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‘Three Tier Structure: ‘+ Base level- Gram Panchayat (Covers avillage or group of villages) ‘+ Intermediary-Mandal (Block or Taluka) (Need not be constituted in smaller States) ‘+ Apex-Zila Panchayat (Covering the entire rural area ofthe District) Provision of Mandatory Creation of Gram Sabha - Elections, Terms and Dissolution ‘+ The Gram Sabha comprises of al the adult members registered as voters in the Panchayat ‘area and itsrole and functions are decided by State legislation, ‘© Elections: Al three levels are directly elected by the people. ‘© Term: 5 Years + Dissolutios the state dissolves the panchayat before the end ofits five-year term fresh elections must be held within six months of such dissolution. Reservations 1+ 13" seats are reserved for women in all Panchayat Institutions for allcategories. (Gerv/sc/sTIoBC) ‘+ Reservation for SC & ST in proportion to thelr population ‘Ifthe States find it necessary they cn also provide for reservations forthe backward ‘2stes(OBCs). Therefore, reservations are also applicable tothe chairpersons at allt p. levels ca

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