Analysis of The Effect of Financial Ratio On Share

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Journal of Business and Management Inaba (JBMI)

E-ISSN 2829-5331, P-ISSN 2829-6559

VOLUME 02, NO. 01 JUNE 2023


Asep Sulaiman1, Listri Herlina2
Universitas Indonesia Membangun1,2
1 2 ,

PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk experienced problems with declining stock prices. Company
performance is a factor that can cause a decline in stock prices. Whether a company's
performance is good or not can be seen from financial ratios such as CR, DER, NPM, EPS
and PER, where investors tend to invest funds in companies with good financial ratios. The
research objective was to determine the effect of CR, DER, NPM, EPS and PER on stock
prices at PT Unilever Indonesia Tbk for the 2010-2021 period. Quantitative research
method with a descriptive verification approach. Secondary data sources in the form of
annual financial report data and purposive sampling technique. data analysis techniques
with descriptive analysis, regression, correlation, hypothesis testing both partially and
simultaneously and analysis of the coefficient of determination, with the help of the SPSS
v24 program. The results of the study show that in testing the hypothesis the results are: (1)
CR has no significant effect on stock prices. (2) DER has a significant effect on stock prices.
(3) NPM has a significant effect on stock prices. (4) EPS has a significant effect on stock
prices. (5) PER has a significant effect on stock prices. (6) CR, DER, NPM, EPS and PER
provide a simultaneous effect (together) on the stock price.

Keywords: Current Ratio (CR), Debt to Equity Ratio (DER), Net Profit Margin (NPM),
Earnings Per Share (EPS), Price Earning Ratio (PER), Stock Prices.

Internal capital is capital obtained from

the wealth of company owners, while
The industrial sector as one of external sources of capital are capital
the factors driving the wheels of the obtained from creditors and investors
economy has a very important role in (Indriyani, 2017). To be able to get
economic growth (Mahriza & Amar, funds from investors, companies need
2015). In carrying out business to carry out a Go public policy, by
processes the industrial sector requires conducting an IPO (Initial Public
capital, capital requirements can be met Offering), namely an initial public
from two sources, namely through offering. The place that facilitates the
internal sources and external sources. share offering process is known as the

Journal of Business and Management Inaba (JBMI)
E-ISSN 2829-5331, P-ISSN 2829-6559
VOLUME 02, NO. 01 JUNE 2023

capital market (, 2022). Table 1

One of the companies listed on the
CR, DER, NPM, EPS, PER PT Unilever
capital market, PT Unilever Indonesia
Tbk, experienced problems with its
Indonesia Tbk. Periode 2010-
declining share price.

The decline in PT Unilever

Indonesia Tbk's share price which occurred
after reaching its highest price in 2017, C DE NP EP PE
then decreased again in last four years. The R R M S R
formation of share prices occurs due to the 2010 0,8 1,15 17, 89 37,
demand and supply of these shares. 5 20 16
Demand and supply occur due to many 2011 0,6 1,85 17, 10 34,
factors, both specific to stocks (company 8 74 9 43
performance and the industry in which the 2012 0,6 2,02 17, 12 32,
company operates) as well as macro factors 7 72 7 89
such as interest rates, inflation, exchange 2013 0,6 1,99 17, 14 37,
rates and non-economic factors such as 7 40 0 09
social and political conditions. and other 2014 0,7 2,11 16, 15 41,
factors (, 2022). 1 04 5 62
2015 0,6 2,26 15, 15 48,
Company performance is a factor
5 96 3 30
that can cause a decline in stock prices.
2016 0,6 2,56 15, 16 46,
Whether a company's performance is good
1 96 8 30
or not can be seen from financial ratios
2017 0,6 2,65 17, 18 60,
such as Current Ratio (CR), Debt to Equity
3 00 4 89
Ratio (DER), Net Profit Margin (NPM),
2018 0,7 1,58 21, 23 38,
Earnings Per Share (EPS), and Price
5 79 8 15
Earning Ratio (PER), where investors tend
2019 0,6 2,91 17, 19 43,
to invest their funds in companies with
5 22 4 34
good financial ratios (Mardiana &
2020 0,6 3,16 16, 18 39,
Wuryani, 2019).
6 67 8 10

