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An Undergraduate Thesis

Presented to the Faculty of

The College of Criminal Justice Education

PHINMA Araullo University

San Jose City

In Partial Fulfillment

Of the Requirements for the Degree of



Castillo, Jerome Renz B.

De Guzman, Adrian Joseph D.
Mabanta, G-Kimberlie T.
Morales, Julie Ann M.
Pallasigue, Jenesis A.

February, 2024

The Problem and Its Setting


A person deprived of liberty (PDL) is an individual who has been restricted or

taken away from their freedom and autonomy. This deprivation of liberty can occur for

various reasons and in different contexts. The deprivation of liberty is a serious matter

and is subject to legal and ethical considerations. International human rights standards,

national laws, and legal procedures often dictate the conditions under which a person can

be deprived of their liberty and the rights they retain even when detained. These rights

may include access to legal representation, due process, humane treatment, and the right

to challenge the legality of their detention.

The government has seen the huge impact of being unemployed and lack of

access to livelihood and work programs in people, which is why they commit crimes; in

that case, the government provides different rehabilitation programs for PDL, particularly

livelihood programs, to address the problems of committing crimes due to being


Rehabilitation is needed for those who have been deprived of their liberty, such as

those in prisons or detention facilities, for a variety of reasons, including reducing

recidivism, addressing root causes, restoring dignity and humanity, and cost savings.

Rehabilitation should be adapted to the requirements and circumstances of that

individual. To provide the most suitable and productive interventions, effective

rehabilitation programs consider requirements such as the nature of the offense, the

individual's previous, and special needs.

Generally, the program provides livelihood training, equipping PDLs with skills

and knowledge related to entrepreneurship and income-generating activities. This feature

empowers PDLs to explore economic opportunities and prepares them for a successful

transition into the workforce upon release. They also explored strategies for long-term

project sustainability, including securing funding, engaging with local authorities, and

promoting the program’s value and impact. (Cagas, 2023).

The livelihood program provides income-generating activities to Person Deprived

of Liberty throughout their imprisonment, allowing them to earn money for their personal

needs as well as financial help for their families. The funding for the livelihood project

comes from either, Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP) for BJMP-financed

projects or the common funds of a group of PDL for non-BJMP-funded projects. PDL's

most popular and ongoing livelihood initiatives are bags and purses, beaded bonsai,

pastries, carpets, paper crafts, and wood crafts. To assist the PDL in earning from these

livelihood initiatives, the prison unit Welfare and Development Officer (UWDO)

arranges the sale of the items in display centers or livelihood caravans hosted by local

government units and other service providers.

Providing livelihood programs for Persons Deprived of Liberty is an important

aspect of their rehabilitation and reintegration into society. These programs aim to equip

PDL with skills and knowledge that can help them secure employment, generate income,

and lead productive lives after their release.

Overall, livelihood programs play a crucial role in the holistic approach to the

rehabilitation and reintegration of PDL. They address not only the immediate needs of

PDL but also focus on their long-term well-being and success in becoming productive

members of society upon their release.

It is important to tailor programs for livelihoods to the PDL population's different

needs and interests, taking into consideration their individual experiences, skills, and

prospective career prospects in their communities. These programs should be intended to

provide PDL with practical skills that will help them lead more productive lives.

In San Jose City, has emerged as Nueva Ecija’s crime capital, posting 561 crime

incidents in the first eight months of the year, accounting for roughly 10 percent of the

total crime volume in the province. Crime incidents in the city were more than the

combined crime volume in Talavera and Guimba of 460. The city emerged no. 1 with the

most number of robberies (44), thefts (176), carnapping (38), homicide (14) and physical

injuries (267). It was second to Cabanatuan in terms of rape incidents with 15.

Cabanatuan recorded the most number of murders with 17 followed by Aliaga with 17

and Gapan City and Talavera with eight each. The city was second only to San Jose in

homicide cases with 11 followed by Talavera with nine. Records from the Nueva Ecija

Provincial Police Office showed that the province – involving five cities and 27

municipalities – recorded 5,652 crime incidents over the period of which 2,429 or 43

percent were solved and 4,250 (75%) were cleared. (De Asis, 2014).

The San Jose City Jail offers a livelihood program that assists PDL with their

rehabilitation in terms of self-sufficiency and well-being. San Jose City Jail continued to
provide livelihood programs to assist the PDL in reintegrating into society and actively

participating in positive socioeconomic activity upon their release.

