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March 2023
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ISBN: 978-1-4686-0608-9
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SAE/USCAR-46 Issued 2023-03


Templates and related USCAR-46 data are available online at

propulsion/#398-399-oil-pumps-filters in the “Oil Filters” folder and document updates or clarifications (“revision letters”) are
available at: under “USCAR-46.”


1. SCOPE .......................................................................................................................................................... 4

2. GENERAL TESTING AND REPORTING REQUIREMENTS ....................................................................... 4

3. PERFORMANCE TEST PROCEDURES ..................................................................................................... 5

3.1 Revolutions Per Minute Sweep Against a Fixed Restriction ......................................................................... 5
3.1.1 Purpose ......................................................................................................................................................... 5
3.1.2 Test Setup and Instrumentation .................................................................................................................... 6
3.1.3 Procedure ...................................................................................................................................................... 6
3.1.4 Minimum Required Recorded Data Channels .............................................................................................. 7
3.1.5 Default Graphs and Output Formats ............................................................................................................. 7
3.2 Flow Versus Pressure at a Fixed rpm (Waterfall/Performance Mapping) .................................................... 8
3.2.1 Purpose ......................................................................................................................................................... 8
3.2.2 Test Setup and Instrumentation .................................................................................................................... 8
3.2.3 Procedure ...................................................................................................................................................... 9
3.2.4 Minimum Required Recorded Data Channels ............................................................................................ 10
3.2.5 Default Graphs and Output Formats ........................................................................................................... 10
3.3 High Speed Flow Limit/Cavitation ............................................................................................................... 10
3.3.1 Purpose ....................................................................................................................................................... 10
3.3.2 Test Setup and Instrumentation .................................................................................................................. 11
3.3.3 Procedure .................................................................................................................................................... 11
3.3.4 Minimum Required Recorded Data Channels ............................................................................................ 12
3.3.5 Default Graphs and Output Formats ........................................................................................................... 12
3.4 High Frequency Pressure Pulsation ........................................................................................................... 13
3.4.1 Purpose ....................................................................................................................................................... 13
3.4.2 Test Setup and Instrumentation .................................................................................................................. 13
3.4.3 Procedure .................................................................................................................................................... 14
3.4.4 Minimum Required Recorded Data Channels ............................................................................................ 14
3.4.5 Default Graphs and Output Formats ........................................................................................................... 14
3.5 Time to Prime - Dry Pump........................................................................................................................... 16
3.5.1 Purpose ....................................................................................................................................................... 16
3.5.2 Test Setup and Instrumentation .................................................................................................................. 16
3.5.3 Procedure .................................................................................................................................................... 17
3.5.4 Minimum Required Recorded Data Channels ............................................................................................ 18
3.5.5 Default Graphs and Output Formats ........................................................................................................... 18
3.6 Time to Prime - Wet Pump .......................................................................................................................... 18
3.6.1 Purpose ....................................................................................................................................................... 18
3.6.2 Test Setup and Instrumentation .................................................................................................................. 19
3.6.3 Procedure .................................................................................................................................................... 19
3.6.4 Minimum Required Recorded Data Channels ............................................................................................ 20
3.6.5 Default Graphs and Output Formats ........................................................................................................... 20

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3.7 Over Pressure Valve Characterization........................................................................................................ 21

3.7.1 Purpose ....................................................................................................................................................... 21
3.7.2 Test Setup and Instrumentation .................................................................................................................. 21
3.7.3 Procedure .................................................................................................................................................... 22
3.7.4 Minimum Required Recorded Data Channels ............................................................................................ 22
3.7.5 Default Graphs and Output Formats ........................................................................................................... 23
3.8 Over Pressure Valve Dynamic Characterization ........................................................................................ 23
3.8.1 Purpose ....................................................................................................................................................... 23
3.8.2 Test Setup and Instrumentation .................................................................................................................. 24
3.8.3 Procedure .................................................................................................................................................... 25
3.8.4 Minimum Required Recorded Data Channels ............................................................................................ 25
3.8.5 Default Graphs and Output Formats ........................................................................................................... 25

4. DURABILITY TEST PROCEDURES .......................................................................................................... 26

4.1 General Durability Test ............................................................................................................................... 26
4.1.1 Purpose ....................................................................................................................................................... 26
4.1.2 Test Setup and Instrumentation .................................................................................................................. 26
4.1.3 Procedure .................................................................................................................................................... 28
4.1.4 Minimum Required Recorded Data Channels ............................................................................................ 28
4.1.5 Default Graphs and Output Formats ........................................................................................................... 29
4.2 General Durability Test with Used/Aged Oil................................................................................................ 29
4.2.1 Purpose ....................................................................................................................................................... 29
4.3 Contamination/Debris Sensitivity Test ........................................................................................................ 30
4.3.1 Purpose ....................................................................................................................................................... 30
4.3.2 Test Setup and Instrumentation .................................................................................................................. 30
4.3.3 Procedure .................................................................................................................................................... 32
4.3.4 Minimum Required Recorded Data Channels ............................................................................................ 33
4.3.5 Default Graphs and Output Formats ........................................................................................................... 34
4.4 Rotor Component Integrity Test .................................................................................................................. 34
4.4.1 Purpose ....................................................................................................................................................... 34
4.4.2 Test Setup and Instrumentation .................................................................................................................. 35
4.4.3 Procedure .................................................................................................................................................... 36
4.4.4 Minimum Required Recorded Data Channels ............................................................................................ 36
4.4.5 Default Graphs and Output Formats ........................................................................................................... 36
4.5 Over-Pressure Valve Durability Test ........................................................................................................... 36
4.5.1 Purpose ....................................................................................................................................................... 36
4.5.2 Test Setup and Instrumentation .................................................................................................................. 36
4.5.3 Procedure .................................................................................................................................................... 37
4.5.4 Minimum Required Recorded Data Channels ............................................................................................ 37
4.5.5 Default Graphs and Output Formats. .......................................................................................................... 37

5. PRODUCTION HYDRAULIC AND AIR TEST PROCEDURES.................................................................. 37

5.1 Production Hydraulic Audit Test .................................................................................................................. 37

APPENDIX A SENSORS SUMMARY TABLE ................................................................................................................... 40

APPENDIX B DEFAULT CONDITIONS TABLE ................................................................................................................ 42
APPENDIX C CHANGE LOG ............................................................................................................................................ 44

Figure 1 Example hydraulic schematic for rpm sweep................................................................................................ 6

Figure 2 Revolutions per minute sweep example plot ................................................................................................ 8
Figure 3 Example hydraulic schematic for rpm sweep................................................................................................ 8
Figure 4 Example flow versus pressure plot ............................................................................................................. 10
Figure 5 Example hydraulic schematic for HSFL test ............................................................................................... 11
Figure 6 Example flow versus speed plot ................................................................................................................. 12
Figure 7 Example hydraulic schematic for rpm sweep.............................................................................................. 13
Figure 8 Example pressure FFT plot ......................................................................................................................... 15
Figure 9 Example pressure versus speed plot .......................................................................................................... 15
Figure 10 Revolutions per minute sweep example plot .............................................................................................. 16
Figure 11 Example hydraulic schematic for 3.5 .......................................................................................................... 16
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Figure 12 Time to prime example plot ......................................................................................................................... 18

Figure 13 Example hydraulic schematic for 3.6 .......................................................................................................... 19
Figure 14 Time to prime example plot ......................................................................................................................... 20
Figure 15 Example hydraulic schematic for rpm sweep.............................................................................................. 21
Figure 16 Revolutions per minute sweep example plot .............................................................................................. 23
Figure 17 Example hydraulic schematic for over pressure dynamic characterization ................................................ 24
Figure 18 Revolutions per minute profile for over pressure dynamic characterization ............................................... 25
Figure 19 Example test setup...................................................................................................................................... 26
Figure 20 Example plot and selected speeds ............................................................................................................. 28
Figure 21 Speed and OCV state plot .......................................................................................................................... 29
Figure 22 Example test setup for 4.3 .......................................................................................................................... 30
Figure 23 Example rpm profile and OCV state for 4.3 ................................................................................................ 34
Figure 24 Example test setup for 4.4 .......................................................................................................................... 35
Figure 25 Example test setup for 4.5 .......................................................................................................................... 36
Figure 26 Example test setup for 5.1 .......................................................................................................................... 38
Figure 27 Example plot of pressure versus speed for 5.1 .......................................................................................... 39
Figure 28 Example plot versus time for 5.1 ................................................................................................................. 39
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SAE/USCAR-46 Issued 2023-03



SAE/USCAR-46 defines test methods and outputs for engine oil pump bench testing. Performance and durability testing
are the primary focus of this standard. This is written to specifically address testing of electronically controlled variable
displacement pumps but can be adapted to mechanically controlled pumps and other pump technologies as needed. This
standard outlines critical inputs and outputs in order to perform the testing and report results, but does not specifically set
the acceptance standards or pass/fail criteria. Acceptance criteria must be set by the customer.


