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Name - Shashank Raj

Roll No - 2006043

Q1. Analyse the external sources of recruitment adopted by the organization for
recruitment. What are the key attributes to make the recruitment programme effective?


After determination of human resources requirement for the enterprise the process of recruitment is the
first step in the process of filling a vacancy. It is that process which enables the management of the
enterprise to select and employ required employees for varied types of job.

External Source:- If the requirement is not fulfilled from the internal source the organisation has to depend
on some external source .These sources are outside agencies who provide applicants for the requirement
of the enterprise .

A) Employment Exchange: - It maintain a record of job aspirants. whenever the

employers inform about the vacancies to the employment exchange, they provide the names
considering the suitability.

B) Advertisement:-This is considered as a powerful tool for recruitment. Newspaper, periodicals,

magazines an there electronics medias like TV internet where details regarding the job an
potentialities are informed.

C) Employment Agency: - Besides goat employment exchange some private agencies provide
information’s about the potential candidates to the enterprise as an when required .They charge a
nominal fees for the some and serve as a recruitment source

D) Professional Associations: - This is a source which is particularly useful for professionals and
technicians .Institute of Engineers, management. Associations of India. Indian medical Associations
provide useful information’s to the organisations as and when required by them.

E) Campus Recruitment: - This is a source of recruitment and common for all American organisations.
Now it has been followed by almost all private and public limited companies, where they used to go
different educational and training institutions for recruitment purposes.

F) Deputation: - This is a source of recruitment for govt and public sector organisations. It refers to
sending an employee to another organisation for a short duration. It helps the organisation to get
ready expertise and the organisation does not incur initial expenditure on training and

G) Word-of–Mouth: - To attract the employees of the rival organisation This is a source of recruitment
in this source the employees are offered very handsome and attractive remuneration.

H) RAIDING: - This is a source of recruitment for qualified an experienced employees of competitors.

In the dynamic world of business, attracting and retaining top talent has become a critical
determinant of organizational success. An effective recruitment program serves as the
cornerstone of talent acquisition, enabling companies to identify, evaluate, and hire
individuals who possess the skills, expertise, and cultural fit necessary to drive
organizational growth and innovation.

1. Clarity in Job Descriptions:

Well-crafted job descriptions serve as the first point of contact between potential
candidates and the organization, providing a clear understanding of the role's
responsibilities, requirements, and desired skills. Clear descriptions attract the right
candidates, setting realistic expectations and minimizing the risk of misaligned expectations
and post-hire dissatisfaction.

2. Diversified Recruitment Channels:

A successful recruitment program goes beyond a single recruitment channel. Organizations

should adopt a multi-channel approach, utilizing a mix of online and offline channels to
reach a broader and more diverse pool of candidates. This approach considers the
preferences and behaviors of different candidate demographics, ensuring that the
organization's message reaches the right audience.

3. Streamlined Application Process:

A user-friendly and accessible application process is crucial for minimizing barriers for
potential candidates and encouraging them to apply. Multiple application options, such as
online forms, email submissions, or social media applications, can accommodate different
preferences. Clear instructions, progress updates, and timely communication throughout
the application process enhance the candidate experience, leaving a positive impression
and fostering a sense of value.

4. Prompt Communication:

Maintaining open and prompt communication with candidates is essential throughout the
recruitment process. Acknowledging receipt of applications, providing updates on the
status of the recruitment process, and offering feedback to non-selected candidates
demonstrate respect and transparency. This approach builds trust and enhances the overall
candidate experience, even for those not selected for the position.

5. Effective Screening and Assessment:

Implementing robust screening and assessment strategies is paramount to identifying

candidates who align with the job requirements and company culture. This may involve a
combination of resume reviews, skills tests, initial interviews, and in-depth assessments
that evaluate technical expertise, problem-solving abilities, and cultural fit.
6. Candidate Relationship Management (CRM):

A well-organized CRM system serves as a central repository for candidate data, enabling
organizations to track progress through the recruitment process, maintain consistent
communication, and nurture relationships with promising candidates for future
opportunities. This approach demonstrates a commitment to talent development and
builds a strong talent pipeline.

7. Data-Driven Decision Making:

Regularly analyzing recruitment data provides valuable insights into trends, candidate
preferences, and the effectiveness of different recruitment channels. By turning data into
actionable strategies, organizations can optimize their recruitment efforts, allocate
resources effectively, and make informed decisions that align with their talent acquisition

8. Employer Branding:

A strong employer brand acts as a beacon, attracting top talent by highlighting the
company's culture, values, employee benefits, and growth opportunities. This brand should
be authentic, consistent, and communicated effectively through various channels to shape
perceptions and attract candidates who align with the organization's values and aspirations.

9. Feedback and Continuous Improvement:

Regularly seeking feedback from candidates and hiring managers throughout the
recruitment process provides valuable insights into areas for improvement and refinement.
This feedback-driven approach fosters a culture of continuous improvement, ensuring that
the recruitment program remains effective and adaptable to changing market conditions
and candidate expectations.

10. Integration with HR Strategy:

The recruitment program should not operate in isolation but rather be seamlessly
integrated with the overall HR strategy. This alignment ensures that hiring practices support
the organization's goals and objectives, ensuring that the talent acquired contributes to the
organization's long-term success.

By embracing these ten key attributes, organizations can establish a recruitment program
that attracts top talent, enhances the candidate experience, and drives organizational

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