DANCEBOOK Application

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DANCEBOOK Application:

3, Instead of having “Timezone” in the post, it should just be the location. The time zone formatting is
confusing and complex, let’s delete this option. Let’s combine the date and time so it would read like
this “Monday, Sept 25 | 4-5pm”. Always that order: Weekday, date, then time. Can we have a calendar
icon next to this instead of a clock icon now that it is combined?

The date and time shows in app like this (Wednesday, Nov 01 | 5:33 AM – 5:30 PM) and the option of
calendar icon and clock icon which during creating event post is separate not combined.

5, when creating an event or class, delete the “time period” option. Instead add a button that says
“more options” under the calendar icon where the date and time are clickable to edit. When the user
clicks on this there is a drop down that allows the user to select either “Does not repeat”, “Every day”,
“Every week”, “Every month”, “Every year” or “Custom…”. If the user clicks “Custom…” they are taken to
a page that is similar to the Google Calendar seen in image below:

This way a user can customize if the event/class is recurring. I like the circled arrow icon Google uses.
Can we use something similar to indicate a recurring event?

That more option button is not present in the page where user creating events, in creating class page
all requirement from the client is fulfill but the option of custom is still missing.
7, when anyone creates a class or event or post, it should automatically be added to the correlation
section in the Explore page. Also the “For You” side should show all posts from people the user follows.
Right now none of that is linked.

Class events and posts are automatically added in explore page after added.

10, Can we do the same thing with all the “create” screens that I mentioned in 4.? So the “create
screen” is the preview.

Again the order should be -photo or video -title -description -calendar icon (date and time) -$ icon -
recurring icon (if applicable)

In this client said that users must add and follow all the details when they create any post, event, class
or casting, they follow the criteria of creating screen and add all the details which are asking on the
screen if user skip any of them, the post, event, class or casting will not create. This issue is not fixed
yet, user simply can add just flyer and proceed and create post, event, class or casting without adding
any further required detail.

12, There is no “book” option on any of the posts. This should appear as the last thing in the post.

That option exist and in working.

14, Users should be able to archive their posts. Where is the archive accessible?

That option exist (in user profile there is an option of 3 dots on any creating post or feed by user will
show) and the option is in working. The option of archive posts is in side bar.

15, The Feed Section in profile needs a HUGE facelift. I want to clarify what this section is. So a profile
has a two part section one titled “Event” and one titled “Feed”. It is two parts to emphasize the purpose
of Dancebook, which is that it is an event forward booking platform. I would like both sections to have
default formatting that the user can click on and edit. In this image below of the LADP App. This
sideways scrolling is the formatting we discussed for the Event and Feed sections. Let’s have the default
headings for the Event section be “Upcoming Events” “Upcoming Classes”, & “Castings”. Each section
heading should have a pencil icon next to it so that the user can edit what the section heading is. They
should be able to reorder the sections as well. There is no limit to the number of sections a user can
have. (Although I don’t expect users to have more than 5) There should be an add section button at the
bottom of each side (only for the user's view of their own profile). I imagine these sections to have a
white line underneath the section heading and then all posts under that section with the cover photo
and title below (like the LADP photo below.)

Here’s a badly drawn example of what I mean

So the default in the profile would be like this for the Event side. A user can click to add posts to these
sections. For the Feed side the default sections should be “Recent Work”, “Choreography”, &
“Performances” . Same formatting as the Event side. So essentially a user can add to a section directly
on their profile (the ‘+’ button on an empty profile page should pop up the same options as the ‘+’
button on the bottom of the screen) OR use the ‘+’ button on the bottom of the screen to select what
kind of post they’re making. So in the user profile, when you view the screen as a whole, you are just
seeing the cover photo of the post, and its title. This means that any post that goes to a user profile
needs to have a “cover image” option in the create post page. Once a user clicks on the post, it pops out
into what all the other post formats look like. Please message me if this is confusing.

Upcoming events are available as client said but below that the upcoming classes and castings still not

16, When a user clicks “feed” under the “+” button, the page should look like the format discussed in 4.
With the addition of a button at the bottom that says “Section”, when clicked on the button drops down
into all the titles in the user's profile, and “new section in Feed” or “new section in Events” so the user
can choose which section the post will upload under.

Drop down of the section button is not working.

17, In any post someone creates, there should be a button at the bottom above “create post” that says
“add to section?” if the user clicks this, it should take them to their profile Feed screen and preview the
post in there. The user should be able to choose which section the post lives in by dragging it into a
section, this can be in either the event or feed section. Please message me if this is confusing

That create post option will not show any kind of further options.

20, The “Help” section should open into the support page you created.

Need to create support page for help center section.

34. Is there a limit to the video length? We should have a limit of 2 min, if a video is too long, the user
should be able to trim it in the app. And choose a cover photo so the video doesn’t show up as a black

The limit of video should be increase to 2 minutes and the option of uploaded cover photo should be

36. On the hamburger side menu, let’s just have Calendar, delete Booked Classes and Booked Events. In
the calendar you should be able to see a calendar view with all your bookings and there should be an
option for a list view of all your bookings.

The bug is fix now.

22. It isn’t super clear in this photo, but the way this event looks on my phone is that the image is getting
half eaten by the top of the screen. The top of the image should end before the time and battery and
Wi-Fi bar that is on my phone. The image shouldn’t be under those.

Picture uploaded by the user should be clear and shows properly in post (full not half)

25. Delete Account Admin option in create an account screen. It should just be Display Name

13. When uploading a photo, there is no option to edit it at all. Like I said above, we need a cropping
screen & I would love for the ability to add text over the image to be possible. So users can create flyers
in the app if they want to. It should have a similar layout to Instagram stories.

The following option is added in the application.

39. Pulling down on the home screen should refresh the posts.

The application response is exactly accurate according to this requirement of client.

24. There should be an option in “Edit profile” that allows the user to have their “followers” hidden.
Meaning the heart icon would not be displayed on their profile.

Option is added now.

32. A user should get a notification when someone “hearts” their profile.

Notification option and its page working successfully.

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