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Name: Eyob Abera

Book: 1 Timothy
Impact on you
Chapter 1 - I am astounded at how God's personalities are not contradictory; he is jealous,
spiteful, and furious while also being good and a comforter.
Chapter 2 - I am reminded that God will not let wickedness reign permanently.
Chapter 3 - I must always repent; otherwise, my faults and wickedness would have disastrous
Why is the book of Nahum written?
The book of Nahum is primarily written to pronounce judgment and destruction upon Nineveh,
the capital city of Assyria. Nahum describes God's anger and vengeance against Nineveh
(Nahum 1:2–3) for their wickedness and violence (Nahum 1:9–11), particularly their oppression
of other nations (Nahum 1:13). God also provides comfort and assurance to the people of Judah.
(Nahum 1:12-13).
Two Strategies for mission

 In the first chapter, verse 15, God sends good news to the people of Judah and announces
peace. This approach entails spreading the message of deliverance and restoration to
individuals who are oppressed or struggling.
 The book of Nahum emphasizes the justice of God and His judgment upon the wicked
(Nahum 1:2-3,9-11,14; 3:1,). This can be used as a mission strategy to proclaim the
consequences of sin and the need for repentance.
Personal application

 Principle: Nahum 1:7 "The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those
who trust in him."
 contemporary situation: Is it true that I trusted God in difficult times? Is it true that I seek
God's help when things get difficult?
 Application: I should always rely in God and seek his refuge in tough times because God
is a fortress in times of difficulty and knows those who seek refuge in Him.

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