Journal of Business and Management Inaba (JBMI)
E-ISSN 2829-5331, P-ISSN 2829-6559
VOLUME 02, NO. 01 JUNE 2023

2021 0,6 3,41 14, 15 26, investors have more confidence in the
1 56 1 69 company, so the stock price is getting more
expensive (Lestari, 2022).
Based on Table 1, it can be seen
that the Current Ratio (CR) during the Careful, thorough analysis and
2010-2021 period is below a value of 1, supported by accurate data is needed to be
which means that companies can have able to choose a safe investment. Investors
difficulty paying their debts on time to need information about which companies
creditors (, 2023). The will provide profits or losses that can be
Debt to Equity Ratio (DER) is above 1 or seen from the factors that affect stock price
100% which is the minimum value for a movements. Based on the description
good ratio, the higher this ratio will show above, the researcher decided to examine
poor performance for the company "The Influence of Current Ratio (CR), Debt
(Budiman, 2018). The condition of the Net to Equity Ratio (DER), Net Profit Margin
Profit Margin (NPM) in the last three years (NPM), Earning Per Share (EPS), and Price
has been below 20% which is a good Earning Ratio (PER) on PT Unilever's
industry standard (Kasmir, 2016). The Share Price) Indonesia Tbk for the 2010-
decline in Earning Per Share (EPS) in the 2021 period.”
last three years can have an impact on
investor confidence, this is because an
increase in Earning Per Share (EPS)
Current Ratio (CR)
indicates that the company has succeeded
in increasing the level of prosperity of Current Ratio (CR) is a ratio that
investors so that investors think that the measures a company's liquidity level
company can also provide a large income which is calculated by dividing the
per share. this will increase the level of company's current assets by current
investor confidence (Nurita, 2022). Price liabilities (Gitman, 2015).
Earning Ratio (PER), is a ratio that
Debt to Equity Ratio (DER)
describes market appreciation of a
company's ability to generate profits. This
Debt to Equity Ratio (DER) is a
ratio indicates the degree of investor
ratio that measures the relative proportion
confidence in the company's future
of total liabilities to common equity used
performance. The higher the PER,
Journal of Business and Management Inaba (JBMI)
E-ISSN 2829-5331, P-ISSN 2829-6559
VOLUME 02, NO. 01 JUNE 2023

to finance company assets. The higher higher the Price Earning Ratio (PER), the
this ratio, the greater the company's use of greater the investor's trust (Gitman,
financial leverage (Gitman, 2015). 2015).

Net Profit Margin (NPM) Stock price

The net profit margin (Net Profit The share price is the price that
Margin) measures the percentage of any occurs in the capital market at a certain
sales value that remains after all costs and time and the share price is determined by
expenses, including interest, taxes and the market mechanism. The high or low
preferred stock dividends, have been price of these shares is determined by the
deducted. The higher the company's net demand and supply of these shares in the
profit margin, the better (Gitman, 2015) market

Earning Per Share (EPS) METHOD

Earning Per Share (EPS) is the This research uses the type of
profit earned on each outstanding associative research. Associative research
common share. A high level of Earning is research that aims to find out the
Per Share (EPS) value will be attractive to relationship between two or more variables
shareholders and prospective (Sugiyono, 2021).
shareholders (Gitman, 2015).
A research instrument is a tool used
Price Earning Ratio (PER) to measure observed natural and social
phenomena (Sugiyono, 2021). The research
Price Earning Ratio (PER) is
instrument used in this study is the
usually used to assess the owner's
company's annual report.
assessment of the value of shares. The
Price Earning Ratio (PER) measures the Population and Research Sample
amount investors are willing to pay for Population is a generalization area
each dollar of a company's income. The consisting of objects or subjects that have
level of this ratio shows the level of certain qualities and characteristics
confidence that investors have in the determined by researchers to study and then
company's performance in the future. The draw conclusions (Sugiyono, 2021). The

