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., - cRS Medical Cullege Gotri

Medicat Co~lege Baroda and GM,. - . .
final MBBSP:n1 I Prelim Examinat10~
C<.:mmunity Merlicine Paper I {PSM1301)
D_ate: 6/12/2022 l Day: 1·oesday Time: 2.30 to 5.30 pm

lnstr'uctions - Total Marks: 100 (80+ 20)

1. Answers to ea~h section rvftlST, be writt.<:~, in separat~ answer books
2. Figures to the right indicate-full marks_ · ·
,· /
- Section
/ . I ,
Ql ~efin-2' F~emia. (1) E?urn? ate i~9o~tant _Medic-al ?Lises of Anemia. (:) . 10
V-- Der ~ ~icigh life cyc.\2 c:ipproach under National iron
-'us 1rr:tiat1ve (NIP!) pr?~rarnrne (~ .-:-- .·
~ n l i st the bene_fic_iaries (2) a,~d_ st rv\c~ j'.,i"o:1iders (2) at MAMTA D!VAS. Describe 10
the servftes provided at MP.M fA DIVA.S. (5\

S(lction 1;
. Write short ro e, ·
t c (anv three cut'o1 four)
_ ....
<\ 18

P -C ncept1on,and Pre-N. i~I ~1agnostitTe('11:iques ,l\ct

/1. . re o . :: . . llution in ,Jrban area _ _ _,,,..
_ R..,--1'.'reven·.1on o, air P ~ ,. , . ,
__ : + 01 Riorne<;,ca, a\!2 rn:1nager.ient w;th 3 exarwJ ,'.: -: T e2Cil
c Sei;;regat1on s.ep ·· _ . ,

Section Ill
o. 3 wr:te sh )rt notes (an~• three out of (our)
· · ·e between qualitative and qL1an~:tat·
al}itfcre;1: · l, , 1ve data
. _. . . ·~ 2nents under E515 A ~
--------------- · .
~ h-•;i lth probler:1:; during adolnsren· t .. - - _ ·
D Coinr.,1 • · 1 - age grouo
c"•me~tary feeding for ti,r ~r. f' . ·~
• ': ' '. ·' ! 1:rot1pb rncnth$ to one ye ;: r

Q 4- fxpiain the terms

vf.' Or.pendency ra tio , ,
. 0--- B I • ,---..._.
-o - rea~ pornr chlorir,arir.1 n
v-f-- Disability with examr, 1 -::-= 24
~Standaro oeviati~
\.k--- Food ...\du!terakin with P)(.:rre i ~
lcebe,-g of CY :.1se 1vit:1 e., iHr:.!. !e,
N~t j::rv~ein l)'d 1i1.Jt; ,y-. •
/ ' Accultu ratio n with C•i"'' 2;;Jm p l2
'---'- '
. Medicine Department
Forensic . . Theory Examination
3rd MBBS (Pa-rt-1) Prehmmal'Y

Date: 09/12/2022 / Total Marks-100

Time: 02:30'pm to 05:30 pm
• Answer each section in a separate answer book
• AU .eight questions are cqmpulsory
• Write legibly and to the point
· Section-I
Que-1 Structured Long Question (Any one out of two) [1 x 1OJ 10
A. Define ab~asion. Mention various types of abrasions; How will you determine age
/ of abrasions? Describe its medico-legal significance and differential diagnosis.
B. Define drowning. Mention various types of drowning. Describe autopsy findings
suggest ante-mortem drowning and findings suggest only submersion of a dead
body in water. Discuss principle and procedure of Diatoms Test. [1 +2+5+2]'
Que-2 Case based scenario/ Ap~lied s~~rt notes (Any two out of three) [2x6] , 12
A. 25 year~ old married woman 1s found han . . . .
. k d .i:: ·• •d D .b th gmg with dupatta m her room which was
-1oc e 1rom ms1 e. escn e e auto-psy fi d' . . .
complete and typical hanging withpro} in ings m th1 s case which may suggest
l'l\\ged sus · · ·
B. 16 y~ars old child victim of penetrative St"ua' pension time.
.1 assault . b
government hospital. Describe the protoco\ and 1: 18 rought to the