• The test procedures in this standard are stand-alone tests and may be used as such. However, they may also be used
as part of a sequential test series. The requestor will outline the sequential test order and quantity of parts if desired.
The general testing requirements are:

○ Part submitted for test conform to the dimensional characteristics specified on the applicable engineering drawing(s)
of the part.

○ Any engineering development, prototype, or production part may be submitted for test, provided the design is

○ The samples submitted for test must be identified by description, part number, and revision level where applicable.
All test samples shall be serialized if they do not already include a serial number.

○ It is expected that summary reports include graphs as outlined in each procedure and that the raw data accompanies
all reports in a universal format such as .CSV, tab delimited, or spreadsheet file. All data channels must be clearly
labeled in the raw data file.

○ This standard is meant to aid in communication between the test requestor and the test lab, not replace that
communication. Before start of test, please verify with the requestor all test setup parameters.

○ Many of the parameters described in this standard are template standards and may not be required for all tests.
Verify all temperatures, speeds, and other test parameters with the requestor.

• This standard includes a list of tests that MAY be run as part of a development and validation plan. This does not mean
that ALL tests must be run at every build phase of a program. Individual tests must be carefully selected by the requestor
to support their required needs.

• Safety: Not defined in this procedure. Please follow your internal safety protocols. Please note that any example system
circuits are provided for reference only and may not completely define the circuit with all safety protocols in place.

• All tests are expected to be run in accordance with ISO 17025, A2LA, or NIST traceable standards.

• Unless otherwise specified in a specific procedure, it is expected that the sampling rate will be at least ten times faster
than the data recording rate and the signal should be averaged/smoothed/filtered. For example, if recording data at a
10 Hz rate, it is expected that the data will be sampled at 100 Hz minimum, and the value smoothed to get the 10 Hz
recorded data. For all tests except for 3.4, the intention is to present averaged or filtered data for a smoother curve fit.
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• Unless otherwise specified, the same oil type will be used for all tests. The requestor will be responsible for setting the
exact oil viscosity. If not specified, use the latest API grade 0W-20.

• Aeration control and measurement is needed for some of the tests. The exact method of aeration generation,
introduction, and measurement must be discussed and agreed upon with the test requestor.

○ Unless otherwise specified by the requestor, aeration should be defined as the ratio of volume of air to the total
volume of the sample (air + oil). These values need to be compensated for pressure and temperature and are
typically reported at standard temperature and pressure.

○ It is desired to be able to measure total aeration level with an accuracy of ±1% aeration with at least a 1 Hz frequency
response, with fluid temperature from 60 to 140 °C, and operating pressure conditions up to 35 bar (i.e., aeration
measurement to be made either at inlet or outlet side of the pump under test).

○ Test system should be able to create and control aeration level within ±1% aeration in the suction reservoir in
closed-loop mode typically up to 20%, while maintaining temperature control stability within ±3 °C.

• Please verify all restriction settings with the requestor. The examples shown are for reference only and the requestor
should be aware of the detailed test setup.

• For fixed orifices, it is recommended that the test lab and requestor agree on orifice size in 0.1 mm increments. In the
past, many requests may have used an orifice size such as 7.563 mm. In most cases equivalent test data could be
generated using a 7.500 mm or 7.600 mm orifice. This will allow the usage of common orifices on multiple test setups,
minimizing the amount of test fixture hardware required at each lab. This will also allow more sharing of test fixtures
between various requestors.

• The diameter and length of each restrictor should be agreed with the test requestor. In general, the restrictors in this
standard are assumed to be short orifices with a length to diameter ratio less than 2.

See Appendix A for a reference of sensors that should be used for each test. The test lab is responsible to verify the sensor
selected can meet the measurement frequency and temperature range requirements.


3.1 Revolutions Per Minute Sweep Against a Fixed Restriction

3.1.1 Purpose

This test shows the performance of an oil pump when pumping against a fixed restriction. Pump speed is varied while the
restriction(s) are held constant to understand the oil pump pressure regulation performance at various speeds. The pressure
regulation system of the pump is active during this test. Restrictor 1 simulates the restriction from pump outlet to the
feedback. Restrictor 2 simulates the rest of the engine restriction.
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3.1.2 Test Setup and Instrumentation

Figure 1 - Example hydraulic schematic for rpm sweep The oil pump mounting should represent the engine mounting conditions and drive system and be agreed upon
with the test requestor. If desired, the flow meter can be placed before Restrictor 2 or after at the discretion of the test lab. The suction side of the oil pump should use a representative suction pipe if possible. If this is not possible on the
test stand, the suction pipe design must be approved by the requestor. Height of pump above oil level and sump size should be defined and approved by requestor. Air volume in suction side and pressurized side should be noted in the test report (for priming tests only). Pressure drop of the stand in the unrestricted state should be noted. The target for a typical stand is P2 < 150 kPa
at 100 LPM, 100 °C with 0W-20 oil. Restrictors

The restrictors may be fixed restrictors, such as an orifice or variable restrictors such a manually controlled valve, or
electrically controlled valve. Should be agreed with requestor. For long-term repeatability, some requestors prefer to use
fixed orifices, so the bench restriction is very repeatable after multiple years of use. Restrictors 1 and 2 should be defined by the requestor. If these are not defined geometry orifices, the requestor
may give guidance on how to set the restriction of a valve.

3.1.3 Procedure Before starting the stand, turn on the data recorder to record initial values of transducers. Save this data set as
the stand tare data set for the start of test. At the end of the data collection, repeat this tare procedure to ensure
sensors have not drifted during the course of the test. Bring the oil to the desired temperature. Once the oil has
reached the desired temperature, start spinning the pump at the lowest rpm provided in the inputs to prime the
pump. Ensure the proper restrictions are set and cannot change during the test.
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ENGINE OIL PUMP PERFORMANCE AND DURABILITY TEST PROCEDURES -7- Set the OCV voltage and duty cycle or current to the selected value. Please note the method for controlling the
OCV in the test documentation. Turn on the data recorder at 10 Hz for the selected channels. Ramp the rpm from the minimum value to the
maximum value in a continuous manner over 30 seconds (or longer), then decrease the rpm from the maximum
value to the minimum value in a continuous manner over 30 seconds (or longer). Test stand equipment may
change the optimum rate at which the rpm is increased and decreased in order to generate the best quality data.
It is important that the data is smooth for the duration of the test and that the ramp rate has minimal impact on
the pressure. Please review the underlined values with requestor to verify the data meets the requestor’s needs. Set the OCV to the next desired duty cycle or current value, then repeat step #3 until all OCV duty cycle or current
settings are run. Once all duty cycles have been run at a selected temperature, go to the next highest temperature setting and
repeat steps #2 through #4. Repeat the entire test procedure again at each aeration setting desired. Need to define aeration generation
method and measurement method. Default Test Conditions Table

Verify these with the requestor:

Temperature (°C) OCV Duty Cycle Aeration rpm Range

20, 60, 100, 120, 140 0 - 100%, 10% On/Off 500 - 7000 - 500

3.1.4 Minimum Required Recorded Data Channels

See Figure 2 for reference: P1, P2, P3, P4, T1, flow, torque, rpm, time, measured OCV duty cycle, voltage, and current,

3.1.5 Default Graphs and Output Formats

Plot pressure versus rpm, torque versus rpm, flow versus rpm, overall efficiency versus rpm.

Calculated signal: Overall Efficiency = Pressure*Flow / Torque * Speed.

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USCAR46: 3.1 - RPM Sweep Test Example Plot

Feedback Pressure (P3)
0% DC
20% DC
500 40% DC
Pressure (kPa)

60% DC
80% DC
300 100% DC



0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000

Figure 2 - Revolutions per minute sweep example plot

3.2 Flow Versus Pressure at a Fixed rpm (Waterfall/Performance Mapping)

3.2.1 Purpose

To understand the oil pump performance at various speeds, restrictions, and solenoid positions. Restrictor 1 simulates the
restriction from pump outlet to the feedback, typically the oil cooler and filter. Restrictor 2 simulates the rest of the engine
restriction and is variable from fully open to fully closed in this test to characterize the pump’s response to various restrictions
that may be encountered.

