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Tae UNIVERSITY OF THE PUNJAB Sixth Semester 2013 : Examination: B.S. 4 Years Programme ; Roll No PAPER: Mathematical Methods of Physics-I] © TIME ALLOWED: 2 hrs. & 30 mins Course Code: PHY-307 MAX. MARKS: 50 Attempt this Paper.on Separate Answer Sheet provided. sfvon (Short Questions) ' ue rede ipoe rs Bees (2) a 43 Liye B23 2 i for —w <= | joe real bee] UNIVERSTTY OF THE PUNJAB a0 Sixth Semester Rolt N Examination: B.S. 4 Years Programme |. .°°.. PAPER. Mathematical Methods of oo HY TIME ALLOWED 2+ e> Cow ode: VI MAX. MARKS: 50 cesses Se eee - {temp this Paper on Separate Answer Sheet provided. Section-IT (Short Questions) Hh Mark 2 matin cs ne Yelle (aif, hy Sixth Semester 2015 mination: B.S. 4 Years Programme *, TIME ALLOWED: 2 brs, & 30 mins. MAX. MARKS: 50_Ho He +# PAPER: Mathematical Methods of Physics-II ‘ourse Code: PH’ Attempt this Paper on Separate Answer Sheet provided. ememetE iS me Set Te Sey ae Reson g Section-I] (Short Questions) Marks=20 (2 1. UF @ in solution of Laplace's equation V7¥ =0, show that V, = §F is also a solution. 1 é 7 A triangular wave in represented by , ye Oczcr 3 1e)={ eStseo is Tlepresent f() by a Fourier sericn Ze 30 2A 4), The functions wi(x) and o2(z) are cigenfunctions of the same Hermitian operator but for distinct 2 ‘eigenvalues A, and Aj. Prove that u;(z) and up(x) are linearly independent. Pa a4 ae ao 7 i pope od an =i (Hint: ae 2 Se oe rz). Show that nye tas He oktor + fuera Sas Marks=30 4g "” fio a ! Tox con ) 08 648 Git am) iy eee Ope RO) Hihee =0, v=o. Se = _ mo=0, v0 Gy> - ees Aeoue * Lm( 2) Ln(#)dE = bmn tee a eR reser 2010 , ae sxampination: B.S, 4 Years Programme 3,20 N° Auge. a TIME ALLOWED: 2 hrs. & 30 mins. MAX. MARKS: S50 Attempt this Paper on Separate Answer Sheet ‘provided. a ¢ PRYBrivase20 ation Viw =0 1. Vevify thine by = + is solution of Laplace 2 Find the Foitrier series of f(z) = 2? for 0.<2<2. 2. Prave that the Sturm-Liouville operator. ———— — Pit 167 MMP of $¢.Mp i t=-[z Hg) te hath | is Hermitian over the range (a, 6] and under the boundary conditions [Wad Hla {stru(lize =0 A, Show that sn-9- 5 ae Note: Assume tliat the entire Dirac delta function is covered when integration aver |~1,1 “&: Show that: Mop Stal eve ‘ men oti 1)" Jan (2) Marks=30 con(nd — 20 0)20. p20 oP padi 78 a7) re ee UNIVERSITY OF THE PUNJAB Sixth Semester ©2017 Examination: 9.8. 4 Years Programme Attemipt this Paper on Separate Answer Sheet provided. " Section-11 (Short Questions) Marks=20 1 Show that _ * a feve-rd) 6 Find the Fourior series of f(x) = x9 for 0< 2 <2. linear ope: $7 is self-adjoint, and determine the required boundary conditions ow that in Sa cperatsrta Ge Tentitinn ove, thd anal te toto 7 P Rosirigues formula (P4(2) = ad df (2? — 1)"), show that the P,(=) ate orsbogonal and that [ PaledPaladde= 2 Marks=30 fy 33 ye [Perrone avon Metin 9M, Oszct, a’ a arch gt Fl ‘and boundary conditions (0) =0, y'(1) =0 Z. y 12 Bsa), UNIVERSITY OF THE PUNJAB Sixth Semester - 2018 lel PAPER: Mathematical Methods of Physics-11 TIME ALLOWED: 2 Hrs. & 45 Mints. Course Code: PHY-307 Part-I MAX. MARKS: 50 ‘Attempt er on Separate Answer Sheet provided. Section-II (Short Questions) Marks=2049. DA Aiitierent sawtooth wie is described by crn{ gles oataase Show that f(c) = $= sex. YF Show that (ies) LF) = (—te)” [F017 = nt +(Fr0) [ero] Pee sberatiea duction to show that tley= Cay (22) (0) [oo te terior eran dy Marks=300 (x5) # The = (2) sl eanditions u{0) = y'( and solve this ODE for » > 0 given f(z) = exp(—s) ee ct, sow ie [sGa)Pae = > 28 PML (282 = Firms P UNIVERSITY OF THE PUNJAB Sixth Semester 2013 fidirse distribution function for various temperatures. Pér 1D Part-I following questions in detail. (310) Mention important andes of Hall all Effect. insic ahd extrinsic semiconductors and also derive an Hc carrier concentration in semiconductors. ‘the origin and formation of energy gaps. What role do play in this explanation? wae j Btn Ry A 8 U ee 7 es n the factors which can affect the resistivity of electrical materials. Pride. UNIVERSITY OF THE PUNJAB Sixth Semester 2014 Examination: B.S. 4 Years Programme :, APIR: Solid State Physics-I1 Yourse Code: PHY-308 SSS TIME ALLOWED: 2 brs. & 30 mins. MAX. MARKS: 50 ‘ e my) Attempt this Paper on Separate Answer Sheet provided, Section-II Question No.2: Answer the following short questions. Bie iste Wicdman Franz La > 3. 