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Environmental Impact Assessment Review 91 (2021) 106644

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Environmental Impact Assessment Review

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Environmental impact analysis for the construction of subway stations:

Comparison between open-excavation and underground-excavation scheme
Minghui Liu, Siyi Jia *, Xueyan Wang
School of Civil Engineering, Beijing Jiaotong University, NO. 3 Shang Yuan Cun, Hai Dian District, Beijing 100044, PR China


Keywords: The excessive environmental impacts from the construction of subway infrastructure have become a concern for
Subway station operators who are keen on continuing to lower the environmental footprint, but the factors affecting the impacts
Environmental Impact Assessment are yet to be fully identified. Excavation scheme is the governing factor in subway construction, not only because
it prescribes the ensuing construction procedures, but it also epitomizes the design philosophy towards the
Excavation method
GHG emissions
interaction between the subway structure and city environment. In this paper, a comparative assessment is made
among the fifteen mid-point environmental impacts from the two major excavation schemes in subway con­
struction, i.e. the open-excavation (OE) and underground-excavation (UE) scheme. The case station provides a
perfect example for such a comparison as it consists of both OE and UE section at the same buried depth. GHG
emissions are identified as the largest contributor after normalization. However, GHG emissions are not repre­
sentative for the overall impacts. The UE section is responsible for more impacts per area than that of OE section
in all the investigated categories. The gap between the two sections is attributable to the extra reinforcement
procedures that protect the surrounding infrastructure from adverse settlement. Though the underground
environment limits the use of construction machines, the UE construction involves more on-site impacts because
it requires 11.79 times the labor used in the OE section. Based on the results, the adaptability of the two methods
was discussed, considering the life-cycle performance and their interaction with the city environment.

1. Introduction infrastructure is extensive (Liu et al., 2019; Saxe et al., 2017; Li et al.,
2016; Lederer et al., 2016; Crossrail, 2014; MTR, 2013; Chester and
Railway transport is among the most energy efficient modes of mass Horvath, 2009). The GHG emissions from 1-km open-excavated (OE)
transportation, owing to the high share of electrification (International subway construction range between 39,000 and 84,000 t CO2 eq., which
Union of Railways, 2016). However, the introduction of rail transport is equivalent 45.59 km highway construction or 24.83 km urban bridge
does not necessarily promise environmental benefits because of the construction, and the GHG emissions from the construction of a typical
trade-off effects might offset the mitigated impacts from railway oper­ OE subway station could exceed 50,000 t CO2 eq. (Liu et al., 2020; Mao,
ation (D' Alfonso et al., 2016). Arguably, the environmental impacts (EI) 2017). Such extensive pre-occupational impacts threaten to postpone
from the construction of the rail infrastructure is the most prominent the balance point beyond which URT operation starts to gain environ­
contributor to this trade-off effect, which is getting highlighted by a mental benefits. As concluded by relevant researches, the pay-back pe­
growing body of literature (Pons et al., 2020; De Bortoli et al., 2020; Lee riods range from 9 years to 28 years for subway lines (Li et al., 2016;
et al., 2020; Chang et al., 2019; Olugbenga et al., 2019; Jones et al., Saxe et al., 2017). For stations with low service level or excessive con­
2016; Yue et al., 2015; Chester and Horvath, 2010). struction scale, the pay-back period could exceed 50 years, which is a
The last two decade has seen the rapid expansion of urban rail transit notable offset considering a typical service life of 100 years (Liu et al.,
(URT) network in many major cities of China. The operating mileage 2020). Although the the excessive pre-occupational impacts of URT
nationwide approaches 6000 km by the end of 2019, in which the infrastructure have become a concern for operators who are keen on
subway lines account for a major percentage (China Association of minimizing the life-cycle environmental footprints (EFP), there are still
Metros, 2020). While URT promises a safer and cleaner alternative to some knowledge gaps that hinder the assessment of the impacts.
automobile travel, the environmental footprint from its underground

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (M. Liu), (S. Jia), (X. Wang).
Received 4 February 2021; Received in revised form 9 July 2021; Accepted 9 July 2021
Available online 18 July 2021
0195-9255/© 2021 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
M. Liu et al. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 91 (2021) 106644