3.2.2 Test Setup and Instrumentation

Figure 3 - Example hydraulic schematic for rpm sweep If desired, the flow meter can be placed before Restrictor 2 or after at the discretion of the test lab.
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ENGINE OIL PUMP PERFORMANCE AND DURABILITY TEST PROCEDURES -9- The oil pump mounting should represent the engine mounting conditions and drive system or must be agreed
upon with the test requestor. The suction side of the oil pump should use a representative suction pipe if possible. If this is not possible on the
test stand, the suction pipe design must be approved by the requestor. Height of pump above oil level and sump size should be defined and approved by requestor. Pressure drop of the stand in the unrestricted state should be noted. The target for a typical stand is <150 kPa at
100 LPM, 100 °C with 0W-20 oil. Restrictors

It is assumed for this test that Restrictor 2 will be a controlled valve that can go from fully open to fully closed. A globe style
valve may best be used to regulate the pressure. The valve should be equipped with a pneumatic actuator and an electronic
positioner. The valve should have an equal percentage opening characteristic. The control valve flow coefficient should be
chosen to match the pressure/flow characteristics of the pump under test. Through software, the valve can be controlled in
open-loop mode, which will allow it to hold a fixed “percent open” position. Additionally, the valve can be controlled in closed-
loop mode, using the signal from an external pressure transducer to create a closed-loop pressure control system. PID
gains need to be adjustable for operation in closed-loop mode. The gains should be tuned to minimize overshoot as much
as practically possible, to avoid damage to components due to pressure spikes. Restrictor 1 may be a fixed orifice, manually controlled valve, or electrically controlled valve, and should be agreed
upon with the requestor. If Restrictor 1 is not a defined geometry orifice, the requestor should define the restriction.
Leave Restrictor 1 set to this value for the entire test. Check this restriction setting after the test to ensure it has
not drifted.

3.2.3 Procedure Before starting the stand, turn on the data recorder to record initial values of transducers at 10 Hz. Save this data
set as the stand tare data set for the start of test. At the end of the data collection, repeat this tare procedure to
ensure sensors have not drifted during the course of the test. Once the oil has reached the desired temperature,
fully open the stand restriction. If using a two-restrictor setup, keep Restrictor 1 set as specified. Set the OCV voltage and duty cycle or current to the selected value. Please note the method for controlling the
OCV in the test documentation. With the pump spinning at the lowest fixed rpm provided in the inputs. Close the stand restriction fully in a
continuous manner over 180 seconds (or longer), then open the stand restriction fully in a continuous manner
over 180 seconds (or longer). Test stand equipment may change the optimum rate at which the valve is closed
in order to generate the best quality data. It is important that the data is smooth from the start of regulation to the
deadhead condition. Please review with the requestor to verify the data meets the requestor’s needs. Set the OCV to the next desired duty cycle or current value, then repeat step #3 until all OCV duty cycle or current
settings are run. Stop recording data and go to the next highest rpm. Repeat steps through for all rpms selected to be run. Once all pump speeds have been run at a selected temperature, go to the next highest temperature setting and
repeat steps through
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ENGINE OIL PUMP PERFORMANCE AND DURABILITY TEST PROCEDURES - 10 - Repeat the entire test procedure again at each aeration setting desired. Need to define aeration generation
method and measurement method. Default Test Conditions Table

Verify these with the requestor:

Temperature (°C) OCV Duty Cycle Aeration rpm

20, 60, 100, 120, 140 0 - 100%, 10% On/Off 500, 750, 1000, 1250, 1500, 2000,
increments 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000

3.2.4 Minimum Required Recorded Data Channels

P1, P2, P3, P4, T1, flow, torque, rpm, time.

3.2.5 Default Graphs and Output Formats

Plot flow versus feedback pressure (P3), plot flow versus feedback pressure (P2), torque versus pressure (P3), torque
versus pressure (P2), overall efficiency versus pressure (P2), overall efficiency versus pressure (P3).

Figure 4 - Example flow versus pressure plot

3.3 High Speed Flow Limit/Cavitation

3.3.1 Purpose

This test shows the flow performance of an oil pump at fixed pump outlet pressures. Pump speed is varied while the pump
outlet pressure is held open/as low as possible. The pressure regulation system of the pump is inactive during this test. In
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the case of a variable displacement pump, this may be run at multiple different displacements, but in each case the pump
is fixed at that displacement.

Because the pump is run at a fixed displacement, the efficiency (volumetric, mechanical, overall) of the pump can be easily
calculated with this test procedure.

3.3.2 Test Setup and Instrumentation

Figure 5 - Example hydraulic schematic for HSFL test The oil pump mounting should represent the engine mounting conditions and drive system and be agreed upon
with the test requestor. If desired, the flow meter can be placed before the restrictor or after at the discretion of the test lab. The suction side of the oil pump should use a representative suction pipe if possible. If this is not possible on the
test stand, the suction pipe design must be approved by the requestor. Height of pump above oil level and sump size should be defined and approved by requestor. Pressure drop of the stand in the unrestricted state should be noted. The target for a typical stand is <150 kPa at
100 LPM, 100 °C with 0W-20 oil. Restrictors

The stand restriction should be as open as possible to achieve the lowest back pressure for this test. No restrictors are
needed, and any that cannot be removed should be as open as possible.

3.3.3 Procedure Before starting the stand, turn on the data recorder to record initial values of transducers. Save this data set as
the stand tare data set for the start of test. At the end of the data collection, repeat this tare procedure to ensure
sensors have not drifted during the course of the test. Bring the oil to 90 °C (desired temperature). Once the oil
has reached the desired temperature, start spinning the pump at the lowest rpm provided in the inputs to prime
the pump. Ensure the proper restrictions are set. Set the rpm to the minimum value.

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ENGINE OIL PUMP PERFORMANCE AND DURABILITY TEST PROCEDURES - 12 - Turn on the data recorder at 10 Hz for the selected channels. Ramp the rpm from the 500 rpm (minimum) to the
6000 rpm (maximum) in a continuous manner over 30 seconds (or longer), then decrease the rpm from 6000 rpm
(maximum) to 500 rpm (minimum) in a continuous manner over 30 seconds (or longer). Test stand equipment
may change the optimum rate at which the rpm is increased and decreased in order to generate the best quality
data. It is important that the data is smooth for the duration of the test and that the ramp rate has minimal impact
on the pressure. Please review with requestor to verify the data meets the requestor’s needs. If aeration is requested, re-run step at the desired aeration level. Review aeration generation method and
measurement method with requestor. If multiple temperatures are requested, go to the next temperature set point and repeat steps through If requested, repeat the entire test procedure again with the pump at each selected displacement. One hundred
percent displacement is required; lower displacements are optional at the discretion of the requestor. Typical
displacements will be 100%, 75%, 50%, and 25%. The pump must be physically locked at each displacement. Default Test Conditions Table

Verify these with the requestor:

Temperature (°C) Aeration rpm Range Displacement (%)

20, 100, 140 On/Off 500 - 7000 - 500 100%, 75%, 50%, 25%

3.3.4 Minimum Required Recorded Data Channels

P1, P2, T1, flow, torque, rpm, time.

3.3.5 Default Graphs and Output Formats

Plot flow versus rpm, pressure versus rpm, torque versus rpm.

Figure 6 - Example flow versus speed plot

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3.4 High Frequency Pressure Pulsation

3.4.1 Purpose

This test measures the pressure pulsation at the pump inlet and outlet when pumping against a fixed restriction. Pump
speed is varied while the restriction(s) are held constant in order to understand the oil pump pressure regulation performance
at various speeds. The pressure regulation system of the pump is active during this test. Restrictor 1 simulates the restriction
from pump outlet to the feedback. Restrictor 2 simulates the rest of the engine restriction.

3.4.2 Test Setup and Instrumentation

Figure 7 - Example hydraulic schematic for rpm sweep The oil pump mounting should represent the engine mounting conditions and drive system and be agreed upon
with the test requestor. If desired, the flow meter can be placed before Restrictor 2 or after at the discretion of the test lab. The suction side of the oil pump should use a representative suction pipe if possible. If this is not possible on the
test stand, the suction pipe design must be approved by the requestor. Height of pump above oil level and sump size should be defined and approved by requestor. Air volume in suction side and pressurized side should be noted in the test report (for priming tests only). Pressure drop of the stand in the unrestricted state should be noted. The target for a typical stand is <150 kPa at
100 LPM, 100 °C with 0W-20 oil. Restrictors

The restrictors may be fixed restrictors, such as an orifice or variable restrictors such a manually controlled valve, or
electrically controlled valve. Should be agreed with requestor. For long-term repeatability, some requestors prefer to use
fixed orifices so the bench restriction is very repeatable after multiple years of use.
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ENGINE OIL PUMP PERFORMANCE AND DURABILITY TEST PROCEDURES - 14 - Restrictors 1 and 2 should be defined by the requestor. If these are not defined geometry orifices, the requestor
may give guidance on how to set the restriction of a valve. One possible example may be: With the sump
temperature at 90 °C, set the pump rpm to a mid-speed such as 3000 rpm, set Restrictor 2 to achieve 40 LPM
(typical), then close Restrictor 1 to achieve 50 kPa pressure drop across Restrictor 1. Leave Restrictor 1 set to
this value for the entire test. Check this restriction setting after the test to ensure it has not drifted.

