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Are We Going
to Miss the Bus?
We may well miss the bus to stable, reliable and economic growth
to emission-less electrical energy unless we are prepared to
realistically grasp the engineering challenges posed by renewables.
By Phil Kreveld

n summary, the Australian networks with its load and generator solutions, we embark on a hazardous bus trip of load shedding,
buses are the result of over a century of organic growth, a polite islanding and black-outs as more and more asynchronous generation
way of expressing the knitting of an expanding national ‘electrical takes over from synchronous energy sources. This is not a rejection of
cardigan’ without much of a pattern through multiple ad hoc decisions inverter-based resources associated with wind and solar generators as
but with well understood materials and knitting needles. The national well as batteries. Asynchronous, IBR generation is capable of working
challenge we face is that we are unpicking the cardigan, replacing it reliably in the NEM grid but with somr critically important provisos:
with some future pattern which is the subject of much heated and new control mechanisms are required appropriate for a ‘ nite’, as
uninformed debate but little or no overall engineering oversight. Not opposed to an ‘non- nite’, bus system and we need time to learn the
only that but we are replacing traditional synchronous generation, ropes. As yet there are no large grids elsewhere that can be used as a
operating on the basis of universal control rules with inverter-based template! Even in the NEM of the near future, but certainly by 2030,
generation whose operating rules are ‘commercial-in-con dence’. It variation in generator power and in load centre demand anywhere
is a recipe for painful and expensive growth—one where, in spite of within the grid can be expected to a ect distant buses as well.
Australia’s current vanguard position in the adoption of renewables, To sum up the challenge: turbine-generator halls with four or more
we may well miss the bus to stable, reliable—and economic growth generators connected in parallel to the power station bus are to be
to emission-less electrical energy. replaced by lower rating battery energy storage system (BESS)-inverter
combos ‘here, there and everywhere’ rather than being connected in
THE ‘SYNCHRONOUS BUS’ IS DEPARTING AND WITH IT parallel to provide strong synchronous sources. In aggregate total
THE INFINITE BUS! MVA capacity, for a period of several or more hours, may well match
AEMO’s integrated systems plan of July 2022 forecasts the NEM with that of the lost synchronous capacity but instead of a station bus or
as much as 83% of demand being met by renewables by 2030. The tie line providing strong synchronising electrical torque and 4 - to 6
ISP step change contemplates the retirement by then of most of the - times overload capacity, BESS-inverter capacities will be separated
coal- red synchronous eet, these being ‘on the nose’ politically—as by transmission line impedances and voltage angles, requiring
well as increasingly commercially unviable. The ‘synchronous bus’ is synchronisation schemes that are still subject to experimentation.
departing and with it the in nite bus! The in nite bus is, of course, Therefore, new forms of control will have to be based on wide-area
a mathematical concept, seldom re ected in reality. However, measurement systems (WAMS) taking into account latencies in
synchronous generators subject to universal droop control, damping communication. It is reasonable to assume that the asynchronous
and automatic voltage regulation do contribute as near as practical system of the future will be subject to di erent voltage and frequency
to in nite buses where voltage, voltage angle and frequency are very stability limits currently in force. That is of itself neither good nor
tightly constrained. Engineering and economic common sense would bad—as long as we can be con dent of system security.
indicate that grid design, grid control and market developments At the time of writing, AEMO is facing a vexing question: are we
should take the departure of synchronous generation into account con dent of running a mainly asynchronous grid or do we ‘have a
because it opens up a Pandora’s box of challenges for voltage, power bob each way’ and put in an order for forty synchronous condensers
and frequency control. If we fail to implement reliable engineering (give or take $1.5 to 2 billion in capital costs) so as to meet 2030



