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1 - White marble floor. Walls covered with ruined frescoes depicting a long forgotten deity.
A dense smell of incense and wax. This used to be the altar zone of the chapel. 8 - 2d10 inanimated Wax Warriors scattered in the room. A blind Candle Priest (Skill 2, HD 2 (1 Armor),
ML 7, Staff 3 dmg) is cleaning the room. If it's aware of intruders it will awake up to 4 Wax Warrior at the
2 - 1d6 Wax Slugs (Skill 1, HD 3, ML 7, 2 dmg, has a silver shell worth 30 GP) minding their business. time to fight alongside. In the southern rooms there are 3 coffins that are open 2-in-6 times. Roll d4 to see
The southern wall is collapsed and the slugs made a nest within it. their contents:
1 - A Inanimated Wax Warrior. It will obey the order of the person who lighted it up for 1d3 + 1 turns.
2 - A bunch of lighten candles. This coffin is without any lid.
3 - 3 Wax Warriors (Skill 2, HD 2 (2 Armor), ML 8, Common Weapon 3 dmg, wears a silver Mask worth 70 GP) 3 - A dried corpse holding a couple of golden flints (90 GP each).
preach how great it is to be made of wax. If players show interest in becoming like them, they will point to 4 - 3d4 wax covered common weapons (3-4 dmg). They are slippery until cleaned up.
room 5 and tell about the secret passagein room 6.
9 - An altar at the center of the room holds a Chest containing 300 GP in coins and rubies, a scroll for Light
4 - A wide column covered in lighten up candles irradiates the room. with 3 uses (The user can make an inanimated object or themselves shine for 3X Turns). If the chest is
2d6 Wax Cultists (Skill 1, HD 1, ML 12, Hot wax hug 2 dmg + 3-in-6 to ignite and break wood equipment) opened, a Wax Slime (Skill 3, HD 3, ML 10, Suffocate - wraps around a target and deal 3 dmg a turn) will
are lying down praising to them. descend from a opening above the sides of the room and climbing down the walls, trying to surround who
They get hostile if the players try to put off the candles' light. is in center of the room.

5 - The walls start becoming less regular as they are digged into the ground. Some parts of the walls will be 10 - The Candle Lich (Skill 4, HD 4 (3 Armor), ML 10, Staff 3 dmg, immune to fire), doing researches on the
covered in candles, their wax can be used to heal 2 dmg every 24 hours. The floor is still in white marble lost goblin from the gang of room 7. He is eager to have more people to turn into Wax Warriors, as it
but its missing some spots and it has traces of wax on it. wants to turn all people into Candlings. The Candle Lich wears elegant red robes (120 GP) and a
Mask (180 GP). The Mask allows the wearer to cast Waxed Flesh (The caster can partially or fully become
6 - A Wax Warrior with spear and tower shield stands in front of the door to room 10. 2 Wax Slugs are on the hot liquid wax for X + 1 Turns). The goblin is safe if the party gets there in less then 5 dungeon
ceiling and will drop on hostile intruders. Secret passage for Room 12. Activated by pressing some rocks in turns, otherwise they become a Wax Warrior.
a precise order.
11 - Locked. Can be opened only by the Candle Lich's mask. Contains 600 GP worth of rubies, A Wax Sword
(4 dmg, burns the target), 6 Everlasting Candles (flame can be put off only if blown off by the person who
7 - 1d4 Goblins (Skill 2, HD 1 (1 armor), ML 6, Common weapons 3 dmg) are looking for their lost mate, who light it up, last 6 turns each and charges itself in 48 hours), a Scroll of Fierce Flame (Throw X flame rays,
ventured in the depths of the chapel and didn't come back since. Now they are trying to escape the Wax each ray deal 3 damage).
creatures and are willing to team up to either find their companion or flee.

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