3.4.3 Procedure Before starting the stand, turn on the data recorder to record initial values of transducers. Save this data set as
the stand tare data set for the start of test. At the end of the data collection, repeat this tare procedure to ensure
sensors have not drifted during the course of the test. Bring the oil to the desired temperature. Once the oil has
reached the desired temperature, start spinning the pump at the lowest rpm provided in the inputs to prime the
pump. Ensure the proper restrictions are set and cannot change during the test. Set the OCV duty cycle or current to the selected value. Turn on the data recorder at 20000 Hz for the selected channels. Ramp the rpm from the minimum value to the
maximum value in a continuous manner over 30 seconds. Test stand equipment may change the optimum rate
at which the rpm is increased in order to generate the best quality data. It is important that the data is smooth for
the duration of the test and that the ramp rate has minimal impact on the pressure. Please review with requestor
to verify the data meets the requestor’s needs. High frequency pressure sensor physical installation must be
executed in a way to allow hydraulic measurement of pulsation frequencies up to 10000 Hz without dampening. Set the OCV to the next desired duty cycle or current value, then repeat step until all OCV duty cycle or
current settings are run. Once all duty cycles have been run at a selected temperature, go to the next highest temperature setting and
repeat steps through Repeat the entire test procedure again at each aeration setting desired. Need to define aeration generation
method and measurement method. Default Test Conditions Table

Verify these with the requestor:

Temperature (°C) OCV Duty Cycle Aeration rpm Range

20, 100 0% 20C: No Aeration 500 - 7000
100C: With and Without

3.4.4 Minimum Required Recorded Data Channels

See Figure 1 for reference P1, P2, P3, P4, T1, Flow, torque, rpm, 1X/revolution tachometer pulse, time.

3.4.5 Default Graphs and Output Formats

Plot Pressure versus rpm, torque versus rpm, flow versus rpm.
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Figure 8 - Example pressure FFT plot

Figure 9 - Example pressure versus speed plot

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Figure 10 - Revolutions per minute sweep example plot

3.5 Time to Prime - Dry Pump

3.5.1 Purpose

The intent of this test is to simulate the oil pump priming condition during engine cold test at the engine assembly plant and
to ensure that the pump will be able to prime and build pressure within an allowable time frame when there is no priming
station prior to cold test.

3.5.2 Test Setup and Instrumentation

Figure 11 - Example hydraulic schematic for 3.5

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ENGINE OIL PUMP PERFORMANCE AND DURABILITY TEST PROCEDURES - 17 - The oil pump mounting should represent the engine mounting conditions and drive system and be agreed upon
with the test requestor. If desired, the flow meter can be placed before Restrictor 2 or after at the discretion of the test lab. The suction side of the oil pump should use a representative suction pipe if possible. If this is not possible on the
test stand, the suction pipe design must be approved by the requestor. Height of pump above oil level and sump size should be defined and approved by requestor. Air volume in suction side and pressurized side should be noted in the test report (for priming tests only). Pressure drop of the stand in the unrestricted state should be noted. The target for a typical stand is <150 kPa at
100 LPM, 100 °C with 0W-20 oil. Restrictors

The restrictors may be fixed restrictors, such as an orifice or variable restrictors such a manually controlled valve, or
electrically controlled valve. Should be agreed with requestor. For long-term repeatability, some requestors prefer to use
fixed orifices, so the bench restriction is very repeatable after multiple years of use. Restrictors 1 and 2 should be defined by the requestor. If these are not defined geometry orifices, the requestor
may give guidance on how to set the restriction of a valve. One possible example may be: With the sump
temperature at 90 °C, set the pump rpm to a mid-speed such as 3000 rpm, set Restrictor 2 to achieve 40 LPM
(typical), then close Restrictor 1 to achieve 50 kPa pressure drop across Restrictor 1. Leave Restrictor 1 set to
this value for the entire test. Check this restriction setting after the test to ensure it has not drifted.

3.5.3 Procedure Pump to be assembled with the amount of oil inside its pumping mechanism as specified in its production intent
assembly process. The flow circuit shall include a discharge control valve (Restrictor 1 in Figure 11), which can be open and close,
and a cavity volume from pump-out to the valve simulating the cavity volume in the engine from pump-out to the
inlet of oil filter. It should also include a pickup tube which is the same or similar to production intent design. Oil level in the sump must be below the inlet of the pickup tube. Close the Restrictor 1 valve. Add oil to the sump to achieve the same elevation from the oil level in the sump to
the pump as the production intent design. Pump is ramped to (500 rpm) engine speed within 1 second and is maintained at 500 rpm thereafter with pump
discharge closed. Default Test Conditions Table

Verify these with the requestor:

Temperature (°C) OCV Duty Cycle Aeration rpm Range

20 °C ± 3 °C 0% Off 0 - 500
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Pump discharge pressure must reach 100 kPa in less than 5 seconds for sump mounted pump and 7 seconds for a
crankshaft mounted pump. For DV Only

If the pump does not prime within the specified time, the test is repeated with the speed increased in increments of 50 rpm
until the pump does prime within the specified time. The speed and time to prime must be recorded.

3.5.4 Minimum Required Recorded Data Channels

P1, P2, P3, P4, T1, flow, torque, rpm, time.

3.5.5 Default Graphs and Output Formats

Plot pressure versus time, rpm versus time, torque versus time.

Figure 12 - Time to prime example plot

3.6 Time to Prime - Wet Pump

3.6.1 Purpose

The intent of this test is to ensure that the pump will be able to prime after engine starts.
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3.6.2 Test Setup and Instrumentation

Figure 13 - Example hydraulic schematic for 3.6 The oil pump mounting should represent the engine mounting conditions and drive system and be agreed upon
with the test requestor. If desired, the flow meter can be placed before Restrictor 2 or after at the discretion of the test lab. The suction side of the oil pump should use a representative suction pipe if possible. If this is not possible on the
test stand, the suction pipe design must be approved by the requestor. Height of pump above oil level and sump size should be defined and approved by requestor. Air volume in suction side and pressurized side should be noted in the test report (for priming tests only). Pressure drop of the stand in the unrestricted state should be noted. The target for a typical stand is <150 kPa at
100 LPM, 100 °C with 0W-20 oil. Restrictors

The restrictors may be fixed restrictors, such as an orifice or variable restrictors such a manually controlled valve, or
electrically controlled valve. Should be agreed with requestor. For long-term repeatability, some requestors prefer to use
fixed orifices so the bench restriction is very repeatable after multiple years of use. Restrictors 1 and 2 should be defined by the requestor. If these are not defined geometry orifices, the requestor
may give guidance on how to set the restriction of a valve. One possible example may be: With the sump
temperature at 90 °C, set the pump rpm to a mid-speed such as 3000 rpm, set Restrictor 2 to achieve 40 LPM
(typical), then close Restrictor 1 to achieve 50 kPa pressure drop across Restrictor 1. Leave Restrictor 1 set to
this value for the entire test. Check this restriction setting after the test to ensure it has not drifted.

3.6.3 Procedure The flow circuit shall include a discharge control valve (Restrictor 1 in Figure 13), which can be open and close,
and a cavity volume from pump-out to the valve simulating the cavity volume in the engine from pump-out to the
inlet of oil filter. It should also include a pickup tube which is the same or similar to production intent design.
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ENGINE OIL PUMP PERFORMANCE AND DURABILITY TEST PROCEDURES - 20 - Oil level in the sump shall be at the minimum level allowed for the engine. The pump shall be thermally insulated
so that its housing temperature does not decrease more than 15 °C in 5 minutes. Preheat the oil to 100 °C. Run the pump at intermediate speed (1500 rpm) for 5 minutes and cycle the discharge valve from open to close
rapidly for minimum of three times to purge the pump and the oil circuit prior to testing. Keep the discharge valve(s) (Restrictors 1 and 2) open and stop the pump and oil heating circuit. Wait for the
following time respectively: 1 minute, 5 minutes, 10 minutes, and 2+ hours, with pre-condition described in 3.2
before each test. Close the discharge valve (Restrictor 1). Ramp the pump speed from 0 to 600 rpm as quickly as the test stand
will allow, but no slower than 1 second. Maintain 600 rpm for an additional 10 seconds. Measure and report the following during oil temperature, housing temperature, pump speed, and oil
pressure before discharge valve. Acceptance Criteria

Pump discharge pressure must reach 100 kPa in less than 4 seconds for sump mounted pump and 7 seconds for a
crankshaft mounted pump. Default Test Conditions Table

Verify these with the requestor:

Temperature (°C) OCV Duty Cycle Aeration rpm Range

100 0% (High Pressure) Off 0 - 600

3.6.4 Minimum Required Recorded Data Channels

P1, P2, P3, P4, T1, flow, torque, rpm, time.