1.1. Knowledge gap I: influencing factors of the EI from URT construction is investigated by checking its correlation with other indicators in the
element processes level.
The previous work on the EIs of subway construction presents case
studies, and the impacts vary greatly among the cases. For example, the 2. Materials and method
GHG emissions from 1-km URT line could range between 4900 t CO2 eq.
to 84,000 t CO2 eq. according to the type of the line (Li et al., 2016; Saxe 2.1. Case description
et al., 2017; Liu et al., 2020). The factors that affects the environment
impacts of subway construction are yet to be fully identified. 2.1.1. General information
Excavation method is the governing factor in subway construction, The case station is an intermediate station of Beijing Subway Line 14.
as it prescribes the ensuing procedures. The two primary approaches, i.e. A hybrid construction scheme was adopted, which consisted of a 55-m
the open-excavation (OE) and underground excavation (UE), adopt OE section and a 197-m UE section of the same buried depth. Major
different strategies to adapt to the city environment. Specifically, the UE geometry parameters of the case station are present in Table 1.
method involves extra reinforcement actions beyond those necessary to
ensure the safety of its own structure. These extra reinforcement actions 2.1.2. OE section
are taken to minimize the adverse settlement on the adjacent environ­ OE is the best option when the environment poses little restriction on
ment and vice versa. To the contrary, the OE scheme provides little the construction. The case OE section adopts a stepwise excavation
resistance to the deformation beyond its safety and serviceability re­ method from the ground. Temporary steel supports are installed after
quirements. Although the OE method facilitate fast construction and each excavation step, and concrete caisson piles are cast to provide
costs less than the UE method, it would also introduce the need of lateral resistance against soil pressure (see Fig. 1a). The underground
reinforcement for surrounding infrastructure. What also differentiates reinforced concrete structures were constructed in a bottom-up
the OE and UE scheme is the level of mechanization. The top-down sequence together with the removal of steel support (see Fig. 1b and c).
excavation from the ground renders the OE scheme highly mecha­
nized, while the underground construction in the UE scheme limits the 2.1.3. UE section
use of mass construction equipment, and the use of labor is considerably UE is widely adopted for subway lines that stretch across the core
higher than the OE scheme. area of cities, when OE faces practical barriers induced by existing lines
As different procedures and resources are involved in the two exca­ and ground traffic. UE is characterized by strict deformation-control
vation schemes, the environment output is likely to be different. measures, including the advanced grouting before the excavation and
Therefore, a comparative analysis is needed to quantify the EI from the prompt installation of support structures after the excavation. The case
two excavation in both short term and long term. station adopts a ‘Pile-Beam-Arch’ (PBA) method, in which the columns,
beams and arch of the underground structure bear the soil pressure
1.2. Knowledge gap II: environmental impact analysis of URT jointly. To minimize the settlement induced by the excavation, the arch-
infrastructure beyond GHG emissions type grouting are performed through the pipe-roof prior to the excava­
tion of the eight pilot tunnels (Fig. 2a). Then columns and lateral caisson
GHG emissions from URT infrastructure are the impacts that have piles are cast through the pilot tunnels, and the top arch is constructed
been of most concern to date, while coverage on other impact categories beneath the pipe roof (Fig. 2b). The rest reinforced concrete components
has rare report. However, researches on the building environment are cast upon the completion of the excavation (Fig. 2c).
impact analysis (EIA) revealed that GHG emissions may not be the most
significant impact indicator in all cases, nor could it be utilized as a 2.1.4. Break-down of the construction
global indicator that represents all other impact categories (Heinonen According to the above-mentioned procedures, the construction of
et al., 2015). Specifically, weak correlations exist between GHG emis­ both OE and UE section could be broken into three sub-projects, i.e. the
sions and other impacts in products that characterize high intensity of excavation, support and station structure. As illustrated in Fig. 3, the
eco-toxicity (Laurent et al., 2012). For rail infrastructure, the railway most noticeable difference between the two section lies in the support
life-cycle assessment (LCA) conducted by De Bortoli et al. (2020) also construction. The support of the UE section includes two parts, i.e. 1)
indicates the inconsistent contributions among the sub-projects between element process that ensure the structural safety, usually in the form of
the climate change and other impact categories. caisson piles and diaphragm wall and 2) the measures to limit the
In a mass integrated production system, the process-specific emis­ deformation during the excavation, such as advance grouting and per­
sions of some procedures might cause the poor performance of GHG manent steel support. To the contrary, a typical OE station (tunnel
emissions as a global indicator (Laurent et al., 2012; Laurent et al., section) only includes the former part.
2010). As a result, a comparison between two or more alternative design
schemes (products) might be biased when using the GHG emissions as a
comprehensive indicator, and the focus on mitigating GHG emissions 2.2. Method
might shift the impacts to other impact categories (Heinonen et al.,
2015). The EIA of URT projects, which involve multiple sub-procedures, The EIA of the case station is conducted within the frame of LCA
should be conducted on multiple impact dimensions besides GHG method, which is able to provide a comprehensive view of the EIs from
emissions to avoid the potential biased conclusions. the construction of civil infrastructures (Anand and Amor, 2017). The
This paper presents a cradle-to-gate LCA of subway construction, in analysis is proceeded according to the major steps of a standard LCA,
which fifteen problem-oriented mid-point impact categories are including the goal and scope definition, inventory analysis and life cycle
involved. A comparative study is made between the environmental
footprints under the OE and UE scheme. The case station provides a Table 1
perfect sample for this comparison as it includes both OE and UE section Major parameters of the case station.
at the same buried depth. The impacts are broken into sub-projects to Site area (m2) Building area Total length (m) Buried depth (m)
explain what differentiates the impacts between the two sections, and (m2)
the crucial element processes for each impact category are identified. 26,916 16,240 252 8.3
Furthermore, the environmental implication of the two section is dis­ Station width Platform width Length of OE section Length of UE section
cussed considering their interactions with the urban environment. In (m) (m) (m) (m)
23.3 14.4 55 197
addition, the reliability of GHG emissions as a comprehensive indicator