. . p ocedure of
examination and sample preservat10n 1n this case. medico-legal
c. A charred dead body of a male is recovered .
from the burnt h
ouse. Desc "b
h D
burns related artefacts in sue cases. 1scuss the signs of n e the
ante-mortttm b .
such cases. . tµns in
Que-3 Write short notes (Any three out of four)
A Legal,-and Ethical aspects of Doctor-patient relationship (AE [ x6] 18
B. Grievous Hurt , TCOM)
C. Draw and label the diagrams of cartridge of rifled d
weapons · an smooth-bored fi1rearm
D. Adipocere formation
Qu·e-4 Answer only in 2-3 sentences (Any fi
•ve out of six)
A. Marbling [5x2]
B. Section 90 of IPC 10
C. Obscure autopsy
D. Bumper fracture
E. Widow maker artery
F. Rule of nine
Section II

Que-5 Structured L~ng Questi~n (Any o_~e out of two) [Ix I OJ 10

A.. Who is registered medi~al practitioner? What are the rights and privileges of
RMP1 Describe the duties of RMP. (7 +s1
B Define -po1son.
Give classificatio f • .
orbed .. 11 o poisons. Discuss various methods of removal
. of unabsorbed and abs poison from the body. [,?-+2+6]
. I A.\>Plied sho t
d scenar1o . b r notes (Any two out of three) [2x6] 12
Que-6 case base s old f"..mer
<U•·· \S rougnt
f to the emergency department of a hospital with
A · 40 'Year O f .uw,estion · unknown , pOlson.
· He IS· uncCi>nscious " and"' shows
h 1storY d. dyspn° ' ea pm P01nt pu ·1 • •
· Pl s, excessive secretions muscle weakness
bradycar ia, ike sine\\, . ,
and k erosene
. l 0 ur d'1aoon.os1s? M.entio n the •characteristic signs,' symptoms and
(a) W}lat 1s )' bicb support _YOUr diagnosis.
· t rY tests W this patient?
\abora o . ou treat
I-10W will y d is b' · entification
(b) , right batl . itten by common cobra. Describe ,d n by
old child S bf3· pescnbe signs and symptoms of envenornatto
B · l 2 years f corntn° n co. ue3trnent protocol in this case.
£eatures o Describe
comm on cobra. . . . l · 1
loped blindness metabolic ac1dos1s and neuro ogica
r:nber of people d eve , . . . b .
c. ~~ptorns 24 hours after consumption ofspunous liquor. Which su stance IS
responsible for this mass casualty? How will you diagnose and manage cases of
mass casualty due to hooch tragedy.

Que-7 Write short notes (Any three out of four) [3x6] 18

A. Define professional misconduct. Give examples. Discuss procedure of disciplinary

action against RMP found guilty of professional misconduct.
B. Mention tests for identification of seminal stains. Discuss its medico-legal
C. Sewer gas poisoning
D. Define consent. Mention components of written informed consent. What are the
exceptions to informed consent?

Que-8 Answer. only in 2-3 sentences (Any five out of six) [5x2] 10
A. Date rape drugs
B. Section 84 of lPC
C. Functions of State Medical Council
D. Vicarious liability
E. Delirium tremens
F. Testamentary capacity


rd '
F .
orens1c Me~icine veP ,P
3 A BBS (Part-1) Prer1m1nary
. 11•.,eod
Total :Marks-100

