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Quantitative Research, Qualitative Research, and Mixed Method

1. Quantitative Research
Aspects Quantitative
Assumption Relies on some type of logical positivism, with the assumption that facts are
stable with a single reality, apart from subjective feelings and views.
The nature of Research object can be observed or studied under controlled conditions.
natural phenomena (Controlling multiple variables)
view of the All research objects have regularity and can be predicted
research object
scientific method -Using deductive reasoning which aims to test the truth of a theory.
- Because the ultimate goal is to test the theory, that is why it is also called
theory verification or theory testing
Research Purpose To study relationships between variables that are correlational, causal,
predictive, or contributing.
Design Using established designs and instruments prior to collect the data
Instrument To gather data, researchers usually use pre-selected instruments such as
questionnaires, ratings, tests, and attitude scales.
Analysis Relies on quantitative data collection methods (numerical data and statistical
Result Results are generalizable to larger populations
Sample Often involves large sample sizes

2. Qualitative Research

Aspects Qualitative
Assumption Based on constructivism which assumes that Individuals or society can
socially construct multiple realities
The nature of Research object must be observed its natural conditions, not manipulated, and
natural phenomena must occur naturally so that it can be used as an accurate basis for decision
view of the Research objects are irregular and unpredictable. They are dynamic,
research object contextual, personal and situational in social reality.
scientific method -Using the inductive reasoning method (observation - searching for similar
patterns - creating a tentative theory)
- Because the ultimate goal is to discover or form a theory, it is also called
theory formulation
Research Purpose To obtain understanding linked to context (theory development)
Design Flexible and develops as the research progresses
Instrument The primary data collection tool is often the researcher themselves. Data was
obtained through several data collection techniques such as interviews,
document analysis, focused group discussions, or observation.
Analysis Relies on qualitative data collection methods (non-numerical data such as
spoken expressions, pictures, facial expressions).

Result Results are not generalizable, but provide in-depth insights into specific cases
or contexts
Sample Often involves small sample sizes

3. Mixed Methods Research

Mixed methods research is a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods in a study. This
combination provides many benefits because the two methods can complement each other so that
they can help deepen understanding of the research problem. Several benefits of mixed method

 It helps to clarify and explain the relationship discovered between variables

 It allows us to deeply investigate the relationship between variables
 It may assist to confirm the relationships or validate the results

Mixed method research includes wider data analysis and data collection which needs more time
and effort to finish.
Mixed method design
1. Similarity of Status Design (both qualitative and quantitative are essential and prioritized
by the researcher)
a. Sequence
(Qualitative and quantitative methods are carried out sequentially by carrying out
qualitative method first followed by quantitative method or vice versa)
b. Embedded
(Both quantitative and qualitative data is collected and then analyzed simultaneously.
Furthermore, to obtain further information about the object of the study, the two data
must be compared)
2. Design based on the dominant use
a. Sequence
 QUAN/qual (it means quantitative research is more dominant than qualitative
 QUAL/quan (it means qualitative research is more dominant than quantitative
b. Embedded
 QUAN+qual (it means the main research is quantitative research, and the role
of qualitative research is as a reinforcement)
 QUAL+quan (in this design, the main research is qualitative research, and the
role of quantitative research is to strengthen the qualitative research)

There are 3 types of mixed method:

1. Sequential Exploratory Design
This design prioritizes qualitative data, here are the following steps:
Qualitative data is collected and analyzed Quantitative data is collected and
analyzed Both data are compared
2. Sequential Explanatory Design
Quantitative data is collected and analyzed Qualitative data is collected and
analyzed Both data are compared
It is the opposite of Sequential Exploratory Designs. This design prioritizes quantitative
3. Concurrent Triangulation Design
Quantitative and Qualitative data are gathered and analyzed seperately but at the same
time Both data are compared (find the combination and differences)

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