Step 1 - Choosing A Subject

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Step 1: Choosing a Subject [45 mins – 2 hours]

The selection of your subject

1a Understanding subject specific expectations [6 mins]
The first forward step in the EE is selecting which subject you will be working within. The
subject you choose will influence both what you research and how you research. Some subjects
expect students to do experiments, some expect students to do surveys or interviews, while
other subject strictly forbid any data collection and rely on only secondary research.
Additionally, some subjects may have topics that are not allowed or discouraged which you
should be aware of before choosing your subject.
 Read: skim through Step 1. Choose Your Subject (3 mins)
 Reflect: reflect on the following question:

What subjects have you found most interesting in the past or are currently taking? What is it about
them you like?
(3 mins)

1b Narrowing your options [60 mins+]

 Explore: read the Subject Guides for a few subjects your are interested in to determine
the research expectations and topic selection. Subject Guides (20-60 mins)
 Talk/Listen: Your teachers will explicitly talk about EE expectations for your subject.
When your teachers give space for questions, ask some follow up questions to their
presentations and listen to what other students ask.
o Some helpful questions might be:
 What are the biggest misconceptions about an EE in this subject?
 What is one reason I should NOT pick this subject?
 If you were to write an EE in this topic, what would be your research
question or topic?
After reading through the guides and talking to teachers reflect on the following prompts:
(unstructured response, (10 mins)

 What are the research expectations of the subjects you explored?

 Are there any topics that are discouraged in any subject you explored?
 What important things did you learn from conversations with teachers?
1c Reflecting on your strengths [7 mins]
Now that you have a solid understanding of each subjects’ expectations and reflected a bit
more on your own interests it is helpful to consider what subject can you be most successful in.
This starts with defining success for your EE – is it to get a A? is it to pass? Is success growing as
a student in a subject you love? Is success just getting through it?

Reflect on the following two prompts:

(unstructured response 7 mins)

 What does success in the EE look like for you?

 What subject will set you up for success best?

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