targets—to have more assurance of stability and reliability. Loss of short transmission lines and the bulk of power demand being met
system strength because of limited overload MVA capacity of IBR by synchronous generators. Even when the NEM grid was hardly
makes syncons a solution in that they reduce line impedance—and in uenced by the intrusion of solar and wind generation, the in nite
provide inertia, giving a control response respite of the order of a bus simpli cation was challengeable because of long transmission
second of time. That period is su cient for phase locked loops (PLL) lines. Long, skinny networks are less ‘in nite’ than meshed networks,
in IBR to lock onto new voltage angles while frequency has hardly typical of Western Europe.
changed (phase angles have changed slowly!). On the other hand, we The diagram referring to the in nite bus shows that variations on
could put our trust in over-rated BESS-voltage forming IBR capable of load, P a ect power factor, φ and the power angle, δ. Field voltage,
providing MVA short circuit capacity that otherwise would have been Ef in (a) is kept constant by keeping excitation current, If constant.
available had we kept our eet synchronous generators. That leads to Disregarding armature resistance, the expression relating armature
another question that AEMO does not pose but should: the growing current, Ia to bus voltage, Vt is given by:
energy independence of distribution networks for many hours of the
day and the growth in community batteries. Making these look after or
themselves as independent grids, could well prove simpler from a
control aspect and prove more economical than our present growth == ==
path of more interconnectors, more augmentation such as syncons,
phase shifting transformers, series capacitors, etc. The parameters in red are constants and power factor, cos φ
The parameters in red are constants and power factor, cos φ in green
THE CAPACITY TO DESIGN-IN STABILITY AND is determined by the load, consuming power, P. The Ef vector, being
RELIABILITY constant in magnitude, describes an arc as load current, Ia varies. The
The alternatives of synchronous static compensators (STATCOM),supplied reactive
by thecomponent
generator supplied by the
is Ia Vt sin generator is IaVt sin φ. Therefore:
φ . Therefore:
static var compensators (SVC) thyristor-controlled series capacitors
+ =
(TCSC) and other exible AC transmission system (FACTS) devices + =
expose us to a brave new world! It is not only the level of capital is given by:
or reactive power, Q is given by:
expenditure that dictates choices in technology (for example, over- −
= −
rated BESS-IBR versus syncons) but more importantly, the capacity =
to design-in stability and reliability. We can be sure of one thing—
operational experience will be hard won, and therefore some years The simplicity of these formulas is deceptive as they hide the time
at the very least will be necessary in gaining it. Syncons may reduce variability in power, voltage and impedance, simpli ed as inductive
that time—it is hoped but rather than xing our gaze on one solution, impedance, Xa to the in nite bus (including the reactance of the
and in as much as the synchronous bus is about to leave us behind at generator) with assumed phasor, Vt ej0 . Frequency, ω stability also
the bus stop, it is a better idea to grasp the nettle, rmly and develop has to be considered. Without a ecting the validity of frequency
control architecture on the basis millisecond time bases typical of IBR stability considerations, etc, a 2-pole machine can serve as basis for
control loops. discussion so that shaft speed and frequency are identical values. The
Basically, this article assumes that Australia’s increasingly angular acceleration/deceleration of the synchronous generator rotor
asynchronous networks, abandoning the simplicity of in nite buses, is determined by the relationship, T (torque) equals moment of inertia
will require wide area monitoring systems (WAMS) based on phasors. multiplied by angular acceleration/deceleration. Power is derived
As a basis for discussion of control challenges in renewable grids, it is from torque multiplied by angular velocity.
useful to examine rst conventional synchronous generation because
it forms templates for asynchronous IBR. The important di erence is Therefore:
that for synchronous generation there is over a century of practical
− =
operating experience whereas we are on a learning curve in respect
of IBR. And

− =

Note: Tm,e and Pm,e are respectively machine (m) and electrical (e)
torque, (T) and power, P. J is the combined moment of inertia of the
machine, e.g., a turbine, and generator. The above expressions are the
swing equations. Rather than large power angle, δ angle excursions,
i.e., assuming small signal stability δ = δ0 + ∆δ the swing equation
describes ∆δ variations centred on δ0.


− ( +∆ )= �
is the angular momentum, Jω of the machine and generator and
Where M is
Where M the
is theangular momentum, Jω of the machine and generator
angular momentum,
and = �.. The sine function can be linearised by the Taylor series.
Also in a practical system, damping is required, proportional to ,/ to
Figure 1 aid the return to stability following a change in the value ofThe power.
swing equation can
The diagrams as shown in Figure 1 show the limitations in synchronous The swing equation can then be written:
generator control provided by the in nite bus concept. In short, an ∆ ∆
individual synchronous generator’s behaviour is constrained by − ( +( )∆ ) = + �
being connected to a constant voltage and frequency bus, formed by
many other synchronous generators. The in nite bus is a theoretical If the generator was initially operating stably then Pm would be equal
concept, simplifying generator control. It is appropriate to electrically to Pmax sin δ0.