3.6.5 Default Graphs and Output Formats

Plot pressure versus time, rpm versus time, torque versus time.

Figure 14 - Time to prime example plot

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3.7 Over Pressure Valve Characterization

3.7.1 Purpose

To understand the performance of the cold start valve at various speeds and temperatures. This test is meant to characterize
the flow versus pressure characteristics of the secondary blow-off valve used in some oil pumps, mostly those that do not
use pump outlet pressure for their regulation signal. This test is performed without the feedback signal connected to the oil
pump, in a similar state to the first few seconds of a cold priming event. However, this test does not fully capture the dynamic
characteristics of the valve opening, but more of the steady state flow characteristics. This test is aimed at capturing the
quasi-static behavior of the over pressure valve. Restrictor 1 is a variable restriction that smoothly changes from fully open
to fully closed. The pump is operated at fixed speeds, and flow is measured after the restrictor.

3.7.2 Test Setup and Instrumentation

Figure 15 - Example hydraulic schematic for rpm sweep The oil pump mounting should represent the engine mounting conditions and drive system and be agreed upon
with the test requestor. If desired, the flow meter can be placed before Restrictor 1 or after at the discretion of the test lab. The suction side of the oil pump should use a representative suction pipe if possible. If this is not possible on the
test stand, the suction pipe design must be approved by the requestor. Height of pump above oil level and sump size should be defined and approved by requestor. Air volume in suction side and pressurized side should be noted in the test report (for priming tests only). Pressure drop of the stand in the unrestricted state should be noted. The target for a typical stand is <150 kPa at
100 LPM, 100 °C with 0W-20 oil. In the basic setup, the slide/eccentric ring spring is installed in the pump and the pump could regulate if the
internal pressure is high enough. The requestor may choose to also run this with the eccentric ring blocked at
100% displacement to ensure the pump is at its maximum flow state. Restrictors

It is assumed for this test that Restrictor 1 will be a controlled valve that can go from fully open to fully closed.
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A flow meter shall be used for all temperatures 20 °C and above. If the pressure drops of the stand/flow meter at -40 °C and
-20 °C is too high, the flow meter may be removed.

3.7.3 Procedure Before starting the stand, turn on the data recorder to record initial values of transducers. Save this data set as
the stand tare data set for the start of test. At the end of the data collection, repeat this tare procedure to ensure
sensors have not drifted during the course of the test. Once the oil has reached the desired temperature, fully
open the stand restriction. If using a two-restrictor setup, keep Restrictor 1 set as specified. With the pump spinning at the lowest fixed rpm provided in the inputs. Close the stand restriction fully in a
continuous manner over 180 seconds, then open the stand restriction fully in a continuous manner over
180 seconds. Test stand equipment may change the optimum rate at which the valve is closed to generate the
best quality data. It is important that the data is smooth from the start of regulation to the deadhead condition.
Please review with the requestor to verify the data meets the requestor’s needs. Stop recording data and go to the next highest rpm. Repeat step for all rpms selected to be run. Once all pump speeds have been run at a selected temperature, go to the next highest temperature setting and
repeat steps through Default Test Conditions Table

Verify these with the requestor:

Temperature (°C)
rpm -40 -20 0 30 140
2000 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
4000 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
6000 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

3.7.4 Minimum Required Recorded Data Channels

See Figure 16 for reference P1, P2, P3, P4, T1, flow, torque, rpm, time.
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3.7.5 Default Graphs and Output Formats

Plot pressure versus rpm, torque versus rpm, flow versus rpm, flow versus pressure.

Figure 16 - Revolutions per minute sweep example plot

3.8 Over Pressure Valve Dynamic Characterization

3.8.1 Purpose

To understand the performance of the pump outlet pressure and feedback/engine gallery pressure during a simulated cold
start event. One typical cold start engine speed profile is provided. This test is meant to characterize the prime time of the
oil pump with a known empty volume as well as the maximum pressure obtained on a dynamic rpm profile. This test is
performed with the feedback signal connected to the oil pump and is meant to simulate an engine cold priming event. This
test is intended to capture the characteristics of the cold-start valve opening as well as the potential interactions with the
primary pump regulation system. The pump is operated with two dynamic speed profiles. In addition, the pump may be
tested with a given restriction for Restrictor 2 or tested with Restrictor 2 completely closed to achieve zero system flow. Note
that the setting for Restrictor 2 at cold temperatures will likely be much smaller than that used at hot temperatures to
represent engine flow.
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3.8.2 Test Setup and Instrumentation

Figure 17 - Example hydraulic schematic for over pressure dynamic characterization The oil pump mounting should represent the engine mounting conditions and drive system and be agreed upon
with the test requestor. If desired, the flow meter can be placed before Restrictor 2 or after at the discretion of the test lab. The flow meter
could be removed completely for this test if agreed with the requestor. The suction side of the oil pump should use a representative suction pipe if possible. If this is not possible on the
test stand, the suction pipe design must be approved by the requestor. Height of pump above oil level and sump size should be defined and approved by requestor. In the basic setup, the slide/eccentric ring spring is installed in the pump and the pump could regulate if the
internal pressure is high enough. The requestor may choose to also run this with the eccentric ring blocked at
100% displacement in order to ensure the pump is at its maximum flow state. Air volume in suction side and pressurized side should be noted in the test report. Pressure drop of the stand in the unrestricted state should be noted. The target for a typical stand is <150 kPa at
100 LPM, 100 °C with 0W-20 oil. Restrictors

Restrictor shall be specified by the requestor. Typically set as a fixed orifice that would simulate the pressure drop from
pump outlet to pump feedback at cold temps. The requestor will determine the setting for Restrictor 2 to simulate the amount
of flow of a cold engine. Restrictor 2 can be a fixed orifice, or a valve set to a specific setting. If not defined by the requestor,
Restrictor 2 should be set as a 0.5 mm orifice. The requestor may also choose to run with Restrictor 2 completely closed or
with it at a fixed open value other than 0.5 mm. A flow meter shall be used for all temperatures 20 °C and above. If the pressure drops of the stand/flow meter at
-40 °C and -20 °C is too high, the flow meter may be removed.
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3.8.3 Procedure Before starting the stand, turn on the data recorder to record initial values of transducers at 100 Hz. Save this
data set as the stand tare data set for the start of test. At the end of the data collection, repeat this tare procedure
to ensure sensors have not drifted during the course of the test. Set the test stand to the first selected temperature. Follow the provided rpm versus time profile(s) requested.
Please review with requestor to verify the data meets the requestor’s needs. Repeat step #2 for any additional rpm profiles to be run. Once all pump speed profiles have been run at a selected temperature, go to the next highest temperature setting
and repeat steps #2 through #4. Default Test Conditions Table

Verify these with the requestor:

Temperature (°C) OCV Duty Cycle Aeration rpm Range

-40, -20, 0, 30, 140 0% Off Provided Profile

3.8.4 Minimum Required Recorded Data Channels

See Figure 18 for reference P1, P2, P3, P4, T1, torque, rpm, time. Flow is optional.

3.8.5 Default Graphs and Output Formats

Plot pressure versus time, torque versus time, flow versus time.

Figure 18 - Revolutions per minute profile for over pressure dynamic characterization
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4.1 General Durability Test

4.1.1 Purpose

This general durability test is intended to assess an engine oil pump for durability to some of the common failure modes
caused by repeated stress and wear. It is intended to accumulate a large number of revolutions on the oil pump per unit
time while also exercising the oil pump’s pressure control system from minimum to maximum pressure. This test is meant
to test the material strength to a fatigue life that would meet or exceed the expected usage in the vehicle. Because this test
cycle goes to 0o rpm during each cycle, this may also capture some failure modes unique to hybrid engines and/or start/stop
cycles, but this test is not explicitly a hybrid start/stop test and may not achieve the desired number of cycles or drainback
required to fully test those systems.

This test cycle has many user-configurable inputs to be able to be used for multiple engine designs, including gasoline and
diesel engines. The requestor is responsible for ensuring the inputs are correct for their engine application.