M. Liu et al. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 91 (2021) 106644

Fig. 1. Construction procedures of the OE section. a. The stepwise excavation in the OE section. b. Bottom-up construction of the structures. c. Complete sta­
tion structures.

impact assessment (LCIA). 2.2.1. Goal and scope

Environmental impacts from subway construction have a significant
contribution to the life-cycle totality, yet the mitigation potential is yet

M. Liu et al. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 91 (2021) 106644

Fig. 1. (continued).

Fig. 2. Construction procedures of the UE section. a. Excavation of pilot tunnel and advance grouting. b. Construction of arch and piles. c. Complete sta­
tion structures.

M. Liu et al. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 91 (2021) 106644

Fig. 2. (continued).

to be fully exploited compared with the mitigation practice from oper­ A Chinese national quota is utilized in this study to solve the lack of
ation. Therefore, the goal of this study is to assess the EI from the con­ consumption data in the pre-construction stage. The quota for material
struction of subway stations with different excavation methods, and a consumption is adopted here to convert the quantity of element pro­
partial LCA is performed in which the quantification scope is defined to cesses into consumption data. A baseline for the material and machine
only include the impacts from the construction of subway station. A usage of each element process is prescribed in the quota. This baseline is
cradle-to-gate analysis of the construction stage is essential to aware obtained through substantial surveys conducted by national or regional
owners/engineers the environmental implications of their schemes, and administrative agencies on numerous constructors, and is therefore
provide reference to the decision-making. capable of representing the average consumption level. Actual con­
The comparative study necessitates a consistent function unit, which sumption would not significantly deviate from this baseline because 1)
is chosen to be the gross building area (square meter) in this case. To these element processes are mature techniques with specific work con­
quantify the pre-operational impacts of the subway station, the bound­ tent and 2) the prescribed consumption is used for calculating cost
ary of this analysis is defined to include the impacts from 1) the pro­ baseline at the bidding of the project, and bids that are significantly over
duction and use of building materials and 2) operation of the the baseline would lose competitiveness. As a result, the quota-based
construction machines and 3) workers' on-site activities. approach could guarantee sufficient accuracy (Liu et al., 2018).
For multiple impact categories to be evaluated, the j-th impact
2.2.2. Inventory analysis category from the quantity of element process i is derived as the sum­
The construction of URT infrastructure is an integration of various mation of all impact sources involved in the process, including the
procedures, therefore a process-based approach is the best option for the embodied impacts from building materials and the fuel-related impacts
inventory analysis. While a process-based approach can yield the best from the construction machines
accuracy and facilitate the identification of procedures with intensive
Eij = qmat,ki .emat,kj + qmach,li .emach,lj (1)
impacts, its accuracy relies on the completeness and quality of inventory
data. In fact, data collection is a challenging task for researchers who The EI from the production and use of building material k can be
want to perform a process-based LCA due to confidentiality or incom­ calculated using its inventory data in the i-th element process qmat, kiand
plete data (Silvestre et al., 2015; Abd Rashid and Yusoff, 2015). its impact intensity factor for the j-th impact category emat, kj,in which
For most projects, the quantity bill only includes quantities of some qmat, kiand emat, kj are respectively obtained from a regional consumption
element processes, such as the manufacture and installation of some quota for subway construction (Liu et al., 2018) and a localized database
structural components. This is because exact material and machine of the intensity factors- Chinese Life Cycle Database developed by
usage data is only available upon the completion of the construction, by Sichuan University (IKE Environmental Technology Ltd, 2018).
when the calculation serves merely as a post-assessment and provides no Similarly, qmach, li denotes the consumption data of the l-th con­
guidance to the design process. struction machine in the i-th element process, which is also prescribed in

M. Liu et al. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 91 (2021) 106644

Fig. 2. (continued).

Case Station

OE Section UE Section

Station Station
Excavation Support Excavation Support
Structure structure

Mechinised- Caisson Piles Beams Inner Lining
Advance Grouting
Excavation Grouting
Manual Pipe Beams
Shotconrete Colunms Roofing
Waste Soil
Transport Concrete Grouting
Reintaing Wall Primary
Shotconcrete Slabs
Steel Support Waste Soil Support
Platform Transport Steel
Reinforcement Platform
Concrete Loop
Walls Caisson Piles Walls

Fig. 3. Break-down of the construction procedures in the case station.