Continued from page 29

Where D is the damping coe cient. The above formula can be written line inductance and ltering at the inverter output terminals. In grid
more simply: following IBR, a PLL locks onto the grid voltage and xes the phase of
∆ ∆ the sinewave oscillator in relation to the grid voltage to either form
+ + ∆ = �
an in-phase current with grid voltage or a speci ed phase di erence
, i.e., : d in order to generate quadrature as well as in-phase components. The
Where Ps is ,. at δ0, i.e., :Pmax cos δ0 voltage forming task requires the comparison of output voltage and
current phasors with similar reference values as well as frequency
The foregoing discussion based on the synchronous generator is comparison with a reference value. In principle the droop equations:
useful in understanding the required behaviour of those IBR replacing
= −
synchronous generators, and in the types of measurements that will
have to be made in extended grids. = −
= − d
4 5( )
The roots to the above time function equation are: − ±
It is therefore evident only in cases where D2 ≥ 4P Mthere
4PmaxM therewillwill
be no
be where Kq, Kω and Kδ are droop constants that provide for voltage
no oscillation of the voltage angle ∆δ. However, speed of response to forming and frequency but as is evident from the real and reactive
load changes requires only su cient damping, less then critical, so power relations for weak grids, the above relationships cannot apply
that oscillation of the power angle takes place. because of interaction between P and Q. One way of resolving
the interaction is by introducing a virtual impedance in control
The swing equations when translated to actual operation of an transfer functions of an IBR. A virtual inductor would result in a
extensive grid point to the need for complex stability control result power equation:
in a power equation:
measures. In practice, local area and interarea oscillation of power
angles due to the variations in power demand cannot be avoided; =
= (( −− )) ≈ ≈ ∆

therefore, limitation of power angle swings and rate of swinging is
all-important to prevent mechanical damage to turbines and power and:
(( − − )) −− −

swings causing the operation of protection equipment. In early days = ≈
= ≈
piston engine-generator sets were used and they experienced power
angle stability problems because of engine torque vibration. Small
grids with only a few generators minimised power angle instability where ωLvirt is ‘virtually’ interposed between the grid connection
and when turbines were introduced, these torque vibrations were and the inverter H-bridges coupling points, δ1 and δ2 are the phasors
eliminated. The development and maturation of stability control at the H bridges coupling points and the grid. ∆δ is the angular
has taken well over a century. The replacement of synchronous di erence with respect to δ2, the phasor at the inverter connection
generators by inverters will cause a new set of stability problems point to the grid and it can be expected to be a variable. It is not a
for which we do not yet have answers. As further explained, basic problem perse for the droop control as V2 δ2 is the reference value
to stability control will be the wide deployment of synchrophasor for the IBR. However, what can be increasingly expected is that the
measurement units (PMU). In some ways, they can be seen as proxies phasor will oscillate and/or jump about through load variations and
for transient electromagnetic measurement (EMT)—not theoretically the e ects of other IBR. The droop equation for power cited above is
appropriate, but much simpler to deploy and to incorporate in new modi ed for the reason that unlike synchronous generators, whose
control systems. frequency relates directly to mechanical revolutions per second, an
Furthermore, the voltage forming IBR has to be able to provide IBR can use a sinewave oscillator whose phase can be advanced or
power and reactive power according to: retarded. From present microgrid practice we learn that physical
embodiments have just one (or paralleled set) voltage forming
= generator, be it diesel-generator or other synchronous source.
Alternately a single battery-energised voltage forming inverter ful lls
− the task. Yet there are studies aplenty of load sharing, voltage forming
IBR—as mathematical models! AEMO’s ISP contemplates a ‘mega’ grid,
in essence based on mathematical models described for small-scale
THE PROBLEM IN WEAK GRIDS networks and to all intents and purposes assumes load sharing and
That said, the problem in weak grids, i.e., those with limited short stability challenges will not exist!
circuit capacity and generally low X/R ratios, real power, P and reactive Let’s insert ourselves in a network, (see Figure 2, opposite page)
power Q interact, complicating power-frequency and reactive power- i.e, between bus n, and n + 1, with admittance Yn Ɵn. At bus n,
voltage droop controls. In weak grids the above equations are: assuming there is no power consumption, the voltage phasor is
Vn e jδn and at bus n + 1, Vn+1 e jδn+1. The (variable) power ow into
= @ + − A bus n is Pn + jQn and at bus 2, a load bus, power is also variable and is
Pn+1 + jQn+1. The only constant is the admittance. At bus n,
= @ − − A
+ ∗
( + )=| | H@| | −| C | * A| | J
With R/X as a large ratio, power, P becomes dependent on voltage,
and Q dependent on angle. At bus n + 1,
For IBR there is no natural armature reaction as occurs in ( + )=| | * ( )∗
synchronous generators, providing the voltage angle relationship
δ, so that it needs to be created for voltage forming tasks. Whether Where∗(In+1)* a conjugate vector of the load current at bus n + 1 and
grid following or grid (voltage) forming, the heart of voltage or its voltage is also determined by the power ow to more distant
current sourced inverters is the sinewave pulse width modulation buses, determined by Kirchho ’s law. Let’s situate an IBR at bus
process for creating AC current, voltage and power. SPWM requires n + 2, also supplying the load bus and we notice that |Vn+1 |e jδn+1
a carrier frequency of several or more kilohertz converting a sine is subject to uctuation and a (a frequency oscillation) indicating
wave oscillator voltage into pulses at carrier frequency, therefore instability. We might judge that the load
should be should be mainly
mainly supplied supplied by
by the
contributing to high frequency harmonics, normally attenuated by the n + 2 IBR and therefore need to send it a power control instruction