This study specifically aims to know the effectiveness of livelihood programs in

the rehabilitation of PDL in San Jose City Jail, as well as to establish an action plan for

circumstances such as if the said livelihood program proves no effectiveness in the

rehabilitation of PDL in San Jose City Jail. As criminology students, they will someday

be part of the uniform service, particularly in (BJMP), and this study will serve as their

guide to be well informed about the programs that BJMP provides in the rehabilitation of

PDL. However, none of the researchers’ experience of jail administration in San Jose

City Jail has been used.

The Setting of the Study

San Jose City, located in the province of Nueva Ecija, within the Central Luzon

region of the Philippines is a component city. It lies in the part of Nueva Ecija bordering

Pangasinan to the west and Nueva Vizcaya to the north. The city landscape

predominantly consists of rolling terrain with use in certain areas. Agriculture plays a role

in San Jose City economy with notable crops being rice, corn, onions and other

agricultural produce. Livestock and poultry farming also contribute significantly to the

economy. Furthermore there has been growth and urbanization due to development in

commercial and industrial sectors.

According to data from the Philippine Statistic Authority (PSA) based on the

2020 Census of Population and Housing it is estimated that San Jose City population

stands at 150,917 individuals. However it's important to note that population figures can
fluctuate over time due to factors such, as birth rates, migration patterns and other

demographic trends.

Malasin is one of the 38 barangay in the city of San Jose, Nueva Ecija province.

According to the 2020 Census, its population was 8,614. This accounted for 5.71% of

San Jose's total population. Specifically the San Jose City Jail can be located at

RX5X+MGX in Brgy,Malasin San Jose City, Nueva Ecija 3121. Where the researcher’s

will conduct their study.

For a representation of where the study took place please refer to Figure 1

showcasing maps.
Figure 1.

Map of the setting of the study

Conceptual Framework

In this study, however, the researchers is accounted for the socio-economic

influence of BJMP livelihood programs and the social lives of Persons Deprived of

Liberty. The researchers is optimistic in engaging with the effectiveness of livelihood

program in the rehabilitation, investigating their daily lives, it will be possible to explore

their pressing needs, socio-economic influences of BJMP livelihood programs to their

lives and be able to know various difficulties they face in the processes of adjustment into


To further discuss the study's conceptual framework, figure 1 presents the

paradigm, the input, the process and the output. The input deals with identifying the

profile of the respondents, ascertain the effectiveness of livelihood program in well-

being and readiness for re-reorientation in society. Moreover, the process deals with

the method that was employed by the researchers in gathering data for study. It

includes the distribution of questionnaire checklist, collection of data, tabulation of

data, statistical treatment of data, evaluations of data, interpretation pf data and

presentation of data. And lastly, the output based on the findings is what action plan

is needed is order to guarantee the effectiveness of livelihood program.

The Effectiveness of Livelihood Program ... 10

Research Paradigm


Identifying the Distribution of Action plan which

profile Questionnaire may be propose in
respondents checklist order to guarantee
Collection of data in effectiveness of
Assessing the
effectiveness of Tabulation of data program.
programs in the Statistical
well-being and treatment of data
readiness of re- Evaluation of data
orientation in
Interpretation of
Presentation of


Figure 2.

Paradigm of the Study

The Effectiveness of Livelihood Program ... 11

Statement of the Problem

The objectives of this research is to ascertain whether the BJMP of San Jose City

Jail livelihood program is effective in well-being and readiness for re-orientation in


Specifically it sought to answer the following sub-problems:

1. How may the profile of the respondents be described in terms of:

1.1 Age;

1.2 Gender;

1.3 Civil Status;

1.4 Years in Jail (PDL’s only); and

1.5 Years in Service ( BJMP Personnel only)

2. What is the level of effectiveness of livelihood program in the rehabilitation of

a Persons Deprived of Liberty in San Jose City Jail?

3. Is there any significant difference between the assessments of the two groups

of respondents in terms of effectiveness of livelihood program in the

rehabilitation of Persons Deprived of Liberty in San Jose City Jail?

4. What action plan is needed is order to guarantee the effectiveness of

livelihood program?
The Effectiveness of Livelihood Program ... 12


The researchers will hypothesize that there is no significant difference between

the responses of the two groups of respondents in terms of the effectiveness of livelihood

program in the rehabilitation of a Persons Deprived of Liberty in San Jose City Jail.