M. Liu et al. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 91 (2021) 106644

the quota in the unit of number of shifts (one shift refers to eight hours of the break-down presented in Fig. 3.
usage of one single machine). emach, ljrepresents the intensity factor of
the l-th construction on the j-th impact category, which is the summation 3. Results
of all the impacts from the on-site energy consumption
3.1. General results
emach,lj = qfuel,m .efuel,mi (2)

Intensity factors of the fuels efuel, mican be obtained from the above- Presented in Fig. 4 is the the normalized impact potentials for 1-m2
mentioned database, and the fuel consumption data of the construction UE and OE construction. For both sections, the impacts of eight cate­
machines can be found in another quota (Ministry of Housing and Rural- gories are more prominent than the others. These include the Global
Urban Development of P.R. China, 2012). warming potential (GWP), Particulate matter formation potential
(PMFP), Photochemical oxidant formation potential (POFP), Terrestrial
2.2.3. Environmental Impact Assessment acidification potential (TAP), Freshwater eutrophication potential
Referring to the mid-point EIA models in the ReCiPe and CML (FEP), Abiotic depletion potential (ADP), Freshwater eco-toxicity (FET)
method (Goedkoop et al., 2009; Guinee, 2002), 15 impact categories are and Terrestrial eco-toxicity (TET), and further analysis would focus on
selected in this study (see Table 2). Selecting one single characterization the eight categories.
unit for each impact category brings about uncertainties in the assess­ Comparison between the two sections reveals that the impact in­
ment, owing to the insufficient knowledge level of some impact cate­ tensities of the UE section are noticeably greater than those of the OE
gories (Dahlbo et al., 2015), as well as the region-specific assumption. section in all categories. Compared with the OE section, the impact in­
For example, the characterization units of freshwater and marine tensity of the UE respectively increase by 56% (GWP), 55% (TAP), 616%
eutrophication are P and N respectively for the case of Europe, (Crouzet (FEP), 99%(PMFP), 4% (POFP), 21% (ADP), 28% (FET) and 28% (TET)
et al., 1999). However, the characterization units are nevertheless useful compared to the OE section.
for the comparative study in this manuscript, and it also helps the Climate change is found to be the most prominent impact category
comparison with the results in the previous studies, such as the EIA for after normalization. GHG emissions are of particular interests in the LCA
residential buildings based on the same impact categories (Heinonen of URT because it is one of the URT's major objectives to mitigate the
et al., 2015; Dong and Ng, 2015). GHG emissions from urban passenger transportation. The overall GHG
The impact intensity of unit quantity material/fuel is calculated as emissions from the construction of the case station amount to 77,976.60
t CO2 eq., equivalent to 5.84 t CO2 eq. for 1-m2 station area. For the UE
emat,kj = ckji qkji (3)
section, 1-m2 construction is responsible for 6.27 t CO2 eq., which is
where ckji and qkji are respectively the characterization factor and 55.97% larger than the OE section (4.02 t CO2 eq./m2).
quantity of impact source i on impact category j in the materialization of
unit quantity material (fuel) k. 3.2. Breaking the impacts into sub-projects
Then normalization is carried out to convert the impacts into
dimensionless indicators, so as to make it easier to compare between As stated above, both UE and OE section could be broken into three
impact scores of different impact categories (Norris,2001). The sub-projects, i.e. excavation, support and station structure. Table 3
normalization of the impacts is performed by denominating the presents the impact potentials among the sub-projects. For the OE sec­
normalization factors tion, it is suggested that the construction of station structure is the pri­
EI i mary contributor in seven of the eight impact categories, and the station
EI norm,i = (4) structure respectively accounts for 57%, 49%, 26%, 46%, 54%, 63%,
EI norm,i
60% and 60% of the total impacts of GWP, PMFP, POFP, TAP, FEP, TET,
FET and ADP, while the construction of support in the OE section is
where EInorm denotes the normalization factor that represent the refer­
ence information of the concerned system. In this manuscript, the EInorm
refers to the aggregate impacts of a specific region over a certain period
of time, and the factors recommended by Sleeswijk et al. (2007) and
Guinee (2002) are adopted. The normalized impact potentials of the sub-
projects are then derived by integrating the element processes following

Table 2
Impact categories and characterization unit.
Impact category Characterization unit

Ozone depletion potential (ODP) kg CFC-11 eq.

