Tolerable 1. take care while movemen on ladders. 2. Reflective strips to be used on

1. Drive ay nominal speed. 2. Use of safety belt while driving. 3. Drivers

Crash with other vehicle or devider 2 4 8 Moderate to be deployed who is having valid driving licence. 4. Timely
maintenance of vehicle. 5. Avoid travelling in nights. 6. Do not use mobile
phones while driving. 7. Do not drive after drink

1. Drive ay nominal speed. 2. Use of safety belt while driving. 3. Drivers

63 Movement in four Vehicle overturn 2 4 8 Moderate to be deployed who is having valid driving licence. 4. Timely
wheeler maintenance of vehicle. 5. Avoid travelling in nights. 6. Do not use mobile
phones while driving. 7. Do not drive after drink
1. Drive ay nominal speed. 2. Use of safety belt while driving. 3. Drivers
Vehicle Fall in trench 2 4 8 Moderate to be deployed who is having valid driving licence. 4. Timely
maintenance of vehicle. 5. Avoid travelling in nights. 6. Do not use mobile
phones while driving. 7. Do not drive after drink

Back pain due to improper posture of sitting 3 3 9 Moderate 1. proper angle of sitting and computer position. 2. Avoid sitting
64 Work on computers
Pain in neck due to improper posture of sitting 3 2 6 Tolerable 1. proper angle of sitting and computer position. 2. Avoid sitting

Risk Type Residual Risk Rating Consideration

No further improvements necessary provided control measures
Trivial Risk 1 to 2 are maintained
Risk is tolerable when control measures identified are
Tolerable Risk Greater than 2 but less than 6 implemented

Moderate Risk Greater than 6 but less than 12 Further risk reduction measures should be considered

Intolerable Risk Greater than 12 Considered as intolerable and not adequately controlled

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