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Kane,Manufacturing has a division that produces two models of hibachis, model A and model B.
To produce a cach model A hibachi requires 3 lb of cast iron and 6 min of labor. To produce
each model B hibachi requires 4 lb. of cast iron and 3 min of labor. The profit for each model A
hibachi is $2, and the profit for each model B hibachi is $1.50. If 1000 lb of cast iron and 20
labor-hours are available for the production of hibachis each day, how many hibachis of each
model should the division produce to maximize Kane's profits? What is the largest profit the
company can.

Use graphic method


Defining the decision variables

Let x be the number of model A hibachis produced and y be the number of model B hibachis

The objective function, representing the total profit is given by Z=2x+1.5y


1. Cast iron constraints; 3x+4y ≤ 1000 (since 3 lb of cast iron is required for each model A
hibachi and 4 lb for each model B hibachi, and the total available cast iron is 1000 lb)

2. Labor constraint; 6x+3y ≤ 120(20 labor hours are equivalent to 120 minutes)

3. Non negative constraints; y ≥ 0 and x ≥ 0 (there are no negative numbers of hibachis)

Let x be the number of model A hibachis produced, and y be the number of model B hibachis
The profit function is given by Z=2x+1.5y.
Evaluating the profit at each corner point:
 For point B (0, 249.2): ZB = 2(0) +1.5 (249.2) = 373.8 ZB = 2(0)+1.5(249.2) = 373.8
 For point C (0, 35.2): ZC=2(0)+1.5(35.2) = 52.8 ZC=2(0) +1.5 (35.2) = 52.8
 For point D (332, 0): ZD = 2(332) +1.5 (0) = 664 ZD =2(332)+1.5(0) = 664
 For point E (20.3, 0): ZE = 2(20.3) + 1.5(0) = 40.6 ZE = 2(20.3) + 1.5(0)= 40.6
Comparing the profits at each corner point to find the maximum profit and the corresponding
values of x and y.
The maximum profit is achieved at point D (332, 0) with a profit of $664. Therefore, the
company should produce 332 model A hibachis and 0 model B hibachis to maximize profits.
The largest profit the company can realize is $664.

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