Significance of the Study

Community. This study will broaden the understanding of the people in the community

and provide insights on the livelihood programs that will encourage them to participate

and improve their way of living.

The Bureau of Jail Management and Penology of San Jose. This study shall provide

first hand information regarding the status of the existing livelihood program as perceived

by its being beneficiaries in terms of support of the trainers, implementers and city


The Persons Deprived in Liberty. The findings of the study will unearth the problems

encountered in the implementation of the livelihood programs as well as the solutions to

address these problems.

Future Researchers. This study will encourage future researcher on their desire to have

a look at the city's livelihood programs their operations and contributions to the

community resident's skill enhancement for self-reliant projects as source of income to

up-lift their life as a whole

The Effectiveness of Livelihood Program ... 13

Scope and Delimitation

The study focused on the level of effectiveness of livelihood program in the

rehabilitation of Persons Deprived of liberty in San Jose City Jail, in the chosen jail in

San Jose City, Nueva Ecija. The respondents of the study were the fifty (50) Persons

Deprived of Liberty and ten (10) Jail officers in BJMP of San Jose City Jail that might

change when conducting the actual survey. Each of the respondents is given the same

questionnaires to answers. The result of this study will be applicable only to the

respondents. This study was limited to the profile of the respondents. Ascertain whether

BJMP of San Jose City jail livelihood program is effective in well-being and readiness

for re-orientation in society in order to deal with the livelihood program in the

rehabilitation of Persons Deprived of Liberty in San Jose City Jail.

Definition of Terms

For a better grasp of the study, the researchers hereby provide meanings, both

conceptual and operational, to the following words that will bring about understanding of

the current study:

Assessment. In this study, it refers to the process of conducting an evaluation on the

relevance of San Jose City, Nueva Ecija.

Bureau of Corrections- It refers to an agency of the Department of Justice which is

charged with the custody and rehabilitation of national offenders, who have been

sentenced to three years of imprisonment or more.

Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP)-It refers to an attached agency of

the Department of the Interior and Local Government mandated to direct, supervise and
The Effectiveness of Livelihood Program ... 14

control the administration and operation of all district, city and municipal jails in the

Philippines with pronged tasks of safekeeping and development of its inmates, officially

classed as persons deprived of liberty (PDL).

Community- It refers to the set of people who utilize a resource extraction regulation.

Crime- It refers as an act who committed in violation of law for which punishment is

imposed upon conviction.

Deprivation of liberty- It means taking someone's freedom away. It is any form of

detention or imprisonment or the placement of a person in a public or private custodial

setting, from which that person is not permitted to leave at will, by order of any judicial,

administrative or other public authority.

Detainee- It refers to a person who is accused before a court or competent authority and

is temporarily confined in jail while undergoing or awaiting investigation, trial or final


Development- It refers to the gradual process of advancement or growth through the use

of series of interrelated activities such as exercise, trainings or group dynamics for the

purpose of refining or transforming a person into a useful and productive individual.

Evaluation- It refers to a program activity designed to obtain objective information about

program or project activities to assess their effectiveness, significance and efficiency.

Implementation- It refers to conduct or the affectivity of the livelihood programs and

projects. It simply means putting something into effect or action.

The Effectiveness of Livelihood Program ... 15

Inmate- It refers to a generic term used to refer to a detainee or prisoner, deprived of

liberty against his will by confinement, captivity or by forcible restraint.

Livelihood- It refers as a livelihood comprises people, their capabilities and their means

of living, including food, income, and assets. Assets may be tangible assets such as

resources and stores, or intangible assets such as claims and access.

Livelihood Programs- It refers as activities undertaken by the city designed to provide

income for the participants of the programs as a tool to alleviate poverty and to reduce

crime in the community. Livelihood programs are initiatives that aim to provide support

to individuals or communities in starting or improving their livelihood activities.

Status- It refers to a condition that is subject to change which includes the aspect of the

livelihood's program manpower capability strategies, management support and

community response.

Person Deprived of Liberty (PDL)- It refers to a person confined in a jail, whether.

Under going preventive imprisonment or serving sentence by reason of. a final judgment

of conviction, who is not under the authority of the. BUCOR; and. (l) PPA - Parole and

Probation Administration.

Rehabilitation- It refers to care that can help you get back, keep, or improve abilities that

you need for daily life.