4.1.2 Test Setup and Instrumentation

Figure 19 - Example test setup The oil pump mounting should represent the engine mounting conditions and drive system and be agreed upon
with the test requestor. If desired, the flow meter can be placed before Restrictor 2 or after at the discretion of the test lab. If agreed with
the requestor the flow meter can be eliminated from this test. Torque measurement is optional for this test. The suction side of the oil pump should use a representative suction pipe if possible. If this is not possible on the
test stand, the suction pipe design must be approved by the requestor. Height of pump above oil level and sump size should be defined and approved by requestor.
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The restrictors may be fixed restrictors (such as an orifice) or variable restrictors (such as a manually or electrically controlled
valve) and should be agreed with requestor. For long-term repeatability some requestors prefer to use fixed orifices so the
bench restriction is very repeatable after multiple years of use. The restrictions MUST NOT change during the entire duration
of this test, as pressure change will be compared during the entire test. Restrictors 1 and 2 should be defined by the requestor. If these are not defined geometry orifices, the requestor
may give guidance on how to set the restriction of a valve. Unless otherwise defined, the test setup should match that of 3.1, using the same restrictions. If the same stand
or restrictions are not available, a rpm sweep like 3.1 should be run to ensure the proper rpms are selected in the
calculation tool. Advice on selecting the points to use: Note: Ensure that there is clear communication on the rpm points if there is a drive ratio between the pump speed
and the engine speed. rpm 1: 0 rpm. Used to simulate start/stop and as an indicator if pressure transducers are drifting over test. rpm 2: Typically 200 to 500 rpm below the start of regulation in the high-pressure mode. The oil pump will be at
maximum displacement at this point. rpm 3: Typically 200 to 500 rpm above the start of regulation in the high-pressure mode. This speed is also
used for fixed rpm switching to ensure travel of the slide for durability. rpm 4: A high speed point used to accumulate revolutions at high oil pressure on the pump. May be related to
a peak power or peak torque point on the engine if desired. This will allow you a point that you can put a large
number of high stress cycles on the oil pump. rpm 5: Typically maximum engine rpm. May be peak power or peak mechanical “red line” speed. rpm 6/switching rpm: The switching rpm used on the first sawtooth section. This is when the pump switches
from low pressure to high pressure mode when increasing speed, and high to low pressure mode when
decreasing speed. This point should be at or above the speed of rpm 3. May match or be similar to a calibrated
condition on the engine.
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USCAR46 Durability Test 4.1 Example Points

RPM 3: After Start of RPM 5: Peak of
700 Regulation RPM 4: High Speed Hold Sawtooth

RPM 2: Before Start of
Pressure (kPa)

500 Regulation




100RPM 1

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000 8000

High Pressure Mode Low Pressure Mode Selected Points Switching RPM

Figure 20 - Example plot and selected speeds

4.1.3 Procedure Before starting the stand, turn on the data recorder to record initial values of transducers. Save this data set as
the stand tare data set for the start of test. At the end of the data collection, repeat this tare procedure to ensure
sensors have not drifted during the course of the test. Bring the oil to the desired temperature. Once the oil has
reached the desired temperature, start spinning the pump at the lowest rpm provided in the inputs to prime the
pump. Ensure the proper restrictions are set and cannot change during the test. Set the temperature and aeration to the values requested. Run the rpm versus time and OCV command versus
time as shown in the attached durability test profile calculator. Default Test Conditions Table

Verify these with the requestor:

Temperature (°C) OCV Duty Cycle Aeration Test Duration

120 0 - 100%, per cycle On 400 hours

4.1.4 Minimum Required Recorded Data Channels

P1, P2, P3, P4, T1, flow (optional), torque (optional), rpm, time, measured OCV duty cycle, voltage, and current, aeration.
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ENGINE OIL PUMP PERFORMANCE AND DURABILITY TEST PROCEDURES - 29 - Data recording on a durability test can pose many challenges if the data is continuously recorded for the entire
duration of this test. For this reason, it is understood that sampling of the data is likely for this test. At minimum,
the first and last cycle need to be recorded at 10 Hz sampling frequency. It is desired to record intermediate
cycles, at approximately 24 hour periods so that progress can be tracked. Logging of rpm 2 and rpm 4 pressures
should be noted at least three times per day.

4.1.5 Default Graphs and Output Formats

Pressure versus time: Cycle 1 and final cycle

Pressure versus rpm: Cycle 1 and final cycle

Torque versus time, torque versus rpm (optional), flow versus time (optional), flow versus rpm. Pressure versus cycle # for
all pressure taps.

Figure 21 - Speed and OCV state plot

4.2 General Durability Test with Used/Aged Oil

4.2.1 Purpose

This is the same durability profile as procedure 4.1 but utilizes a simulated used oil that accelerates wear. The exact
chemistry of the oil will be defined by the test requestor. Contaminants may include soot/fuel/oleic acid. Total test time and
end of test acceptance criteria will be defined by the requestor. The purpose of this test is to accelerate wear inside the
pump and may not reach the full number of revolutions of the oil pump needed to verify mechanical durability of components.
Test 4.1 is intended to cover the fatigue loading of components inside the oil pump. Test 4.2 is intended to validate the wear
characteristics inside the oil pump.
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4.3 Contamination/Debris Sensitivity Test

4.3.1 Purpose

This durability test is intended to show the debris resistance of an engine oil pump to large contaminants that may be
encountered in a lubrication system, especially machining chips, steel shot, core sand, and other large particulates. Of
particular concern is the functionality of the pressure relief valve and/or pressure regulation system in the presence of high
levels of contaminants. This test has two ‘baseline’ cycles with no debris added in order to characterize the pump
performance, then 20 debris cycles. At the end of the test the debris addition is stopped and the pump the pump is allowed
to flow at low speed for approximately 5 minutes to ‘flush’ the system. Then two additional cycles are run without debris
addition to characterize the end of test performance. Data must be recorded continuously during this test to look for sticking
of the pressure regulation system.

4.3.2 Test Setup and Instrumentation

Figure 22 - Example test setup for 4.3 A contaminated oil reservoir is required for this testing. This reservoir shall be a container of approximately 6 L
volume with visually evident volume graduations in 1-L increments. This can be an external reservoir, or this can
be integrated into the primary reservoir. Please verify test setup with the requestor. The reservoir shall have provisions for agitation of the solid contaminants. The preferred agitation method is a
propeller type agitator driven by an air or electric motor. This test is intended to introduce a contaminated slurry mixture of approximately 2 g solid contaminants per liter
of oil into the oil pump at a rate of approximately 0.5 L per cycle. This should yield approximately 1-g solid
contaminant ingested by the pump in each 150 second cycle. It is important to keep the contaminant mixture as
homogenous as possible. Do not simply add 20 g of contaminant to an external reservoir and introduce this at
the beginning of test. This will likely cause the pump to seize due to ingesting too many solid particles in a short
period of time. It is better to add the solid contaminant to the tank throughout the test, every two to four cycles. There are many ways to introduce the contaminated slurry mixture such as an elevated tank with gravity feed, a
small tank inside the primary tank, or a secondary tank with a transfer pump to maintain the oil level. The important
part of this test is that the contaminant mixture is introduced at an even rate, not large portions of solid contaminant
at a time. Also, it is important to know that the contaminant mixture has been ingested by the pump and does not
simply remain inside the contaminant tank. Review your method with the requestor to verify the method you plan
to use.
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ENGINE OIL PUMP PERFORMANCE AND DURABILITY TEST PROCEDURES - 31 - The contaminated oil reservoir shall be connected to the oil pump inlet tube via a flexible hose or tube. The hose
or tube shall incorporate an orifice or restriction valve that shall be sized to allow approximately 1 L of oil to flow
from the contaminant reservoir to the oil pump inlet in two cycles of the test schedule as defined in The
contamination mix must flow directly into the suction pipe to maximize the amount of solid contaminant that gets
into the oil pump. The 20 g of contamination used on this test is higher than the expected amount of debris in an
engine. This is an accelerated test to separate pump performance. The contaminant mixture should be introduced to the pump after the suction screen/filter. This test is not typically
used to test the efficacy of the suction screen. It is used to test the robustness of the pump to the contamination
mix. Most of this mixture is small enough that it could pass through a typical suction pipe screen. Optional

The requestor may ask to add a set amount of contamination to the feedback line, before the OCV if desired. This is typically
set at 0.5 g to simulate the initial build contamination in this passage on engine. Adding this debris manually before the test
is started may be required due to the low flow rate through the OCV and feedback passage. The tube or hose shall also incorporate a shut-off valve (preferably with provisions for remote operation) to allow
contaminated oil flow to be initiated or terminated by the test operator. Mix the solid portion of the contamination formula by weight using one part iron chips (150 to 500 µm), one part
aluminum chips (150 to 500 µm), one part core sand, two parts coarse test dust (refer to SAE J726, ISO 12103-
1 A4, or equivalent), and one part iron shot (2 to 200 µm). Mix at least 20 g of the solid contaminant mixture. Core sand should be representative of core sand typically used for automotive sand castings. One example is
silica sand with an AFS/GFN of 55-63. Core sand can be verified with the requestor. Example suppliers of these materials may include: Powder Technologies Incorporated (iron chips, test dust),
Particle Technology (test dust). Core sand can be sourced from a typical cylinder block or cylinder head foundry,
or other similar sand-casting foundry. Steel shot may be sourced from typical shot-blasting suppliers and/or
powder metal manufacturers. Restrictors

