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the unseen colony

King Leopold II:

How could a man who didnt even step foot in the
colony have left that much influence on their lives,
King Crazy good book man,
left me in tears nearly
-Dwayne “The Rock”
still to this day? This is a question left by numerous
people. The horrendous and disgraceful acts left
behind by King Leopold II still have an impact
Leopold II: Johnson

Great reads. Most

interesting book I've
seen in years
centuries later. His greed for wealth and power drove
him to become a cruel and merciless man, while all
hiding behind his men whom did his dirty work for
the unseen
-Adam Sandler
him. Lives were not valued and hands were often
chopped off. The living conditions in Congo were not colony
one someone would willingly live in. Cultures began
Inspiring me to write a
to be demolished by King Leopold II reign and these
new album dedicated to
cultures were then forced to join in on the horrific King Leopold's II
labour Leopold wanted them to complete. Work disgraceful behavior
quotas were high and death rates in the colony -Kanye West
skyrocketed. Eventually, King Leopold was exposed,
and forced to sign the colony away. Nearly 10 million This book is on the devastating
people were killed under King Leopold II leadership. past and present of the
This has changed Congos lives forever. The lasting Democratic Republic of Congo. It
impacts of a man who never even stepped foot on reveals the truth of their reality
the colony are quite devastating. Still to this day and the events leading up to
forced labour is used. A question left by many, how these conditions. It's a
heartbreaking and disappointing
Favourite book from my can one of the most potential wealthiest countries be Only read this book if you
book that will absolutely change
favourite author. Read it. one of the poorest? This book reveals the secrets of your outlook on life. want your view on life
-Eminem the past and present of Congo. Without a footprint changed around
left on the country by himself he has changed their -Jennifer Lawrence
way of life.

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