The Effectiveness of Livelihood Program ... 14


Review of Related Literature and Studies

This chapter presents the literature and previous studies both foreign and local

that will be used to identify what is known and what is about to be known in the present


Foreign Literature

Livelihood program has one of the biggest impact in the rehabilitation of Persons

deprived of liberty, In Ethiopia one of the Country in East Africa the prisons are involved

in program known as “The Mekelle Prison Project”. A program creating sustainable

livelihood opportunities for women and youth, reducing crime and poverty through

cooperatives and skills development and introducing in prison financial service. With a

strong belief that education, skills development access to finance and financial literacy

are key drivers for eliminating poverty and creating sustainable livelihoods, the Prison

Administration is actively engaged in creating decent work through cooperatives, through

microfinance and micro insurance. Prison officers also been trained in management and

leadership so that they are able to better appreciate the value of transforming women and

men to become successful members of their communities. (Gandolfi and Bonalomi,


The most recent study on prison labor shows the effectiveness of employment

programming on post prison employment outcomes have been consistently positive. The

aforementioned evaluation of the PREP program found that prison employment increased

post prison employment by 14 percent. In an evaluation of the Affordable Homes

The Effectiveness of Livelihood Program ... 15

Program (AHP), a prison work crew program that trains Minnesota prisoners in the

construction trade, researchers indicated that AHP participants did have significantly

higher odds of gaining employment in a construction-related field than members of the

comparison group, but they did not have significantly higher odds of gaining employment

in “any field.” The recent evaluation of prison labor in Minnesota showed that it not only

improved the odds of obtaining post prison employment but also led to increases in hours

worked and wages earned. (Duwe, 2018)

In order to guarantee the effectiveness of livelihood program in the rehabilitation

of Person deprived of liberty, the United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for the

Treatment of Prisoners (UNODC), of which UNODC is the guardian. But to contribute to

a more lawful and peaceful world of the Global Programme for the Implementation of the

Doha Declaration that assures that they will teach prisoners a variety of useful vocations,

and help them improve their self-esteem, decision-making capacities, and confidence in

their future. Importantly, these vocations will increase their employability and offer them

better work prospects, or better entrepreneurial skills to support them in the case of self-

employment. Enabling their smooth transition from incarceration to freedom, prison

administrations provide convicts with external certification for their practical training,

with documents which do not indicate that the skills were learned in prison. (Archana,


Local Literature

The Bureau of Jail Management and Penology Bangsamoro Autonomous Region

in Muslim Mindanao (2017) one of its objective is to provide Livelihood Program to

presents income-generating activities to PDL during their confinement where they are
The Effectiveness of Livelihood Program ... 16

able to earn for their personal upkeep and for financial support to their families. The

capital for the livelihood project are either from BJMP for BJMP-funded projects or from

the common fund of a group of PDL for non-BJMP funded projects. Examples of

continuing and most popular livelihood projects of PDL are bags and purses, bonsai made

of beads, pastries, rugs, paper crafts, and wood crafts. To help the PDL earn from these

livelihood projects, the jail unit Welfare and Development Officer (UWDO) facilitates

the sale of the products in display centers or livelihood caravans organized by the local

government units and other service providers. In addition, online or e-marketing of PDL

products is also run by the jail unit Welfare and Development Office.

Edo (2021) throughout his time in the Davao City Jail since 2016, Jail Captain

Edo Lobenia of the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP) in the Davao area

has heard numerous stories of jail convicts who have returned to prison several times.

Most of them were unable to obtain suitable professions after serving their first term and

were rejected by their immediate relatives. As a result, they elected to re-enter the

criminal world. "The social stigma that many former jail inmates face after their release

can be more punishing than the incarceration itself," Edo added.

As a response to this concern, Edo founded “Second Chance Philippines,” a post-

release employment services program for former PDLs in collaboration with BJMP

Davao Region. He piloted the program as part of his fellowship at the Asian Institute of

Management’s (AIM) Future Bridging Leaders Program (FBLP) that ran from October

2019 to November 2020. Mentored by AIM faculty and partners from the AIM Team

Energy Center for Bridging Leadership, Edo co-created the design of the program with

various stakeholders to sustain its implementation in the coming years.

