Reading Template

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Reading Exercise Template


Hello there, ninth graders! For today's lesson, we're going to be risking our lives! If
you have guessed correctly, we'll be having a reading lesson on extreme sports.
Before we begin, let's look at the title of the following article and guess what it's
going to be about. If you have managed to guess what the article is going to be
about, you may also answer the following question: "Have you tried extreme
sports before?"

[While-Reading Exercises]
With the question answered and the meaning of the article summarized, now the
students are given a small text about the popularity of extreme sports, even with
the casualties brought on from those unprepared. While they're reading the text
(four-seven minutes is the recommended time), they'll be given two exercises.

The first one is the tried-and-true "True or False" exercise, in which they have to
guess whether the following statement is true or false (recommended time: 2-3
minutes). There are six of them, so it should be enough for the students to read
the text for the first time to get the gist of the subject matter. Once it's finished, I'll
showcase the keys to the task, basically showing the correct answers to the first

[shows the keys to the "True or False" exercise]

The second exercises is one that's familiar to the students: the "Word Match". This
is where they have to read the text for the second time to get the additional
detail, so that it'd be much easier for them to complete this exercise. Just like the
previous one, this exercise has six words, and they have to match them with the
correct definitions. This should take no more than two minutes, after which I
showcase the correct answers to the task.
[cue the keys to the "Word Match" exercise]
Now that you have managed to complete the exercises, it's nigh time for a
discussion based on the text. Before we begin the discussion, I want you to make a
chart based on the text. Make sure you write out the key details onto the
aforementioned chart and compare them with your groupmate's. This task, while
minor, will be helpful in the ensuing discussion, in case you want to back up your

Once you managed to complete the task, I'll be dividing you into two groups:
Group Yellow will be discussing the pros of extreme sports, whereas Group Blue
will talk about its cons. The group will head to their breakout rooms, talking about
their claims and their ways of backing them up. Once the first five minutes are
finished, they will return to the main session and the two groups have to back
their points of view. There's also two points to each group the students may use
as a template.

When all of that is done, this concludes today's lesson. Thank you all for the
participation, and have a good day.

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