Global warming potential (GWP) kg CO2 eq.
Terrestrial acidification potential (TAP) kg SO2 eq.
Freshwater eutrophication potential (FEP) kg P eq.
Marine eutrophication potential (SEP) kg N eq.
Particulate matter formation potential kg PM 10 eq.
Photochemical oxidant formation kg NMVOC
potential (POFP)
Terrestrial eco-toxicity (TET) kg 1,4 Dichlorobenzene equivalent
(1,4 dB eq)
Marine eco-toxicity (MET) kg 1,4 dB eq
Freshwater eco-toxicity (FET) kg 1,4 dB eq
Human toxicity (HT) kg 1,4 dB eq
Ionization radiation (IR) kg U235 eq
Agricultural land occupation (ALO) m2.a
Urban land occupation (ULO) m2.a
Abiotic depletion potential (ADP) MJ
Fig. 4. Normalized impacts for 1-m2 UE and OE section.

M. Liu et al. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 91 (2021) 106644

Table 3
Normalized impact potentials of the sub-procedures (unit:E-12).
Impact category OE section UE section

Excavation Support Structure Total Excavation Support Structure Total

Global warming potential (GWP) 9.10 32.40 54.20 95.80 7.47 88.20 54.40 150.00
Particulate matter formation potential (PMFP) 1.84 4.92 6.53 13.30 1.78 17.60 7.12 26.50
Photochemical oxidant formation potential (POFP) 2.02 10.70 4.43 17.10 0.03 12.90 4.89 17.80
Terrestrial acidification potential (TAP) 2.73 17.20 17.00 36.90 2.95 36.70 17.50 57.10
Freshwater eutrophication potential (FEP) 0.44 3.87 5.03E 9.33 0.01 59.80 7.05 66.80
Freshwater eco-toxicity (FET) 1.19E-3 18.60 31.30 49.90 5.68E-5 33.70 30.10 63.80
Terrestrial eco-toxicity (TET) 1.43E-3 22.40 34.20 5.65 6.81E-5 40.40 36.10 76.50
Abiotic depletion potential (ADP) 1.00E-6 5.15 7.79 12.90 0.13 11.80 7.04 19.00

responsible for 34%, 37.00%, 62%, 47%, 41%, 37%, 40% and 40% of sections found comparable impact potentials in all categories (see
these impact potentials. The excavation creates the minimum impacts Fig. 5a). This is understandable because the station structures in OE and
because little construction material is used during the process under the UE section are subject to comparable loads, which mainly consist of the
assumption that steel support in excavation is treated as recyclable and 1) dead loads from vertical and lateral soil pressure, and 2) the live load
creates limited impacts. from ground traffic and passenger/facility loads in the station (Admin­
As for the UE section, the support construction becomes the most istration of Quality Supervision and Inspection and Quarantine of P.R.
prominent contributor for all impact categories, which accounts for China, 2013). The dead loads exerted on the structures are correlated
59%, 6%, 72%, 64%, 89%, 53%, 52% and 62% of the impact potential of with the buried depth and soil layer, and they therefore have little site-
GWP, PMFP, POFP, TAP, FEP, TET, FET and ADP, respectively. specific variation for the case OE and UE sections. Similarly, the live
Comparison between the impacts from station structure in the two loads are commonly assigned a uniform value for the whole station.

Fig. 5. Comparison between the normalized impact potentials for the station structures and support. a. Station structure. b. Support.

M. Liu et al. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 91 (2021) 106644

Fig. 6. Critical element processes for each impact category in the UE construction. a. Global warming potential. b. Particulate matter formation potentia. c.
Photochemical oxidant formation potential. d. Terrestrial acidification potential. e. Freshwater eutrophication potential. f. Freshwater eco-toxicity. g. Terrestrial eco-
toxicity. h. Depletion of abiotic resources.

M. Liu et al. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 91 (2021) 106644

Fig. 6. (continued).

Consequently, the reinforced concrete frame structure in both sections On the other hand, the support of the UE section creates noticeably
would generate comparable environment output, given the fact that the greater impacts, which are respectively 172%, 258%, 21%, 113%,
variation in design parameters such as column spacing has little effects 1445%, 81%, 80% and 129% higher than the OE section in GWP, PMFP,
under certain external loads (Liu et al., 2020). POFP, TAP, FEP, FET, TET and ADP (see Fig. 5b). The gap is obviously

M. Liu et al. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 91 (2021) 106644

Fig. 6. (continued).