The Effectiveness of Livelihood Program ... 17

The Las Piñas Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP) female

dormitory is offering a livelihood program to around 104 of its inmates or persons

deprived of liberty (PDL). Jail Senior Insp. Hernand Amor Macoy, chief of the Regional

Community Relations Service Section, said the 104 female (PDL) confined at the Las

Piñas BJMP are facing 82 drug cases, one for murder, six for human trafficking, six for

qualified theft, one robbery with homicide, one for estafa, one for parricide, one for

arson, and one for carnapping.

Macoy said the livelihood program for inmates started on June 5, 2021 to help

them earn money to support their family while inside the jail. He said the female inmates

were able to bake butterscotch and brownies, handmade macrame bags, beaded sling

bags, facemask holder, tissue holder, Christmas decors, and others.

The BJMP female dormitory came out with a concept of livelihood programs for

the female inmates to acquire new knowledge, harness their innate talents and skills, and

help them ease tension and stress. The program will also help ease their boredom, boost

their morale and self-esteem, and earn a living while under detention. Macoy said female

inmates were given training by the Technical Education and Skills Development

Authority (TESDA). (Fernando, 2022)

Twenty-five persons deprived of liberty (PDLs) under the Bureau of Jail

Management and Penology (BJMP) here are now equipped with skills in electrical

installation and maintenance (EIM) after a 25-day training. Karyn Duay, head of the

Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) Antique provincial

training center, in an interview on Tuesday, said the trainees belong to the special sector

who availed of the training on EIM National Certificate II held at the BJMP premises
The Effectiveness of Livelihood Program ... 18

starting Dec. 9, 2022 until Feb. 1, 2023. “The skills training is being conducted so that

the PDLs, upon their release from the BJMP, could find also a source of living as

barangay electricians,” Duay said.

As part of their training, the inmates also attended an entrepreneurial lecture to

improve their marketing skills if they would prefer to be self-employed once they leave

the facility. Duay said the funding for the TESDA training under the Special Training for

Employment Program (STEP) scholarship for the PDLs was an initiative of Antique

Representative Antonio Agapito Legarda. “The PDLs are being given allowance of

PHP160 per day, tool kit, free assessment, aside from the entrepreneurship training,” she

added. TESDA has been conducting skills training for PDLs at the BJMP here and Culasi

town but was temporarily shelved due to the health pandemic. “The EIM training is the

first that we are conducting at the BJMP post-pandemic,” she said. The Antique Electric

Cooperative, the lone power distributor in the province, has ongoing hiring of barangay

electricians who are holders of the TESDA EIM National Certificate II. (Pentinglay,


Livelihood programs have a significant impact on inmates, transforming them

into individuals who are more accountable and productive. These programs not only

benefit the inmates themselves but also extend their support to their families who are not

incarcerated. By participating in these programs, inmates are able to generate income

which not only helps them meet their personal needs like soap and shampoo, but also

contributes to their financial responsibilities outside of the prison. This newfound sense

of responsibility and productivity not only positively impacts the inmates' lives but also

facilitates their reintegration into society upon release (Estillore and Aoas, 2020)
The Effectiveness of Livelihood Program ... 19

Foreign Studies

This study conducted by Dragomir (2014) entitled "Persons Deprived of

Freedom: From Condemnation to the Socio-professional Reintegration" identifies the

lack of support given to people deprived of their liberty in order to integrate them socially

and professionally. The study observes the factors that determine the individual's criminal

behaviour, and also mentions methods that experts working in prison have identified in

order to prevent their relapse. It also focuses on how the family supports the reintegration

of the inmate, but it also searches solutions concerning the recovery of people deprived of

liberty. The study uses a qualitative approach and applies the following methods of

research: interview, observation and document analysis. The people interviewed were: 20

prison inmates.

Meanwhile, the study conducted by Deigh (2013) entitled "Effect of Livelihood

Programs in Prison on the well-being of Inmates", while serving their sentences, the long

sentence prisoners are supposed to be trained in various industrial trades 15 such as

carpentry and joinery, wood processing, leather work, taxidermy, soap manufacturing,

mechanics, Blacksmith, upholstery, sign writing and other industries which are expected

to be widely marketable. These inmates also sit for various trade tests in prison so that

they can easily secure employment after release. Prison authorities argue that inmates are

given a chance to select the type of training they would like to settle on while in prison.

