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Chapter 6 OD

1. What is leadership?

Leadership refers to the ability of an individual or a group of individuals to influence,

guide, and inspire others towards a common goal or vision. It involves a combination of
skills, traits, behaviors, and qualities that enable individuals to effectively lead and
motivate others.

2. What are the implications of leadership concept?

a) Organizational Success:Leadership impacts organizational culture, employee

engagement, and overall performance, which can ultimately determine the success
or failure of an organization.

b) Employee Engagement and Productivity: Strong leadership has a positive

influence on employee engagement and productivity.

c) Change Management: Leadership plays a crucial role in managing and

implementing change within organizations.

leaders vs managers some fundamental differences

While leadership and management are related concepts, there are some fundamental
differences between the two roles. Here are a few key distinctions:

Managers are those who are responsible for achieving those goals and implementing the ways to attain
those set objectives efficiently.

Leaders are primarily responsible for defining (and sometimes redefining) organizational goals and
objectives or what is known as the mission of the organization

1. Focus and Orientation:

 Managers typically focus on maintaining and controlling processes, systems, and
resources to achieve organizational goals.
 Leaders, on the other hand, have a broader focus on setting a vision, inspiring and
influencing others, and driving change.

2. People vs. Tasks:

 Managers primarily deal with tasks, processes, and systems. They are responsible for
organizing work,and assigning responsibilities
 Leaders, in contrast, primarily deal with people. They focus on building relationships,
motivating and inspiring individuals.

3. Decision-Making Approach:
 Managers tend to make decisions based on rational analysis and data..
 Leaders often make decisions by considering a broader range of factors, including
intuition, creativity, and long-term implications.

4. Authority and Influence:

 Managers derive their authority from their position within a formal organizational
 Leaders, on the other hand, derive their influence from their personal qualities, expertise,
and ability to inspire others.

5. Short-term vs. Long-term Focus:

 Managers typically have a shorter-term focus on achieving specific targets and meeting
 Leaders have a longer-term focus and a more strategic outlook.

Leadership is primarily concerned with setting a vision, inspiring and motivating others,
and driving change. It focuses on people, relationships, and the broader strategic
direction of the organization.
 Management focuses on organizing and controlling processes, systems, and resources
to achieve specific goals. It involves tasks such as planning, organizing, coordinating,
and monitoring day-to-day operations.

Main Approaches to the Study of Leadership:

1. Trait Approach: This approach focuses on identifying the inherent traits or qualities that
make individuals effective leaders. It examines personal characteristics such as
intelligence, confidence, integrity, and charisma.
2. Behavioral Approach: This approach analyzes the behaviors exhibited by leaders. It
examines how leaders act and interact with others, including their communication style.
3. Situational Approach: It suggests that the most appropriate leadership style varies based
on factors such as the task, the skills of the followers, and the level of autonomy
4. Transformational Approach: This approach highlights the leader's ability to inspire and
motivate followers to achieve extraordinary outcomes.
5. Contingency Approach: This approach acknowledges that effective leadership depends
on a combination of various factors, including the leader's traits,and behaviors
Different Sources Of Power
1. Legitimate Power: This power is based on the formal position or role that an individual
holds within an organization. For example, a manager has legitimate power over their
2. Expert Power: Expert power is derived from an individual's knowledge, skills, or expertise
in a particular area.Expert power is often associated with professionals such as doctors,
lawyers, or technical specialists.
3. Referent Power: Referent power is based on the personal qualities and characteristics of
an individual that attract admiration, respect, and identification from others.
4. Reward Power: Reward power comes from an individual's ability to provide rewards or
incentives to others. It is based on the perceived control over valued resources, such as
promotions, bonuses, recognition, or desirable assignments..
5. Coercive Power: Coercive power is derived from the ability to administer punishments,
sanctions, or negative consequences..

Distinguishing between a leader and a manager:


 Focuses on setting a vision, inspiring and motivating others, and driving change.
 Emphasizes the development of people, building relationships, and creating a positive
work culture.
 Guides others by influencing and inspiring them to voluntarily follow the vision and
 Promotes innovation, encourages risk-taking, and embraces uncertainty.
 Is adaptable and can operate effectively in ambiguous situations.


 Focuses on organizing and controlling processes, systems, and resources to achieve

specific goals.
 Emphasizes efficiency, stability, and operational tasks.
 Guides others by directing, delegating, and monitoring their work.
 Ensures adherence to established procedures, policies, and guidelines.
 Is skilled in planning, coordinating, and problem-solving.
2. When an organization requires a leader rather than a manager:

An organization may require a leader rather than a manager in the following situations:

a) During times of change: When an organization is undergoing significant change, such

as implementing a new strategy, restructuring, or entering a new market..

b) When driving innovation and creativity: Organizations that prioritize innovation and
creativity require leaders who can inspire and empower employees to think outside the
box, take risks, and explore new ideas.

c) In complex and dynamic environments: They can anticipate trends, identify

opportunities, and guide the organization towards future success.

d) Building a strong organizational culture: Leaders play a crucial role in shaping and
nurturing the organizational culture.

e) Inspiring and motivating employees: When the organization requires employees to be

engaged, motivated, and committed to achieving challenging goals.

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