'w and also write down the expression for Lorentz number. i (10x2=20) te Fp— What is meant by density of energy states in metals? 2, + Define Bloch function and describe the Significance of-wave vector K used to label the —— ‘Bloch function. b4¥4 i i VS 42 Define the terms orbital and degeneracy and how many orbitals are present in a band?- * Whatare the drawbacks of classical theory in the ealeclation of heat'cepacity of electron? 515 § What are significances of Hall coefficient? ah factors affecy the resistivity of electrical materisls? ——— Picrentiate betwern direct and indir: Fermi Dirac distribution functios Types of chang: > impurity? ect band gap materials, fr43)) yn for various temperatures, (31/6 > : es‘appear in band structure of semiconductor after doping with——- Section-IT ; (S+5=10) free electron in magnetic fie! ‘t™ass of electron and why it is different from free electron mass? ~~ (8+5+7=20) f the energy gaps. What do stationary wave solutions (| ——~ charge in-an electric and magnetié field? PH) 33 insic sen ; y UNIVERSITY OF THE Ee Sixth Semester 2015 ) Examination: B.S. 4 Years Programme «, PAPER: Solid State Physics-I1 _ TIME ALLOWED: 2 hrs. & 30 mins. Course Code: PHY-308 MAX. MARKS: 50 Attempt this Paper on Separate Answer Sheet provided. Question No.2: Answer the following short questions. (1012=20) A. State Mattheisen's rules in few lines. <—_———~_ 2 Define accepters write down two impurities add as accepters, lisions times and mean free path as applied to free electrons. En> En yaad draw Fermi sphere, +. the difference between direct and indirect bend gap materials —— B= eke metals and insulators on the buss of orbital band theory. secre many we prt in bt 151535 GS ee RENE ae: eS ae Sixth Semester 2016 : Examination: B.S, 4 Years Programme +, TIME ALLOWED: 2 hrs. & 30 mins Attempt this Paper on Separate Answer Sheet provided. Section-Il Question No.2: Answer the following short questions. (10x2=20) — 1 Plot Fermi Dirac distribution function for various temperatures. 2 State Weidmann Franz. Law. 3) What factors affect the resistivity of metals. 4 Define acceptors. Write down two impurities added as acceptors define the terms orbital and degeneracy and how many orbitals are present ina band I is & Bloch function? What does it represents physically? sin c on time and mean free path as applied to free electrons draw backs of classical theory in the calculation of heat capacity of by density of energy sites in metals? ween direct and indirect band gap materials ‘Section-I1 ollowing questions. Qx10-30) in electron in a crystal depends on the curvature of I basis for the effective mass of an electron in a or the'electron in one dimensional potential box and from this equation and drive an expression from intrinsic carrier ixth Semester - 2017 Examination: B.S. 4 Years Programme PAPER: Solid State Physics-U TIME ALLOWED: 2 brs. & 30 mins. Course Code: PHY-308 MAX. MARKS: 50. Attempt this Paper on Separate Answer Sheet provided. (Section I) Question no. 2: Answer the following short questions (10x2) 1) Whatis meant by energy gap and why energy gaps appear due to Bragg reflection at zone boundary? v2) Differentiate between metals and insulators on the basis of orbital band theory? 