or alternately other IBR downstream from bus n may need to alter reactive be achieved by discrete Fourier transform analyses. Synchronising their
power, for example. Of course, one can dismiss the above scenario as sampling via GPS can provide a very useful time-synchronised snapshot
unrealistic but it is in truth unimaginable that with in nite buses a thing across virtually all the nodes/busbars of network. However, sorting out
of the past, we can assume that generators will just know how to load useful data from a very large number of observations is a major task.
share and supervise stability. The proprietary designs of IBR, at best
described by shorthand mathematical models su cient to pass AEMO RAPID ACHIEVEMENT OF STABILITY
EMT tests for grid access militate a large potential for stability problems. The question as to the necessity for inertia was posed above. For
example, there is the case made for the retention of rotating inertia,
mechanically (
ωm as supplied mechanically )
via synchronous generators
motors. Inertia is seen to provide periods of perhaps 50 to
and directly connected AC motors. Inertia is seen to provide periods
of perhaps 50 to 100 cycles decreased rate of change of frequency
(RoCoF) as power demand changes occur therefore providing time for
engine governors to respond with new power settings of prime movers.
Figure 2 However, IBR, for example grid following inverters, via their PLL are able
As bus voltages, current and power ow become more subject to short- to respond within milliseconds. Therefore, inertia would not appear
time variation because the need for phasor monitoring. Phasors are RMS a requirement as changes of power injection to boost or decrease
measurands and this is seen as a disadvantage for networks subject to frequency can be made rapidly. In practice, a particular grid following
electromagnetic transients. However, within-period sampling can IBR connected to a very strong bus experiencing a change in frequency,
provide a moving average and this is of great advantage for network would respond stably, i.e., with some overshoot but rapid achievement
control. A phasor can be described by the function: of stability. With in nite buses gone, and extended networks with mainly
IBR sources, frequency oscillations between them would result as a result
= L ∆ + ∆ N of their PLLs functioning with varying time constants. To counteract this,
synthetic inertia voltage forming IBR as replacement for synchronous
In whichInthe phasor
which the phasor d varies
angle, angle, with time
δ varies and and
with time ∆ ∆tissthe sampling
is the samplinginterval. A
generators are being trialled. In essence this requires modelling of the IBR
interval. A change of phase angle with time implies a frequency change control loops to re ect the swing equation shown below in frequency
but an assumption is made that the underlying network frequency in mode. It should be noted that the incorporation of the swing equation is
radians/sec, ω is a constant. X is assumed to be an RMS measurand and one of the techniques available but the simplest to understand.
there is a tacit assumption that is slow compared to ω. In the case of
. In the case ofsynchronous
synchronous generators, the oscillation
generators, the oscillation frequency of the voltage angle, δ + + =
is of the order of sub-cycles/second but as already is being experienced Where ∂ is the Laplace transform of ∆δ. There are a number of transfer
with IBR in low short circuit ratio networks, frequencies are in the tens functions for IBR feedback that can mimic the above equation.
of hertz. Applying classical AC circuit laws irrespective of whether IBR However, the absence of synchronising torque in IBR-only grids leaves a
or synchronous generators energise circuits is a priori questionable. trail of question marks. We would be well advised to retain at least a 30%
Nevertheless, it represents a sensible stating point, utilising state-based synchronous capacity level while we learn to interpret the observations
measurements, e.g., EMT only in some instances. Extraction of phasors can of a national WAMS based on synchrophasor monitoring.

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