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Statement of Purpose

To whom it may concern:

I remember how excited I was when I first saw a cell under a microscope in high school. From
that day, I became interested in working in the laboratory and did extensive research to choose
the right field of study for my bachelor's degree. Finally, I decided to start my studies for a
bachelor of science in Plant breeding and biotechnology after graduating from high school.
Unfortunately, due to the financial problems that happened to my family, I have to work at the
same time as my studies to support the family's expenses. Because of this, I could not obtain a
high GPA. However, I have learned to live independently.
After my bachelor's degree, I studied hard for the entrance exam of Iranian universities for the
master's degree. As a result, I got an excellent rank of 30 among more than 100,000 candidates.
As a result, I was accepted to the National Institute of Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology
and studied with the best professors of Biotechnology in Iran. After graduation, I interned at the
Sharif University of Technology for one year. Afterward, I worked as a laboratory expert,
researcher, and teacher assistant for two years at the National Center for Genetic Engineering
and Biotechnology. I have done many research activities in the last two years. In 2021, I wrote
an article titled Toward embryo cryopreservation-on-a-chip: A standalone microfluidic platform
for gradual loading of cryoprotectants to minimize cryoinjuries. In addition, I registered a patent
for the process of making a Microfluidics chip for mouse blastocyst Cryopreservation.
After gaining the experiences I mentioned, I decided to continue my studies for a Ph.D.
Furthermore, since European universities offer more extensive technological educational
resources, I want to study abroad. Furthermore, since European universities offer the most up-to-
date teaching resources, I want to study in Europe. For this reason, I have been improving my
English for the past two years to be fully prepared to complete my studies in this language.
I did extensive research to find the proper country for my studies, and I chose Austria because of
the excellent study conditions for immigrant students, studying in English, rich history and
culture, high academic ranking of universities, reasonable tuition fees, and many other reasons.
I consulted with this international student living in Austria. Because of their satisfaction,
outstanding professors, international activities, high rank, presentation of my desired field, and
similarity of my research interests with university professors, I selected The Institute of Science
and Technology Austria (ISTA). Moreover, I am interested in three university research groups,
including Developmental and cell biology in plants, because my bachelor's degree was related to
plants, Sex-chromosome biology, and evolution because, in my master's degree, there were many
studies on sex cells, and Protein homeostasis and aging due to the similarity with the topic of my
thesis. After graduating from Ph.D., I aim to continue my studies until my post-doctorate and
work in the best research centers.
In conclusion, I am applying for Biology at The Institute of Science and Technology Austria
(ISTA). Considering my extensive and successful academic and work history, I am sure I can be
an eligible candidate for this great university.

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