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Student Club Proposal

Club Name: __________________________________

Basic Information
Students Proposing Club: ______________________________________________
Faculty Supervisor: __________________________________
Grade Levels: 7 8 9 10 11 12 all
Duration: (circle one) Short Term (one year or less) Long Term (multi-year)

Overview of Club
1. What inspired this club being proposed?

2. What are the goals of the club? (provide in list format)

3. How will this club add value to the SPH community?

Club Organization & Membership

1. Define the titles, and student names if possible, of the core leadership team.
2. Are additional sub-commitees needed? If yes, describe them including how many members will be in
each committee.
TIP: It is often better to keep membership lower at you start to ensure you have enough work to go around. It is easy to
add new members. It is harder to ask members to leave who don’t have work or don’t contribute.

3. How will club members be recruited?

4. How will the club ensure that all members participate according to their job description?
5. How will the club handle members who do not participate as needed?

Club Timeline & Activities

Outline the yearly timeline for the club including activities that will be done. This should be completed in a
month by month format.
Finances & Fundraising
1. Outline the material needs of the club including costs needed for each item.

2. Explain what fundraising efforts will be needed for the club.

NOTE: Club fundraising is only permitted on campus during Athletics Day and Soccer Carnival. All other
fundraising must occur outside of formal school activities.

1. What methods will be used to promote the club activities? (ie website, social media, Morning News,

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