3) Define Bloch function and describe the significance of wave vector K used to label the Bloch function Define the terms orbital and degeneracy and how many orbitals are present in a band? What are the drawbacks of classical theory in the calculation of Heat capacity of electron? What are significances of Hall coefficient? factors affect the resistivity of electrical materials? ferentiate between direct and indirect band gap materials Femi Diracdistribution function for various temperatures “iypes of changes appear in band structure of semiconductor after doping with impurity? (Section 11) tion of free electron in magnetic field. (545) tive mass of electron and why it is different from free electron (8+5+7) lectron under periodic potential & find the solution of this ‘exactly at zone boundary. § positive charge in an electric and magnetic field? and extrinsic semiconductors and show that intrinsic UNIVERSITY OF THE PUNJAB Sixth Semester - 2018 ee mination: B.S. 4 Years ramme : Boll No. AG PAPER: Solid State Physics-II TIME ALLOWED: 2 Hrs. & 45 Mints. Course Code: PHY-308 Part-II MAX. MARKS: 50 Attempt this Paper on Separate Answer Sheet provided. Question No.2: Answer the following short questions. (10x2=20) (What factors affect the resistivity of metals |e Wiha is Bloch function? What does it represent physically Be Differentiate between direct and indirect band gap materials 2 Whatis the origin of encrgy gaps Be eeMeditretof chances appear in band structure of semiconductor after doping with ———pentavalet impurity tion of probability density 'p" in the lattice for |¥ —|?, | +|?and for a Pen: WP nooo-% Pa= Ww a5re% (Gx10=30) of an electron in a crystal depends on the curvature of ical basis for the effective mass of an electron it acrystal. ‘the electron in one dimensional potential box and DepTre. a DPC 3. <« me ‘ a a — : Es) Gitta ert be melhor sansa Poet) 2 = oe ae eke Glock, Treaxeme Soha} [55% eee =. ay Seal Vel ork af eee Se fine fe Sie 2 OPfere ne — li. diten inns wiekeriatie PICA a) gy de insihy ab oX oe tre opal s 204.9) Sevm: clrrag aterik ate. 4 Teryprrk wres? 90136) a fen.» tee Pa ee to ancl Mes cri dhe ign Sic ee oe Fe ipesk bo fab Pee ete es ole jene tee J ttvch hoi _mery ovbrtal gre present 4 awh? P50 (Bo) the signffcence et UNIVERSITY OF THE PUNJA Sixth Semester 2013 Examination: B.S. 4 Years Programme z, Roll No. PAPER: Quantum Mechanics-II TIME ALLOWED: 2 brs. & 30 min Course Code: PHY-309— MAX. MARKS: 50 aa i aiaee Attempt this Paper on Separate Answer Sbect provided 2 Define the following terms , D Pmalacr 3. (4x5=20) as soy i Differuntial seattoring crow wection P44 6L7 sant gnisg here @ “{h) Center of mass wnd lab fraine ft 6L3— 620 Sarme in angular momentum in Quantum Mecianios 295~ gol ($+ b Stir aryehrrn ions and Boson ft Yb2 Qf oF Rer a yetem cles, define Kachanse bosrator, Shuw «43 Boa siehange operaur eerste with on GERiand captain Ccoerainnl Pes Encision Pri 469 bl levendent Perturbation thoory (noo-degenernte case) and expresion forthe fist order earrecuea in exergy and wave E4490 YQ 2. (20) B roximation for the energy jovel of a icle in poten. Li - pe pera in tonhwith Iintay high pasate eae PH SIF | Ppp z Ie! snot 400) Se vet be 22 Crna CY) my ian ‘ Cc _ wn FY PAiticanirie Zi UNIVERSITY OF THE PUNJAB //' — d Sixth Semester 2014 Examination: B.S. 4 Years Programme PAPER: Quantum Mechanics-Ii Course Code: Pi TIME ALLOWED: 2 brs. & 30 mins. MAX. MARKS: 50 a Attempt this Paper on Separate Answer Sheet ‘provided. ra Write short answers of the following questions Final 201 8 MME Ian the main characteristics of the Q2 (4x5=20) MatatntonnaldS Ee rnafogih Write down the expression for the ‘perators for'spin angular momentum, fa 8) fem’ EIS exchange operator? Write down its eigenvalues. Pay 22 i the validity of wks approximation. Retisteemein had rough wale Operator. Give aniexample. sso (Bx10=30) ) ll-4-9 2ghhe_ icles of equal mass, show that the two Grud ect to each other in Lab frame. @® = ey Sonnecting the angles 49 Lab and CM frame between the two par htangles with resp. Hon for non-degenerate states and