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The definition of population, the population is well define set of people , elements and events Nechu
(2004) aligns with the study’s focus on all male and female Grade 12 ABM senior high students enrolled
at Asian College of Science and Technology (ACSAT) for the academic year 2023-2024, totaling 141
students. Emphasizing those experiencing a significant impact of sleep duration disorders on academic
performance, the sampling criteria narrow the study to Grade 12 ABM students at ACSAT. This research
aims to explore the relationship between hours of sleep and academic performance, with the sample
size of 80 students representing the overall count of subjects meeting the sampling criteria and
participating in the research data collection.

The convenient sample characterizes a sample as elements intentionally chosen to gain insights into the
total population Mouton (1996:132) The total population is the 12 ABM students at Asian College of
Science and Technology (ACSAT). This sample was drawn from three sections (A, B, and C), with each
section contributing 27 students. In total of 80 students,, there were 32 male and 48 female
participants.Polit and Hungler (1993) define a convenient sample as subjects included due to their
presence at the right place and time. The subjects voluntarily participated in the research, meeting the
sampling criteria, during a one-week period of data collection.

The Sampling Criteria

Subjects included in the sample were selected to meet specific criteria. Students who has lack of sleep
had to meet the following criteria to be included in the sample:

They should:

*Maintain a schedule by going to bed at the same time every night.

*Just use your bed for sleeping; find another place to read or do your work or study.

*Establish a nightly routine

*Minimize naps during the day

*avoiding using bright screens for an hour straight before bed.

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