Journal of Business and Management Inaba (JBMI)
E-ISSN 2829-5331, P-ISSN 2829-6559
VOLUME 02, NO. 01 JUNE 2023

population in this study is the annual the Glejser test is used, which is to regress
financial statements of PT Unilever the residual absolute value of the variable
Indonesia Tbk. independent. Heteroscedasticity does not
occur if the significance value is > 0.05.
The multicollinearity test aims to
Conversely, heteroscedasticity occurs if the
test whether the regression model finds a
significance value is <0.05 (Ghozali, 2018).
correlation between the independent
(independent) variables. A good regression The autocorrelation test aims to test
model should not have a correlation whether a linear regression model has a
between the independent variables. The correlation between the confounding errors
way to detect whether there is in period t (now) and period t-1 (previous).
multicollinearity is by paying attention to A good regression model should not
the Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) and contain autocorrelation. The existence of
tolerance numbers. The cut-off value that is autocorrelation will cause the confidence
commonly used to indicate the presence of interval for the estimation results to widen
multicollinearity is a tolerance value of less so that the significance test becomes not
than 0.10 or equal to a VIF value of more strong (Ghozali, 2018). The autocorrelation
than 0.10 (Ghozali, 2018). test can be carried out through a Run Test,
the basis for making a decision is if the
The heteroscedasticity test aims to
Asymp.Sig (2-tailed) value is > 0.05, it can
test whether in the regression model, there
be concluded that there is no
is an inequality of variance from the
autocorrelation, and if the Asymp.Sig (2-
residuals of one observation to another. If
tailed) value is < 0.05, it can be concluded
the significance value is > 0.05, then the
that there is autocorrelation (Ghozali,
regression model does not have
heteroscedasticity. If the residual variance
from one observation to another In this study, to find out how much
observation remains, then it is called influence the factors being studied, the
homoscedasticity and if it is different it is authors used multiple linear regression and
called heteroscedasticity. A good the processing was carried out using the
regression model is homoscedasticity or SPSS for windows program. The formula
there is no heteroscedasticity. To test for the multiple linear regression equation
whether there is heteroscedasticity or not, according to Sugiyono (2018) is:

Journal of Business and Management Inaba (JBMI)
E-ISSN 2829-5331, P-ISSN 2829-6559
VOLUME 02, NO. 01 JUNE 2023

Y=ɑ+β₁X₁+β₂X₂+β₃X₃+β4X4+β5X5+ɛ Coefficient of Determination

The coefficient of determination (R²)
Y = Dependent Variable Stock Price ɑ = essentially measures how far the model's
Constant ability to explain the variation in the
dependent variable. The value of the
β1β2β3β4β5 = Regression coefficient of
coefficient of determination is between 0
independent variable
(zero) and 1 (one). A small R² value means
that the ability of the dependent variables is
X₁ = Current Ratio independent variable
very limited. A value close to one means
(CR) that the independent variables provide
almost all the information needed to predict
X₂ = Debt to Equity Ratio (DER)
variations in the dependent variable
independent variable (Ghozali, 2018).

X₃ = Net Profit Margin independent

Partial Test (t test)
The t test is used to test the significant level
(NPM) of intermediate effect independent variable
with dependent variable. If the significant
X4 = Earning Per Share independent
level used is 5%, in other words, if sig
<0.05 then it is declared significant, and
(EPS) vice versa (Ghozali, 2018).

X5 = Price Earning Ratio (PER) Simultaneous Test (Test F)

independent variable
The F test shows whether all the
ɛ = standard error/confounding variable independent variables included in the
model have a joint effect on the dependent
Correlation Coefficient Analysis variable. If the significance value of F
<0.05 then Ha is accepted, which states that
The correlation coefficient is the number of
all independent variables simultaneously
the strong relationship between two or more
and significantly affect the dependent
variable, and vice versa (Ghozali, 2018).

