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Activitiessometimes make sdinner in the afternon

1 Put your morning activities in order.Write ordinal numbers (l't, 2 nd, ... )
on the lines.Write an i next to the activities you don't do.
2 nd take a shower I bath
__ eat breakfast
__ put on makeup
1 st get up
__ shave
5 th
__ get dressed
3 rd brush my teeth
4 th comb I brush my hair

Choose your first three morning activities. What time do you do them?
Example: I 9et vp at7:00
i brush my hair at 6:15
1. -----------------------------------�
i take a shower at 6:00
i get dressed at 6:22

2 Look at the activities and the times.Write sentences in the simple present tense.

1. SJ.e comes- J.ome at GdO he makes a dinner at 7:00

she takes a shower at 8:45 he get s undressed at 11:15

3 Write the name of a family member or friend. Check his or her activities.
Name: maria
sometimes makesssssssssss sdinner in the afternon
D takes a shower in the evening D studies after dinner

D takes a shower in the morning D watches TV after dinner

D doesn't eat breakfast D gets up early on weekends

D eats a large breakfast D gets up late on weekends

Now write sentences about this person.

she take a shower in the morning

she eats a large breakfast -- --- -- ---- -----

she studies ofter dinner

she watches tv ofter dinner

4 Look at the responses. Write questions with When or What time.

1. A: __w_h_ _e n_d_o _e5��-a _ri_n_a_t_a_k_e _a-'-5h_ _o w_e_________________
r _______ ?
B: Karina takes a shower in the morning.
when does robert to bed
2. A: -----------------------------------�?
B: Robert goes to bed after midnight. He's an evening person.
when do children they watch tv
3. A:
B: My children? They watch TV on weekends, in the morning.

4. A: when do study
B: I study after dinner.

5. A: what time does julia gets up

B: Julia gets up at 5:00 A.M. on weekdays.

6. A: what time do home early

B: They come home early-before 5:00 P.M.

5 Complete the conversation.

Are you a morning

person or an
evening person?

i am morning person
1. � ---------------------------

And why do
you say that?

why do i get up at 5:00

2. �--------------------------�

Activities 117
6 On a typical weekday, do you ... ? Check always, usually. sometimes. or�.

always usually sometimes never

1. eat breakfast 0 0 0 0
2. watch TV in the evening 0 0 0 0
3. take a shower at night 0 0 0 0
4. read after 10:00 P.M. 0 0 0 0
5. exercise in the morning 0 0 0 0
6. take a nap in the afternoon 0 0 0 0
7. go out for lunch 0 0 0 0

On a typical weekend, do you ... ? Check always. usually. sometimes. or�-

always usually sometimes never

1. visit friends D D D D
2. go dancing 0 0 0 0
3. study 0 0 0 0
4. go to the movies 0 0 0 0
5. play soccer 0 0 0 0
6. check e-mail D 0 0 0
7. go out for dinner 0 0 0 0

7 Look at your answers in Exercise 6. Write five sentences about your activities. Follow the model.
Example: On weekdays-, I vs-vally exercis-e in tJ.,e morning

1. i usually visit friends

2. i always go dancing
3. i always study
4. i usually go to the movies
5. i sometimes play soccer

8 Think about the leisure activities of family members and friends. Complete the chart.

Name I Relationship Activity Time expression Frequency

grandfatJ.,er take a nap in tJ.,e afternoon vs-vally
my sister make dinner in the afternon sometimes
my mother go to the movies in the morning never
my brother play soccer in the afternoon always
my grandmother visit friends at noon always
my uncle eat breakfast in the morning always
118 UNIT7
Now write sentences about what your family members and friends do in their free time.
Use your chart.
Example: Myqrandfatlier vs-vally takes- a nap in tlie afternoon
1. my sister sometimes make dinner in the afternon
2. my mother never go to the movies in the morning
3. my brother always play soccer in the afternoon
4. my grandmother always visit friends at noon
5. my uncle always eat breackfast in the morning

9 Look at Larry's weekly schedule.

May May
• 9et vp at C.:00 A.M. ' 9et v p at C.:00 A.M.
1 Monday Thursday 4
• e;,cercire • Work
• Work _..___,.....,, �vdy
• take ovttJ..e9arba9e

· • ·take ovttJ..e 9arba9e

9et v p at 8:30 A.M.

Friday 5
• 9et vp at C.:00 A.M.

l • 90 to rcJ..ool
2 Tuesday

• work • e;,cerc i5e

9 0 opp i 9 ,.,_·�������;;.;.:.;�

· -,-
- 5J., o
li e o to m v5 ic


���� -l • play roccer
Saturday 6
-_ _ _ _ - - 90 to tJ..e movie5
• 9et vp at C.:00 A.M.
3 Wednesday

• e;,cerc ri e
• work
_ • take a nap
• do tl,e la vo d ry
• read
Sunday 7

Now write questions with How often and complete the answers.
1. A: tlotN often does- Larr)'.'. 90 to sd,ool ?
8: He go to school once a week.
how often does larry exercise
2. A: ?
8: He exercise twice a week.
3. A: how often does larry work ?
8: He
three times a week.
How often does larry get up at 6:00am
4. A: ?
8: He get up at 6:00am four times a week.

Activities 119
10 Look at Larry's schedule in Exercise 9 again. Answer the questions.
he works mondey,tuesday,wednesday,thursday
1. Whendoes Larry work?_________________________ _
2. Whendoeshego he go to school friday
to school?makes
_______________________ �
sometimes sdinner in the afternon
he typical day exercise,work,get up
3. What'shis typic al day like?________________________ _
he get up on fridays 8:30
4. What time doesheget up on Fridays?---------------------
he free time play soccer,go to the movies,read
5. What doeshe do inhis free time?_____________________ _

11 Look at the pictures. Then write sentences about the household chores Mr. and Mrs. Rand do.
Mr. Rand
1. he wash the dishes
2. he do the laundry

Mrs. Rand
3. she go shopping
4. she take out the garbage
5. she house the clean

12 Write a question with Who for each picture. Then answer the questions
with information about your home or your family's home.

Example: Who doer the lavlldry ? I do

who do house the clean they does

Who does take aou the garbage he does

Who does go hopping he does

who does washes the dish

4. --------------�? she does

120 UNIT7
(J�l�I ..:,l;,j t?"Y'
sometimes makes sdinner in the afternon
What comes once in an afternoon, twice in a week, but never in a day or month?
(Hint: It comes once in the alphabet.)
Answer: _______

2 WORD FIND. Look across(-+) and down (!). Circle fourteen activities. Then write
the activities in the correct column.

w A T C H T V u C E A K A u H I T
E p N A C 0 H C L H s 0 I K V R I
K L w A s H T H E D I s H E s E A
G A L M s G A N A M C T M N M A M
E y L M G 0 A L N K B A 0 H A D K
T s 0 R 0 D T N T s D K w w K w 0
V 0 A G T A A T H A A E T N E V 0
A C E D 0 N s C E u N A H I D A I
C C s A w C y H H 0 M B E A I w I
u E N u 0 I C s 0 E u A L 0 N H E
u R s R R N B T u T E T A D N s E
M N s
L K G E G s 0 0 H w A E A E
C H C B D 0 T H E L A u N D R y D
T E L I s T E N T 0 M u s I C H D
T E T A K E A N A p E N H A 0 I E
L H T I A K N T T u E w w N s s A

Chores I Work activities Leisure activities

Activities 121

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