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Recepta: Ravioli of roe deer and lime cream liquor

Num. Racions 1

Producte Pes net (Kg) Pes brut (Kg) Preu Kg/L Preu total
Pasta fresca - €
Flour 0.2 - €
Yolk 0.06 - €
Farça - €
Venisson 0.2 - €
Apple 0.06 - €
Onion 0.05 - €
Butter 0.05 - €
Broth 0.35 - €
Stale wine 0.03 - €
Pesto - €
Cilanter 0.01 - €
Lime 0.015 - €
Liqueur of lime 0.015 - €
Hazlenut 0.015 - €
Olive oil 0.02 - €
Soy 0.01 - €
- €
- €
- €
- €

We made a fresh pasta mixing the flour and the yolk. We stretch the pasta
with the pasta stretching machine. Made a ravioli stuffed sautéing the
onion and the apple until it caramelizes. Other than stuffed the venison and
when this brown add wine, and when this evaporate add the broth and let
reduce.Stuff the revioli and boil 3-4 minutes. Making pesto shedding all
ingredients and cover the sauce for over the ravioli.
% d'especies
Preu especies - €

Preu total - €
Preu total amb especies - €
Preu racio - €

Preu menú - €
Preu carta - €

Pes total 1.085

Preu Kg/L - €
Recepta: lime cream liquor mousse
Num. Racions 1

Producte Pes net (Kg) Pes brut (Kg) Preu Kg/L Preu total % d'especies
Cream 0.5 - € Preu especies
Lime cream liquor 0.125 - €
Gelatine 4 fulles #VALUE! Preu total
Egg white 0.2 - € Preu total amb especies
Sugar 0.025 - € Preu racio
Icing sugar 0.1 - €
Butter 0.4 - € Preu menú
Flour 0.125 - € Preu carta
- €
- € Pes total
- € Preu Kg/L
- €
- €
- €
- €
- €
- €
- €
- €
- €
- €

1-. We start whipping the cream to stiff peaks, meanwhile we will gona to put some cream to boil and mix it with the
previous hydrated gelatine with cold water. 2-. When we have the whiped cream we are gona to mix it with the cream
mixed with the gelatine and the lime cream liquer with a rod. 3-. Before making the mousse, so that it doesn't set too
early, we are going to make the shortcrust pastry, wich is mixing the flour, butter and icing sugar and knead it with
your hands until you get a fine, smooth dough. 4-. After that we are gona to roll it out with a rolling pin and cut a circle
the size of the mould to bake at 180º for about 20-25 minutes. 5-. when the base of the mouse is cold we put the base
inside the mould and the mousse on the top, it will need some hours in the freezer to achive the desire texture, but if
you could leave it a hole day you will have a better result.




boil and mix it with the

to mix it with the cream
o that it doesn't set too
ar and knead it with
olling pin and cut a circle
e is cold we put the base
he desire texture, but if

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