Date: 09/12/2022 J
Time: 02 :30 pm to 05:30 pm
• · , =,, 0 swer b oor-1,
Answer e ch section in a separate
• All eighl questions are compulsory
• Write }egibly and to the point
· Section-I
1 S~tured Long Question (Any one 001 of two) . . [Ix I OJ 10
/ Define abrasion. Mention various 1JIJ1&s o~sions. How_ will Y~~nninE,age
, of abrasiol)S? Describe~ l sigmficance and ddferent1atd1ognos,s.
[1+2+2+5]/ . . /
· B. Def"me drowning. Mention various tYP~wnmg. Descnbe au= findings
. suggest .,;fe";;. rtem <!!,J~ing and findings suggest. only submersion of a dead
n.L 0
body in water. Discuss principle and procedure of Diatoms Test. [1+2+5+2]
o/.-2 Case based scenarfol Applied short notes (AnYev,ut of three) [2x~J . , 12 _
{Y 25 ~ I d marned woman is found hanging with dupatla m her !;QQ!!!kwh1ch was
;. lof!lg;-d ~ - D~scribe th~ndings in this case which may suggost
co.!!!££'< and t~\!'h§@ill]with prolonged suspenw,n !ime,... / ·
\~ 'iears old chi\~m ~f p ~ ~ l ~ I t is brought to the

%:'.~''' ""'°"""'\.Describe ttw,~~ and ~ro!il;!iure of medico-legal

C.~ A.=~t\on
cb. and samI!1e preset'{a11,:}on m • ~h " s e . ,,./
""'- burns.1:e\ated artbody of a male_ is recovered from the blUJ11_house . Describe the
an:ed. dead
. ~ucb.=,es. - efacts >n . such t · 0\ ,scuss
..aa,::::..-,- · h
t e
. "Ill>' •
o f ante-mortem .£]!!JC"S in .

o/e-3l1te short
}:eg,1 notes
Ethical a(AnYthree out of \four) . Jilx (>J, • _ .,
and 18
'."'evous Hurt 'P<cts orn~•Uent re!BUonship ( p!)P"OMJ ~--;-- /

C . Draw and label the d"iagra1ns of cart

weapons ~ . dge
.. of rifled and smo~+i. i..~ d fi
. . - / wu=i.ure ireru:_m
,,XS. Ad1pocere formation:;;.-- tr
'-"<-. -s v--.~
1~ ,JcS-Ml--

Q e-4 Answer only in 2-3 sentences
M ~g-- ~ ,JttM / (A
ny five out of six) 5 ·
Section 90 of IPc..------' [ x2 J
j>bj£Yl"e autopsy /
...YB~ fracnu,v'~ -_,Affi
~ W1dowm8o/artery~ - ~
r ule o ~ _,g-,

l &

Listru,tion., - new P -
lrrir8Jegib/y, new question should be wntten on "l!e
Write each section in a separate answer sheet. . d Total marks (1 00J
Write to the point and draw diagram
. whertv
, - er reqmre


OQ. / . Discuss the Signs,

symptoms an d manag ement of acute It'd
I_ Ocychtis.
Q.2 Attempt any Two questions out of three:
(I x 10===10)

~ ---
') A 52-year-o/d male underwent cataract surgery a; a lari, teaching hosp; la/. During surgery, due (2 Xto6===J2)

coughing by the patient , there was acc,denta '"P"!~ of the f>Osterior lens capsufe . The planned
implantation of an intraocu/ar lens could ng t be ~_omp/:'Od at that moment. Now, ehher the poUent w;JJ

require to wear aphakic g/as~es or undergo m".'ocular lens implpntation at a later date. The
.· Surgeon •Wonders what he should_<_ell. the pat[Cllt and his-p;nny -.1,ou,1ne slirgery_ He wonde,s, how he
. , shou id appro~ch _th is med !9AI error in practice). •'.._ - (I+2+3l
a) What ,s medical error? _ ; · • ·
_. b) Why is the disc l os ure of medical error ''nPortant?
cJ How will yoo app,·oo,h <his pa1ient 's family in disclosing the error?

2) Drnw and label; oou,
poin1 cad,_ stmctures of an_adulc ante.-ior ...._
the normal chamber angle and write at least one important
3) Explain the Patho-phys io logical bas is of ocular features of traCfioma. ,_
Q.3 Attempt any Three questions out of four:

I) Enumeratethe errors of refraction. Describe the treatment modalj ti Os for myopia.

