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FSMApp: Testing mobile apps

Ahmed Alhaddad, ... Zeinab Abdalla, in Advances in Computers, 2023

2.2 Testing mobile apps
Our main interest in testing Mobile Apps is Black-Box functional testing of mobile apps.
As such, we are not interested in other testing activities for Mobile Apps, such as
usability testing, configuration testing, exception handling testing, etc. This is reflected
in how we review the literature. We first survey approaches for MBT for testing Mobile
Apps. Then, we quickly review major approaches for test automation, primarily to
determine what options we have to turn the tests generated by an MBT approach into
executable tests.
2.2.1 MBT and App testing
Sahinoglu et al. [35] present a mapping study of testing mobile applications. Their paper
studies the research issues in mobile application testing and the most frequent test type
and test level of available studies in mobile testing. One of the categories relates to MBT
of Apps. There are only six model-based testing studies out of 123 studied. This lack of
MBT techniques shows that more work is needed. Here, we focus on the use of a
behavioral model such as a state transition diagram to generate tests. Another
systematic mapping study by Méndez-Porras et al. [9] discusses 83 empirical studies of

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