The restrictors may be fixed restrictors, such as an orifice or variable restrictors such a manually controlled valve, or
electrically controlled valve. Should be agreed with requestor, but these will likely be fixed diameter orifices to minimize risk
to valves during this test. For long-term repeatability, some requestors prefer to use fixed orifices so the bench restriction is
very repeatable after multiple years of use. Restrictors 1 and 2 should be defined by the requestor. It may be possible to
use the same diameter fixed restrictions used in 3.1. The restrictor size should be set such that the oil pump pressure
regulation system is active during this test. It is recognized that this test may be damaging to certain test equipment and is designed to operate with minimal
instrumentation. A single pressure transducer and a single temperature measurement is the minimum required
to be in contact with oil. Please verify with the requestor if any additional instrumentation is required. The test stand restriction should be carefully chosen to minimize plugging of the restriction on the stand. Please
review this with the requestor. It is common for oil pumps to seize during this testing, so it is advised that there is a shear coupling or clutch in
place that will protect the test stand in case of a pump failure.
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ENGINE OIL PUMP PERFORMANCE AND DURABILITY TEST PROCEDURES - 32 - The oil pump OCV is exercised in this test and is located before the oil filter as shown in Figure 22. This is to
expose the OCV to potential debris such as machining chips that may be present in a newly manufactured engine.
Do not locate the OCV downstream of an oil filter without the consent of the requestor. Please make sure to
verify oil filter position relative to the OCV feedback with the requestor. An oil filter is fitted on the stand to capture the debris after it makes one pass through the stand. Please ensure
that the oil filter has sufficient capacity to hold >30 g of dust/debris without causing excessive pressure drop or
bypassing. Debris should not be making multiple passes through the oil pump on this test. Oil filter pressure drop
should be measured to ensure it is not impacting the flow or pressure regulation of the test. At the end of the test, it is important to verify how much contaminant mixture was ingested in the pump. Please
note the amount of contaminant added to the reservoir and any amount of contaminant that remained in the tank
at end of test.

4.3.3 Procedure This procedure is a speed ramp up from 500 to 5000 rpm in 150 seconds, then a ramp down in speed from 5000
to 500 rpm in 150 seconds. Each ramp up and down will take 300 seconds (5 minutes) and is called a cycle. The
OCV is actuated between 0% duty cycle and 100% duty cycle on alternating cycles. Odd-numbered cycles will
be at 0% duty cycle, even-numbered cycles will be at 100% duty cycle. Before starting the stand, turn on the data recorder to record initial values of transducers. Save this data set as
the stand tare data set for the start of test. At the end of the data collection, repeat this tare procedure to ensure
sensors have not drifted during the course of the test. Bring the oil to the desired temperature. Once the oil has
reached the desired temperature, start spinning the pump at the lowest rpm provided in the inputs to prime the
pump. Ensure the proper restrictions are set and cannot change during the test. Withdraw 4 L of warm oil from the test stand and use this to fill the contaminated oil reservoir. Exercise caution
in handling oil at elevated temperature. Add 8 g of solid contaminant mixture to this reservoir and allow to mix
thoroughly with the agitator. Ensure the mechanical agitator stays on the duration of the test. Set the OCV voltage and duty cycle or current to 0% duty cycle. Please note the method for controlling the OCV
in the test documentation. The first two cycles are run without any debris ingestion to get a baseline of pump performance and pressure
regulation at 0% and 100% duty cycle. This baseline needs to be run for both duty cycles selected before
introducing the contaminant mixture. Turn on the data recorder at 10 Hz for the selected channels. Ramp the rpm from the minimum value to the
maximum value in a continuous manner over 150 seconds, then decrease the rpm from the maximum value to
the minimum value in a continuous manner over 150 seconds. Set the OCV to 100% duty cycle, then repeat step without debris ingestion. These two cycles of data will
be the baseline data for comparison. At the beginning of cycle 3, open the valve from the contaminated oil reservoir to the oil pump inlet. Allow 2 L of
the contaminant slurry to be ingested over cycles 2 through 5 (four total cycles). This will leave 2 L of contaminant
slurry in the reservoir.
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ENGINE OIL PUMP PERFORMANCE AND DURABILITY TEST PROCEDURES - 33 - This test is intended to introduce a contaminated slurry mixture of approximately 2 g solid contaminants per liter
of oil into the oil pump at a rate of approximately 0.5 L per cycle. This should yield approximately 1-g solid
contaminant ingested by the pump in each 150 second cycle. During the course of cycle 7, withdraw 2 L of oil from the drain valve after the oil filter in the heater circuit and mix
with 4 g of solid contaminant mixture and place slurry in the contaminated oil reservoir. Repeat this step every
four cycles to ensure the contaminated oil reservoir level is maintained. There should be a total of 22 cycles run for this test: two baseline cycles with no contaminants and 20 cycles with
debris. A total of 20 g of contaminant should be ingested. At the end of the 22nd cycle, the contaminant mixture should be turned off and the pump should be allowed to
flow for an additional 150 seconds at the minimum rpm to clear the pump of debris before stopping the stand. Default Test Conditions Table

Verify these with the requestor:

Temperature (°C) OCV Duty Cycle Aeration rpm Range

100 0%, 100% per cycle Off 500 - 6000 - 500

4.3.4 Minimum Required Recorded Data Channels

Plot P3 oil pressure versus time and P3 oil pressure versus rpm for all cycles. On a separate pressure versus rpm plot,
compare Cycle 1 to Cycle 19 and Cycle 2 to Cycle 20.

Visually inspect the relief valve to ensure that it operates smoothly and freely and fully closes. Note any unusual signs of
wear or fretting on the surface of relief valve or relief valve bore. Make written observations of any irregularities. Ensure that
the oil pump drive turns freely without signs of binding. Inspect test oil pump for any signs of excessive friction or heating.

Note oil pump outlet pressure change at idle speed and the maximum cycle speed during the course of the test. Note if any
abrupt changes occurred during the test.

Check and record transducer/amplifier zero drift at the end of test. Note any substantial drift. Drift greater than 5% may
indicate need for retest.

Following this testing, the oil pump should not exhibit signs of relief valve or regulation system sticking, binding or excessive
wear. There should also be no indications of thermal distress of the pumping element. It is recommended that this testing
be performed on a number of pumps successfully before it is concluded that a pump design and manufacturing process are
considered resistant to contamination.
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4.3.5 Default Graphs and Output Formats

Figure 23 - Example rpm profile and OCV state for 4.3

4.4 Rotor Component Integrity Test

4.4.1 Purpose

This test is to test the endurance of the components, especially the rotor, under the max loading or stress condition. Such
a condition typically occurs at high speed with high pump-out pressure and high engine oil aeration. It is recognized that a
bench test may not be able to simulate all dynamic inputs from an engine, such as crank torsional vibration and oil pressure
dynamics in a running engine, and therefore, the test conditions may need to be more severe than the worst-case nominal
conditions expected in an engine to ensure sufficient safety margins in engine applications.
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4.4.2 Test Setup and Instrumentation

Figure 24 - Example test setup for 4.4 When press-fit joints are used in pump drive system, such as the rotor or the drive sprocket, minimum and
maximum press-fit condition shall be included in the test to ensure the integrity of the joints. Test Fluid

Test fluid must be the program specific engine oil at 100 °C. Pump tested with active eccentric ring (slide, control ring). Pump-out pressure to be the maximum oil pressure that the pump would ever experience at all conditions. The
requestor will define this pressure. Set the restrictor to achieve the test pump-out pressure, for example, the
maximum cold start oil pressure. The over-pressure valve may be blocked to achieve the test pressure. An optional setup is to leave the over-pressure valve active when large pressure spikes from instability of the
valve may pose significantly higher risk for the pump. Verify with the requestor if the over-pressure valve should
be blocked or left operable. Oil pressure feedback circuit to pump is vented or modified to command max displacement. Oil aeration to be 10%. It is recognized that this test may be damaging to certain test equipment and is designed to operate with minimal
instrumentation. A single pressure transducer and a single temperature measurement is the minimum required
to be in contact with oil. Please verify with the requestor if any additional instrumentation is required. It is expected that rotors may fail during this test, so it is advised that there is a shear coupling or clutch in place
that will protect the test stand in case of a pump failure. Also, please ensure all proper safeguards are in place.
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4.4.3 Procedure Set speed to maximum engine speed. Requestor will define this speed. Set the restriction at the appropriate
temperature. Run test for 10 million revolutions. Pump is rated pass if the rotor, drive shaft or any other components are not broken and not showing risk of
imminent failure; joints no sign of slip.

Temperature Pump Speed Pressures

°C (rpm) (kPa)
100 6000 800

4.4.4 Minimum Required Recorded Data Channels Pump outlet pressure, shaft speed, and oil temperature are the minimum amount of data channels to be recorded. It is recognized that this test may be damaging to some sensitive test equipment, and it is permissible to remove
those sensitive items from the test stand if required. Please verify with the requestor if there is a question.

