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Aircraft carrier

Level and learners: Advanced, adult learners

Presentation: Use a reading text on aircraft carriers in wars. Students will be grouped into pairs
to spend two minutes writing down what comes to mind when they hear aircraft carrier. The
information from each group will be read aloud. Afterwards questions on what was difficult
about thinking about aircraft carriers can be asked.
Concept check questions: What do we call the warship that holds aircraft? Where do airman get
their planes from? What famous children game uses aircraft carriers? What do aircraft carriers
Level and learners: Beginner, Child learner
Presentation: The class will join in singing a song about yesterday, today, and tomorrow. First
the song will be sung by the teacher and then a transcript of the song will be giving to the
students that way two senses will be simulated, and the song will be more cemented. The
students will clap and be physically participating in singing the song.
Concept check questions: “What comes before today?” “What is the first word in the song title?”
Taking a selfie
Level and learners: Intermediate, Teenager/High School
Presentation: Use a reading text on the fad of taking selfies. A worksheet will be provided that
includes vocabulary and speaking activities. Additional there will be grammar exercises covering
some common uses of the present prefect simple and present perfect continuous.
Concept check questions: “What do you do when you want to take a picture of yourself?” “What
do you use the front camera on your phone for?”
Household budget
Level and learners: Advanced, Adult learners
Presentation: On the whiteboard the words: budget, wealth, debt, income, coins, notes, rich,
poor; will be written and students will be asked, “What comes to mind when you see these
words?”. Students will engage in a 10-minute discussion of groups of three and will asked to
answer four questions relating to money. Share new vocabulary that came out of the discussions.
A text will then be read in the groups that provides an example about a family’s household
budget. Students will then compare the texts’ budget to their own families’ budget.
Concept check questions: “What do we call limited spending?” “What is money that is limited to
home goods?” “Are you better at spending money or saving money- why?
Level and learners: Beginner, Children learners
Presentation: Drawing a family tree on the board and attaching pictures on each branch. Writing
the words: grandfather, grandmother, mother, father, brother and sister, under their respective
pictures. Going over word slowly that way the learners can practice pronunciation and can
connect the picture with the word. After learning each word, review the previous words to make
sure the learners are picking up the pronunciations and the meanings.
Concept check questions: Pointing to the picture of the father- is this the grandfather? “What do
we call your mother’s father?” “What do we call your father’s father?”
Keeping fit
Level and learners: Advanced, Adult learners
Presentation: Begin the lesson with a review of body parts and movement verbs. Present a
picture of fit celebrity that the learners admire or known of. Ask them to describe the celebrity
using the reviewed vocabulary. Watch an exercise video and then have them create their own
exercise video.
Concept check questions: “What physical activity did we just do?” “Why would you do this
activity?” “What type of people use exercise videos-why?”
Examples of providing on-the-spot feedback and delayed feedback are as follows:
 Allowing to continuously speak and then write to allow fluency and consistency
 Allowing students to correct themselves, or with the help of the teacher by voice
or video recording the student
 Teachers, students or family members observe errors, take notes then discuss after
the student has finished their assignment or reading, done orally in groups,
individually, by the class or written
On-the Spot:
 Offering positive feedback through short expressions
 Offering a correction through advice
 Using physical gestures i.e. a smile or thumbs up

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