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Concept Paper


These goals are purposed through three primary function,re-search, guidance and support to
governments in the adoption and implementation of various crime,drugs, terrorism and corruption
related convention,treaties and protocols as well as technical financial assistance to said government to
face their respective situation and challenges in these fields.


The goal of the national youth anti-drugs media campaign is to educate and enable America youth to
reject illicit drugs. This goal occasional users to discontinue use.


The campaign was designed to be comprehensive social marketing effort that aimed antidrug
messages at youths aged 9 to 18 years, their parents, and other influential adults. Messages were
disseminated through a wide range of media channels: television (local, cable, and network), radio, Web
sites, magazines, movie theaters, and several others. Additionally, the campaign established
partnerships with civic, professional, and community groups and outreach programs with the media,
entertainment, and sports industries. Across its multiple media outlets, the campaign reported buying
advertising from September 1999 through June 2004; it was expected that, on average, a youth would
see 2.5 targeted ads per week. Sixty-four percent of the gross rating points (GRPs) purchased for the ads
were on television and radio. (Within the advertising industry, GRPs are the customary units for
measuring exposure to ads. If 1% of the target population sees an ad 1 time, that ad earns 1 GRP).

The youth-focused ads, including ads targeted at African American youths and Hispanic youths (in
Spanish), fell into 3 broad categories: (1) resistance skills and self-efficacy, to increase youths' skill and
confidence in their ability to reject drug use; (2) normative education and positive alternatives,
addressing the benefits of not using drugs; and (3) negative consequences of drug use.


In this campaign I would like you all to support my page and this concept Paper.


Kathleen Endozo Mendoza

Five elements of a concept paper





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