Prisoners sentenced for less serious offenses are held in short-term medium security

prisons and are expected to train in agriculture, livestock rearing and simple industry

involving carpentry, simple repairs and tailoring. This is because apart from learning to

feed themselves from the farm produce while in prison, it is expected that by the time of
The Effectiveness of Livelihood Program ... 20

their release, prisoners will have learned some techniques in commercial and subsistence

farming which they would practice on release, taking into consideration that Kenya is

mainly an agricultural country. The actual operation of the prisons was being inspected to

determine whether prison conditions had worsened the problems of crime in Kenya.

When released, prisoners work on the outside world. Unfortunately, the ex-prisoners find

that the equipment and techniques used in prison are obsolete and that few acquired skills

were transferable in the world of sophisticated technology. In the prisons, there are no

qualified personnel to train prisoners in the needed skills which would enable ex-

prisoners to compete effectively in today’s highly competitive job market. Most prisons

involve at least some prisoners in work activities necessary to operate and maintain the

institution; But because of the nature and structure of this work, it has few benefits to

prisoners beyond keeping some busy.

Jobholders themselves have internalized this insight: A 2016 Pew Research

Center survey, “The State of American Jobs,” found that 87% of workers believe it will

be essential for them to get training and develop new job skills throughout their work life

in order to keep up with changes in the workplace. This survey noted that employment is

much higher among jobs that require an average or above-average level of preparation

(including education, experience and job training); average or above-average

interpersonal, management and communication skills; and higher levels of analytical

skills, such as critical thinking and computer skills.

Local Studies

In the study conducted by Escabel, (2014) published European Journal

Research in Social Science entitled "Effectiveness of Therapeutic Commun ity Modality

The Effectiveness of Livelihood Program ... 21

Batangas Jail, Program Implemented in City Philippines, through the Provincial

Government-Environment and Natural Resources 0ffice (PG-ENRO) program, inmates

can learn how to make bags and other fashion accessories with the used of trash.

Additionally, the study conducted by Punaduan (2017) entitled “The Effects of

BJMP Livelihood Program to the lives of released inmates”, unemployment is one

serious problem that was experienced by most participants, despite their having the

necessary skills and qualifications. Many participants indicated that a history of criminal

conviction and serving a sentence has a negative impact on their employment prospects.

All interviewed released inmates, except those who were residing at the New Beginnings

Care Centre, were unemployed. One participant reported having secured three different

jobs, but eventually got fired from all those jobs once employers got to know of the

criminal record .Due to this study, the proponent became interested to the conduct of the

effects of the livelihood programs to the inmates, in order to know the impact of this

program to the life of the inmates and to know the problems encountered by the jail and

the inmates in implementing these programs. Moreover, this endeavor will serve as a

realization on the part of jail management and penology and Correctional Institution that

the Livelihood programs has positive or negative effects in the life of the prisoners.

Furthermore, this study will be beneficial to the BJMP Cabarroguis District Jail.

Through this study, they will be informed on what livelihood programs is effective and

that is very much needed by the inmates and in their released. Secondly, it is beneficial to

the released inmates in a way that they will know what livelihood program will be useful

that they will be used in their daily lives. Also, it is beneficial in a way that it will help

the released inmates to voice out their problems and be able to express their part
The Effectiveness of Livelihood Program ... 22

regarding the skills learned during their incarceration. Lastly, to future employer, they

will be informed about the life of released inmates regarding on their rehabilitation

program most especially on the livelihood training availed, with that this study serves as

a basis whether or not to employ a released inmates. Hence, this study puts forward a

significant impact along the lives of the released inmates as they will be guided on their

paths towards a noble life. The researcher embodies care and affection regarding the life

of the released inmates and thus, this study will give unwavering benefit among the

BJMP personnel and other concerned agencies as it provides data on the effects of the

livelihood programs they are offering to release inmates. In this study, however, the

researcher is accounted for the socio-economic influence of BJMP livelihood programs

and the social lives of released inmates.

Relevance of the Reviewed Literature and Studied to the Present Study

All the reviewed literature and studies bear some similarities with the present study.

They are similar in the sense that their main problem is about the different problem

encountered by the

Method of Research and Procedures

This chapter presents the research method used in the conduct of the

investigation. It also outlines the population and sampling scheme, description of the

respondents, research instruments, validation of instruments, procedures in the collection

of data and statistical treatment of the data.

Research Design

The researchers will use quantitative design to execute the effectiveness of

livelihood program. In this type of research, diverse numerical data are collected through

various methods and then statistically analyzed aggregate the data, compare them or

show relationship among the data. According to Aliaga and Gunderson (2002:81),

Quantitative research is ‘Explaining phenomena by collecting numerical data that are

analyzed using mathematically based methods (in particular statistics). In another

definition according to Muijs (2004:2) quantitative research is essentially about collecting

numerical data to explain a particular phenomenon.