4.4.5 Default Graphs and Output Formats

Calculate the number of revolutions to failure if part fails on test.

4.5 Over-Pressure Valve Durability Test

4.5.1 Purpose

The purpose of this test is to cycle the over pressure valve to ensure the valve meets the lifetime durability requirements for
the engine oil pump.

4.5.2 Test Setup and Instrumentation

Figure 25 - Example test setup for 4.5

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ENGINE OIL PUMP PERFORMANCE AND DURABILITY TEST PROCEDURES - 37 - Test fluid: Test fluid must be the program specific engine oil. Temperature: 30 °C. Slide blocked at 100% eccentricity. Speed = 1500 rpm. Outlet restriction pressure setting: pump out pressure is set to 400 kPa below blow-off valve opening pressure
when the downstream flow shutoff valve is open. There is an on/off valve in the circuit that will fully open and fully close in order to ensure 100% of the flow cycles
through the over-pressure valve.

4.5.3 Procedure Test cycle: Cycle between open and closed positions of the shut-off valve, minimum 2.5 seconds at each state. Test duration is 50000 cycles.

4.5.4 Minimum Required Recorded Data Channels Parameters recorded: Pressure. First ten cycles recorded at 10 Hz. Last ten0 cycles at 10 Hz. If possible, take a
recording of ten cycles every 1000 cycles at 10 Hz. Output parameters analyzed: Opening pressure of blow-off valve activation, pressure versus. time at start of test
and end of test. Visual inspection of valve to look for damage.

4.5.5 Default graphs and output formats.


5.1 Production Hydraulic Audit Test

5.1.1 Purpose

The purpose of the production hydraulic audit test is to verify pump performance in an ongoing production environment.
Key functions of the pump performance that may be tested are: priming, volumetric efficiency/desired flow, pressure
regulation in high and low flow conditions, switching response time, over-pressure valve performance, noise/accelerometer,
high frequency pressure transducer, torque to turn/mechanical efficiency. This test cycle may be performed at elevated
temperature to further understand the effects of thermal growth and distortion on the pump. It is intended that these
measurements be integrated into an ongoing quality control plan and monitored with statistical process control methods.
Automation of this test cycle and the data acquisition will be critical to effectively collecting and processing this data. It is
recommended that this test be performed starting in the earliest development stages to create comparable data to use
between build phases and establish the ‘normal’ performance range to be expected. This test is also useful for initial
troubleshooting of suspect pump performance.
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5.1.2 Test Setup and Instrumentation

Figure 26 - Example test setup for 5.1 Figure 26 shows the example test setup for this test. This is intended to use automated valves to enable fast
switching between two different stand restrictions as well as an on/off valve to disable the feedback pressure to
the oil pump. Restrictors 1, 2, and 3 should be fixed orifices. The size of these orifices should be agreed upon with the
requestor. The intention of this test is to provide the utmost repeatability and minimize the chance of the test
stand restriction changing over time. If this is not a dedicated test stand for a production product, special attention
should be paid to ensure the stand restriction is set up the same every time. The flow meter in this standard is optional.

5.1.3 Procedure The test procedure follows the speed profile provided and referenced in Figure 27. The five speeds are user-
selectable to fit the specific oil pump and test stand setup. Ramp times and dwell times may need to be adjusted
based on the individual test stand and should be reviewed with the requestor. The test standard includes both a pump speed sweep as well as fixed speed points. These speed sweeps are
useful for characterizing full range pump performance in addition to purging air from the pump and test stand.
The requestor will define the speeds to be used for the test as well as any acceptance criteria. Default Test Conditions Table

Verify these with the requestor:

Temperature OCV Duty Aeration Speed 1 Speed 2 Speed 3 Speed 4 Speed 5

(°C) Cycle (rpm) (rpm) (rpm) (rpm) (rpm)
100 Per Test Off 1300 2500 3400 6000 7000
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5.1.4 Minimum Required Recorded Data Channels

Pressure (P1 through P4), temperature (T1), torque, flow, actuator positions, OCV duty cycle.

5.1.5 If a constant data recording rate is required sampling should be 100 Hz. Variable data recording frequency may be
used in this test to minimize file size if desired but must be agreed upon with requestor. In general, when
investigating transient behavior the results should be recorded at 100 Hz. If looking for static results, 10 Hz may be
sufficient. Please verify with the requestor if a variable data sampling frequency is used.

5.1.6 Default Graphs and Output Formats

Pressure versus time (P2 and P3), pressure versus rpm (P2 and P3).

Figure 27 - Example plot of pressure versus speed for 5.1

Figure 28 - Example plot versus time for 5.1

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Test Name
3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8
Sensor rpm High Dry Wet OP OP Valve
Description Sweep Waterfall HSFL Frequency Prime Prime Valve Dynamic
<500 Hz Required Required Required Optional Required Required Required Required
>500 Hz Optional Optional Optional Required Optional Optional Optional Optional
Outlet pressure
<500 Hz Required Required Required Optional Required Required Required Required
Outlet pressure
>500 Hz Optional Optional Optional Required Optional Optional Optional Optional
Temperature Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Required
Flow Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Optional
Torque(2) Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Required
rpm Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Required
Tach pulse No No No Required No No No No
Time Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Required
Aeration Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional
Eccentric ring
position Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional
Vibration No No No No No No No No
Voltage(3) Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Required
Current(3) Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Required
Duty cycle(3) Required Required Required Required Required Required Required Required


Table continues on next page.

(1) Torque- measure the pump only, not the bearings on the stand. Must have a method to determine how much torque is due to
the stand and how much is due to the bearings if they are in the measurement.

(2) Suction Pressure - (absolute or gauge). If using a sealed sensor, need an atmospheric pressure sensor.

(3) Perform if a solenoid is installed on the pump.

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4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 5.1

Sensor General Dur. Test Cont./Debris Rotor Over Pres. Prod Hyd.
Description Dur. Test Used/Aged Sens. Test Integrity Valve Test Audit Test
Suction pressure
<500 Hz Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional
Suction pressure
>500 Hz Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional
Outlet pressure
<500 Hz Required Required Required Required Required Required
Outlet pressure
>500 Hz Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional
Feedback Required Required Required Required No Required
Temperature Required Required Required Required Required Required
Flow Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional
Torque Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional
rpm Required Required Required Required Required Required
Tach pulse No No No No No No
Time Required Required Required Required Required Required
Aeration Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional
Eccentric ring
position Optional Optional Optional Optional No No
Vibration No No No No No No
*Voltage Required Required Required Required No Required
*Current Required Required Required Required No Required
*Duty cycle Required Required Required Required No Required
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Default conditions table. All values must be agreed upon with requestor.
3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8
High Dry Wet OP OP Valve
rpm weep Waterfall HSFL Frequency Prime Prime Valve Dynamic
20, 60, 20, 60, 20, -40, -20,
20 °C ± -40, -20,
Temp (°C) 100, 120, 100, 120, 100, 20, 100 100 0, 30,
3 °C 0, 30, 140
140 140 140 140
0 - 100%, 0 - 100%,
Duty cycle (%) 10% 10% N/A 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
increments increments
20C: No
100C With
Aeration On/Off On/Off On/Off Off Off Off Off
500 - 2000,
500 - 7000 500 - 7000 Provided
rpm 7000 - 500 - 7000 0 - 500 0 - 600 4000,
- 500 - 500 Profile
500 6000
rpm ramp time 30 N/A 30 30 1 1 N/A N/A
Restrictor 1 10 None/
(mm) mm/TBD Open
Restrictor 2 7.5 None/ 0.5 0.5
Variable TBD TBD TBD
(mm) mm/TBD Open mm/TBD mm/TBD
Restrictor 3
open/close N/A 180 N/A N/A N/A N/A 180 180
Displacement Variable Variable Variable Variable Variable Variable Variable
Data sampling
10 10 10 20000 10 10 10 100
Mounting and
drive details
Suction pipe
Oil height
Sump volume
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Default Conditions Table. All values must be agreed upon with requestor.
4.1 4.3 4.4 4.5 5.1
General Over-Pressure
Durability Contamination Rotor Integrity Valve Hydraulic Audit
Temp (°C) 120 100 100 30 100
Duty cycle 0 - 100%, per 0 - 100%, per
0% 0% Per Test Cycle
(%) cycle cycle
Aeration On Off On/10% Off Off
1300, 2500,
rpm Provided Profile 500, 5000 6000 rpm 1500 3400, 6000,
rpm ramp
N/A 150 N/A N/A Provided Profile
Restrictor 1
Restrictor 2
Restrictor 3
open/close N/A N/A N/A 2.5 Provided Profile
Displacement Variable Variable 100% Variable
10/TBD 10 10/TBD 10 100
sampling rate
Mounting and
drive details
Suction pipe
Height of oil
Sump volume
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Date Description Changed by:

March 2023 Initial Release n/a

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