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According to the textbook (Chapter 7) "The IQ test has been synonymous with intelligence

for over a century." Discuss the strengths and limitations of defining intelligence based on
the performance on a standardized test.

How does the study of twins help us understand the nature-nurture controversy with
respect to intelligence better?

Do you feel IQ tests fail to tell the whole story of someone's intelligence? If so, how do they
fall short?

Have you ever taken and IQ test? What was your experience?

“IQ stands for intelligence quotient and describes a score earned on a test designed to measure
intelligence” (OpenStax, 2017). Several sectors measure intelligence with the memory of the
people. Most probably in the education sector.

When considering the strengths and limitations of the intelligence, Strengths are,

Identify individuals who have the above-average intellectual ability. Those talented people
cannot achieve their ultimate goal due to not identifying them. That helps to identify their
strengths early and can provide a faster education with higher professional experience. It offers
valuable diagnostic insights into individual mental processing speed, reasoning ability, and
memory. It helps to discover the areas of strength and weaknesses. IQ support understanding of
how the brain works. That information allows for reevaluating the curriculum, Changing
classroom designs, and encouraging memory retention. It can identify students who are at risk of
falling through the cracks. Employees could offer extra training programs, and schools can
provide additional instructions to reduce the risk of having someone start falling behind
(Brandon, G., 2019, April 17).

Author describes the limitations,

It is challenging to design an independent test due to person’s culture, learning process, language
and average knowledge of the language. People who give the label of being “gifted and
talented”. It lead them to a place where they feel superior to the average human, causing them to
look down on others or make less effort to complete work. It does not measure all forms of the
intelligence. Psychologist know children and adults have multiple forms of the intelligence and
cannot measure these kinetic, musical and interpersonal intelligence. IQ can lead to the
development of stereotypes and test limited in to subject material (Brandon, G., 2019, April 17).

Contessa, S. (2021) describes, “researchers seek to determine how personalities developed many
looks to twin studies to see how relative factors such as nature and nurture influence or dictate
the way of behavior, and traits established”. Researchers study those twins adopted into separate
homes and see the impact of two identical individuals raised in different environments.

In my view, the IQ test fails to tell the whole story of someone’s intelligence. Researchers use
mathematical, written, processing speed, verbal, and memory to measure intelligence. However,
some people have creative abilities from inborn. They are problem-solving, judgment, music,
dancing, and decision-making.

I have never taken an IQ test. However, it is not measuring people’s talent. In my view, everyone
has a Lot of abilities. Do you agree with me?


Brandon, G., (2019, April 17), 15 Intelligence Testing Pros and Cons, BRANDONGAILLE

15 Intelligence Testing Pros and Cons -

Contessa, S., (2021, April 10), How twins help us nature an nurture, BrainWorld

How Twins Help Us Understand Nature and Nurture » Brain World (

Spielman, R., Dumper, K., Jenkins, W., Lacombe, A., Lovett, M. & Perlmutter, M.
(2017). Psychology. OpenStax College, Rice University.

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