The purpose of quantitative research is to test a predefined theory or hypothesis

and eventually either accept or reject it based on the results. Quantitative research is the

process of collecting and analyzing numerical data to describe, predict or control

variables of interest.

The researchers will use one class to find and collect the data. There is only one

stage to collecting the data. This stage was done by distributing the text of test.
The Effectiveness of Livelihood Program ... 26

Distributing the test was done to know the effectiveness of livelihood program to

the PDL's.


The respondents of the study were the fifty (50) Persons Deprived of Liberty and

ten (10) Jail officers in BJMP of San Jose City Jail that might change when conducting

the actual survey. The San Jose City Jail Officers will choose the PDL respondents for

this study and the researchers will chose the jail officers on duty to become their

respondents. For that reason, the researchers believed that the chosen respondents, such

as the PDL selected by the jail officers and the jail officers on duty in San Jose City Jail

were able to provide the data required for this study.

Sampling Method

In this study, the researchers will use a purposive sampling to obtain the sample.

According to Hadi (1990) Sampling adalah cara yang digunakan untuk mengambil

sampel, (sampling is the ways of doing to get sample). Sampling was constituted to

choose some of individual process in research so they or individual as a voluntary. The

purpose of sampling is use some of individual to get information about population.

Sampling is the way to take sample. In this research sampling technique was used to take

sample is purposive sampling. According to Arik unto (2010), purposive sampling is the

process of selecting sample by taking subject that is not based on the level or area, but it

is taken based on the specific purpose.

The Effectiveness of Livelihood Program ... 27

Research Instrument

In this study, the researchers will use a questionnaire checklist and an interview

guide to conduct the study. The questionnaire checklist was formulated with the help

research panelist and research adviser. This was the main instrument used in this study. A

questionnaire checklist refers to a set pf printed questions with a choice of answers. The

instrument used is a structured questionnaire developed by the researchers, which consist

of items that the selected respondents have to answer in a set format.

To obtain data needed to answer the specific problems in the study a questionnaire

checklist will utilize. The following steps will utilize in the construction and validation of

the questionnaire

Part I consists of the profile of the respondents

This instrument will be use to describe the profile of the two (2) groups of

respondents for PDLs’ and Jail Officers in terms of age, gender, civil status, and

years/month in prison/service.

Part II consists of the effectiveness of the livelihood program in the rehabilitation of

Persons Deprived of Liberty in San Jose City Jail

This was composed of ten (10) It checklist that deals in what are the effectiveness

of livelihood program in the rehabilitation of Persons Deprived of liberty in San Jose city

The Effectiveness of Livelihood Program ... 28

The responses on each items will be evaluated using the checklist Scale Scoring as

shown below:

Scale Numerical equivalent Interpretation

4 3.26-4.00 Very Effective (VE)

3 2.51-3.25 Effective (E)

2 1.76-2.50 Least Effective (LE)

1 1.00- 1.75 Ineffective (I)

Data Gathering

During the proposal, the researchers will ask permission for approval of this

research study though a series of recommendations and healthy criticism from the

panelist and with the help also of the research adviser. After that, during pre-oral defense,

the researchers present their research study from chapter 1 to chapter 3, along with the

draft of the questionnaire checklist. All the corrections, comments, and suggestions in

this study will be use by the researchers to improve their research study. The researcher

will conduct an interview to gather the information on how the livelihood program is

effective in well-being and readiness for re-orientation in society. The researchers will

present a letter of approval to their research adviser to gather data from San Jose City

Jail. In checking the credibility of the instrument specifically, the questionnaire checklist

the researchers will present from their research adviser and all the suggestion given by

the panelist during the pre-oral defense that will devised to improve the questionnaire
The Effectiveness of Livelihood Program ... 29

checklist. And lastly, the researchers will make a tally sheet, encoded, and tabulated the

results of the survey.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The data that will be gathered, collected, evaluated and analyzed by means of the

following statistical treatments:

1. Socio-Demographic Profile of the Respondents.

The information recorded in the questionnaire checklist pertains to the socio-

demographic background of the individuals who participated in the survey. To

analyze this data, the frequencies and percentages of the respondents were calculated

and presented in distribution. Following that, the collected data underwent a thorough

examination, discussion, and analysis in order to identify any substantial findings or

trends that emerged.

