PTW Questions

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Suggested questions by Fayez Osman

1- Describe the emergency procedure…..?

2- Describe the procedure in case of “Man down” ?

3- What is the content of JSP …?

4- How to initiate the JSP from website…?

5- Your role and responsibilities in AI-PSM…?

6- 7- Define the term hazard…..?


9- What is your control to reduce these risks…?

10- What is the definition of the term ALARP…?

11- Mention five types of supplementary certificates to be attached to permits..?

12- Define the hierarchy of control …..?

13- What are the major documents required to issue permit…?

14- What is the definition of Confined Space …?

15- What is the procedure of Confined Space…?

16- What is TRIC ….?

17- When to fill the card…?

18- Fill the “THE DYNAMIC RISK REVIEW” ..? *Important”

19- Define the number of specification for the requirements of working in H2S

20- Example of hardware barrier ….?


1- What is the DEFINITION of PTW system ….?

2- What is the PTWS SCOPE ….?

3- What is the PTWS OBJECTIVES ….?

4- Define the differences between permit system and permit procedure..?

5- Define system custodian and permit focal point …?

1- Mention the roles involved in the permits…?

2- How many types of permits are there …?

3- Who are the signatories ..?

4- Describe area inspections regulations …?

5- Describe the cycle of permit….?

6- Five important factors for class A, B permits …?

7- How to decide if the task requires a permit or not…?

8- Define the following terms with three examples for each:

 Process Facilities
 Hydrocarbon area
 Non hydrocarbon area

9- Define the following:

 Zone 0, 1 and 2
 EPZ area
 Sour area
10- Describe process of SOP permit…?

11- Mention tasks where gas testing is mandatory ….?

12- Who conduct the gas testing in Class A and B permits …?

13- Mention three major responsibilities for the following:

 Permit Applicant
 Permit Holder
 Area Authority
 Permit coordinator
 Production supervisor
 Authorized Gas tester
 Responsible supervisor

14- Can a permit be validated verbally and what is the condition..?

15- Can responsible supervisor sign as Area Authority? (If yes, when?)

16- Process and procedures for handling the permit from one holder to another?

17- Procedures for Electrical and Mechanical isolation…?

18- How you can decide if the task required Class A or B ….?

19- How to decide the frequencies of Gas Testing ..?

20- What is the maximum standard authorization period for class A & B …?

21- Define the process of “Tracking System”…..?

22- What are the responsibilities for production coordinator …?

23- What are the process needed for vehicle entry to process facility “PR 1172, pg.
41” ….?

24- How many permits Area Authority is allowed to validate in one day..?

25- How many permits holder can hold at one time….?

26- Give proper examples of some of the conditions that shall require a Dynamic
Risk Assessment..?

27- Give three reasons for suspending of the Permit …?

28- Is validating of permit by phone is allowed …?

29- What is the Isolation procedure….?

30- Procedure for vehicle entry into process facility ….?

31- Roles and responsibilities of

a- PA
b- RS
c- PH

32- Gas testing requirements

33- Entry of Confined Space procedures

34- How to define PF/ HC /Critical Sour

35- Define the two ways communication between

a- PA & RS
b- PA & PH
c- PH & AA

36- Write the Dynamic Risk Review

37- Define:

a- TBT

38- Define the Life Cycle of PTWS

39- Types of certificates that can be attached to the permit..?

40- Define NORM & Gas Testing

41- Define the process of Cold Cutting

42- Permit change between PH/AA Sec 9.2.2 / 9.2.1)

43- Conflicting works

45- Define MOPO process ?

46- Examples of some of the conditions that shall require a DRA are;

 Concurrent or simultaneous work commencing in the direct vicinity of the work


 Change in weather conditions;

 Introduction of a hazard that was not originally identified at the TRIC i.e.
vehicle access;

 Increase or reduction of work force;

 Change of work scope;

 Failure of gas detection equipment;

 At predefined periods where a “Pause & Check” is to be carried out

47 - Reasons to suspend a PTW

A PTW shall be immediately suspended if:

a. An unsafe situation develops or is suspected e.g.

b. A PIM reportable incident occurs during the work.

c. A gas or oil leak near the work location.

d. Work is delayed or interrupted for more than 4 hours (for any reason).

e. Work needs to stop to allow conflicting work of a higher priority to proceed. The
Responsible Supervisor/Area Authority shall instruct the Permit Holder and
explain the reasons. The Area Authority shall ensure it is safe to stop work and to
leave the worksite in a safe condition.
48 - What to do when a PTW is suspended

The Permit Holder shall take the following actions:

 Check that the worksite, plant and equipment have been left in a safe condition.
 Sign under “Suspension” on the PINK/BLUE copy of the PTW to confirm the

 If working in a process facility take the PTW to the Permit Issue Point, sign the
Green copy and give to the Area Authority who will keep it there until work is
ready to re-start.