Journal of Business and Management Inaba (JBMI)
E-ISSN 2829-5331, P-ISSN 2829-6559
VOLUME 02, NO. 01 JUNE 2023

RESULT AND DISCUSSION return. Thus, CR is not used by investors in

considering making an investment. The
Normality Test it is known that the Monte
results of this study support previous
Carlo probability value is 0.250 or 2.5%.
research conducted by Mufidah (2022)
This probability value is greater than α
which stated that there was no significant
effect of CR on stock prices, but this is
= 0.05 or 5%. Thus the residuals are stated
different from the research conducted by
to be normally distributed at a significant
Samosir, et al. (2019) stated that CR has a
level (α) = 5%.
significant effect on stock prices.
Multicollinearity Test, the tolerance value
Effect of DER on Stock Prices
of the independent variable > 0.1 and the
VIF value < 10. It can be concluded that
Increases and decreases in DER affect stock
there are no symptoms of multicollinearity
prices, this is because DER is a ratio that
in the regression model.
compares the amount of debt and equity.
This ratio is often used by analysts and
Heteroscedasticity Test, the significance
investors to see how much a company's debt
value of the variable CR (X1) is 0.492,
is compared to the equity owned by the
DER (X2) is 0.263, NPM (X3) is 0.846,
company. This will be a consideration
EPS (X4) is 0.798 and PER (X5) is 0.680,
whether investors want to invest or not,
all results are greater than 0.05, so that it
which will affect stock prices. The results
can be concluded that there is no
of this study support the research that has
been conducted by Nurhandayani &
The Effect of CR on Stock Prices Nurismalatri (2022) stating that there is a
significant effect of DER on stock prices
Increasing or decreasing CR has no effect but it is different from the research
on stock prices. This is estimated because
conducted by Leonatan & Yunior (2021)
investors consider the CR value to be high which states that DER has no effect on
does not mean the company is performing
stock prices.
well. Because it could be due to the high
inventory value. A high inventory value The Effect of NPM on Stock Prices
will lead to low company profits and
ultimately unable to provide the expected

Journal of Business and Management Inaba (JBMI)
E-ISSN 2829-5331, P-ISSN 2829-6559
VOLUME 02, NO. 01 JUNE 2023

Increases and decreases in NPM affect The Effect of PER on Stock Prices
stock prices, this is because when a
Increases and decreases in PER affect stock
company's NPM is high, the company's
prices, this is due to PER shows the ratio of
investment returns will be high, so that
stock prices to earnings. This ratio shows
investors will be interested in buying these
how much investors assess the price of the
shares, which will have an impact on stocks
stock against the multiple of earnings. A
that will increase. The results of this study
high PER indicates that investors are
support the research that has been
willing to pay a premium share price or a
conducted by Imansyah & Mustafa (2021)
price above the market price. PER is a ratio
stating that there is a significant effect of
that measures the level of stock prices based
NPM on stock prices but it is different from
on profits from each sheet. The high or low
the research conducted by Wulandari, et al.
of this ratio will have an impact on the high
(2020) stated that NPM has no effect on
or low of stock prices. The results of this
stock prices.
study support the research that has been
The Effect of EPS on Stock Prices conducted by Rahmawati & Hadian (2022)
stating that there is a significant effect of
Increases and decreases in EPS affect stock
PER on stock prices but it is different from
prices, this is because if the company's EPS
the research conducted by Pitaloka, et al.
increases, this indicates that the company
(2022) stated that PER has no effect on
continues to develop and grow. The greater
stock prices.
the EPS, the better the company's ability to
earn profits for each share. This will make The Influence of CR, DER, NPM, EPS and
investors interested in buying company PER on Stock Prices
shares, which will result in an increase in
The results of the hypothesis test show that
share prices. The results of this study
CR, DER, NPM, EPS and PER jointly
support the research conducted by Risanti
(simultaneously) have a significant effect
& Murwanti (2022) which states that there
on the stock price of PT Unilever Indonesia
is a significant effect of EPS on stock
Tbk. This means that together the variables
prices, but this is different from the research
CR, DER, NPM, EPS and PER can be used
conducted by Siregar, et al. (2021) states
as an accurate stock price estimation tool.
that EPS has no effect on stock prices.
The results of this study are in accordance

Journal of Business and Management Inaba (JBMI)
E-ISSN 2829-5331, P-ISSN 2829-6559
VOLUME 02, NO. 01 JUNE 2023

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