Frequency distribution. This was used by categorizing and tabulating the

frequency of each occurrence. Frequency distribution is an organized tabulation/graphical

representation of the number of individuals in each category on the scale of measurement.

In this way, the table summarizes the distribution of values in the sample.

Percentage. This was used to get the portion of a part of the whole.

Formula: (%) = f/n x 100

Where: (%) = Percentage of frequency

f = Frequency

N = Total of Respondents
The Effectiveness of Livelihood Program ... 30

2. For effectiveness of livelihood program in the rehabilitation of Person Deprived of

liberty in San Jose City Jail, the following statistical formula was used:

Weight mean. This was used to multiplying the weight (or probability) associated

with a particular event or outcome with its associated outcome and then summing

all the products together. It is very useful when calculating theoretically expected

out where each outcome has a different probability of occurring, which is the key

feature that distinguishes the weighted mean from the arithmetic mean.

Formula: WM = TWF/N

Where: WM = Weight mean

TWF = Total Weight Formula

N = Total of Respondents

3. To know the significant difference between the statement of two respondents in

term of level of effectiveness of livelihood program in the rehabilitation of a

Persons Deprived of Liberty in San Jose City Jail, researcher used Likert scale

handling the (4) points as it considered the most widely used approach to scaling in

survey questionnaires.

A T-test studies a set of data gathered from two similar or different groups to

determine the probability of the difference in the result than what is usually obtained. The

accuracy of the test depends on various factors, including the distribution patterns used

and the variants influencing the collected samples. Depending on the parameters, the test

is conducted, and a T- value is obtained as the statistical inference of the probability of

the usual resultant being driven by chance. We used T-test formula to statistically
The Effectiveness of Livelihood Program ... 31

determine if there is a significant difference between the assessments of the two groups of

respondents in certain aspects.

Formula: t= ̅̅̅x₁ - x̅ ₂


t- Value

̅ x₁ and ̅x̅̅ ₂ = Two groups being compared

s = Pooled standard error of the two groups

and = are number of observation in each of the group


This statistical treatment was also utilized to discuss positional advantages. The

ranking is the placement of an item in a category or more or less that the same item. It

simply says that one is higher than the other.

The Effectiveness of Livelihood Program ... 32




Direction: Please read the questions carefully and answer truthfully. Put a check (✔)

inside the box corresponding to your answer if it not applicable leave it blank.

1. Socio-Demographic Profile of the Respondents.

Age: Female 1 – 5 Years

5 Years and Above
25– 30 Years Civil Status: Years/Months in Service:
Single 6 months
31 – 40 Years
old Married 6 months – 1 Year

41 - 50 Years Separated or
Old Divorced 1 – 5 Years

51 and Widowed 5 Years and Above

Above Years/Months in Prison:
Gender: 6 months below
Male 6 months – 1 Year
The Effectiveness of Livelihood Program ... 33

Question 2. Effectiveness of livelihood program in the rehabilitation of a Persons

Deprived of liberty in San Jose City Jail.

Directions: Put a Check (✔) on the column that corresponds to your response in the

following statement, 1 being the lowest and 4 being the highest.

Rating scale to used are:

4- Very Effective (VE)

3- Effective (E)

2- Least Effective (LE)

1- Ineffective (I)

Suggested Statement 4 3 2 1
Very Effective Least Ineffective
Effective Effective
2:1 The livelihood program reduced
recidivism rates among PDL’s.
2:2 The Persons Deprived of Liberty
become more responsible and
productive individuals.
2:3 The livelihood program changes
or improve the life that have
attributed to the participation for
2:4 The livelihood program be
integrated with community-based
initiatives to provide additional
support and opportunities for PDL’s.
2:5 When the Person Deprived of
The Effectiveness of Livelihood Program ... 34

Liberty served their sentenced, they

may continue to do this work and
earn money.
2:6 The livelihood program
monitored to prevent abuse or
exploitation of PDL’s.
2:7 The livelihood program
impacted the sense of purpose and
self-worth during the rehabilitation
2:8 The livelihood program give
positive changes tn the mental well-
being as a result of participation.
2:9 The livelihood program provides
them source for financial needs for
their personal supplies.
2:10 The program dedicated to
addressing the mental health needs
of PDL’s.

Thank you for your participation!

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