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1. What are your immediate plans after graduation?

2. Can you share a memorable moment or experience from your time in
3. How have you grown or changed during your university years?
4. What was the most challenging course or project you completed, and
what did you learn from it?
5. Who has been the most influential professor or mentor during your
academic journey, and why?
6. What extracurricular activities or clubs were you involved in, and how
did they impact your university experience?
7. What advice would you give to incoming university students?
8. How did you balance academics, work, and personal life during your
time at university?
9. What is your proudest accomplishment or achievement from your
university years?
10. Can you share your future career aspirations and goals?
11. How has your perspective on the world or your field of study evolved
since you started university?
12. What role did your friends and classmates play in your university
13. Are there any specific professors, courses, or projects that have had a
lasting impact on your life and career choices?
14. What would you say were the most significant lessons you learned
outside the classroom?
15. How do you plan to continue your personal and professional growth

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