2) Define Pterygium and its vacious treatment m~thods. ·
(3 X 6===]8)
4) EntropionFluo,oquinolone dcugs_ Describ~ the founh generation_ fluor·oquinolone
3) Classify _
r -

Q.4 Atterupt any Five questions out of five, (Answ., outy ;n 2-3 sentences).
l) N •me fou, common causes of sudden pain less dim inurion of vis ion. '
2) Enumerate four indications for tarsorrhaphy.
3) Enumerate four causes of pro-ptosis. · (5x 2=10)
4)Enumeratc the causes of follicles in conjunctiva.
5) Causes of cherry rect spot



Q.i Write the indication, different types and compl"1cat1ons

· of KeratoP 1ast)'· -y o~\\
(2 ; 11,,.\
Q.2 Attempt any Two questions out of three: r .

I) A 26 Y~ old lady presents with a 3 day history of blurring ofvisi?n in her right ~ye. This has bee~
progressively worse. Sh~ also has pain on movin the eye. She prevmusly had an episode of weakneS\\11
right amt two years ago but it got settled wit~out anv treatment. She is otherwise fit and well.
examination h_er visual ac1!ity was 6/60 , not im.proving ~ith pin hole. On ihe confrdntation test, a centnr:-
scotoma was present. The eye was wh,ite and quiet with no abnormality not~ excel?t for a ~ght relative
'-. 4fe(ent p;pillary defect. - jJ.:t:2+3)
a) What is the diagnosis ? ,,- $} ,.

. b) How can this be confinned?

C) What are
the management options and prognosis I
2) ]!)direct ophthalmoscopy
3) Types and managementofscleritis ,

Q.3 A;ttempt any Three questions out of four:

I ) Papilloedema
2) Diabetic retinopathy
3) Factors affecting corneal transparency
4) Rhegm:itogenous retinal detachment

I , '/,.,
Q.4 Attempt any Five questionfu t ;.- live: .(Answer only in 2-3 sentence.s)
I) Define tow vis(on.Jn<l Blindness. ·.
2) Enumecate four causes of Giant p/apillary conjunctivitis ..
:·) !;= numerate the layers of cornea •
4) Types ofStap~yloma . .
5) Whal is YOK E muscle and grve ~ e exam)'le. ./
,,,,,,,-1 . ., . . _ r
.l ,
l - .,Jf/~~
, CTF--,.iJ " ,' .

Third MBBS Part-I Preliini
E.N.T. ( Oto~ary Examination [CBME]
olaryngology )
Date: 7 December 2022, Time: 2:30pm to S:3oPlll. {pl
Total Mar»\
Instructions: 1. Write answers in Separate Answer book a . .
2 Draw diagram whenever neces.q,,,,, . ccording to the sections.
· . -....., & Wnte legible
3. Question Paper has two pages. Page 2 printed at ba~k.

Section 1 [20)
Q. 1 Long Answer Questions. (Any 2)
Zx 10 Marks \\
1. Describe etio-pathogenesis of Safe CSOM. Elaborate on its management protocol.
~- Describe Little's Area. Write management of Epistaxis in detail.
3. Describe Para pharyngeal space. Write aetioloy, clinical features & management of
Parapharyngeal Abscess.

Section II [20]
Q.2 Short notes. ( Any 4 )
4x 5 marks \ \
1. Cerumen.
2. Medial wall of middle Ear.
- 3 -- l~pe~,oc~ _Audiometry.
4. Modified RND~ .... -
" 5. Clinical features of Ca of Maxilla
! Section 111 , l\ , .f [20] /'(
Q.3 (A] A 60 Year Male came to ENT OPD with history of Dysphagia to Solids for 3 Months. Whaf \
Relevant history should be elaborated by attending Doctor? What ENT examinations will be
conducted by Doctor in OPD? What will be the investigations & Treatment options offered to tlie
patient? 10 Marks ' .

I f!_,-, (
Q.3 (BJ During School Health visits, teacher of an 7 year old kid complaih¥cf recent inatte,ntion i9 class
specially while sitting on back-benches. She also informs of the child having recurrent nasal infections
and Cough-Cold. 2 x 5 = 10 Marks

i. What may be the probable cause of reduced hearing in this child, if there are no other
significant symptoms?
ii. What are the investigations available for hearing evaluation in children?
iii. How is the nasal symptom related to inattention here?
iv. What usual precautions should be advised for maintaining Aural Hygiene in children?
v. ff ignored, what can be the sequelae in this patient?