attributable to the reinforcement measures in the UE excavation, that eutrophication potential (FEP), Abiotic depletion potential (ADP),
are taken to meet the strict deformation limits. UE requires advance Freshwater eco-toxicity (FET) and Terrestrial eco-toxicity (TET).
reinforcement in the soil before excavation and prompt support with Steel grating (reinforcement) is the major load-bearing component in
sufficient stiffness after excavation to guarantee safe construction. Be­ the primary support, and it is designed to be installed immediately after
sides, for the construction of shallowly-buried tunnel in urban areas, excavation. Steel grating is supposed to provide sufficient stiffness for
supports structures are commonly designed to be sufficiently stiff so that the primary support, so the steel usage is conceivably high, and aver­
minimum deformation is allowed, which protects the surrounding agely 18.41 t steel (including steel reinforcement) was used for 1-m UE
buildings from hazardous settlement. In the presence of groundwater, construction.
the deformation control is even more strict to avoid potential leakage. As It is noteworthy that the conservative design approach of the primary
a result, extra procedures are required in the support construction of the support also contributes to the excessive impacts. Current design code
UE section, which is responsible for the excessive impacts. prescribes that the resistance provided by the primary support is treated
as redundancy in the design of the inner lining (Ministry of Housing and
Rural-Urban Development of the P.R. China, 2013). Consequently,
3.3. Identifying critical element procedures significantly larger resistance is required in the inner lining than that in
the scenario that considers the combined resistance of primary support
Fig. 6 presents the most prominent element processes for the eight and inner lining. As a result, on average 21.75 t steel reinforcement was
impact categories of the UE section. The element procedures involved in used in 1-m construction of concrete lining, which is greater than the
the support construction of UE section, i.e. the construction of primary steel usage in the primary support. Such a conservative approach is
support and advance grouting, rank among the top-five contributors in justified by the need to minimize deformation in the UE section, yet
most categories. The two element procedures combined respectively considerable EI are created in categories of Global warming potential,
accounts for 50%, 58%, 48%, 52%, 84%, 44%, 42% and 53% for the Terrestrial acidification potential, Freshwater eco-toxicity, Terrestrial
total impacts of Global warming potential (GWP), Particulate matter eco-toxicity and Abiotic depletion potential owing to the intense energy
formation potential (PMFP), Photochemical oxidant formation potential input and polluting output involved in the materialization of steel
(POFP), Terrestrial acidification potential (TAP), Freshwater

M. Liu et al. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 91 (2021) 106644

reinforcement. 4. Discussion
On the other hand, the binder used in advance grouting was added
with large quantities of sodium silicate, so as to achieve fast setting and 4.1. GHG emissions as a comprehensive indicator?
provide resistance to the settlement of newly-excavated section. This
contributes to the high impact intensity in Particulate matter formation GHG emissions are currently the most-investigated and sometimes
potential, Photochemical oxidant formation potential, Terrestrial acid­ the only investigated impact category in LCA researches on civil and
ification potential and Freshwater eutrophication potential of advance transport infrastructure (Heinonen et al., 2015), including rail infra­
grouting because the use of sodium silicate involves considerable sulfur structure. Nor has any research carried out a comprehensive test of
oxide, nitrogen oxide and phosphorus output. whether GHG emissions could serve as a representative indicator for
other impacts.
Heinonen et al. (2015) has tested the representativeness of GHG
3.4. Impacts from on-site activities emissions in the EIA of a multi-storey residential building, who
concluded that impacts of Ozone depletion, Terrestrial acidification,
EIs from the on-site activities refer to the impacts from the operation Marine eutrophication, Photochemical oxidant formation, Particulate
of construction machines involved in the construction processes. As matter formation, Ionizing radiation, Water depletion have similar
shown in Fig. 7, the normalized on-site impacts of 1-m OE section exceed accumulation curves with GHG emissions over the sub-projects of the
those of the UE section in all categories, which is ascribed to the different building, while the correlation between GHG emissions and other im­
energy consumption structures of the two sections. The diesel-based pacts is relatively weak. However, the conclusion is case-specific and
impacts mainly originate from the diesel-powered bulldozers and ex­ dependent on the type of infrastructure and construction procedures. As
cavators, accounting for a major portion of the impacts in the OE section. for the subway structures, the correlation might differ from buildings
By contrast, the diesel-based impacts in the UE section are rather small, since the underground construction involves different procedures.
because the diesel-powered excavation machines are excluded by the An element process is the minimum inseparable element that con­
limited operating space, and the on-site impacts of the UE section is stitutes the whole project, and the correlation between GHG emissions
dominated by the electricity-powered machines. As a result, the impact and other impacts in the element processes can essentially reflect the
potentials of unit length OE section is significantly larger, especially in correlations at higher levels. Therefore, impacts in all the element pro­
categories of TAP and FET, due to the high intensity of particulates and cesses were analyzed for their correlations with GHG emissions. As
phosphorus output in the diesel combustion. shown in Figs. 9 and 10, good linear correlations with GHG emissions
Though responsible for less on-site impacts from construction ma­ were identified for the impacts of Particulate matter formation potential
chinery, the UE section requires extensive labor for manual excavation. (PMFP), Photochemical oxidant formation potential (POFP), Terrestrial
The labor required in the UE section and OE section respectively amount acidification potential (TAP) and Abiotic depletion potential (ADP),
to 424,227 and 35,989 workdays (referring to eight hours' work of an with the adjusted R2 to be 0.782, 0.758, 0.913 and 0.950 respectively.
average worker), that means on average 0.041 extra regular worker is The dependence of these impacts on GHG emissions is weaker than those
required in the unit area UE construction per day than the OE during the suggested by Heinonen et al. (2015), who concluded the GHG emissions
610-day construction period. work as a proxy for these impacts, with correlations between 98%–100%
Indirect impacts from the living facilities of such large number of on- in the sub-project level. For the PMFP and POFP, the deviation from the
site workers are non-negligible. According to the work of Liu et al. linearity is mainly ascribed to the extensive contribution from the
(2019), workers' on-site impacts originate from three sources, i.e. the advance grouting. In addition, the deviation could also be explained by
construction of workers' dormitories, water consumption and electricity the fact that the heterogeneity in the element processes would be
consumption. Using the inventory data of a standardized dormitories, partially offset when they add up.
along with the consumption quota of water and electricity presented by The impacts of Freshwater eco-toxicity (FET) and Terrestrial eco-
Liu et al. (2019), the impacts from workers' on-site activities in the case toxicity (TET) are found to have relatively weaker corrections with
station can be estimated. Fig. 8 demonstrates the non-negligible GHG emissions, for which the linear estimations produce adjusted R2 of
contribution of the workers' impacts against those from the construc­ 0.507 and 0.485 respectively. This is consistent with the conclusions
tion machines, the combined on-site impacts from workers and con­ from several investigations (Heinonen et al., 2015; Laurent et al., 2010;
struction machine in the UE section would exceed those of the OE Laurent et al., 2012). As shown in Fig. 11, the deviation mainly arises