de yy n five the expressien HO) ad er EN? a) ae y a, oY Sixth Semester 2015 : Examination: B.S. 4 Years Programme Quantum Mechanics-I1 de: P IME ALLOWED: 2 brs. & 30 mins 2 MAX. MARKS: S50 - 4Z=L xX+3$tZ=0 Fetebe ple § ms G110-30) on for conneeting the ingles in Lab and CM frame. © p= ka aa y p between the two particles of equal mass, show thet the two particles with respect to each other in Lab frame. (4) Sixth Semester 2016 Examination: B.S. 4 Years Programme PAPER: Quantum Mechanies-IT TIME ALLOWED: 2 brs. & 30 mins. ‘om TY-309 |AX. MARKS: 50 Attempt this Paper on Separate Answer Sheet provided. SUBJECTIVE TYPE Q2 Give short answers to the following questions, (4x5=20) i Show that the exchange operator is constant of motion as (Pi) =0 Define ‘Exchange Symmetry’ and ‘Exchange Degeneracy’ How we can define Fock space in terms of Hilbert space? Describe briefly. What is the Solid angle? Write its physical interpretation in scattering reference. y. Show that $,= 2oy where ay is Pauli matrix Description of Time-independent perturbation theory up to first order (644) ietric and anti-symmetric wave function for the system of four icles. - 0), UNIVERSITY OF THE PUNJAB Sixth Semester - 2017 Examination: B.S. 4 Years Programme ——PAPER: Quantum Mechanies-I1 TIME ALLOWED: 2 hrs. & 30 mins urse Code: PHY-309 MAX. MARKS: 50 Attempt this Paper on Separate Answer Sheet provided. SECTION. 11 (SHORT QUESTION) a (4x5=20) Q2 Give short answers to the following questions. Ji Show that the exchange operator for # four particle state 5 Pij= 41 V ii, Define variational principle, briefly describe its quantum mechanics. 7 iii. How we can define Fock space in terms of Hilbert space? Describe differences and similarities of both spaces briefly. wiv, What is the Solid angle? Write its physica interpretation in scattering i reference. ia? Show that physical significance in (10) symmetric and anti-symmetric wave function for the system of four (20) (5+5) ; (cian Mt UNIVERSITY OF THE PUNJAB Sixth Semester - 2018 Cid steneneeereeereeeeeneney PAPER: Quantum Mechanics-II | TIME ALLOWED: 2 Hrs. & 45 Mints. Course Code: PHY-309 _Part—IL | MAX. MARKS: 50 Attempt this Paper on Separate Answer Sheet provided. SUBJECTIVE TYPE QZ Give short answers to the following questions (48-20) i _ Prove that [P. Bij]-0, interpret your results L i. Defines tater determinant? Writ i for Neparticle syatemtf ili Define “Exchange Symmetry’ and Exchange Degeneracy > ‘We What is the Solid angle? Write its physical interpret reference %_ Wins tsoninsen condnsaon? Give one em s/ Description of Time-independent perturbation theory upto . (10) ‘of scattering? write a note on poteatial sestterin ee UNIVERSITY OF THE eee Sixth Semester 2013 | ) ' Examination: B.S. 4 Years Programme ity ee we, Ele}tronics TIME ALLOWED: 2 birs. & 30 mins. Course Code:| PHY-310 MAX. MARKS: 50 Attempt this Paper on Separate Answer Sheet provided. Note: Attempt all Questions Section - Il (Subjective Type) Q2. Write short answers of the following questions: (2x10 = 20) (0) . C3-0B y72i Same Qyay 1e4 in Construct a truth table for the Boolean expression, X=(A4+B)(B+C) fronds Why D- flip flop is widely used for circuit implementation? ¢€ [4 | from the Boolean n expression of XOR gate, workout to obtain Boolean expression of XNOR gate", Define the term “cell adjasency” with respest to K-map. {#134 we | What is the advantage of “Don't Care” conditions in a certain application’ ~ 77 ck diagram of 4 bit series in- parallel out shift register. fy 474 D gates to implement OR gate. fr b+ ner by and fuse technology’? us Vogatilt ond wyatves a coutent pee Pave +e zh map to reduce each a. fal “a o e C . a 186 ra techniques, simplify the expression; ‘e wit 4B (CD)+(4B)cD , to obtain CD+ AB. {8 e @Q%+3%,3) slain the working of Master Slave J-K flip flop ip flop is connected for toggle operation? 3 (245,3) dea inary upidown counter. 