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Unit 01: getting through unit assessment

Act01: answer the following questions

1. Read the following passages then name the type of each message

1 17,brike Street London N10 3QS

17th July 2010
Mr.Rick Donald
84,Clarendon Road
London S10 5TR
Dear sir,
I would like to apply for the temporary post of
‘Assistant –engineer’, which was advertised in the
“Evening news” of Saturday 9th May.
I am 26 years old and single. I am an Algerian post-
graduate student in the department of Physics of
Manchester University, where I have been studying
electronics for the last three years. Before that, I was a
student in Physics and Electronics at Algiers’ University
for three years where I graduated four years ago.
If there are any other details which you require I shall be
glad to supply them.
Yours faithfully,
Rachid Bn Rabeh
Dear Elliana, 3 Dear sir Arthur, 4
I m going to have a birthday party on Tuesday, I am sending you this apology letter to say that I am
December 4th . I’m having the party at my house on Heals sorry for misbehaving in the recent seminar workshop
Road in Shuffled. The party is going to start at, and you have conducted for our class last day.
finish at 10 pm. There will be music, fun games and On my part, I will do my best not to repeat the same
delicious food! Please come! mistake. I will try to be more aware of my surroundings
With love next time and avoid causing disruption.
Mellissa. Once again, I apologize for my actions.
Yours sincerely
Gone Tayn

2. Who’s the addresser and the addressee in each message?

3. What’s the subject of each one?

Act02: complete the following table

Noun Verb
Application ……………….……
Enquiry ………………….…
Invitation ………………….…
Apology ………………..……

Act04: Combine the following sentences using one of the following connectors. (Either..or) (neither..nor) (both..and)
1-You can send an e-mail. You can send snail-mail
2-She doesn’t use the computer to study. She doesn’t use the computer to play games.
3-Anna prefers to stay with a host family. Dan prefers to stay with a host family.
Act05: underline the stressed syllable in the following words

Act06: mention the comparative adjectives of the following adjectives then use them in sentences of your own:

Act07: Circle the right choice.

1) My mother does the housework by

2) Sandra and Paul prepared the project
by themselves/myself.
3) I have to encourage herself/myself.
4) We promised myself/ourselves that we
will be good teachers in the future.
5) Jack blamed itself/himself for the bad
mark he got.

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