Pagel of2

,, Short notes ( Any 5 )

Rhinosporidiosis Sll4markS
. Mucormyc~sis
J. Ludwig's angina,
• 4. Singer's nodules
5.Thyroglossal cyst.
6. Complications of Tonsillectomy

Section V [20]

Q. 5 Short answer questions .

10~2 marks
1. Define Cholesteatoma. Mention its types.
~----- -2-,-_Car_\len'S-...--:io tc~ impen:an ce.

3. What is Gradenigo syndrome? . Which ENT disease can cause it?

• • I I• •

4. What is Sluder's . neuralgia? Name the common ENT conditions causing it.

5. What is Rhinoscleroma & its Pathological findin gs?


6. Four generic names of anti-allergic drugs.

7. What is T4 staging of Ca tongue?

8. Write Four Fulictions of Tracheostomy:

9. Natural constrictions of Esophagus. ~- ,

10. What ls Cochlear Implant? write its Indication~

- -- - -- - - -------------

Page 2 of 2

\ ) j

- - - -- -- J
\- -·- ---- - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - I
________ ----------
Section -1

(5 Marks}
Spot N o~ 6
Write the color of container for collecticn off01\nwing Hospital waste generated in OPO,

ac<:,~rding to HWM Guideline.

1. Blood stained swab ____
2. Scalpels _
3. Expired pharmaceutical drngs __ _
·t Used lV set ----·- __
5-. Dressing material
fi. Used mas~
7. \Jsed OPV vials
8. Used Gloves
(l used Foley's catheter - - -- -
~·o. ui.~d AD syringe (hub cut) - - - - - - - -
(5 Marks)

Spot N o: 7 . . s'-''~'~'"
r Nationa 1In°munizatJOn -,,~,,.'e
' Mention the following for Pentavalent Van,1nP as pe .

Rcute of Administration: -
. . . • to J...e g1.v2 n·
Acre at which 1t IS ,., ' ,• , .. -
b )•
comp!icaticns (An;: tVvO . - - .
(5 Marks}

. 4-i'Jo:8 . . ~·o kg and height160cms. CalcuL:-t e the BM1
· . ;ind give
" having we;ght I . .. , .
A ~emale age 25 year., h . ,r n ff point for Malnutrition and Ooes1ty.
,..,, i • ' Write down t e c. •· . ..
your coinrnents.

ti ~r ..-"L,'l •_J ..
'1J ,- 7-t. ~)
n_{' 'U ·J5
;::,~1 .
11 p ,:l £ i: .

Subjects were children encolled . i.2 Marks) /
. child
. was rar,dom!y
. ,.. g;ven "in• a ofheal
two . tmairw
. ; .nar,,:e crgani• .
·•'"'"· At st2 rnooth>,
;r:foct1on , Parerrcs .WE: i,,<- cc1lk d· bYa nurse ,,.,o
yp ·week
cf a new .va ccine a'"". "'"''"'
chil dren had expenenced,3i..,'y' lricid ence of c.J ,arrhea
and sany
later . whether t,,r.J
and asketl
s\de-eHects I

Wha~ tvri-2 of study is this?

. 1 (t! Marks)

z ,;n epidemio!ogic; i sf J.; /4,s conducted to '""sure the problem of d\obetes ie, ,owe
with 20,000 por,Lliat'on. Out of 2o;opo po(ulation 9000 were ,,omen. All the""'°'"
were ,,acntneO a, .d investigated for.
diabetes only once, 800 persoo<
' . ,; , 1ound to
'''"" tl\cb c.tes .,ul ot , ~H0 t""~ persom "'·' " t.\,., ,r -,, srs , t " ' "'" ,a
, '·""'" \ettS •Joa •• 3: y ears oi ,t!".'·1'«crrlli'Ji ,cc ,,,,1, d:,.,,,,., ,.
,J 300 ten"'' d,ct• ,,. ,

p ut ot :2 •.;,j \o un d t.c; h; ,,P. diab2te s.



l. f: 3 , .

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