Speaking Test

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Speaking test

About hobby
Photography is a hobby that has always fascinated me. I have been interested in
capturing images of the world around me since I was a child, and this passion has
only grown stronger over the years. To me, photography is a way of expressing
myself, of capturing moments and emotions that might otherwise be lost.

There are so many things I love about photography. One of the main things is the
ability to create something beautiful out of the most ordinary things. With a camera
in my hand, I see the world in a different way - I notice the way the light falls on a
subject, the colors and textures of a scene, and the way people interact with their
environment. I enjoy experimenting with different angles, compositions, and
settings to create a unique image that captures the essence of a moment.

Another thing I love about photography is the way it allows me to connect with
others. Whether I'm sharing my images online or discussing techniques and
equipment with fellow photographers, I feel like I'm part of a community of people
who share my passion. I've also had the opportunity to meet new people and
explore new places through my photography, which has been incredibly rewarding.

Of course, like any hobby, photography can be challenging at times. There's always
something new to learn, whether it's mastering a new camera setting or trying out a
new editing technique. But for me, that's part of the fun - there's always room to
grow and improve.

Overall, photography is a hobby that brings me a lot of joy and fulfillment. It's a
way for me to express my creativity, connect with others, and capture the beauty of
the world around me.
Important vocabs from this:
1. Photography - the art or practice of taking and processing photographs
2. Fascinated - having a great interest or attraction
3. Capturing - to take hold of or seize
4. Images - a representation of the external form of a person or thing
5. Passion - a strong and barely controllable emotion
6. Expressing - conveying a thought or feeling in words or by gestures and
7. Moments - a very brief period of time
8. Emotions - a natural instinctive state of mind deriving from one's
circumstances, mood, or relationships with others
9. Create - bring something into existence
10.Ordinary - with no special or distinctive features; normal
11.Camera - a device for taking photographs
12.Notice - to become aware of; to observe
13.Textures - the feel, appearance, or consistency of a surface or a substance
14.Environment - the surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or
plant lives or operates
15.Experimenting - to try something out to discover or determine its effects
16.Compositions - the nature of something's ingredients or constituents; the
way in which a whole or mixture is made up
17.Settings - the place or type of surroundings where something is positioned or
where an event takes place
18.Connect - to associate or bring into relation
19.Community - a group of people living in the same place or having a
particular characteristic in common
20.Rewarding - providing satisfaction; fulfilling

How important are friends in your life?

A: Friends are incredibly important to me. They provide support,
companionship, and a sense of belonging. I think having good friends can
make a huge difference in a person's overall well-being and happiness.

Q: What qualities do you look for in a friend?

A: I look for qualities like loyalty, honesty, a good sense of humor, and the
ability to listen and be supportive. I also appreciate friends who are
adventurous and open-minded, as I enjoy trying new things and exploring
different places.

Q: Do you prefer to have a few close friends or many acquaintances?

A: I think it's important to have a mix of both. While I value my close
friendships deeply, I also enjoy meeting new people and expanding my
social circle. I think having a diverse group of friends can provide different
perspectives and experiences, which can be really enriching.

Q: Have you ever had a falling out with a friend? What happened?
A: Yes, unfortunately I have had a falling out with a friend before. We had a
disagreement about something and it turned into a bigger argument than I
anticipated. Ultimately, we both said things we regretted and it took some
time for us to reconcile. But I think we both learned from the experience and
have a stronger friendship as a result.

Q: Do you think it's possible to maintain a long-distance friendship?

A: Absolutely! While it can be challenging to maintain a long-distance
friendship, I think it's definitely possible with effort and communication.
Thanks to technology like video chat and messaging apps, it's easier than
ever to stay in touch with friends who live far away. I have several long-
distance friends and we make an effort to catch up regularly, whether that's
through phone calls or virtual hangouts.

Q: What activities do you enjoy doing with your friends?

A: I enjoy doing all sorts of activities with my friends, from going out to eat
or seeing a movie, to going on a hike or traveling to new places. I also enjoy
playing games or doing craft projects together, as those activities can be a
fun way to bond and unwind. Ultimately, I think the activity matters less
than the company - as long as I'm with good friends, I'm happy.

companionship - साथीपना
sense of belonging - अपनापन का अहसास
overall well-being - समग्र अच्छा स्वास््य
loyalty - ननष्ठा
honesty - ईमानदारी
a good sense of humor - मजानकया समझ
supportive - सहयोगी
open-minded - खुल्ला मननस्थनि भएको
falling out - मैत्रीबाट दूरी हुने
reconcile - मैत्री नििाा गनाु
effort - प्रयास
communication - संचार
long-distance friendship - दूरदराजको मैत्री
virtual hangouts - भचाुअल ह्याङआउट
bond - जड़
unwind - थकान सानाु
catch up - जानकारी नलनु
diverse - नवनवध
enriching - सम्पदाको वनृ ि गने
perspective - दृनिकोण

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