Transcript - Unit 4

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Track 25

Narrator: Unit 4, Listening Part 5, Exercise 3. For these questions, choose the correct

answer. You will hear Pip and Sara talking. What is each person wearing?

Sara: Hi Pip - nice hat! Are you having fun?

Pip: Oh, hi Sara. Yes, I'm really enjoying ____________________________. That's


Sara: Thanks. It's fun being ________________________.

Pip: It is, isn't it?

Sara: _________________________________________?

Pip: No - is he wearing __________________________________?

Sara: ________. He's ____________________________________________.

Pip : Oh yes, I see him. Is that Amy with him,


Sara: I don't think so. Amy's wearing

_________________________________________________ tonight.

Pip: Look! Is that George? It is! He looks great

______________________________________, doesn't he?

Sara: It's a bit different from __________________________________, isn't it?

Pip: It's a shame he ________________________________.

Sara: True. Alice looks amazing, doesn't she? She looks like Taylor Swift!

Pip: _______________________________________! I hope she doesn't fall.

Sara: She'll be fine. But look at Katy - she doesn't look comfortable. Why doesn't


Pip: _________________________. ________________________________.

Sara: Oh yes, of course. _______________________________________________________!

And looks very ______________________________!

Unit 4 - Listening part 5 - WB

Girl: Did you go to that _____________________________________ with your family, Tom?

Tom: Yes, I finally ______________________________ I wanted!

Girl: Cool! What about your sister? She loves __________________________, doesn't she?

Tom: Mm-but ____________________________________, and got those instead. They look

good with__________________________________________.

Girl: How about your dad?

Tom: Oh, he looked for ________________________________________ for our beach

holiday, but the store didn't have any nice ones. But at


Girl: And your mum?

Tom: We're going to a family wedding soon, so she needed something special to wear. She

_____________________________________________, but she didn't find any shoes she


Girl: That's a shame. And did your brother buy anything?

Tom: He wanted ______________________________________, but he didn't like any of the

ones we saw! Anyway, h____________________________________________, so he got a

nice blue one.

Girl: And what about your grandma?

Tom: ________________________________________ for when she's swimming at the

beach - she can put _________________________________________________- in it, to

keep them dry!

Girl: Great!

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