Fig. 7. On-site normalized impacts from the OE and UE section and distribution among sources.

M. Liu et al. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 91 (2021) 106644

Fig. 8. On-site normalized impacts considering workers' on-site activities.

8 40

Steel reinforcement- Station structure

PMFP Advance Grouting
Normalized Impact Potential(10-12) FET
Normalized Impact Potential (10-12)

Fitted PMFP FET-fitted
Fitted POFP TET-fitted
20 Steel grating and reinforcement
-Primary support


Concrete lining

0 0 10 20 30
0 10 20 30
Normalized GWP (10-12)
Normalized GWP (10-12)
Fig. 11. Dependence of FET and TET on GHG emissions.
Fig. 9. Dependence of PMFP and POFP on GHG emissions.
from the concrete structure and its steel reinforcement. While the pro­
duction of the steel reinforcement is associated with high toxicity in­
15 tensity, the production of concrete is more energy-intensive and involves

Normalized Impact Potential (10-12)


9 50
Normalized Impact Potential (10-12)

Advance Grouting

0 10 20 30 10
Normalized GWP (10-12)
Fig. 10. Dependence of TAP and ADP on GHG emissions.
0 10 20 30
Normalized GWP (10-12)

Fig. 12. Dependence of FEP on GHG emissions.

M. Liu et al. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 91 (2021) 106644

relatively less output of toxic pollutants (Laurent et al., 2012). However, 5. Conclusion
the deviation might be offset in a reinforced concrete structures under
certain reinforcement ratio. In this paper, a mid-point EIA was carried out on the URT infra­
Poor dependence is found between Freshwater eutrophication po­ structure with different construction schemes. The EIs from the con­
tential (FEP) and GHG emissions (Fig. 12), where the adjusted R2 equals struction of the OE section and UE section in the same case station were
0.168 for a linear estimation. The most prominent source of this devi­ evaluated on multiple impact categories. Major conclusions include:
ation is the advance grouting, which involves large quantities of sodium
silicate that generates considerable phosphorus output. 1. Normalized impact potentials of unit area UE section are larger than
To conclude, GHG emissions were found to be not a good proxy for those of the OE section in all categories, and eight categories are
all categories in the element process level, where large deviations exist found to have more prominent impact potentials than others, in
due to the characteristic procedures. which GWP is identified as the most prominent impact