 For work at remote locations where it is impracticable for the Permit Holder to
return the PTW to the Permit Issue Point when the work is stopped. The worksite
supervisor shall agree with the Area Authority that the worksite copy of the PTW
will be signed and taken to an agreed collection point (e.g. PDO camp offices).
This is called “Remote Suspension” and must be annotated as such in the work
description of the associated PTW and be agreed by the Responsible Supervisor.
Before this the Permit Holder must phone the Area Authority to advise on work
progress and site conditions prior to leaving the worksite. If the Area Authority is
not available, the Permit Holder shall leave a voice mail with the full details of the
activity, including the Permit Holders name and a call-back
Zoning of Sour & Critical Sour Facilities
Facilities which are classified as either Sour or Critical Sour are further zoned,
within and outside of the facility to manage the effects of the hazards. The zoning
of the facility drives which controls shall be provided within these specific areas.
Further details are provided of the zoning requirements for design, i.e. sizing of the
zones, in SP-1190-3. The operational requirements for working within the zones
are noted within SP-1190-4.

5.1 Red and Yellow Zoning

Red Zones are established in specific areas within Critical Sour facilities where the
concentrations and pressures of H2S in process fluids requires additional
precautions to be taken, such as donning or carrying breathing air.

Yellow Zones are implemented in both Critical Sour and Sour facilities where a
22mm release

from the process can result in a toxic atmosphere which has the potential to cause

5.2 Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ) Classification

The Emergency Planning Zone is an area where given a worst case release, there
may be levels of

H2S present in the air of 100ppm, or greater for 60 minutes. The EPZ is in place to
inform persons

of the potential hazards, to recognise and minimise the consequences of an H2S

event and to

allow PDO to manage the risks to As Low As Reasonably Practicable (ALARP).

Critical Sour facilities SHALL [PS] apply the Emergency Planning Zone (EPZ)

Sour Facilities shall initially screen and review their H2S release scenarios for
pipelines entering
and exiting the facility using Shell FRED, to determine the extent of the 100ppm
contour. Further

details are found in SP-1190-3.

5.3 SIMOPS Zoning (Simultaneous Operations) Classification

Activities involving large maintenance and construction workforces, at Sour or

Critical Sour

facilities shall be subject to Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA), in accordance

with PDO

specification SP-1258. An ALARP demonstration, in accordance with PDO

specification SP-2062

shall be prepared. The SIMOPS Zones are based on the sphere of influence from
toxic operations

taking account of the dispersed 300 ppm H2S contour, at a certain frequency (Shell

In practice within PDO, inner and outer SIMOPS Zones have been established,
based on the

SIMOPS QRA models. These SIMOPS zones apply for both on plot and off plot
facilities. In the

case of well works being conducted exclusion zones shall apply for the period of
the intervention.

Further details are found in SP-1190 – 3.

Petroleum Development Oman LLC Version: 4.0

Effective: Aug -15

Page 20 SP-1190 – 1 The Basics, Classification & Sour Contracts Printed 24/08/15

The controlled version of this CMF Document resides online in Livelink®. Printed
copies are UNCONTROLLED.
5.4 Well Test Flaring Zoning

Well fluids with H2S in the composition will release SO2 if a well test unit (WTU)
is flaring.

Preferentially WTU should be provided with a route to minimise flaring, however,

if flaring

cannot be avoided then precautions must be taken to limit the affect of the SO2. In
the event

that the flare was to be extinguished, there is also the potential for H2S to impact
persons in the


Well test flaring zoning shall be implemented when the H2S levels in the
composition result in

dispersion distances for 5ppm SO2 (ignited flare), or 300ppm H2S (flame-out) at
distances which

are greater than the controlling thermal radiation hazard. Further details are found
in SP-1190 –

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