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First Formative Assessment (FA-I) 2023-24

Class:-VII Subject:- English Date:- 07-08-2023 Marks: 20

Que.1 Read the following passage and answer the questions: (08)

How was the first day of school?' asked Mother as Rima sat down for dinner. "Okay," Rima
shrugged. "No lessons. Just settling in." "Any new girls in your class?" enquired her father, Mr Sen.
"Only one Malti - and she is funny," grimaced Rima as she helped herself to the salad."Why do you say
that?" asked Mr Sen.
"She can't speak much English. She has come from another State," sniffed Rima, naming one at the
other end of the country.
"Oh! Children from that State are supposed to be clever. They are especially good at maths,"
said Mr Sen quietly.
"Well, this one does not seem smart at all. Oily hair, bindi and all. 'Gud
marning,Teeechurr,"mimicked Rima.
Her parents exchanged glances. Rima was their only child. They doted on her. But she could be
insufferable at times.
"I do hope you and your friends will not make things too difficult for Malti," sighed Mr Sen as
he rose from the table.
Rima and her gang had decided to do just that.
Next morning, the minute Malti entered the class, they all chorused, say the same "Gud
marning!"Poor Malti. She did not realise that they were making fun of her. She beamed back at them
and replied, "Gud marning!"

A1) Complete the following sentences:

a) "Why do you say that? "asked .
b) Children from that are supposed to be clever.
c) They on her. But she could be insufferable at times.
d) She did not realise that they were making of her.

A2) Who was Malti? Where had she come from?

A3) Do as directed:
a) Rima and her gang had decided to do just that. (Underline the conjunction)
b) How was the first day of school? (Pick out the noun clause)
A4) Which is your favorite subject? Why?
Que.2 Read the following Poem and answer the questions: (07)

Tell me, tell me, smiling child,

What the past is like to thee?
' An Autumn evening soft and mild
With a wind that sighs mournfully.'
Tell me, what is the present hour?
'A green and flowery spray
Where a young bird sits gathering its power
To mount and fly away.
And what is the future, happy one?
‘A sea beneath a cloudless sun;
A mighty, glorious, dazzling sea
Stretching into infinity.’

A1) What are the two questions put forth by the poets to the child?
A2) Find four pairs of rhyming words from the poem.
A3) Do as directed:
a) What the past is like to thee? (Identify the type of sentence)
b) Tell me, tell me, smiling child. (Underline Noun)
A4) What you want to become in your life? Why?
Que.3) Write the composition on any one of the following topic: (05)
a) My Aim in Life
b) My School


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