4.2. UE versus OE- from the perspective of life cycle performance Unit area construction of the UE is responsible for 6.27 t CO2 eq.,
which is significantly larger than that from the OE construction in the
In light of the analysis above, the construction of UE section creates case (4.02 t CO2 eq./m2), This is consistent with data in a previous study,
significantly greater impacts than the OE section in all investigated in which most of the investigated OE stations have a GHG intensity
categories, and the construction of UE support is identified as the major between 3.5 and 4.5 CO2 eq./m2 (Liu et al., 2020).
contributor to this discrepancy. The support of the UE section is
designed with extra stiffness as an approach to prevent excessive 2. By breaking of the impacts into the sub-projects, it is concluded that
deformation, which would lead to unfavorable settlement of surround­ the gap between the impacts in the two sections mainly arises from
ing infrastructure. For subway lines stretching across the core area of the high impact intensity in the support construction of the UE sec­
city, UE is the better choice considering the high density of surrounding tion. Specifically, the combined impact of the two deformation-
buildings, as well as the indirect cost from the traffic congestion caused control element procedure, i.e. the advance grouting and primary
by open excavation. In this sense, open excavation should be prioritized support construction, accounts approximately for 50%, 58%, 48%,
for locations where the environment poses little restriction on traffic and 52%, 84%, 44%, 42% and 53% for the total impacts of Global
settlement issues. warming potential (GWP), Particulate matter formation potential
However, this might only be pertinent when the assessment scope is (PMFP), Photochemical oxidant formation potential (POFP),
confined within the subway infrastructure during its construction stage. Terrestrial acidification potential (TAP), Freshwater eutrophication
The construction of subway lines are supposed to trigger the traffic- potential (FEP), Abiotic depletion potential (ADP), Freshwater eco-
oriented development (TOD) of the line-side areas. As a result, inter­ toxicity (FET) and Terrestrial eco-toxicity (TET), respectively
action between the subway line and the line-side infrastructure (e.g.
building and pipeline) are inevitable, which causes damage to subway The current conclusion is generally applicable to the comparison
structure and threatens the operation (Mai, 2019). Consequently, con­ under various buried depth, owing to the fact the EIs from subway
servation zones for subway lines have been established as a major effort construction grow linearly with buried depth (Liu et al., 2018). It can be
to ensure safe operation. For example, the regulation of Beijing subway thus inferred that the ratios between the impacts from the two con­
defines the conservation zone as the area within 100 m from the outline struction methods would be comparable in different buried depth. On
of the subway structures on both sides. Nonetheless, new construction in the other hand, the conclusion might be affected by the geological
the conservation zone is inevitable as the subway network expands. In conditions. As presented in Fig. 5, the difference between the impacts of
the case of Beijing Subway, 982.6 km subway lines are either operating the two methods origins from the construction of support. In the pres­
or under construction by the end of 2019, which corresponds to ence of unfavorable geographical conditions, the underground excava­
approximately 100 km2 conservation zone in the near future. The newly- tion adopts more conservative measures than the open-excavation,
built projects that intrude the conservation zone should be subject to which increases the gap between the impacts from the two.
additional assessment. Additional reinforcement measures, such as Although the strict deformation control in UE construction results in
caisson piles and diaphragm wall, are required when the excavation- extra impacts during the construction stage, it is still the better choice
induced deformation poses a threaten to the subway structures. for subway lines that cross city's core areas, owing to the less impacts it
The balance between the impacts from UE and OE construction create on surrounding infrastructure and ground traffic. Besides, as
might vary under a life-cycle perspective, together with an expanded discussed in Section 4, the highly stiff support in the UE station (section)
system boundary that includes the environmental footprints of the sur­ would reduce the potential impacts from the foundation reinforcement
rounding infrastructure. Although the conservative design approach in measures of the infrastructure in the conservation zone, which is non-
the UE scheme results in extra impacts, it produces a stiff support negligible considering the growing subway network. Therefore, a life-
structure that would potentially reduce the reinforcement actions of the cycle perspective is necessary in a comprehensive comparison between
surrounding infrastructure. By contrast, an intruding project into the OE the two construction methods. Explicit definition of the system bound­
section requires more reinforcement measures to limit the adverse ary is also important because of the close link between subway and the
deformation on the subway structure and vice versa. In fact, annually surrounding urban environment.
more than one billion RMB is spent on these reinforcement measures in
Beijing subway, which indicates the extra impacts from the reinforce­ 3. As for the on-site EI, the OE section involves more on-site EI from the
ment actions are also remarkable. Considering the expanding network fuel consumption of construction machines. However this would be
and the construction intensity within the conservation zone, this effect is offset when taking account of the EI from workers' on-site activities,
becoming ever more prominent in the future. due to the extensive labor use in the UE construction
Therefore, the choice between UE and OE method in terms of their 4. GHG emissions are found to be a good indicator for the impacts of
life-cycle impacts should account for the extra impacts from reinforce­ PMF, POP, TAP and ADP by checking its correlation with these cat­
ment actions in the conservation zone, and an investigation is necessary egories among the element processes. On the other hand, it has
to identify the link between the extra impacts and the design parameters weaker correlations with the toxic impacts and the freshwater
of both subway and surrounding structures. eutrophication, and the deviation mainly arises from the character­
istic procedures in UE construction such as advance grouting.

M. Liu et al. Environmental Impact Assessment Review 91 (2021) 106644

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