432 .,L) 6 how how a PAL is programmed for the ad UNIVERSITY OF THE PON, Sixth Semester 2034 ; aes Examination: B.S. 4 Years Programme ; A: Digital Electronics TIME ALLOWED: 2 hrs, &30 mins. de: PHY-310 MAX. MARKS: 50 Altempt this Paper on Separate Answer Sheet provided. Note: Attempt all Questions Section ~ II (Subjective Type) Q.2. Ne short answers uf the following questions: (2x10 = 20) 7b the following conversions, 27% wae Po 3s nts G (aj. (CFSE) =( 2): (b).. (11000110 )3=( 2 )ony 8-& ibis between even and odd parity bit. ile” ‘Apply DeMorgun’s theorem to the eed + B)CD+E4F BEB 54 £493 47 By using laws of Boolean algebra, prove thal, A+ AD=4+B bee Paes Lay out a Karnenigh: men for five variablest eon 3 ne Used : We two uses of exclusive or pa 1 BGO Aritneds. sporcli= © Gmbnind (ye ficfine the tenn “ex! adjacency ma a na Oe be ste » 5) atten” EN 2S notes, king ‘thoge triggered J-K Nip Nop with -—~ bed? (Table ) yer Gs) sn pebas Llaged Fh 2 reds /s 7 Sixth Semester 2015 Jo Examination: B.S, 4 Years Programme PPAPER: Digital Electronic iy _, TIME ALLOWED: 2 hrs. & 30 mins Course Code: PHY-310 UFYANS ( se Codes MARKS: 50__ Atiempt this Paper on Separate Answer Sheet provided. Note: Attempt all Questions Section ~ II (Subjective Type) Q.2. Write short answers of the following questions: (Qt Do the following conversions & (7300 =(? is b, (10000110) = ( ? Jory By using laws of Boolean algebra, prove that A+ 4 B= A +B. ‘Subtract the following hexadecimal numbers Bh Mi5- Are b, Cay - 0816 Construct a truth table for the Boolean expression Y =(AB)(B +C) List out some applications of Shifi Registers. Give two uses of XOR gate. NAND gates to implement AND gate. niversal gates? Give their logic symbols. flop is widely used for the circuit implementation? ifterence between a counter and a shift register? jon by using Boolean algebra | Bc ap to reduce the following expression to a 1 D+CD d of edge triggering for an S-R Nip Nop. j nd explain the working of edge-triggered J-K flip flop with 4 bit binary updown synchronous counter. ae eae counter with truth table Also draw the timing ( 9 - UNIVERSITY OF THE PUNJAB Sixth Semester 2016 E PAPER: Digital Electronics : TIME ALLOWED: 30 mins. “~_ Course Code: PHY-310 MAX. MARKS: 10 = Attempt this Paper on SEPERATE AWS LIER SHB er PecvIDED. Note :- Attempt all questions Q2 Subjective Type (210-20) a gates are called as the Universal gates? What are its advantages? Give the comparison between Asynchronous & Synchronous counter 3. Give the comparison between the Synchronous & Asynchronous Sequential circuits? 4. The time period for each F/F is 50 ns, Determine the maximum operating frequency for MOD 32 ripple counter Define the state table. Define shift registers, and the different types of Shifttype?

| Write'C+ program code ‘segment for the following 8 i {a) 10 caleulate and print equivalent of two capacitors connected [ex in series, read capacitances from the user | (0) toprint x,y against ftx.y) for the equation | f(x,y) =x +7 2xy — 9 read x ond y from user I (c) toalculate and display minimum of f(x,y) in above “ 10 Write C™ ‘program to evalume the [(x'+4Vx~>7ide by Mrapenoidal’s rute or by Simpson’s (1/3) rule due to options | or 2 ively (use n=6). Report error message for any other option messed by the user M1. J .... Sa A and B be 3x3 matrices Write C™* program which reads ‘of A and B and prints out the entries of matrix which is EE (ID = ASAI 3 ant Cid to prim off diagonal | of C. {iv) maximum of the elements of matrix A. (y)| ements of matrix B 6a for the simple harmonic ination (SM) of a spring using Euler’s method under the 9.8 m/s?, initfal position zero and velocity €€. and maximum time 15 see:, k = | Nim, nd print values for tiie, position and velocity HOW you con change the same program for | Q) which reads in radius values and print out values of the ciscle. Execuie the program

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